Reborn by Melody Anne

Chapter Eighteen

Courtney didn’t want to be one of those women who were all googly eyed and simpering, but she found that’s exactly what she was. She couldn’t seem to do anything other than think about Eyes. She’d believed she’d been in love before — she’d been wrong. Never before had she felt anything like what she felt for Jon Eisenhart.

She was sitting at the local library going through old articles on their ancient computer as she chased down leads on the drug trafficking case she and the other women were diligently working on. There was a sudden shift in the air. She quietly laughed as she looked up . . . and then her breath was taken from her as she gazed at the tall, dark, and handsome man moving toward her.

In the span of two seconds, she’d just broken two clichés. It was ridiculous. The first being the shift in the air. She’d heard before where a person could tell that their partner was in the room because they literally felt static in the air, something that made their heart race and their senses tingle. She’d never believed that was a real feeling until this very moment.

The second cliché was worse. She’d just thought of Eyes as tall, dark, and handsome. How many times, and in how many ways had men in romance books, romantic comedies, and at every bar on every corner in every small American town been described by those three little words? She wasn’t sure of the count, but there was no doubt it would be in the billions. She was a damn reporter, dang it. She could certainly do better than tall, dark, and handsome.

She smiled as Eyes came close, a smile on his lips, his eyes bright with promise. How about mysterious, dangerous, exciting, alluring . . . mine. He was hers, he was all hers. She could read it in his eyes, in his voice, in the way their hearts beat as one when he held her. She was the lucky woman who got to call him hers. She hoped that never ended.

“Hello beautiful,” he said, grabbing a chair, flipping it around, and sitting down with his arms resting on the back of the chair. She might’ve drooled if she hadn’t caught herself as his thick muscles flexed when he rested his chin on his arms. Dang, he made her feel like a teenager . . . and she liked it.

“I’m trying to get work done. How did you find me?” She held up a hand and laughed, stopping him from replying. “Brackish,” she finished. He gave her a grin that took her breath away. It was terrifying how much this man got to her.

“How much work do you have to do?” he asked, giving her that lost puppy dog look that seemed to melt her from the inside out.

“It’s unending,” she told him.

“Do you want to take a break and get a drink?” he asked. He actually batted his eyes at her, his surprisingly long lashes only adding to his appeal.

“I could give you a few minutes,” she said. She wouldn’t be able to work now anyway, not when he was once again consuming her mind.

“Perfect, there’s a great bar right around the corner. Then if you insist on coming back, I’ll leave you be,” he promised. She didn’t want him to leave her alone.

Courtney packed up her bag, then stood and put her light jacket on. It was still warm in Seattle, and she wasn’t ready to break out her fall clothes yet. The longer she held on, the longer the warmer season she reasoned, even if that wasn’t exactly how it worked.

As soon as they hit the sidewalk Eyes placed Courtney’s hand through his arm and guided her down the street, keeping her on the inside of the sidewalk. It was a protective gesture she loved. They chatted as he pointed out a few treacherous places in the cement, always on the lookout for danger. It didn’t take them long to arrive at the small bar. He held open the door and she stepped inside.

They found a back table in the corner, the lighting dim, the chatter mild in the early evening. It wouldn’t remain that way much longer. The waitress took their order and then they were all alone — well, as alone as they could be with strangers milling around them.

“I’ve been thinking about getting you into bed all day,” Eyes said casually. Courtney was glad she hadn’t been drinking right then or she might’ve spit out her drink at his words. Her stomach did a few flips as it was. She was spared from responding when the waiter brought their drinks and said her cheese-smothered French fries would be there soon.

“Do you think of anything else other than sex?” she finally asked.

Eyes laughed. “Surprisingly, I think of a lot of things when it comes to you. I’d be lying though if I said I didn’t want to chain you to my bed.” He wiggled his brows as he drank his beer and leaned back, completely at ease with himself and their situation.

“Maybe I’ll be the one doing the chaining,” Courtney said right as he took a drink. She made him cough at her words, making her feel a bit smug. She could dish it out with the best of them. She didn’t want him to pigeonhole her, after-all. It was good to throw in a few curveballs once in a while.

“That’ll never happen,” Eyes assured her.

“We’ll see,” she said. Let him wonder if she was serious or not.

Their waitress dropped off the fries then left them alone again. Courtney picked one up and chewed on it.

“Do you believe in fate, Jon?” she asked. It was surprisingly easy for her to switch to calling him either Eyes or Jon. She noticed that when she was more serious she tended to call him by his given name. When she was utterly comfortable she called him Eyes.

