Twisted Lies by Nora Cobb


Chapter 5



I step inside the Pit, and the atmosphere is off. It feels strained. Nothing’s changed since the last time I was here, but something is definitely different. Stepping further into the cavernous space, I scan the spectators for Nova. And is it my imagination, or are people watching me? I catch a few grim expressions as colored lights sweep across the crowd. My shoulders tense, giving me an involuntary warning, and I hurry toward the catwalk. I don’t dare make eye contact with anyone in here.


A bouncer is blocking the bottom step with his body. Taller and wider than any of the fighters— he has to be taking steroids. His jeans are stretched across his thighs, and they aren’t Lycra. He lifts his meaty hand to prevent me from passing, and his fingers are a little too close to my face.


I’m about to smack his hand away, but he looks up and puts it down. I follow his gaze, and Pierce is smirking down on me. Fuck.


“You can go up, miss,” says the big guy, folding his arms at ease.


I mutter at him and then head up, taking two steps at a time. Before I can approach Grinder standing by the rail, Pierce blocks my path. Tonight, he’s dressed down in a fitted sweat jacket and jeans, but everyone here can tell he’s rich. Pierce smells like a fucking candle in a posh mall shop. No one with cred would dare smell like that even if they wanted to it. He towers over me, which I resent more than his ass-kissing smirk.


“Take yourself and your little prick out of my way.” I try to get past him, but Pierce matches my moves. “What the fuck?” I shout into his chest. I’ve had enough. This place is giving me bad vibes, and now this creep’s here.


“We have to talk first,” he replies, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. “You know how you’re always whining about not having a fight? Well, I found the perfect one for you.” Pierce smiles at the screen. “Her name is Athena.”


I swallow and try to put on my best poker face but fail miserably. “I need to talk to Grinder first.”


“What’s the matter, Astrid?” Pierce’s teeth gleam in the purple light. “I thought you were eager to fight.”


I scoff as I stamp my foot. “You know that girl is twice my weight. You know she’ll fuck me up. I’d have to spend the night running away from her and hope she gets winded and passes out. You know that.”


Pierce shrugs. “You have skill and speed. I ought to know.” He rubs his chin. “I wouldn’t match her against you unless I was certain you could fight her.”


Grinder walks up behind Pierce and taps him on the shoulder. Rich boy doesn’t like being interrupted during his lying speech. But Grinder gives no fucks, ignoring the scowl on Pierce’s face. Grinder eyes me instead. If we work together, we could toss Pierce over the rail, but then we’d have to clean up the mess or deal with the cops. His busted head would probably reveal one lonely brain cell between his ears.


“Let me talk to Astrid,” says Grinder, and Pierce eyes him before stepping away. “I’m going to pay for that,” he says to me, “These fucking kids are making my life hell in a furnace.” We turn our backs and face the rail as we talk under our breath. “They want me to fight again.”


My eyes pop, but I keep looking straight ahead. “Is that what you want to do?”


“Nope. How can I be in charge if I’m also in the ring?” Grinder asks, “What happens if I get my ass kicked? But that’s the point. They don’t want me in charge.”


I shake my head. “I don’t like this. I mean, I know they were around before, but they stuck to the office. Since they left the office, it’s getting out of hand.”


Grinder sighs as he rests his forearms on the rail. “People are blaming you.”


“Me?” I shriek, “Why?”


He gives me a meaningful side-eye. “You know them. You go to their school. That wasn’t going to stay a secret for long.”


“Where’s Nova?” I ask, looking around the crowd below us.


“She didn’t tell,” he replies, “and she’s permanently off the schedule unless she agrees to box without a bra.”


I suck in air. “That’s fucked up.”


“So, are you fighting Athena?” he asks. “She’ll pound the shit out of you. And Astrid, people will cheer for her to win.”


I sigh, knowing from the evil looks that he’s telling me the truth. I didn’t do anything, but sometimes that’s worse. “What am I going to do?” I ask softly.


Grinder straightens up. “You’ve been designated a side, and maybe you need to hang out with them for a while.”


I gawk at Grinder’s back as he leaves me standing there alone. I never thought I would have to make this choice. If the Monarchs only knew I don’t have the money. My bastard of a dad has the money, and he’s using nickels and dimes to manipulate me. I’m being used at every turn, and I don’t know where to go.


I eye Pierce, who’s made himself comfortable on the white couch. He’s got a girl on his lap that I don’t recognize. Her long dark hair is pulled into a ponytail, and she has on a pair of satin boxers. They look like the kind men wear on Valentine’s Day. Her stiff nipples are poking against the thin, ribbed material of her white undershirt.


Pierce watches me with a foul look that makes my skin crawl. He places his hand on the girl’s waist and runs it up and down her side. His fingers slip into the wide armholes of her tank, and he squeezes her breast in his hand. She moans, leaning her head back while pushing her chest out.


