Twisted Lies by Nora Cobb


Chapter 6



“The test will last the whole period.” Professor Harmon passes out blue books to the first student in each row to pass back.


I pass the stack back and then flip through mine. My eyes widen as I search the book for the questions. Each lined page is blank, so I casually look around to see if anyone else has noticed, but they don’t seem to care.


“Today, using the Socratic Method,” she continues, “you will convince me why you deserve a higher grade than the one you’re currently receiving. The more meaningful the question you ask, the more likely you will pass the exam.”


I stare at Professor Harmon, and she grins at me. “Argue for your grade, and if you’re up to date on your homework, that won’t be hard to do.”


Didn’t see this one coming. I’ve never taken an exam where I asked the questions. Definitely can’t cheat in this class. I learned that after a few weeks. I flip my book over to the back page and write all the reasons why I should pass this class.


My pen flies over the page faster than I expect as the thoughts pour out. I start with the obvious, like showing up and doing my homework. But I also write down stuff Professor Harmon wouldn’t know because I read ahead and looked stuff up that I didn’t know, sticking to .edu sites.


Pretty soon, I’m forming a great question to answer when the sound of paper hitting the floor makes me freeze. I don’t look down, but I’m pretty sure who threw it. Each time I see Pierce, I look through him after his spectacle at the pit. All I can see is that girl between his legs while he stared at me. I shudder as I focus harder on the page, coming up with another question.


The kid behind me shoves the note under my seat with her toe and then pushes her pen in my back. I shake my head and do my best to ignore this petty shit, but my face starts tensing up. I want to lash out but can’t. Not here, not now. Another note hits the back of my head and makes a loud, cracking sound when it hits the ground.


I don’t look at it. I don’t dare. They chase me.


Aggravation makes my hand tremble, and my thoughts are distracted by the folded paper by my feet. I lean forward, hunching over my shoulders, as I focus on my exam. A month ago, I wouldn’t have been able to get through this moment without lashing out. I’d have been on my feet and shoving that note down someone’s throat just because she hit me in the head. And the loser would have shouted out what she wanted even if the teacher was in the middle of talking.


My mind keeps wandering, and the meeting with Dr. Rawlins plays back in my mind. I’m defending myself with words now. I’m actually applying this deep shit in my real life. I press my lips together as I get poked again, this time hard in the shoulder. I’m beating the shit out of this kid behind me when class is over. Detention will be worth it.


“Astrid,” Professor Harmon waits for me to look up and meet her gaze. “Bring the notes to my desk.”


“But I didn’t…”


Professor Harmon cuts me off with a raised hand. “Leave them on the corner of my desk. Please.”


Bending over, I give the girl sitting behind me a look of death that widens her eyes in terror. Bitch, if I pay, you will pay too. I pick up the notes and place them on the corner of Harmon’s desk in a neat pile. I wait there until she looks at me.


Professor Harmon smiles thinly. “You’re not the one I want. Go sit down.”


I nod my head and ignore the glares as I return to my seat. I might not know how the rich kids would have handled it, so I’ll figure it out on my own. But I’m not letting this slide, not when I have a hope of going to college. I’m not expecting Ivy League or some other fancy school, but I’m smart enough to ace a local community college.


The harassment stops, and the tests are handed in. Professor Harmon eyes Pierce as he places his test on her desk. He ignores her and drops it on the stack next to the notes. When he returns to his desk, Pierce avoids my wicked glare. The rest of the class is anticlimactic, and frankly, Professor Harmon can drone on like a white noise machine.


Her phone chimes. “Class dismissed. Astrid, Felicity, and Justin stay behind.”


What? Wait. I was certain Pierce was being the jerk and tossing the notes at my head. Justin? He must have been passing them for Pierce. The asshole gets away again.


“But Professor Harmon,” Felicity whines. “I didn’t do anything.” I had wondered what the girl’s name was who sat behind me. And her voice is exactly how I imagined—bad brakes screeching to a halt at a red light.


“I saw you,” replies Professor Harmon flatly. “And you know I want to talk to you.”


The girl looks miserable as she stays at her seat and pouts like her mom just told her no. Pierce walks out of the classroom with his nose in the air like his shit doesn’t stink too. Asshole. I was so hoping it was him that got caught. But Justin? He’s been a douche, too, though not lately, but still. He knew I didn’t have to perform any tasks, and he used me the most. That laptop could get me kicked out. I stare at the note on the corner of the desk, uncomfortable not knowing. What the fuck is in the notes?


Just the three of us remain in our seats as the hallway fills with chatter and laughter. Professor Harmon stands and then shuts the door. When her back is turned, I glance over at Justin. He looks calm as he glances over at me. But Felicity would never make it in a life of crime. She looks like she’s about to pee herself over a note, and she only passed it.


“Felicity,” says Professor Harmon as she sits down.


The girl jumps off her seat like her ass was pinched.


“Do not pass notes in class,” continues Professor Harmon.


“But they weren’t mine.” Jesus, the girl is whining loud enough to make a dog howl.


“Then more reason for you not to pass them,” continues Professor Harmon, “I’m lowering your grade on the test.


“But…Professor Harmon.”


Harmon cringes as Felicity draws out her name. “If I see it happen again, and especially during a test, your grade for the year will be lowered. You may leave.” Professor Harmon holds up her hand when Felicity opens her mouth. “Now, please.”


