Hitman Daddy by Aster Rae



Nikolai takesmy hand and leads me into the mansion.

Luxury washes over me from every direction.

If I thought the Rolls-Royce limousine Nikolai got for me was over the top, his cousin Michael's house takes luxury to another level.

We run into Nikolai's brothers in the crazy expensive foyer.

"Hey, guys." I grin bashfully as I shake Igor and Timofey's hands.

"Are you ready for the big day?" Igor grunts.

"If by ready you mean nervous as hell, I've never been more ready in my life.”

It's intimidating being surrounded by so much wealth.

Just how fucking rich are these guys?

"You're meeting Nikolai's father today," Timofey says sternly. "You need to be on your best behavior. It's imperative that you make a good impression."

Yes, Dad.

"I know,” I say. “Nikolai told me."

Nikolai and I Facetimed last night.

His father needs to meet me because he also doesn't believe we're together.

Nikolai also told me his father is a homophobic asshole who doesn't take him seriously because he's gay.

"You have to impress him,” Nikolai said. “I can't stress this enough, Christian. My father thinks I sully the family name on account of my sexuality. We need to prove him wrong."

It's terrible.

It's especially terrible because I can completely relate to Nikolai.

I told him that I also had experience with my parents not accepting me for who I am.

Of course, I didn't tell him the full story – I left out the part where Tristan took me in after my mom discovered my onesie collection — but I told him enough to let him know we had this in common.

"Take my hand, babe.” Nikolai's voice is raspy earporn.

A thrill shoots through me as Nikolai wraps my tiny hand in his.

"Your hand is so big," I whisper.

“Fuck right it is.”

It makes me wonder what else is massive about Nikolai.

Nikolai takes my hand and leads me through the mansion.

We stop at a beautiful display of flowers which throng a punch bowl.

After dishing me up a glass of punch, Nikolai leads me into the backyard where rows of chairs are set up in front of a black platform stage with a live orchestra playing Mozart and Brahms orchestral suites.

"This is the most beautiful wedding ceremony I've seen in my life."

"Just wait till Michael shows up with his bride."

When Michael and his fiancée show up, I'm on the edge of my goddamn seat.

Nikolai's cousin Michael is a total hunk in his tuxedo and his wife is such a catch.

The priest speaks in Russian and the crowd cheers as Michael and his bride tie the knot.


That's all I can muster. I've seen silly beach weddings and country weddings on farms but this traditional Russian wedding blows them out of the water.

"Pretty crazy, right?" Nikolai huffs.

“You could say that again.” I let out a whistle. “I didn't realize the wedding would be in Russian. I should've brought a translator so I could follow along."

Nikolai nods. "My entire family is Russian. They migrated to the United States in the 1800s with nothing but tattered rucksacks on their backs. They built an empire with everything stacked against them. Now they’re at the top."

"But why was the wedding in Russian?"

"My grandfather on my mother's side never left Russia. He doesn't speak English so my family chose our paternal tongue for him."

My heart warms as I picture Nikolai's aging grandfather listening to the wedding in Russian.

It's touching that the family opted for their original tongue to accommodate him.

It's also hilarious because these men are stone-cold Russian hotties but they still did this for Nikolai's grandfather.

"You guys are pretty adorable for being Mafia, ya know."

"I can't comment on that."

I roll my eyes. "You are Mafia, right?"

Nikolai's given me enough hints to know that his story of being a business magnate is at least partially false.

I'm putting my money on Mafia.

"We may or may not lead a life of crime," he says evasively.

"Mafia, confirmed."

"Mafia, neither confirmed nor denied. Any conclusion you draw at this point is pure speculation on your part."

"You're not in court, babe." I plant a soft kiss on his enormous hand. "You can tell me the truth."

Nikolai says nothing.

A vibrant man in an expensive tuxedo approaches us to break the silence.

It's Michael. The infamous cousin and business partner.

The man I need to impress to uphold my end of the bargain.

"Beautiful ceremony, Michael." Nikolai pumps his cousin's hand.

"Thank you. We lucked out that everyone was able to come today."

I shake Michael's hand. It's firm and hard.

A wave of delight courses through me as I realize that I'm meeting Nikolai's family.

It's like we’re crossing another boundary in our fake relationship.

I might never see him again after today, but at least for the moment I get to pretend I'm entering his life.

"Was it your choice to perform the wedding in Russian?" I ask.

He lets out a laugh. "I don't speak Russian. I didn't understand a damn thing that went on."

"But it was worth it for dedushka?” Nikolai says.

He pulls out his phone.

NikolaiAKADaddy:Dedushka means Grandpa in Russian

Me:I figured as much

"It warmed me to see the look on his face," Michael supplies.

"I want you to officially meet my partner, Michael. This is Christian, my fiancé."

Michael cranes his neck. "So this is the infamous vixen I've heard so much about."

My cheeks flush. "It's nice to meet you. Nikolai's told me a lot about you."

"Did he tell you I'll cut off his dick if he doesn't pay me back before summer ends?" Michael smirks.