His gaze never leaves mine as he massages her breasts and licks a long stroke down her neck. The girl giggles, moving around on his lap and making a show of it. I cringe, thinking about what happened in Wyatt’s bathroom, but I can’t look away. My gaze is caught on what he’s doing so openly. Pierce slips a strap off the girl’s shoulders, exposing her breast. She pushes his hand away and tries to pull it back up, but he shakes her head. She glances over to see who’s watching, and I quickly look away, pretending I didn’t notice a thing.


“You want to get on the list?” Pierce asks the question loudly, and he has my attention again.


I watch him over my shoulder, and his eyes lock on mine again. The girl nods and lets him pull down her strap again, exposing her breast. Pierce watches me as his tongue touches the tip of her hard nipple and flicks it. A few more times and the girl forgets to be embarrassed or that she can be seen by anyone underneath who looks up.


Quickly, I glance over at Grinder. By the way he’s standing stiffly in the opposite direction, I can tell he knows what’s going on. His jaw moves under his skin, and it’s obvious he’s fed up with their rude shit. But what’s he going to do for a job? Write on his online profile that he worked at an illegal fight club since he was a teenager?


The girl moans, and the sound grabs my awareness. Pierce watches me intently as he sucks her nipple into his mouth. She moans louder, spreading her thighs open across his lap, enjoying how she feels in his mouth. Finally, Pierce makes eye contact with her and then looks at the floor. The floor isn’t solid; it’s metal grating, and it’s not meant to be kneeled on. Wide-eyed, the girl hesitates, and Pierce starts to push her off his lap. She yelps, catching herself before she falls over. And then it gets worse.


She begs. “I’ll do it but not here.”


Pierce pulls out his phone, and she grabs his wrist. The bastard is threatening to delete her name from the roster. She looks down at the grating and slowly gets on the floor between his knees. Watching me, Pierce unzips his fly. The girl reaches for his hard cock, bringing the tip to her lips. Moaning, he keeps watching me as his eyelids lower, and she works him up and down with her mouth. He gazes into my eyes and then licks his lips with the tip of his pink tongue.


I stare at him, mesmerized though my head is screaming, “Look away!” He grabs the back of her head, and she jerks a little, trying to pull back. He continues to watch me, and I can’t stop watching him. I’m ashamed of the thoughts I’m thinking.


“That feels good, Astrid.” He moans again. “Go deeper and swallow it, sweet Astrid.”


The girl wipes her eyes and gasps for a breath. “My name’s Carly.”


Pierce doesn’t care as he watches me until his eyelashes flutter and his head drops back. She doesn’t have a choice, but I do. I hurry down the catwalk, pushing the bouncer out of my way. He hardly budges, but it feels good to let even a little rage out. I rush outside, taking in big gulps of air. My knees feel weak as I lean against the building. That boy gives no fucks about anyone, not even himself.


From the corner of my eye, a large form approaches me. “Astrid, you okay?” asks Teeny.


“You’re still talking to me?” I do my best to recover swiftly. I refuse to look weak, especially here.


Teeny looks confused. “Why? Did you do something wrong?”


“Where’s Nova?” I ask, getting off the subject.


Teeny frowns as he shakes his head once. He glances at the closed door, but anyone who’s showing up tonight is already inside. “She’s not coming here anymore,” he speaks softly, “She’s at the other place.” Behind him, the metal door creaks open, and Teeny walks back to his post.


Pierce is an asshole, and I don’t want to look at him. He’s not cornering me in the dark. “I gotta go!” I yell to Teeny and take off running.


I hear my name called as I run toward the empty street. My arms pump as my nails bite into the palm of my hands. My heart pounds against my heaving chest, forcing tears down my face. I never would’ve done that with Pierce, but I almost did. They almost tricked me. And they would have if Wyatt hadn’t walked in and seen me topless on the floor. The shame burns my skin as I pick up speed.


Several blocks away, I lean against a building and hold my side as I catch my breath. The pain in my ribs from not stretching digs into muscles, and I don’t even care. I want to feel this pain, so I don’t feel anything else. How could I be so stupid and let myself be tricked by a bunch of spoiled-rotten rich boys?




I look down the dark street as Wyatt runs across the empty intersection toward me. I wipe my face fast and bite down on my lip to trap my ragged breaths in my throat.


“Jesus, you do run fast.” He leans forward, pressing his hands into his knees. “I was calling you.”


I start to walk away. “I didn’t hear you.”


“I saw you leaving the warehouse,” he says, “You looked upset.”


I stop walking, though we’re not in the safest part of town. The pavement is littered with broken beer bottles and used condoms. A syringe is probably in the mix as a hidden addict takes a hit in a shady corner. I check around us and decide to start walking again.


“Did you know that I was already in the Investors Club?” I ask him. “Did you know I didn’t have to do those tasks?”


Wyatt hesitates, and I wish he hadn’t. I start walking faster, but Wyatt grabs my arm before I can sprint away. “It’s not that simple,” he says, “Sure, you could’ve picked a few stocks, but the real money’s not in that. We knew that wasn’t what you wanted.”


