Whipping Girl by L. Jacobs

Chapter 18 – Ally

“Am I going to be able to see you soon?” Molly pouts as we walk out the doors of the club. I feel happy and drunk and wonderful. Josh left about an hour ago, but things were definitely a lot less tense between him and Alexander once we got back to the table with the drinks for everyone. What a great freaking night.


“Yes. I’m sorry for neglecting you this week, we’ve been trying to find a pl-” she slaps her hand over my mouth, stopping my excuses.


“You’ve been fucking like rabbits and ignoring my calls, I gotcha. Just call or text every once and a while so I know you’re alive, okay?” She’s just as drunk as I am so I have to listen to her closely so I can understand.


“Zeke, would you make sure Molly makes it back okay?” Alexander asks his friend.


“Of course.” He grins toward Molly and she actually blushes! She’s not shy and sweet and blushy- is that a word?- so I’m guessing she thinks Zeke is hot, which he most definitely is, but what about Brent? Is she too drunk to make good decisions? What if they sleep together and she regrets it?


“I think that maybe we should take her?” I turn toward Alexander and widen my eyes then whisper to him. “I don’t want them to have sex then regret it because we’re drinking.” I hear laughing behind me. Very close behind me. I turn to look and yup, they are right there. “Do you think they heard me?” I whisper again.


“We heard you.” Zeke and Molly say at the same time. Damn.


“I won’t take advantage of your friend.” Zeke says at the same time Molly calls me a ‘cock block’.


“Alright, Angel. Let’s get you out of here.” Alexander says, wrapping an arm around my waste and leading me toward where we left the car. I glance backward and watch as Zeke does the same to Molly. Hmmm...


“Can I ask you a question?” I ask when I turn to look at my handsome man.


“You can always ask.” He drawls. Implying that he may not always answer. Humph.


“Why did Zeke watch me all this time? I mean... why was he able to but you weren’t?” He takes a deep breath then releases it slowly, opening the passenger door to the car he deposits me inside, then goes around and gets into the driver’s side before he finally answers, looking a bit hesitant to do so.


“Not everyone wanted the change that we were enforcing. There were a lot of dangerous people that had to be... dealt with. People that would have tried to use you against me. If they had known where you were then they definitely would have. I had to find those people, then I made sure that they could never hurt you or anyone else ever again.” He faces me then, searching my face for understanding. “It was something that I couldn’t just walk away from, Ally. I’m the one that started all of it, I had a lot of help from people that wanted the same things but I threw the first stone and put the whole plan into place. I couldn’t leave the people that had stood behind me, I wasn’t going to leave them to deal with the shit storm that I had created and I wouldn’t have been able to control what was happening at The Guard from here.


“So... why Zeke?” My eyes are heavy with sleep but this is the first time that he’s given me so much information so I force them to stay open.


“He helped me hide you, he knew where you and your family were already, and I didn’t want anyone else to know.” He starts the car, putting it into drive and smoothly pulling out to the street. “Plus he owed me.”


“Owed you for what?” I yawn.


“Not killing him.” I know from his tone that he’s not exaggerating. I see his jaw clench, my questions starting to wear on him so I decide that it’s enough for tonight. Plus the world seems to be spinning.


“You’re so handsome.” I slur. “Seriously, Alexander, I’ve never seen anyone in the world as beautiful as you are.” I tell him, very seriously, as he’s carrying me into our hotel room ten minutes later. He’s so strong and yummy.


“Thank you.” He grins my favorite grin then plops me onto the bed when we reach it.


“I had the best night of your life, you have no idea.” I hiccup, rolling onto my stomach then tucking my arms under me to keep warm. I wish we had some Cheetos.


“You mean the ‘best night of my life’, drunky?” He asks with a laugh.


“What?” I ask groggily. My eyes want to close so badly. So tired.


“Nothing.” He chuckles as he rolls me onto my back then pulls me up by my arms, my overly limp form does nothing to help him as he undresses me. Dress, bra, panties, shoes.


“Come and get it, big man.” I try my best to roll on my side and prop my head on my fist like one of those models in a magazine but I probably look more like a fish on dry land. My head won’t go where I need it to.  Oh, shoot! I need to definitely call my parents tomorrow! I’m surprised they haven’t called already or come knocking on my door.


“I think my girl is an extreme light weight.” He laughs as he undresses himself, removing his black button up shirt like my own little strip tease. God! He’s so damn mouthwatering, I just want to eat him.


“Your girl loves it when you call her your girl.” I hiccup again. “I think everyone loved you, I really think so.” I nod watching as he slips into the bed completely nude then performs the perfect model pose that I was trying to accomplish. He’s not even trying!


