Vampire by B.A. Stretke


The scent of his mate was filling his senses and blinding him with passion and need. It was a feeling of driving determination to own and possess this man in every way. The fact that it was Master Emmanuel Cabot that he was going down on was there on the periphery of his awareness but not a focus. The focus was pleasing and owning his mate.

His wolf was ready to mark and claim, and it was difficult to hold him back, especially when Taylor was so flushed with need that he could barely see straight. But he could see that gorgeous thick cock, and it felt amazing in his hands so hard and yet so soft and silky he wanted to eat him up, so he did.

He glanced up at Emmanuel’s burning gaze and then took him to the root swallowing his length and massaging the velvety slick flesh with his muscles taking him deep over and over. Emmanuel stiffened and jerked and then began a gentle thrust but did not take control away from Taylor.

The taste was heady and sweet and exhilarating in a way that was hard to describe, but the contact and the flavor invigorated him and his wolf. The experience was intoxicating, and he knew he would never be satisfied until he had it all.

He wanted this delicious beauty buried deep in his ass, and he wanted to feel the sensation of being stretched and filled by his forever mate. He also was struck with a sudden desire to be bitten, never had that been a consideration, but as he took him deep and held him bring the Master to climax, he was overcome with the need to be marked.

Emmanuel thrust several times, going deeper and threading his fingers through Taylor’s hair, holding him as he groaned and stiffened, coming hard and fast spilling his seed down Taylor’s throat and crying out with the ecstasy that Taylor to was feeling. So much was happening that it was dizzying.

Emmanuel continued to massage Taylor’s scalp as Taylor licked him clean and then looked up at his mate as if his wolf was looking for approval. It was both weird and lovely. Then suddenly, Taylor found himself lifted up and pressed tightly against Emmanuel’s chest and held securely in his arms. “Je vous aime.” He groaned against Taylor’s lips. Taylor didn’t know what it meant, but it sounded sexy as hell the way Emmanuel said it.

Then he kissed him hard, not like before, which had been forceful but also careful. This kiss owned him completely and devoured Taylor leaving him breathless and shaking. Emmanuel scooped him up into his arms and carried Taylor inside; in just a couple of strides, they were in the large living area, and Taylor was gently laid upon one of the wide tufted couches.

Emmanuel kneeled beside him and rained a flurry of kisses to his face and neck, bringing Taylor's heart rate back to a thunderous beat. “You are my beloved consort.” He stated and then kissed him again. Taylor was so caught up in the moment that he didn’t feel his pants being opened, but he did feel the touch of Emmanuel’s strong hand as it encircled Taylor’s cock.

The initial touch sent a shock wave through him, and he thrust his hip up vigorously twice and dug his fingers into Emmanuel’s shoulder, and came. Just that much, and he was painting Emmanuel’s hand and his own front with his seed. It hit him like a heart attack, and his body just buzzed with the excitement coursing through him. This was so much more, better, intense, and perfect than any encounter from his past. Was it always like this with vampires, or was it that this vampire was his mate? He knew the answer, and deep down, it scared him just a little.

Emmanuel smiled and kissed him softly. “I’m sorry I came so soon.” Taylor felt he needed to apologize, but Emmanuel shook his head.

“Your reaction to me is a compliment and an honor.” Emmanuel got up and walked to the other side of the room and disappeared for a few minutes, and then returned with pants righted and a white cloth in his left hand. He got back on one knee, and Taylor was blown away when he began cleaning him gently and almost reverently.

He was making sure all evidence of his release was cleaned and then tucked Taylor’s cock back inside his pants and zipped them, being so careful with each action that Taylor just lay there mesmerized by the act. He cared, and he was gentle, and it looked real and heartfelt. All those thoughts assaulted him at once, and he didn’t know what to make of what had just taken place.

There was so much they didn’t know about one another, but Taylor could feel the bond between them getting stronger and solidifying a connection that would be lifelong. It was seemed inconceivable as he slowly sat up and looked at his mate, but it was true.

“We have a lot to discuss,” Emmanuel said and sat next to him, taking his hand again and just holding it. “I want you here at the Coven with me.” He began soft-spoken, and earnest Taylor could feel that he was being as patient and gentle as possible. There was a fire raging within him just as there was one raging within Taylor. Their instincts were warring against propriety, and they were just trying to take it slow.

“I would like to have you introduced to the Coven leadership as soon as is comfortable for you.” Emmanuel went on, and Taylor felt himself getting anxious. It was a feeling that started in his gut and then filled him with a sense of insecurity.

This anxiety was unwanted considering he was sitting here next to his mate, yet he could not shake it off. He wasn’t sure where it was coming from, but he did not fear Emmanuel, and he trusted the sincerity of his words. “I need some time.” He said and leaned towards Emmanuel. “This night has been a rush, literally, and I just need some time to sort and settle this new development in my life. I agree we have a lot to talk about, but for now, I need to go home.” Taylor glanced down at their hands still holding tightly to one another.

