Whipping Girl by L. Jacobs

Chapter 17 – Alexander

Why the fuck did I ever agree to this? Ah, yes... love. I wouldn’t trade her for the world and all of the people in it but I can’t help but think that the people that actually go out searching for this kind of thing are fucking stupid.


I’m standing here in an 18 and older club feeling like the biggest kind of jackass. Why? Because my girl begged me so prettily that I couldn’t say no. I wanted to. I wanted to tell her ‘fuck no’ then wisk her off to a remote island somewhere and lock her up so I never have to share her with anyone ever again, if I thought that she’d go for that I definitely would have. Love is about compromise right? Well, right about now I am compromising my manhood while I stand with a bunch of boys in skinny jeans and listening as they talk about the world’s issues, like they have any clue what real issues even are. It’s pathetic. Half of them still live with their parents and have no idea what struggle feels like, the other half thinks that because they have to work while they’re going to college it entitles them to bitch about the tuition. None of these little pussies would last an hour in a conditioning cell, hell, I bet that if I pulled out my Desert Eagle right now at least half of these little bitches would piss in their pants.


“Did you text Zeke?” Ally asks as she wraps her arms around me from behind, I can barely hear her over the crap music so I swing her around to my front and pull her tight against me. Mm… she looks good enough to eat, she’s wearing a fairly modest blue dress but it fits her small curves perfectly, the neckline dips a little more than I prefer her to wear in public but I don’t mind it so much as long as I’m with her. She’s left her hair down, hiding the scars on her back that still haunt me even after her reassurance that they don’t bother her. Her face is makeup-less aside from the eyelash crap that she insists on wearing against my wishes. She’s breathtaking. I smile my answer at her question but she takes it the wrong way.  “See. It’s not so bad right?” If she knew how baldly I wanted to blow my brains out right about now then she wouldn’t have asked.


“I’m going to make you get down on your knees,” I bend down to her ear, whispering so these idiots don’t overhear. “And worship my cock after we leave here. I’m not going to come until your jaw aches and tears are running down your face from the strain of how hard I fuck your throat.”


“That bad?” She breathes. I can tell by the way my words make her shiver that she’s not adverse to my threat. My girl’s sexual tastes seem to match my own, she takes it whatever way I want to give it to her then begs me for more.


“Yes. But I won’t be doing it to punish you, that will come later when I take out my frustration on your little pussy.” I pull back and wink at her wide eyed stare, her green eyes dilating with lust.


“No schmoozing with boyfriend!” Molly comes over, pushing us apart. “I haven’t seen you in days, Allie!” She wraps her arms around my girl, pulling her into a tight hug. “Did boyfriend handcuff you to the bed or something?” She laughs. Boyfriend is getting a migraine. She hands Ally a drink of some sort but I grab it, bringing it to my mouth to test the contents. Coke. I hand it over to Ally, satisfied that she’s not being slipped anything with alcohol. They both stare at me with raised eyebrows like I broke some sort of rule but I shrug them off.


“She’s not legal.” Everyone laughs like I was making a joke but Ally knows differently and continues looking at me like I just grew two heads, probably tired of my shit already. Too bad, little girl.


“Come dance with me!” Molly yells to Ally when a different shitty song comes on, my girl looks to me and I nod my head, telling her to go on. I don’t mind her having a little fun with her friend as long as I can look out for her.


“Hey, Man.” I turn toward the familiar voice after the girls leave. “When did you start hanging out with prepubescents?” Zeke asks with a snigger. The boys all turn toward us after his statement and I chuckle at their offended looks.


“You can all start to be offended by comments like that when you start dancing with the girls out there,” I point to the dance floor, “instead of standing in this corner like you’re scared of vagina.” I start walking toward the bar, Zeke walking beside me.


“What the hell is that noise? Is this supposed to be music?” He asks. I signal to the bartender and order two beers.