“I don’t care who loves me or hates me but I’m glad that it made you happy.” I reach my heavy feeling hand up and run it over his stubbled jaw, appreciating that he made nice with my friends even though I know that he didn’t necessarily want to. He’s so amazing.


“I love you.” I smile. His face is so relaxed right now, showing none of the distress or hardness that it usually has, it seems as though he is usually waiting for something bad to happen at any given moment but right now it feels as if he’s just enjoying our time together. It makes me so happy.


“I love you too.” He leans down and kisses me, a slow languid kiss that he stops just as my lower belly starts to burn with want, I try to pull him back to me but he doesn’t relent. “I know that I said that I would take advantage but I think that if we had sex right now, you would probably pass out in the middle of it... I’d rather fuck you awake then fuck you to sleep.” He chuckles.


“You can do anything you want. I love it all.” I yawn. Drinking is awesome, I hope he lets me do this again.


“We’ll see.” Oops, I must have said that last part out loud. “Go to sleep, Angel.” He wraps his arms around me and throws a leg over both of mine. Mmm… he’s so warm. I don’t think I last another minute before the alcohol infused cloud takes me into sleep.



I’m woken by a loud ringing sound, I reach over and start slapping at my alarm clock, only to hear a deep chuckling when I hit skin instead of plastic. “Go back to sleep, baby, it’s just my phone.” I feel him roll away from me, instantly feeling the chill of the room without his heat. “Yeah? It’s fine, what do you want? You promised me a couple of months… stop calling me Princess, Ivan, we’ve talked about that.” I hear a deep chucking on the other end and watch as Alexander sits up, placing his feet on the floor. “I’ll call you in an hour... I said an hour, Ivan.” He hangs up then lets out a long sigh of frustration.


“Ivan? He’s still your handler?” I ask as I cover my breasts with a sheet, I hate that he got a call from The Guard. It most likely means he will be going away. Ugh, drinking is not as much fun the morning after, my mouth feels like I swallowed cotton and my head is banging in a steady thrum.


“No, I don’t have a handler anymore. Ivan is running the board.” He walks toward the bathroom, I get out of the bed to follow him, pulling the sheet with me.


“Board?” I ask.


“Yes. Link wasn’t willing to do things our way.” A secret smile covers his face as he turns the water on for the shower. “What are you doing? Drop the sheet, you know I hate it when you hide your body from me.” He’s not upset, just reprimanding when he walks over and rips the sheet off of me, throwing it carelessly to the floor. I grab my toothbrush, quickly running it over my teeth to get the night before out of my mouth.


“I can’t believe Ivan survived, didn’t he try to fight against you?” I spit, rinsing my mouth out. Oh I know very little about what has happened at The Guard after I left, Alexander has been very closed mouthed up until last night.


“No, he saved my life actually.” He says nonchalantly as he leads me toward the shower.


“What?” I’m stunned. Ivan was one of my favorite handler’s but he seemed to follow all of the rules pretty explicitly.


“Ivan is my Father.” He turns me around to wet my hair like he didn’t just drop a dang bomb on my head. What?


“What!?” I try to turn around to face him but he holds me in place as he grabs the shampoo and starts to wash my hair. “Are you sure?” Nothing. “Why didn’t you say anything?” No response. “How do you know for sure?”


“I told you things were different.” He continues to wash my hair without further comment. Holy crap! Ivan is his father?


“Alexander! Saying ‘things are different now’ doesn’t automatically fill in every blank space!” The fingers in my hair become less gentle at my tone but I continue anyway. “It doesn’t answer any questions. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me that you had a dad!” I tell him passionately, excited for him.


“Don’t make this a fucking thing, Angel. He’s not my dad, we don’t have that kind of relationship. He had... sex with a woman and impregnated her, I’m the result. That’s it.” He seems to be leaving something out, like he’s hesitant to share more information than that.


“But this could be a new begin-” he turns me around to face him, his face is set in stone, telling me not to argue.


“Don’t.” He taps my lip with his finger to shush me. “We’ve only had a few days together, Ally. There are a lot of things that we need to talk to each other about but all of it can wait until we have a chance to enjoy one another without all of the outside bullshit. Alright?” I nod in agreement even though I want answers, I know that if I start pressing him further that all I will get is a firm reprimand. Alexander has never been much for talking about anything outside of our relationship, he doesn’t like any of that between us. I don’t need every little detail but it would be nice to know the big things. He has a dad!


“Okay.” I say softly, sighing in exasperation at his non answers.