“I didn’t used to,” he admitted.

“So you do now?” she pushed.

“I’ve seen these bad-ass men I respect and like all fall in love in the past year . . .” He paused and looked straight into her eyes. “And then I met you, and I’m happier than I’ve been in a very long time. If that’s fate, I don’t want to mess with it. If it’s just a coincidence, I’ll never know. I guess I don’t mind believing in something more powerful than we can imagine being out there. It’s better than emptiness being there.”

“I agree. I like that attitude. If magic doesn’t really exist, we’ll never know so it’s so much more beautiful to believe there are simply things out in the universe we can’t explain. I really like to imagine I have a guardian angel walking with me especially with some of the places I end up in while searching out a story.”

“I hope you have a dozen guardian angels with as many risks as you take,” he said with a laugh. His drink was empty, and he signaled the waiter for refills as he helped eat her fries.

“Our entire lives are one big risk. We can either keep ourselves wrapped up in a bubble or we can truly live. I prefer the latter,” she insisted.

“You know very well there isn’t a big enough bubble out there to keep me safe,” he said with a laugh.

“You’ve been injured in your line of work more than any person I’ve interviewed,” she said. “It’s truly a miracle you’re still alive. That confirms my belief in guardian angels.”

Eyes laughed. “I’d much prefer my guardians didn’t have such a sense of humor. Maybe then, they’d actually guard me before bullets riddle my poor abused body.”

“I think we’re tested every day. Maybe all of your adventures have been tests. You’re too extraordinary a man to have a simple test. You’ve been challenged with things that would break the average man, leaving him unable to rise again if he went through even half of what you have.”

Eyes puffed out his chest a little. “You’re stroking my ego,” he said. Then he leaned in closer. “I have a few more places you can stroke if you like.”

“You do have sex on the brain tonight.” She leaned back, a wicked smile on her lips. “I might need to take care of that for you.”

He inhaled a sharp breath and Courtney enjoyed her power over the man. She needed to enjoy it because she was sure the tables would be turning very soon. She might’ve shocked him a few times this evening, but he’d be giving it back really quick, and then he’d be the one making her gasp soon enough.

They didn’t last long after that. Soon, both were done with flirting. Eyes rose then held out his arm to Courtney. She gladly took it. He pulled her to her feet, knocking her off balance. She easily fell into him, a giggle escaping her.

“Ah, I finally have you right where I’ve wanted you all night,” he told her. Before she could respond his mouth was on hers in a kiss that not only took her breath away but made her more anxious to get him home.

There wasn’t much talking as he loaded her into his vehicle and drove far above the speed limit in his haste to get her back to her place. She squirmed in her seat as he reached over and ran his hand up her thigh. She was nearly coming without a stitch of her clothes being removed.

His SUV screeched to a stop and he was out of the vehicle practically before it stopped moving. She’d just gotten her seatbelt off as he wrenched her door open and pulled her out and straight into his arms, kissing her again, making her knees wobble.

“Let’s go inside,” she demanded breathlessly. Each time they were together it felt like the first time.

They were both smiling and panting as they made their way up her path. She opened the door, and he kissed her one more time as soon as they stepped inside.

“Do you want a drink?” she asked, not needing one herself.

“Why don’t we take a bath?” he suggested instead.

“I think that sounds heavenly,” she said.

He took her hand and led her down the hallway, knowing exactly where her room was. The two of them had showered together and it had been heavenly, but she’d never taken a bath with a man. It wasn’t the biggest tub by any means, but where there was a will there was a way.

“Bubbles or no bubbles?” he asked as he lifted a bottle of her peach scented soap.

“We definitely want bubbles,” she said with a giggle. She was slightly nervous, which made zero sense. He’d already explored every square inch of her body . . . but he hadn’t done it while it was covered with suds.

The water was running and the scent of fresh peaches and puffs of steam filled the small room. The heat, tantalizing smell, and low lighting made the butterflies in Courtney’s stomach take flight.

“I could get used to you taking care of me,” Courtney told him.

He turned and smiled at her. “I could get very used to taking care of you,” Eyes replied. He stood as the water continued running. “For now, though, I’m going to strip you piece by piece.”

Courtney didn’t say a word, just smiled as she lifted her arms in the air. The low groan in Eyes’s throat was all of the satisfaction she needed in order to be willingly compliant.

Eyes grabbed the hem of her shirt, then slowly peeled it over her head. Her knees went rubbery as he knelt before her and unzipped her pants, then slowly slid them over her hips and down her legs. She was grateful she was wearing her favorite matching red lace bra and panty set.