“I don’t fucking know. You said she didn’t go out much, right? This isn’t a regular thing?” I pay the bartender when he brings me the drinks, then pass one over to Zeke.


“No. Allyanna’s a good girl. Even when she did go out it seemed like she was pretty hesitant, she has friends but she’s not a party girl.”


“Thank fuck for that, I don’t think I can take much of this.”


“Is this seat taken?” A voice from beside me asks, I glance at the made-up redhead and she gives me a sultry grin as she points to the barstool beside me.


“No, it’s all yours.” I say dismissively, turning my attention back to Zeke as I take a swig of my beer. “How long do you think we need to stay-” my words are cut off when a hand slides up my thigh, dangerously close to my cock. I turn toward the red head with a raised brow. “That seat is most definitely taken.” I gently remove her hand but smile to soften the blatant rejection.


“That’s too bad.” She pouts playfully but shrugs it off easily enough, leaving the stool and departing through the crowd.


“She was hot, you should have sent her my way.” Zeke chuckles.


“She’s all yours, go get-” I’m cut off as I turn toward the dance floor, my mouth parting in shock at the sight.


I had always assumed by her recounting of dance classes that Ally would move to music about as well as a post but I am absolutely stunned as I watch her. There is a saying, I forget how it goes exactly but it says something about dancing and fucking. If you can fuck then you can dance... something like that. The way that she is moving right now brings me back to this morning’s fuck session, I woke up to the feel of her straddling me. She had been kissing my neck and rubbing her wet pussy against my morning wood, teasing me with her slow caresses, and I had immediately lined myself up and forced my way inside her snug little cunt. I had expected her to become all shy and stiff, I had expected to have to physically move her up and down my dick... but my girls hips had rolled and swiveled in a way that made me see the universe in a whole different way. Just like she’s doing now. Her head is rolled back on her shoulders, uncaring of the drooling men around her as she lets the music guide her moves. Breathtaking is the only word I can come up with.


“Damn...” Zeke drawls. When I look over he’s staring in her direction as well and I punch him in the arm. Hard. I hear him curse behind me as I walk in Ally’s direction, unable to take another second of watching her without putting my hands on that lithe, little body. She doesn’t notice me until I’m pressed up against her back, her little body stiffening until she realizes that it’s me. I pull her further into me by her hips, she tries to turn around to face me but I hold her in place, wanting to feel her ass move against me. 


“Keep dancing.” I whisper in her ear. “Show me how you’re going to be moving on my dick later.” She laughs but does as I ask, lifting her hands to the back of my neck and moving her body against mine. Her movements are fluid and sexy, suggestive and confident and I have never wanted her more than I do at this moment. I feel sweat start to bead on my forehead as the minutes pass, the room temperature rising as fast as the cock in my suddenly uncomfortable jeans. I push aside the hair on her neck, moving it to one side then bend down to nibble just below her ear, tasting the sweet saltiness of her perspiration and feeling her quiver when I run my tongue down the smooth skin.

I went five years without sex and never really thought twice about it, but now that I have her, now that I know what it’s like to be inside of her, tasting her, smelling her delicious scent and hearing her sweet moans in my ear? I can never get enough of her. I’ve had her back in my life for six days, we’ve barely left the bed unless she’s attending classes and I still just want to bend her over and fuck her so hard that she sees stars.


“Josh! About damn time, where have you been?” Ally turns her head in the direction of Molly’s annoying voice, squealing as she stops our movements then grabs my hand to pull me toward her friends.


“Hey, Pumpkin!” Pumpkin? Why the fuck is she calling him pumpkin? She doesn’t see my eyes narrow on her because her smile is directed at the newcomer. I look in his direction, finally able to assess the enemy up close. Josh is a pretty big guy, he looks like a cross between a linebacker and an adorable puppy with his wide eyed innocence. I can’t stand him. I wouldn’t call him competition, because he can’t compete with what Ally and I have but if he suddenly burst into flames I wouldn’t waste a bucket of water to put him out either.