“Good girl.” He runs his fingers through my hair one last time, making sure he got all of the shampoo out of it then grins when he’s satisfied. “I believe you owe me a blow job.” He presses gently on my head, pushing me to kneel in front of him. I go willingly, smiling as I face his massive erection, this is something that I will never argue with. I love giving him pleasure in this way, the feel of his smooth hardness on my tongue, the sounds that he makes when I have him at my mercy, and the taste of him when he comes... I have to squeeze my thighs together to try to stem the tingling need between them at just the thought.


I grab his shaft, my fingers unable to go all the way around the thick base of him, I start stroking slowly, hearing his deep groan above me before placing his tip into my mouth. The salty tang of his pre-come explodes over my taste buds, causing me to moan around him. His hands go to the back of my head, fisting my hair and I know I only have a few minutes’ tops before he takes over. Alexander hates giving up control. I get a few minutes here and there but I know it will never last long so I relish it while I can then happily give it over to him, trusting him to get us wherever we need to go. I take him to the back of my throat, swallowing around him and stoking him in tune with my sucking and licking. Up and down, faster and faster, I feel him start to tense when I swirl my tongue on the underside of the glans, where I know he’s most sensitive, it always drives him crazy.


“Fuck.” He growls, already unable to stop the thrusting of his hips, he picks up speed and I know he’s about to come when he holds my head where he wants it, forcing me to take everything that he gives me and I do, I take the punishing force and revel in it. He growls when he comes and I swallow him down, not letting a drop go to waste just like he likes. “Fuck, Ally.” He pulls me to stand before him, petting my hair away from my face and kissing me gently. “You’re so perfect. So fucking perfect.” He breaths heavily, his eyes taking in every inch of my face.


“If I remember correctly, you also promised me some kind of punishment?” I smile teasingly but it turns into a yelp when he hoists me up suddenly, his big hands holding me up by my butt. I’m pushed into the cold tile wall, trembling in anticipation as I wrap my legs around his narrow hips.


“That’s right.” He grins wickedly. “Do you remember your safe word?” He breathes, his mouth nearly touching mine.  My brow lowers in confusion, I know what a safe word is, I read, but we’ve never discussed such a thing.


“I don’t have a safe word.” I shake my head. He reaches between us and aligns his already hard penis with my opening.


“Exactly.” He grins. I cry out with his hard thrust, pushing against his shoulders in a silent plea for him to hold still, to let me adjust for a moment. He does, thankfully, but chuckles quietly. I’m still not able to take him without some pain, I don’t know if that could ever go away, he’s just too big. “Wrap your arms around my neck, baby.” I just get them secured when he slowly pulls out to the tip then slides back in, raising his brow at me in silent question.


“Yeah. I’m ready.” I’m breathless, the buildup of an orgasm already forming even though he has barely moved. He feels so good. “Teach me a lesson.” I tease. He barks out a cocky laugh then gives me a smile that could only be described as sinister.


“Oh, Angel… I’m about to rip you apart.” He rears back until just the tip of him is inside me, I breath heavily, preparing myself for a hard session but I should have known that he had been holding back before, saving this part of him to teach me this ‘lesson’. His first thrust jolts the air from my lungs, he doesn’t even give me a second before he’s withdrawing and advancing, faster and harder with each piston of his hips, picking up pace with every moment that passes.


“Alexander!” I shout. Pain and pleasure mixing into one, my body buzzing with the need for release as he pounds himself into my womb, filling me to the limit over and over again.


“You asked for this, Baby.” He growls. He’s tireless as he hammers into me, unforgiving in his assault. I’ve never felt anything like the buildup inside of me, I know it’s going to blow me wide open when it hits and I’m almost afraid, the intensity too much. Too much of everything. Nothing else exists to me aside from this ruthless momentum, he’s savage as he drive’s my body to the brink of explosion, I could never fully put into words how altering this moment is. All of my senses revolve around Alexander, all I see, taste, hear, smell, and feel is him. I watch as his eyes grow hooded with his own pleasure, his muscles flexing with each hard strike of his body into mine. He’s impossibly beautiful and all mine and that knowledge is what finally catapults me over the ledge.


My head falls back on a loud scream, exploding pleasure rocks my entire body forcing my internal muscles to clench around him in spastic waves. I hear his groans as he picks up his pace to a speed that shouldn’t be possible, each slam causing another wave of euphoria. His loud growl echoes in the shower around us and I feel each spurt of his warm release as he comes inside me, long and unyielding. His face dives into my neck as he continues to idly pump himself in and out, squeezing every last ounce of pleasure out of each of us.


We’re both breathing with difficulty, the sweat and mist from the shower making it difficult for me to keep hold of him but I don’t need to worry because I know he has me, he always does.