Whipping Girl by L. Jacobs

Chapter 19 – Alexander

“Marry me.” I breathe, kissing up and down her damp neck. I feel her breath hitch but she doesn’t respond right away. I continue my slow caresses, rubbing her water slicked body all over mine, preparing myself for the argument that is sure to come.


“Uh... that’s pretty sudden.” She says, unwrapping her legs from around my waist so I’ll set her down. I do, but not to give her the space that she’s hoping for, I do it so she has to look up at me when she tries to make her damn excuses. It’s manipulation #1, always appear larger than your rival.


“Sudden?” I raise a brow at her in confusion, irritated by her hesitance. “I’ve wanted you to be mine in every sense of the word since I was ten years old, there is nothing sudden about me wanting to make you my wife.”


“I’m not saying ‘no’, Alexander. You’ve just caught me off guard. Please, give me a minute to catch up.” She runs her fingers through her wet hair, looking nervous.


“Maybe you didn’t notice, but I wasn’t asking you a question.” I pull her into me by her arms, forcing her to bend her neck back further so she can maintain eye contact.


“I have school and my family doesn’t even-”


“I don’t give a fuck about any of that outside shit, how many times do I have to tell you that? You can still go to school, Ally, they aren't going to kick you out because you got married... and your family already knows what my plans are for us. Haven’t you noticed that none of them have contacted you since I’ve been back in your life? I know how overbearing they have all been, your dad especially. I called your parents on my way here and told them to give us some space.”


“Told or demanded?” I shrug my answer, she knows better than that. “That’s why they haven’t called?” She asks. “Dad always calls at least once a day, I thought that was weird...” I don’t feel guilty in the least, I do what I need to do.


“They wanted me to wait until after you were done with school but that’s not going to happen. I know this has all been a lot for you in a short amount of time but I won’t wait, Allyanna. Marry me.” I demand again. There is really nothing I won’t do to force this issue, she can spout off as many excuses as she wants but she will be marrying me as soon as I can possibly make it happen.


“Can we-”


“No.” I interrupt. She sighs long and loud, searching my face like it may hold her next excuse.


“What if we-”


“No.” I interrupt once again, this time smiling a little. She rolls her eyes but ends up smiling herself. I’m winning.


“Why do you have to be so difficult?” She says in exasperation, her beautiful smile still in place.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I couldn’t possibly make this any easier than I am... just do what I tell you when I tell you to do it and you’ll never know difficulty ever again.” My smile turns mischievous as she rolls her eyes at me once again, she knows I have her.


“Okay.” She breathes.


“Okay…?” I narrow my eyes, wanting the words.


“Okay, I’ll marry you, you stubborn, ridiculous man.” She shakes her head when I bite my lip to keep in my retort. I don’t want to press my luck right now. “I love you.” I could never get tired of hearing her say those words.


“I know.” She slaps my arm at my cockiness... “I love you too.” I relent,  grinning as I pull her up to my mouth, kissing her swiftly then finally allowing her to get out of the shower if only to watch her perfect, wet, naked ass swiveling away. Fuck. I hide my victorious smile as I walk out after her. I will always get my way.


Allyanna’s going to be my wife. A wave of delirious happiness flows through me at the thought. I don’t deserve her. I’m not a good man and I have no delusions about that fact but there isn’t a person in this world that will love her more fiercely, protect her from everything and destroy anything that stands in the way of her happiness. She’s mine, she has been since she was six years old and I dare anyone to challenge me on that, I would fucking destroy them.





“What do you need, Ivan?” I ask gruffly, annoyed that he’s interrupting time with my girl.


“Is that anyway to speak to your father?” He asks dryly, pissing me off further.


“Get to the point or I’m hanging up.” I ignore his taunt, lifting the lid off the breakfast tray that I had delivered, the sight of the bacon making my mouth water.


“Did you know that Peter had been fucking Candace?” He starts, making my brow furrow. I didn’t know that but also... I don’t really care.


“You interrupted my down time to tell me something I couldn’t give a shit less about?” I ask in disbelief as I sit down and start loading two plates full of food while Ally finishes her bathroom routine.


“Did you also know that Candace had been pregnant with Peter’s child when I killed her for shooting you?” That stops me but only for a second, I feel bad for the baby but Candace had to fucking go.


