Finding Ronan’s Heart by Melanie Moreland

Chapter Eleven


He followed me inside, a silent shadow behind me. I indicated the stairs, and he went down ahead of me while I checked on Evan and Lucy. Paige was asleep, the sounds of her even breathing indicating she had settled for the night. I shut the door behind me and went to my room where Ronan was waiting. Without a word, he drew me into his arms and kissed me. All too soon, I forgot about everything and everyone but him. Me. Us. The roar of desire in my head grew louder, obliterating everything else in my mind. Impatiently, I tugged at his shirt, and laughing low in his chest, he stepped back, pulling it over his head and dropping it on the floor.

“I need a shower,” I blurted.

He stopped, a grin crossing his face. “Oh?”

“I smell like the diner.”

“I could come wash your back.”

“My shower is pretty small.”

He sat on my bed. “Then I’ll wait here for you.”

I hurried away, glancing over my shoulder. “Don’t go away.”

“Trust me,” he replied. “I’ll be right here.”

“Lose the pants,” I added before leaving.

His deep laughter made me shiver with want.

After the fastest shower of my life, I walked back into my room, my breath catching at the sight waiting for me.

Ronan, on my bed, leaning back on his hands, his shoulders broad, his chest and abs pronounced and taut with the position. His pants were gone, his thick thighs and long legs stretched out before him. He looked at home and at ease. Except I saw the pulse beating erratically at the base of his neck. The way his hands gripped the sheets beside him. His deep, uneven breathing. His black boxers were tight, his erection straining against the material. His intense green eyes were focused on me, and he smiled.

“Lose the towel.”

I walked to the edge of the bed and let the fabric fall. Ronan’s breath caught as he stared at me. “Beautiful.”

Bravely, I leaned one knee on the mattress and ran my hands up his legs. I teased his skin with my fingers until I reached the dark cotton on his thighs. “These are in the way.”

He lifted his hips without a word, and I slipped my fingers under the waistband and pulled them off, tossing them over my shoulder.

His erection, heavy and thick, slapped against his stomach. I crawled up the mattress, never breaking our gaze. He looked oddly vulnerable as I wrapped my hand around him. His eyes drifted shut as I marveled at the feel of him. Silk over steel. Hot, pulsating flesh that jumped under my touch. A low groan left his mouth, my name a sigh in the air as I stroked him. I crawled up farther, his torso too much to resist. I traced over taut muscles that contracted under my touch. I ran my tongue along the path my fingers drew, teasing his flat brown nipples, feeling the light smattering of hair on his chest. I kissed my way across his shoulders, up his neck, and tugged his earlobe into my mouth. When he turned his head, capturing my lips, I kissed him with everything in me. All the passion he made me feel. All the longing I had kept locked inside me for so long. The whole while, I stroked him, feeling the wetness growing under my fingers. I pulled back from his mouth, retracing my journey of discovery until I hovered over him, kneeling between his thighs. He lifted his head, the green of his irises eclipsed by the black pupils wide with frantic desire.

“You want my mouth on you, Ronan?”

“More than my next breath.”

“Keep breathing, big boy. I need you with me.” I lowered my mouth, engulfing him with my lips. His entire body stiffened, and then he groaned in satisfaction.

“Yes.”He choked out.

I licked and sucked, taking in as much of him as I could. I cupped his balls, teased the crown, and lapped at the length of him. He groaned and gasped. Fisted my hair and arched into my mouth. He wasn’t rough, and he didn’t try to go deeper, letting me set the pace. He murmured my name, praised my efforts, and watched me. I discovered a sensitive area just below his belly button that made him whimper and strain to get closer when I brushed my fingers over it. I teased him endlessly, working him into a frenzy. I had never been big on blow jobs, but with Ronan, it was different. He was different. Doing this for him turned me on as much as it did him, and I ached for him, my body yearning for what only he could give me. He tugged at my hair, his voice deep and pleading.

“I need to be inside you.”

I lifted my head, slowly pulling my mouth away. “How do you want me?”

He reached for a condom. “On top. Please get on top of me.”

I rolled the condom on him and hovered over him. He was so large, my legs were stretched to their limit. I felt the soft stroke of his fingers, and I moaned.

“Jesus, baby, you’re soaked,” he whispered, amazed. “You liked my cock in your mouth?”

I nodded, throwing back my head as he guided himself inside me, flexing his hips. I opened my eyes as his girth and size filled me, gasping in pleasure.

“Ride me,” he demanded. “Move on me, Beth. Take whatever you need from me.”

I began to move, the feel of him already bringing me to the edge. He gripped my hips, guiding me, and I rested my hands on his strong chest. We moved together, the pleasure spiking fast. My breathing quickened and I whispered his name, tightening around him. He rode through my orgasm, gripping my hands.