Felicity grabs her designer bag and practically runs out of the room, slamming the door behind her. One of those. That girl better work on that, or she’ll develop a nasty attitude. I’m at the other end of the spectrum—all aggression and never passive.


Professor Harmon sighs, and then her attention is on me. “Astrid, you did the right thing by not opening the notes.”


“Then why am I here?” I ask evenly.


“Because the notes were under your seat,” she replies.


“Why would I pass myself a note?” I ask, matching her careful tone.


“I didn’t say that you did.”


“So, therefore, why would I get in trouble for something I didn’t do?” I ask.


Professor Harmon frowns slightly and straightens her back. “At the moment, you’re not in trouble.”


“But then why was I asked to stay behind?” I ask innocently.


Professor Harmon’s eyes narrow on me, and maybe it’s time to stop. She doesn’t look amused to be the one answering my questions. Harmon grabs one of the notes off the desk and opens it. Her gaze softens as she stares at it and softly scoffs. She opens the other note and then smirks at Justin.


God, I hope it’s not a hand-drawn dick pic.


“I forgot how talented you are, Justin.” Harmon holds up the paper, and I see he drew my profile while I was waiting for class to begin. My mouth shows eagerness as my eyes stare dreamily out the window. My expression has a faraway look, and my hopefulness is on display. I know what I was thinking at that moment. I was thinking about the real possibility of getting out of Weymouth. And all the things I could do if I left my old life behind. My imagination was let loose, and I imagined myself driving down the highway in a convertible, headed for a better place. The open expression of hope is apparent in my eyes, and I look down at my desk, feeling more exposed than if I’d been stripped naked in front of the class.


“And the next note reads, ‘Will you sit for me this afternoon?’” says Professor Harmon. “You could have asked her after class, Justin.”


“How can I when she bolts from the classroom when class is dismissed?” he asks.


Professor Harmon holds up her hands. “Enough, you two. This is the trouble when teaching smart students. They like to outmaneuver you.”


My eyes widen as if I’d been caught doing something terrible. A person with a college degree is referring to me as smart.


“I’m taking two points off your exams. One for each note.” Harmon holds up the sketch. “And I’m keeping this after you sign it, Justin. Astrid, you’re dismissed.”


I mutter a thank you and head for the door. Carefully, I close it behind me and check the hallway, but thankfully, Pierce has already taken off. I hang out by the stairwell, watching the classroom door. There’s no obvious reason why I’d stand there waiting. The lockers are on the lower level, and the few students left are disappearing into their classrooms.


But I remain there, watching the door and rethinking my plan. Justin was gross and what he did wasn’t right, but he did apologize, and I can get something other than revenge off him. I need Justin to teach me how to generate a spreadsheet showing the odds of winning. He said he would teach me how to understand it, but I need more.


Justin steps out of the classroom with Professor Harmon, and I want to sink into the floor when she sees me waiting there. She smiles at Justin and nods toward me as she walks off in the other direction. Justin hesitates a moment until she’s gone and then hurries over as I step into the stairwell.


“I like that picture,” I tell him, moving away from the shut door.


“When are you going to pose for me?” he asks, following close behind.


I pause on a step as Justin comes closer. The intensity of his gaze makes me look away. I press my lips together, stopping what I want to say. I don’t mention the spreadsheets—the timing isn’t right to get what I want. Let me give him a little bit of what he wants first.


“You know honey attracts more bees than vinegar,” he answers as if he’s read my thoughts.


I rise up on my tiptoes and give him a kiss against his parted lips—a soft one—very gentle, barely pressing his skin. Justin sucks in air as his head bends to mine. He cups my head and tugs me into him as our lips collide together.


“They dared you, didn’t they?” I ask.


He glances away. “Pierce was egging me on outside the door. He was telling me I was a…” He breaks off. “I should never listen to him.”


I brush my lips against his, but if I push too hard, I might lose Justin. Let him have a taste, and he won’t think about what they want again. Justin holds my waist in his hands and crushes his mouth hard against mine. My nose brushes against his skin, and I inhale. I don’t know why he smells like he’s outdoors all the time. His build is leaner than what I go after, but I’m growing attracted to him. He’s not bulky like the others. I don’t know why, but it makes me feel safe. More turned on by his wiry build like we’re equally matched. I think about the things I could show him alone, and heating up, I pull away as a chill dances up my spine.


“After school, tomorrow. Okay?” I tell him, “I have to run an errand today.”


Justin smiles. His fingers graze my chin. “You’re very beautiful. I could draw only you for the rest of my life.”


I smile, not knowing where to look. “Wow,” I sigh, “I’ve never had a guy turn me on with words before.”


Justin leans in for another kiss, but I turn my cheek. He moves his mouth down lower, touching my neck softly with his lips and running a hand through my hair. Maybe I’m enjoying this too much. I’ve never had a guy use his brain to seduce me before. I’m supposed to make Justin help me with a few bread crumbs, but he’s planning on a meal.


“We’re going to be late for class,” I say, pushing him away.


He smiles deviously. “You’re never late to class when you have the right lineage.”


We head down the stairs toward the exit door, and I have to ask before we part ways. “What does that mean?”


“There’s a reason why Harmon only took two points off both our tests.” Justin brushes his hand against mine before he walks off.


Someone knows much more than he’s telling me.