"Stop," Nikolai bellows.

"My firm provided the financing for Crave. Nikolai assured me that it's a great investment but I have yet to see the cash."

Nikolai places his palms over my ears. "Zip it, Michael. Christian’s too innocent to hear our shady dealings."

"Relax.” I let out a snort as I shake off Nikolai's hands. "I figured you guys were Mafia. You're dressed to the nines wherever you go and you never answer questions directly. How could you be anything but?"

"We could be lawyers," Michael supplies.

"You live in a multi-million mansion," I growl. I looked it up on Zillow before I came. "You’d have to be in the top one-percent of lawyers to make this much money."

That's when a dark man in an expensive tuxedo approaches us.

Nikolai wraps his arm around my waist. His grip tightens.

His father.

"Nikolai." His voice booms. A rasp shades his words in a realm of darkness.

His deep liquid eyes pierce mine and send horror straight into my soul.

It hits me like a rocket.

Nikolai hates his father.

His father doesn't approve of same-sex relationships and Nikolai needs to prove him wrong.

"Good afternoon, pater."

"How did you enjoy the wedding?"

Nikolai's father sounds like he's killed before.

The knowledge that I'm standing before a potential killer scares the hell out of me.

The Russian dialect doesn't help either. It doubles the Mafia of this wedding.

"I'm happy Michael finally tied the knot."

Nikolai's father's eyes center on me. They flare.

"You must be Christian."

"Yes." My knees turn to jelly and I cling to Nikolai for support. "It's nice to meet you. Are you Nikolai's father?"

"Nikolai is my boy.”

Nikolai tightens his grip on me.

I can't blame him.

If I knew his father was such a menacing figure, I never would've been so hard on Nikolai.

"That's awesome." I force a smile. "Nikolai's an amazing partner. You did an excellent job raising him."

"How did you meet?"

The interrogation begins.

Nikolai recounts our bogus meet cute scenario we brainstormed at the barbecue.

Nikolai tells his father we bumped into each other outside Crave before Nikolai invited me in.

"But Christian is too young to drink, eh?” Nikolai's father's eyes darken.

"It's my club. I let in who I want."

"It would be unwise to lose your liquor license over something so trivial as an underage boy," Nikolai's father spits out.

Nikolai snarls. "He's not underage. He’s my nineteen-year-old fiancé. Even if he wasn't, I can let in whoever I want."

Nikolai's father pulls out his phone. A moment later, Igor and Timofey join us.

"Your brother says he's dating a teenager."

Timofey lets out a snort. "I believe him."


"Nikolai hasn't had a real relationship since college. It only makes sense that the man who breaks his relationship celibacy would remind him of his ex."

I glare at Nikolai. "You never told me I remind you of your ex."

I figure lighthearted banter will reduce the tension in the air.

Nikolai glares at me. "We haven't discussed our relationship history yet."

"But I'm assuming you planned on telling me at some point?" I ask.

"Of course. It's an important part of myself. I wouldn't sweep that under the rug."

Nikolai's father’s jaw flexes. "How can you be engaged without discussing your past?" He turns to me. "Do you know anything about Nikolai? What he does for a living?"

"Stop," Nikolai barks out.

"Nikolai's an entrepreneur," I say. "He starts nightclubs and restaurants."

"That's not all."

My cheeks flush. "I know he's Mafia. I figured that out when I first met him. But Nikolai hasn't told me the specifics."

"Bros eto,” Nikolai snarls.

My phone buzzes.

NikolaiAKADaddy: Bros eto means knock it off

Me:You don't have to translate in the middle of an argument

NikolaiAKADaddy: I don't want to leave you out of the conversation

Me:I'm more pissed you never told me about your ex

Nikolai:There are many things we haven't discussed but this is only a business relationship and I'm not under any obligation to tell you everything

His words sting. But they’re true.

I stare at my toes as Nikolai and his father continue duking it out in Russian.

"The less he knows, the better," Nikolai growls as the conversation comes to an end.

My head spins. Sadness weighs on my chest.

Nikolai’s hiding so much from me.

Of course, he doesn't have to tell me everything — we're not actually in a relationship — but hell.

How can we pretend to be in a fake relationship if I don't even know his past?

"Prove to me this is your boyfriend, Nikolai,” his father growls.

"I don't have to prove shit."

"You know nothing about each other.” Nikolai's father glares at him. "Do something to convince me that this is real. Otherwise I'm not putting Christian under our protection."

My heart races. Protection?

Protection from what?

Suddenly, this run-of-the-mill fake relationship takes on another life.

There are stakes here I know nothing about.

"Christian and I are engaged to be married. That's all the proof you fucking need."

"Christian's good as dead if you don't prove this to me and you know it."

Nikolai's father's words settle uncomfortably into my chest.

I’m as good as dead?

I open my mouth to ask Nikolai what he means.

But Nikolai doesn't give me the chance.

Nikolai doesn't pause. He doesn't hesitate.

He wraps his massive arms around my waist.

Then he presses his lips to mine.