“Hey, sweetheart.” What the fuck did he just call her? He moves in, looking like he might try to hug her but backs up a half a step when he notices me, probably seeing the murderous intent in my eyes. “Uh, you must be Alexander? Molly told me that you were... back.” He smiles hesitantly. I hate when people use my full name, Ally is the only one allowed to do that.


“Alex.” I correct him. “You must be Joshua?” I smirk.


“Josh isn’t short for anything, it’s just Josh.” He places his hands in his pockets then removes them to cross over his chest then puts them back in his pockets nervously. He finds me intimidating. Good.


“Right.” I narrow my eyes as he stands there, making him feel awkward and uncomfortable if his throat clearing and wandering eyes are anything to go by. I feel Ally’s elbow connect with my ribs suddenly and when I look down at her she has a scowl on her face.


“Be nice.” She hisses quietly. I give her a little grin but back off a bit, I want her to have fun tonight... as long as I am here with her.


“Let’s go get a table!” Molly yells as a louder song comes on. I pull my girl into me and lead the way, luckily it’s not too crowded tonight and I find us a corner booth right away, whistling to Zeke to come and join us so I’m not stuck talking to Joshua if the girls start getting chatty.


“Oh my God, who is that?” Molly asks, practically drooling on the floor as Zeke comes over to us. Zeke has seen Molly on countless occasions over the years, even expressed interest but I told him that he needed to keep his distance from the girls... I definitely owe him for that one judging by the chemistry I’m sensing from them.


“Zeke, you know Ally and this is Molly and Joshua.” I introduce, purposely using the wrong name again.


“It’s just Josh.” He swings his eyes to mine as he corrects me but holds out his hand for Zeke to shake. I smirk at Ally when she elbows me in the ribs again. I love this game.


“It’s nice to meet you both.” Zeke says but keeps his eyes on Molly. The attraction is obviously mutual, Zeke has always loved the ladies and the ladies always love him. He has social skills that didn't have to be taught whereas I’m terrible at it unless I’m playing the game.


We sit at the booth, Ally sitting on the inside next to me and Zeke and Joshua sandwiching Molly on the other side. I slide my arm around my girl in an admittedly territorial move as I address her male friend.


“Ally tells me that you’ve been good friends.” I say with a forced smile. It’s a statement more than a question. I want him to know that I trust what she tells me but that I am questioning his intentions. He clears his throat before speaking.


“Yeah. She’s great. We’ve, uh, been friends for about a year.” He smiles uncomfortably at Ally after he answers.


“She hasn’t told me how you met though, Joshua. Care to share?” Ally reaches for my thigh, pinching the skin lightly but it just makes me smile as I keep my eyes on the boy.


“It’s just Josh.” He swallows. “We met at a Halloween party last year, she helped me clean up after I tipped a table over with a bunch of pumpkin desserts all over it... that’s why she calls me ‘Pumpkin’.” They both laugh at that. I clench my teeth at their adorable inside joke but keep the smile on my face.


“And why do you call her ‘Sweetheart’?” They laugh again. I hate him.


“Well, obviously because she’s a sweetheart.” He says it like I’m stupid for questioning that, like I don’t know exactly how sweet she is. Fucker.


“Do you want to fuck my girl, Joshua?” I ask bluntly. Done playing games.


“Alexander!” Ally gasps. I can see Molly and Zeke staring open mouthed in my peripheral but I keep my eyes on Joshua as he gaps at me like a fish. You’ll never get real answers if you beat around the bush, you’ll get better results if you ask point blank even if their mouth spews lies, body language rarely does.