“How will this ever work? How will I fit into your life Emmanuel? How will I ever be accepted by your people?” That was the source of the anxiety that he felt. He knew it as soon the insecurities passed his lips. Emmanuel held Taylor’s hand in both his and looked at him squarely, no hiding or wavering.

“You are my beloved, my predestined lover and companion. You are Fate’s gift to me, and no one will stand our way. No one will dictate my desires. I am Master Emmanuel Cabot, and I rule this coven.” Emmanuel was heated and determined to make himself clear. “If anyone here has a problem with you, then they are free to leave, and I will happily facilitate their departure.” Taylor was touched by his declaration but also concerned with the havoc that could ensue.

Emmanuel leaned back, giving Taylor space to breathe. He was coming on hard, and it was no way to convince his sweet lover that he nothing to worry about. Taylor’s worries were real to him, and he needed to respect his anxious insecurities and allow him the time he needed to process their connection.

Their bond was progressing so wonderfully, and the connection was growing with every touch and every kiss, but doubt took over. He knew it was there on the edge of Taylor’s mind, and it was to be expected considering their stations in life and their respective communities. He needed to ease off and give Taylor the space he was asking for, but it was the hardest thing in the world right now. Letting him go was going to take every bit of strength he possessed.

“Okay.” He relented and placed a soft kiss that lasted several seconds on Taylor’s forehead. “I’ll have Jean-Claude drive you home, but I want you to call me when you get there.”

“I will.” Taylor’s voice had lost its intensity and was now just hollow and flat. He was feeling his eminent departure just as terribly as Emmanuel was feeling it.

“I will not lose you; I will pursue you forever and to the ends of the earth. You are my beloved.” He kissed his forehead again.

“You are my mate,” Taylor responded, and they both stood with Emmanuel still holding loosely to Taylor’s hand. He didn’t want to let go. He walked him down to the first floor and out the main entrance. Jean-Claude was already there waiting with the back door open.

Emmanuel kissed him firm making his desire clear. He searched Taylor’s face and found confusion, sadness, and strength. They stood in silence for a few seconds, just looking at one another. “Come back to me. Don’t forget to come back to me.” Emmanuel instructed and then dropped his hands and took a couple steps back. Jean-Claude closed the door and rounded the car and got in the driver’s seat.

He watched as the car drove off, taking his beloved away from him. His heart tightened, and his breathing hitched before he veiled his pain and walked back inside. He’d done many hard and heart-wrenching things in his life but watching his beloved leave him ranked right up there with the very worst.

Grigori was standing in the entrance to the salon, which was to the left of the elevator. Emmanuel saw him there but had no time for him or any of his probable comments. If he happened to say the wrong thing, Emmanuel would likely end him, so it was better to ignore him and go back to his quarters. The ride up on the elevator filled him with a silence that he did not appreciate. His beloved should be there with him. They acknowledged one another showed their desire, and yet his lover left him.

Cognitively he understood, but emotionally he was torn and injured by Taylor’s departure. He poured himself a brandy and sat down in the living room. He hadn’t imagined it; Taylor’s desire had mirrored his own. He asked for time, and Emmanuel would give him time, not a lot, for it would be impossible for Emmanuel to be separated from his newly found beloved for very long and remain sane. Being separated so soon was a cruel punishment.

Emmanuel downed his brandy and was pouring himself another just as there came a knock at his door. He walked over and opened it to see Simeon there waiting. Emmanuel was pleased for the interruption and the opportunity to take his mind off his emotions. “Come in. Would you like a brandy?” Emmanuel asked and turned back towards the living room.

“Yes, I’d like a brandy.” Simeon walked in and closed the door behind him. He followed Emmanuel into the living area and took the glass of brandy before sitting on the chair opposite the sofa where Emmanuel was seated. The large windows gave them a nice view of the night sky. It was a lovely evening.

“I completed the surveillance you requested.” He said and took a sip of his brandy.

“Find anything that could become troublesome?” Emmanuel was struggling to keep his mind on the subject at hand.

“What I expected,” Simeon responded in a flat tone. “He shares his disdain for the wolf pack with his colleagues and his men but hasn’t said anything publicly. He’s done nothing openly to raise the ire of the wolves.” Simeon took another sip of his brandy and leaned back in his chair.

“His attitude is going to require a swift and full adjustment. Any further negativity towards the wolf shifters will no longer be tolerated within this coven. I will deliver the proclamation in the morning.” Emmanuel made the statement, and Simeon listened without comment.

“The wolf shifter who came for dinner earlier, Taylor Bond of the Bay Harbor Wolves, is my beloved consort. Only you and Sam are aware of that fact for now. I want to root out the prejudice and the problems from my coven before I make a full announcement.” Emmanuel finished his brandy and set his glass aside.

“Congratulations, sir. It must be exhilarating to have found your Fated love.” Simeon was happy for him. He hoped the rest of the Coven reacted; similarly, it would make things much easier. Regardless he would be bringing his beloved home soon. “I saw him leaving; he’s a fine man. You are certainly blessed.”

“He is a very fine man.”