“Once again... get to the point.” I sigh.


“I know all of this because he told me... right before he tried to kill me.” He spits out. God damn it… my food is going to get cold.


We had to detain Peter for months while we worked on the changes involving The Guard, there were a lot of people that agreed with my plans, most of the organization in fact... there was also a fair amount that didn’t and Peter was one of them. I had strongly recommended to Ivan and the board that he be executed but Ivan had stood up for him, he thought we could change Peter’s mind. Apparently we didn’t.


“I told you we should have killed him, Ivan. Jesus. I fucking told you.” I drill at him. I knew that this would come back to bite us in the ass. I should have followed my gut and just ended him.


“Fine. You were right, does that make you feel better, Princess?” He says sarcastically.


“No, it doesn’t you dickhead. What does any of that have to do with me?” I pick up my fork and start shoveling food into my mouth, chewing angrily.


“I need your help. He got away.” he says in irritation. 


“He got away.” I repeat drily. “You’re on your own.”


“Alex, you’re my son but I’m not asking as your father, I need your help with this. I’ll make sure to make it worth your while.” I have a choice. I can say no but it’s a risk, Peter knows the inner workings of the organization. We’ve been untouchable because nobody is stupid enough to fuck with us but if Peter were to sell us out to the right people it could come with severe ramifications. If I say yes, it’s going to require some travel time away from Allyanna and that thought alone causes me to answer with clenched teeth.


“Zeke and I will look into it, it might take some time though and whatever pay you were thinking... triple it.”


“Done.” I press end before he can get another word in, my good mood now soured.



“What’s going on? What did Ivan want?” Ally asks as she walks out of the bathroom and sits at the table, she looks beautiful in her cream lace top and dark skinny jeans. Absolutely edible. She pulls her plate in front of her and digs in immediately. I smile as I watch her, loving the fact that I depleted her energy so much that she’s nearly ravenous.


“I may need to take a trip a little sooner than I expected.” She tries to hide her disappointment with an understanding smile but she can hide nothing from me with those expressive eyes of hers. “I know, baby, I don’t want to leave you so soon but it’s unavoidable.” I deliberate for a second before deciding to give her a bit more. “Peter went rogue, he could be a risk.”


“Peter?” She drops her fork in shock. “A risk to who? You?” I scoff at that. It’ll be a cold day in hell before a cunt like him gets the best of me.


“Don’t you scoff at me, Alexander! I asked a question!” My eyebrows go up in surprise before narrowing on her, warning her without words.


“Do you want to rephrase that?” My cock may have gotten hard but I won’t tolerate disrespect, not even from the woman who owns me.


“Your cockiness isn’t going to protect you from danger-”


“I’m not in any danger.” I interrupt shortly. “You don’t need to know the details of-”


“No. uh-uh!” She interrupts my interruption, pointing her finger in my direction. “You’re not going to tell me that I don’t need to know, Alexander! I’m done with that! Tell me right now or I swear to God that our wedding won’t be happening.” I clench my jaw so hard that I’m surprised my teeth don’t crack. She’s fucking threatening me?


“You want to threaten me, little girl?” My nostril flare and I stand up so harshly that my chair falls backward, the crash echoing through the room. “You know what I want you to know and you will do what I fucking tell you to do.” My voice is like sandpaper, warning her of things to come if she doesn't stand down.


“Or what?” She stands up, a lot more calm than I am, thrusting her chin up defiantly. I want to strangle her damn neck right now, if I didn’t love her beyond reason she would be laid out flat. The little brat knows it too, it’s what makes her so goddamned brave.


“You think I couldn’t just have the papers drawn up? I could do that with or without your consent, Allyanna. Do you know what kind of connections a man like me has? How many people who know not to question me?” I smile cruelly, taunting her with my smugness.


“I don’t know because you don’t tell me anything! Go ahead, Alexander, have your little papers drawn up.” She waves her little fingers dismissively. “Do what you have to do, big man. I’m going to warn you, though. I won’t view that as a real marriage between us. I won’t call you my husband and I sure as heck won’t be having your children that way.” She dares me harshly. I’m barely holding myself together, her resistance enraging me in a way that I rarely ever feel, especially toward her. I take a threatening step toward her and she steps back, turning my anger up another notch.