He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her trembling stomach while he whispered his fingers across her thighs and briefly brushed the silk of her panties. She groaned as he stood up. She needed far more touching than that. He turned her around, unhooked her bra then pulled the straps down her arms, not touching her aching nipples. With her back to him, he slid his thumbs into her panties and pushed them down her legs, leaving her completely nude and trembling.

He ran his hands over her skin slowly, smoothly, lingering on each inch. He stroked her arms and shoulders, then trailed down her back and around to her stomach and over her hips. He cupped her ass and squeezed.

“Do you like that?” he whispered in her ear, his hot breath making her shiver.

“I need more,” she told him, her voice tight, her pleasure building. He knew how to pleasure her, and he loved taking his time. “I like touching you just as much,” she said, trying to turn. He didn’t let her. He gave her a little swat on the butt and told her to stand still.

She sighed and leaned back against him as his hands circled back around to her stomach and slid up and over her breasts, his palms rubbing against her taut nipples. He held one hand over her breast then slid the other one back down, his fingers tickling her right above her sweet spot.

“More,” she demanded.

“Mmm, I love it when you get bossy,” he told her.

“You’re going to see me get real controlling if you leave me wanting like this,” she said, her husky words not showing a bit of irritation.

His gravelly chuckle whispered across her neck as he used his foot to push her thighs apart, opening her up to him. His hand finally slid back around her then traced the slit of her ass up to her heat, finding her wet and ready for him. He slipped a finger inside of her and they both groaned together as he slowly pumped in and out.

He pulled his finger from her and slid it over her clit, making her jump in his arms as she drew closer to the orgasm he was rapidly building within her. He kept his rhythm slow and steady, making her breath grow more ragged as her stomach clenched.

With one more slide of his finger Courtney exploded in his arms. He had to hold her as her knees gave out from the intensity of her pleasure. He always made her soar. She wanted to do the same for him. When she was sure her legs would once again hold her, she turned in his arms, finding more pleasure in the slant of his eyes and the firmness of his lips. She kissed him, slow and soft, gently running the tip of her tongue along his bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth and gently biting down. He reached around her and squeezed her bottom as he pulled her against him.

“My turn,” she said, pulling back from him. She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it down his arms, taking a nice long look at his solid chest and tight abs. Then she stepped back and sat on the edge of the tub. “Yummy,” she purred as she undid the button on his pants then slid the zipper down. It took a bit of effort to free him from his pants and underwear, but then he was in her hands and she ran her fingers over the smooth velvet of his thick hard skin, her thumb tracing his wet head.

Courtney leaned forward and took him in her mouth, moaning against him. He groaned as he grabbed her hair and held on. She sucked up and down on him, taking him deeper and deeper as she tasted his excitement on her tongue. She swirled her tongue and felt his stomach tremble as she moved faster and faster. His fingers tightened in her hair. She smoothed her hand up his thigh, then cupped his balls and lightly squeezed as her thumb traced the smooth skin.

“Let me take you,” Eyes told her, trying to pull her head back. She gripped him tighter with her mouth and opened her throat taking him deep as she felt him pulse. “Courtney!” he yelled. She squeezed her throat as she wiggled her tongue.

Eyes let out a cry as he pulsed inside her mouth, his heat warming her. His fingers tightening as he pumped his pleasure over and over again. Courtney licked and sucked until he was spent. He slowly pulled from her mouth and leaned against her for a moment.

“I love you,” he said, satisfaction filling his voice.

“I love you,” she told him, looking up and smiling at this man she didn’t want to ever live without from that day forward.

The tub was full and he leaned over and turned off the tap, then lifted her in his arms and stepped inside. The two of them snuggled together in the hot water, her back against his chest as he ran his hands over her skin, washing and igniting desire all over again.

When the water cooled, Eyes stood, then helped Courtney from the tub. He dried her off and led her to the bedroom; they climbed into her bed together where he pulled her into his arms. She was sleepy as she snuggled against him, happy exactly where she was.

“You’re mine, Courtney,” Eyes told her.

“And you’re mine, Jon,” she replied, her eyes shutting as she snuggled against his chest.

“Yes I am, more than you can imagine,” Eyes told her.

Courtney let everything go and drifted off to sleep, a smile on her lips and her body completely satisfied. She was in love, and she couldn’t imagine she’d ever feel differently. This was the beginning of the rest of her life. The days would get better and better from then on. She was sure of it.