“You’re going to give me another.”

And I did. He sat up, enveloping me, driving himself deeper. He wrapped me close, covering my mouth with his as he moved, hard and fast, his body like a tidal wave that surged against mine. He controlled our movements, and all I could do was cling to him and take what he was giving me. His mouth was hot and wet, his tongue relentless as he kissed me. His body was rigid, his grip tight, and his touch possessive. I felt the stirrings of another orgasm, and I clutched at his shoulders, whimpering.

“Give it to me, little bird,” he whispered in my ear as he came, his arms becoming bands of steel around me, his breathing harsh, and he groaned and gasped.

I exploded, every nerve in my body on fire. I felt him everywhere. Sensation after sensation rolled through me. Ecstasy so intense it brought tears to my eyes rippled under my skin. My orgasm went on and on, until I collapsed in his arms, too weak to lift my head.

He kissed my hair, sliding his hands down and cupping my face, lifting it from his chest. He rained kisses over my face, tiny little brushes of his mouth, then settled his lips on mine, kissing me slowly. Softly. His tongue lingering and lavish.

“Look at me, little bird.”

I opened my eyes and met his verdant green.

“You are amazing.”

I blinked.

“We are amazing together.”

I managed to smile.

“I’m going to tuck you into bed now.”

“Stay,” I mumbled.

He kissed me again. “Beth, I’m not going anywhere.”

The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was one other word.


* * *


I glanced at my phone, wondering what Beth was doing. How she was feeling. I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Last night had been unbelievably erotic. The sight of her, my cock in her mouth, the vision of her riding me, the sounds of her pleasure as she shattered were all I could think about.

She was all I could think about.

I hated leaving her this morning. I woke about four, her draped over me, asleep on my chest, our legs entwined. I had noticed that the other night I had stayed. She liked to be close when she slept, held tight. I didn’t mind, finding comfort in her closeness as well. But unlike the previous morning, I didn’t wake her, instead carefully slipping out from under her and dressing quietly before heading up the stairs. I paused for a moment, watching her sleep. Her hair was a mass of curls around her face, her long eyelashes resting on her cheeks as she slumbered. Her lips pursed as she shifted, her hand reaching for something. I slid the pillow I’d been sleeping on toward her, and with a sigh, she buried her face into it and kept on sleeping. I was unable to resist bending to kiss her cheek and stroking my hand through the curls. I loved her hair. It suited her—wild and beautiful—just like her.

I had left my shoes by the front door, and I stopped in shock when I discovered Paige sitting at the small table in the kitchen having a cup of coffee. For a moment, I froze, and our eyes locked. She smirked then waved at the empty chair across from her.


I sat down and poured a cup.

“You always up this early?” I asked.

“For future reference, you mean?” She teased. “Generally, no. But I had a headache last night, so I went to bed early. So here I am at four a.m.” She looked mischievous. “What’s your excuse?”


She laughed. “I’m teasing. You should put your shoes by the side door and go out that way. It locks behind you. No chance of the kids seeing you. I’m sure neither of you is ready for that conversation.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I took a sip of coffee.

“You serious about her, Ronan?”

I set down my cup. “It’s early in the relationship, but I’d say yes.”

“She comes as a package.”

“I’m aware.”

“I’ve never seen her react to someone the way she does to you. Or the way Evan has warmed to you.” She frowned. “Don’t hurt them, okay?”

“I have no plans on hurting them.”

She patted my hand. “Then we’ll get along just fine.”

Her words seemed to be on repeat in my head. I cared deeply about Beth and Evan already. I wanted to get to know both of them more. I wanted them to know me. Just me.

I knew I would have to tell her about my family. Who I really was. My occupation. Everything. But for now, I relished just being Ronan. No one special, just a guy she liked.

I liked being the guy Beth liked.

A throat clearing interrupted my musings.

Paul and Jeremy entered my office and sat in front of my desk. Paul shut the door behind himself before he took a seat. I saved the design I’d been working on and shut the lid of the laptop. It hadn’t changed much—I was too distracted.

“What’s up?” I asked casually, lacing my fingers on the desk. I studied them closely. It wasn’t unusual for them to shut the door, but it was strange to see the serious looks on their faces. The two of them were usually jokesters. When the three of us were together with our family, we were all boisterous, but often it was the two of them who started whatever mischief we landed in.

When they glanced at each other, neither speaking, I shook my head. “What’s wrong?”

“You weren’t at brunch on Sunday.”

I threw up my hands. “I have missed brunch before.”

“You never said you weren’t coming.”