“Don’t you dare step away from me, Ally.” I warn. She stills but keeps her chin up bravely as I reach her.


“You need to start telling me things or this isn’t going to work.” She says firmly, her beautiful green eyes are blazing as they hold my dark ones.


“You want to know things, Allyanna?” I bend down to her face, her pupils dilating with our nearness even now. “I kill people for a living. I had to do it to earn you then I did it to keep you fucking safe. Everything I ever did was for you!” I breathe heavily. “After they hurt you, I knew that things needed to change because I was ready to burn them all to the fucking ground and I would have if Zeke hadn't changed my mind. He reminded me that if our organization falls then another will erect to take its place and we wouldn’t be able to control it if that were to happen. I’m proud to be part of the organization now and it’s all because I refuse to ever see you hurt again!” My anger recedes slightly when her face scrunches like she’s about to cry but she holds back her tears, swallowing them down and remaining firm.


“Keep going. What about Peter?” She demands after a few heartbeats, most likely wanting to soak up as much information as she can get out of me.


“This scar?” I pat the t-shirt covered mark above my heart. “Candace shot me after the rogue Elites breached the organization.” I’m not going to tell her about the torture before that… no way in hell.


“Oh, God!” She cries. “I-I figured you had been shot but I had no idea who- that bitch!” Ally rages, pulling away so she can pace.  I narrow my eyes at her language but don’t correct her, I don’t think there is any other word for that girl.


“Ivan killed her directly after that, causing a stir with Peter apparently. Peter had been... fucking her, Candace had been pregnant but we hadn’t known that at the time.”


“No.” she breaths, stopping her pacing to stare at me in what can only be described as horror. “But she was just a girl... barely older than I was.”


“I know.” I could never forgive Candace for treating Ally like she did, she will forever be a cunt in my mind... but I get it now, she was being abused and nobody even knew.                                                                                   


“Oh my god... she started acting out when she was really young, do you think he was hurting her?”


“Yes.” I answer hesitantly. “That’s exactly what I think.”


“Poor Candace.” She wraps her arms around her middle, looking like she might physically become sick. “I can’t believe this. I had thought she was a terrible person, Alexander! She was hurting and all of us just turned our backs on her, she must have been so scared.” She breathes heavily, regret thick in her voice.


“Don’t beat yourself up over this, Angel.” I pull her into me, holding her head to my chest. “We couldn’t have known any better, if she had said something we would have helped her. As it is now though the only thing I can do is get justice for her. I’ll make sure that he feels the pain that he had inflicted on her a hundred fold.” I kiss her blonde hair, breathing her in to calm my racing heart.


“I just wish I had known, I could have-”


“Don’t. I’m not going to let you take any blame or let you feel badly about this. This is Peter’s fault, he is the cause of all of her pain, nobody else. Alright?” I feel her nod, sniffling quietly.


“I’m sorry for what I said about not marrying you but you need to start telling me these things. I’m tired of being left in the dark all the time.” She wraps her arms around my waist, holding me tightly.


“It’s because I don’t want you in the dark that I don’t tell you about shit like this, I want to safeguard you from this life, I’m the reason that you were dragged into this. They took you for me.” I could never feel real regret that she entered my life but I do hate the way that it had to happen.


“You are part of me, Alexander.” She lifts her head from my chest, craning her neck to look me in the eyes. “I would do it all over again if it led us back to this moment. Trust me when I tell you that I am not as fragile as I look... talk to me, don’t make me something else that you have to carry on those big shoulders of yours.” I stare into her eyes for a long minute, wanting to argue but knowing that I need to make this concession.


“Alright, baby.” Her eyes widen in surprise, making me grin. “What? You think I don’t know how to be accommodating?” She scoffs then gives me a grin of her own.


“I didn’t even know that you knew the definition of that word.” She laughs then, lighting up my world with the beautiful sound. I grab each of her luscious ass cheeks and lift, setting her down on the table with our now cold food.


“What do you want to do today?” I bury my face in her neck, breathing her in and kissing the soft skin.


“Mmm?” She cranes her neck, offering me more room to lick and nibble. I smile against her, knowing exactly what we will be doing for the rest of the day.