“I-I” he starts out badly, stirring in his seat like a little bitch. “I was -at first- attracted to her... but she shut me down pretty damn fast!” He adds quickly with a forced chuckle. “We laughed about the whole thing the next day and she told me that she was waiting on someone. You. So I gave up on that, I swear I only see her as a friend.” He finishes, sweat starting to seep through the red cotton of his shirt. I place my elbows on the table as I lean forward, ignoring the hard pinch Ally is giving me out of sight.


“So you’re telling me... that if Sweetheart got up right now and gave you a lap dance that your dick wouldn’t get hard?” I raise my brow. Challenging.


“Oh my god! Alexander! This is too much. Josh, I’m so sorry-”


“No, it’s all right.” His eyes stray to Ally for just a split second then come back to mine. “Alexander- Alex, I’m telling you that Ally is a beautiful girl, anybody with eyes could see that. I’m also telling you that when she told me that she was waiting on someone... her eyes had a look in them that told me that I would never have a chance. I haven’t even remotely considered trying anything with her since.” He’s breathing a little heavier. Fear most likely. “And... no offense but you scare the shit out of me, if she sat on my lap right now I would probably piss myself and pass out.” I laugh then, I can’t help it.


“Alexander!” Ally hisses, ready to claw my skin off. I ignore her once again but I feel lighter, knowing that he’s telling the truth. You can’t fake that kind of answer and be able to pull it off with body language, maybe he’s all right… I’ll be watching him though.


“Let’s go get our friends some drinks, Angel.” I wink at Joshua as I pull my girl out of the booth. He visibly sighs in relieve when I look back at him after we walk away.


“That was ridiculous and embarrassing!” She starts in after we are a few feet away from the table.


“It was necessary.” I state simply.


“I can’t believe you would-”


“Believe it. I would have done a lot more if he had answered the wrong way.” I interrupt.


“Alexander...” she sighs in exasperation.


“You want to have some kind of friendship with that boy?” I ask. “Then it was necessary for me to do what I just did. I’m not sorry for looking out for you, Ally. Love it or hate it, I don’t care. I’m not going to let you hang out with anybody when I am questioning their intentions.” She rolls her eyes, pissing me off. Once we reach the bar I swing her around, pressing her against the edge and crowding her. “You know who I am. You know what I am capable of. Angel... I’m trying to do things in a way that will make both of our lives easier, I want you to be happy but I can’t make myself be okay with you hanging out with someone who wants to stick his dick in you. Don’t ask me to do that.” She sighs in exasperation then presses her forehead into my chest, inhaling my scent as if willing it to give her strength. When she pulls back she searches my eyes before speaking.


“I do know who you are, Alexander. I was actually proud of the restraint that you had showed before your ridiculous questioning but can’t you just... trust me?” She asks imploringly. My brow furrows at that.


“You think that it’s you that I don’t trust?” I grip her chin when she tries to look away, I need her to see me, to understand me. “I have seen some truly evil, vile and terrible things… usually done by people who most would describe as ‘likable and friendly’. It’s not you that I don’t trust, Angel. It’s everybody else.” I tell her, injecting as much earnestness as I can. “Can you accept that I will do everything I can to make you happy but not at the expense of risking you?” She lets out a slow breath then reaches her hands up and cups my stubbled cheeks, patting them teasingly as she smiles.


“I can accept you any way that you come, Alexander. I may not always like it, I may get angry at you and rage at you on occasion, but I will always accept you.” I smile at her then, loving her more for her tolerance. I know that I’m probably not what other women would consider an easy man to please, not the real me anyway, but that’s just another reason why Ally and I fit so perfectly.


“Have you ever had alcohol?” I ask, raising a curious brow. I owe my girl some fun, a night to just let loose and now that I know Joshua isn’t a real threat I feel a little happier to oblige.


“No, never.” She shakes her head.


“Do you want to?” I give her a half smile with my question.


“Are you going to take advantage of me?” She mock gasps, twisting her necklace tantalizingly.


“Yes.” I state bluntly.


“Then I would absolutely love a drink.” She laughs, coming forward and pressing her lips to mine.