I blinked, then laughed. “Is that what has everyone all distraught? I forgot, guys. I had other plans, and I just forgot.” I shook my head. “When Mom texted me, I said I wouldn’t be there.”

“We were just surprised, Ronan.” Jeremy leaned forward. “We wanted you there when we introduced Diane and Kim to the family.”

I laughed lightly. “That sort of happened last weekend, didn’t it?”

Paul huffed an impatient sigh. “That wasn’t planned. They were only supposed to meet Mom and Dad, Liam, and Ava. The rest sort of showed up.”

“They usually do,” I reminded them.

“It wasn’t everyone, and it wasn’t official. Sunday was all the cousins, uncles, and aunts. They think you’re upset.”

“Well, let me clear up that misconception. You’ve met women you both like, and I’m thrilled. I’m sorry I missed it. But it wasn’t intentional, and I’m not upset. I just had a lot on my mind, and I forgot.” I smiled, trying to lighten the air. “I know you think I’m perfect, but I’m not.”

That broke the ice, and they relaxed a little. I picked up my thermos and drank deeply before continuing. “Listen, I know things are changing. I know we’re not together as much.” I tilted my head. “Maybe it’s about time, though.”

They shared another glance, and I slapped the desk. “What the hell is this a lead-up to? I may not be around as much, but I still know you better than anyone. What aren’t you saying?”

Paul straightened his shoulders. “So, you know we’re not moving to Port Albany.”

“Yep. I already figured that out. What else?”

“We’re going to divide our time between here and the other office. Bentley thinks we should keep both offices going for a while until the new office is settled and functioning.”

It made sense for now. “All right.”

“He wants the three of us to be together a couple days a week. He says we feed off one another when we’re in design mode.”

“He’s right,” I agreed. “Together anytime, we’re a force to be reckoned with. Design-wise, we blow everyone out of the water.” I rubbed my chin, suddenly knowing why they were so uncomfortable. “I assume this was discussed at brunch?”


“And you would prefer if I were here on those two days rather than you come to Port Albany.”

“We’ll come out there too, but for now, we want to stay here,” Paul stated firmly.

“To be close to your girls.”

They exchanged another look, and I laughed. Three weeks ago, I would have been pissed off. I would have done it because they asked, but I wouldn’t have been happy. But now, I wanted to stay close to Beth and Evan.

“It’s fine. We knew we’d have to do this slowly.” I crossed my arms on the desk. “I know you two don’t have the love for Port Albany that I do. I mean, I know you like it there, but you prefer the bustle of the city. Like Maddox. We’re not always going to be together. We all know that. And I’m not upset about your girls. Let’s be clear on that. I want you happy. If living here and commuting to the other office is what you do, it’s all cool. At least you can set your hours and you’re always traveling in the opposite way of the commuters.” I grimaced. “Dad hated that part, but he loved Port Albany. So do I.”

“Things are changing so quickly,” Jeremy spoke. “I—we—just worry.”

“They are. They will. But one thing that isn’t going to change is my love for you two clowns.”

I saw them visibly relax. I sat back, studying them. “We have a unique bond most people don’t understand,” I said quietly. “We shared heartbeats and blood for nine months. Mom loves to tell people how we couldn’t be separated for the first few months.”

They nodded, not speaking. That, in itself, was a rarity with my brothers—they were always talking.

“We’ve been a unit our entire lives, guys. And we were treated that way by most people. Hell, we treated ourselves that way. But it’s time to separate a little. Come on, admit it, doesn’t it feel good just to be Jeremy or Paul when you’re alone with your girl? Not part of a trio, or even a duo, but just yourself?”

They exchanged glances, and Paul spoke first. “I do like it. I like being the man Diane looks at, knowing she is only seeing me, not us, if that makes any sense. She says she feels the same.”

Jeremy nodded in silent agreement.

“Your girls would understand better than anyone,” I replied. “They’ve lived this too.” I rested my elbows on the desk, earnest. “But we’re still us. The Callaghan boys. The triplets. We’re always going to be that. But it’s okay to be Ronan, Jeremy, and Paul too.”

I let my words sink in. Jeremy regarded me, his eyes narrow. “When did you get so wise?”

I barked out a laugh. “I’ve always been smarter than you two. Happens when you’re the oldest.”

They laughed with me, no longer tense. I shook my head. “Go get some work done. I need those specs of the roof garden on the BAM building ASAP. I need to make sure we’ve got the beams in to support it.”

They stood. “On it,” Paul assured me.

I watched them go, my smile fading. What I said was true, but I had held back again. I didn’t tell my brothers about Beth. I still wasn’t ready.

I swung my chair around, staring out the window, my thoughts chaotic.

I needed to sort this out.

I just wasn’t sure how.