I spin around to face him. “What did I want, Wyatt? To be used?” I can’t hide my tears any longer. And it’s going to be an ugly cry. He reaches for my shoulders, but I shake him off. “I was used like a clueless idiot. I’m not stupid. Is it because I’m poor? Well, I’m not poor anymore. And now, my legit friends don’t want me either.” For a moment, a sob cuts me off. “I wish my dad had left me alone. I wish he never sent me to Stonehaven. I wish he had left me where I belong.”


Wyatt holds me as I shudder with giant, bone-shaking sobs. My tears soak his shoulder while my nose snots my face. Wyatt opens his jacket and lifts the corner of his T-shirt, but I shake my head. Instead, I half-ass wipe my face with my cold hands. He takes off his jacket, pulls off his T-shirt, and hands his shirt to me. Sheepishly, I take it and blow my nose hard.


“I feel like a jerk,” I mumble, wiping my face dry. 


“A pretty jerk,” he replies, smirking.


“You’re an ass.” I glare at him.


He smiles. “A handsome ass?”


I stare into his eyes under the golden streetlight as my anger loses its steam. I can remain angry with the rest of them, but not with Wyatt. He smiles softly, but his eyes show grave concern. No matter how I fuck up, he doesn’t give up on me. I move in a little closer, wanting him to hold me until I feel warm again. My lips part as Wyatt kisses me. His kisses aren’t like Bryce’s. Bryce would never be gentle, giving, or brave enough to express how much he might care. But Wyatt touches me with certainty as he holds my cheeks in his hands. Taking my lips as if he has to have more.


I sigh, my hands running down his exposed back, feeling the ink we share. I moan louder, kissing him harder—his strength against my trembling body. I hold onto Wyatt, wanting him to be the one.


“Astrid, I’m sorry,” he whispers, “It was wrong, and I should’ve done more for you.”


I shake my head. “You’re not my keeper. They fooled me. I just want to believe that you didn’t also.”


“Astrid, I’m holding onto my old life as hard as I can,” he replies, “I don’t have the patience for the petty bullshit. I don’t have the time to play with people like an asshole bored with his own life. I care for you. A lot more than is wise for both of us.”


I gaze into his eyes. “Why do you say that?”


Wyatt looks down. “Astrid, do the smart thing. You’re strong and beautiful, so use it.”


“You mean go find a Bryce Shelton to marry!” I almost shout. “Don’t you think I’m smart enough to earn my own money?”


He doesn’t answer me, and my heart sinks. I start to walk away, and Wyatt follows beside me, pulling on his jacket.


“I didn’t mean anything bad by it,” he explains, “Stonehaven is a good school if you’re majoring in STEM. Those smartass kids will start their own companies, and we’ll invest in them or be their CEOs.”


I grin despite being annoyed. “I’m still mad at you.”


“You know what the Stonehaven motto is?” he asks, smirking.


“No,” I reply quietly, watching a Weymouth police car pass through an intersection.


Wyatt catches my hand and holds it. “Marry well, but study like you have to work for a living.”


“You are bad.” I smile a little, but my forehead aches from crying. “I could start a business.”


Wyatt scoffs. “It takes a lot of capital. Those people you read about with the million-dollar start-ups? All of them started with a trust fund.”


The sound of a siren whoops in the distance and then stops as soon as it starts. The streets of Weymouth are eerily quiet when the temperature drops. But it’s not safe to walk around at night, and besides, who wants to freeze? I run my fingers along Wyatt’s, feeling his firm grip in mine. He squeezes my hand slightly, and I want to melt into him. I want to be his. I want to tell him everything I feel. But something stops me from saying too much.


Instead, I deflect. “I saw a girl give Pierce a blow job.”


“He’s a pig in a sty full of them,” Wyatt laughs scornfully.


“Why is he like that?” I watch his profile as we turn the corner.


“He wasn’t always an only child,” he replies, “He had an older brother. But after his brother died, Pierce ran off the trail and hasn’t been able to find his way back again.”


“It affected him that badly?” I ask, “I mean, it’s terrible, but he’s outdistanced the jerk herd.”


“His brother used to keep him in line,” Wyatt replies, “Oddly, Bryce filled that void, and Bryce would make a foster parent on booze and crack look like a patron saint of parenthood.” Wyatt shakes his head. “His family is the type you disown.”


We’re standing outside the warehouse in the parking lot, and I didn’t realize we had walked in a circle. Wyatt tries to take my other hand, but I don’t know what to do with his dirty T-shirt. He grabs it from me and shoves it into his pocket. He takes both my hands and holds them as he stares into my eyes. Patiently, I wait for a kiss that doesn’t come. His soft gaze goes somewhere distant, and I wonder if he’ll share his secret thoughts.


Wyatt stares sadly into my eyes as if the sight of me is crushing his heart.


“I’ll take you home, Astrid,” he says, “You need to think up a better plan because right now, everyone is dictating your life.”