Vampire by B.A. Stretke


Derek’s words of warning continued to ring in his ears as he sat in the back of a Mercedes-Benz S Class, a vehicle that smelled of luxury and power. The driver, Jean-Claude, was pleasant but thoroughly professional and treated him as if he were important, which wasn’t expected. They drove in silence, and Taylor was beginning to feel strange he hadn’t thought a dinner invite from a friend would become so formal. This was more of an event than just two friends grabbing some dinner together.

He noticed when they turned and went in the direction of Old Mission Peninsula, they were on Coven grounds now, but it still looked open and unguarded. But Sam told him that guards were everywhere, and anyone not authorized would not proceed beyond this point. He looked around and saw several areas that could easily hide armed men, and with a scope, they could be positioned on the hillside and still take out any vehicle trying to get inside.

They drove up towards the grounds he’d toured yesterday but then turned left, taking a road he had not been on before. They continued beyond the warehouses and winery itself and ended in a circle drive in front of the large expansive chateau he’d seen in the distance. Up close, it was a stunning construction, old world and stately and yet modern in many ways.

Jean-Claude parked at the base of the steps that lead to a wide entrance area and front door. A man stood near the door, straight and tall dressed similarly to Jean-Claude in a black suit and deep burgundy tie. But this man had an aura of authority that Jean-Claude did not possess. In any other circumstance, Taylor would have given the guy a wide birth and not engage, but he had a hunch that wasn’t going to be possible.

Jean-Claude got out, and Taylor followed, not waiting for Jean-Claude to open his door. He stood and looked up at the man by the door and waited until Jean-Claude came over to him. Taylor wasn’t sure where to go at this point, so he was waiting for direction. Jean-Claude began to explain that Sam was on his way down when the guy by the door thundered down the steps to push his face into Taylor’s. Jean-Claude didn’t say anything but moved to place his body between Taylor and this other man keeping the man at a bit of a distance. The other man was a superior; Taylor could read as much from the body language going on between the two men.

“What’s your game, wolf, and just who are you playing?” The man attempted to lean closer, but Jean-Claude stepped to his right, blocking him once again. Taylor placed his hand on Jean-Claude’s shoulder and shook his head. He didn’t want to be seen as weak, so he stepped away from Jean-Claude and faced the man.

He knew the guy could easily beat the snot out of him, but Taylor was sure he’d land at least a few blows and leave some serious marks. Taylor might lose, but he’d make sure this guy would remember the fight. This dinner engagement appeared to be going south fast. Derek knew what he was talking about when he told him to beware and be alert.

“What is your issue with me, vampire?” Taylor shot back, and the two of them stood inches apart and just glared at one another. Jean-Claude moved, preparing to step in, but Taylor raised his hand, indicating that he stayed where he was. He never took his eyes off the brute in front of him. It was probably stupid because this guy was big and angry, but he wasn’t going to cower in front of anyone.

“You don’t belong here.” He hissed, and just then, Sam appeared at the door and quickly rushed towards them.

“Taylor.” He said and stepped between him and the large angry man. “This is Taylor, Uncle’s guest for the evening. Do you have a problem with that Grigori?” Grigori looked surprised and took two steps back, and regained his composure in record time.

“I was told he was your guest.” Grigori made a halfhearted explanation.

“It is not your business, and perhaps you’d do better to stick to what is your business and not worrying about mine.” Sam was sharp, and each word was landing a painful blow. Taylor was enjoying the tongue-lashing this guy, Grigori, was getting.

“Thank you, Jean-Claude.” Sam dismissed the driver and then gave his full attention to Taylor, completely ignoring the other guy. “Come, Uncle is waiting.” Sam smiled and led Taylor up the steps and inside the vast entryway and then across a marble-floored room to an elevator.

“This chateau is massive,” Taylor commented once the elevator doors slid shut.

“It’s a French Renaissance Revival Chateauesque style.” Sam corrected with a teasing smile. “It has several ballrooms, an art gallery, a 400 seat theater, three large kitchens, and many small ones. It goes on and on. The place is a labor of love for my uncle. All those years ago when he purchased the old mission with this vision in mind. He’s a true artist along with so much else.” Taylor could hear the love and respect he held for his uncle echoed so clearly in his tone and his words.

“Most of our members reside here at the chateau, with some living in the various other homes and cottages on the grounds and a few have homes in town.” Sam seemed more relaxed than he was a minute ago and didn’t comment on how Taylor was received at the door, so Taylor did make mention either. Grigori was just a standard asshole, and Taylor was familiar with assholes and their asshole behavior; no big deal, all communities had their fair share, it seemed.

Taylor followed Sam upon exiting the elevator across a highly polished floor to an open space of a living room, a dining area to the left, and a state-of-the-art designer kitchen beyond that. They were on the top floor of the chateau, and it was so open and airy feeling with high ceilings and huge windows. The building was a fluid, functional combination of the old and the new, and it was superb.

The far wall of the living and dining rooms was all windows floor to ceiling and overlooked the vineyards, hills, and the bay. It was a gorgeous living area, and near one of the windows in the living room stood a man tall and distinguished. As soon as Taylor’s eyes fell upon him, he knew this man, this was Emmanuel, just as stunningly attractive as he remembered. Tall, dark, powerful, and there to meet him. Taylor was honored.

Sam turned to Taylor as they entered the living room. “Uncle Emmanuel will take care of you from here. I have a matter that I need to attend to, but I didn’t want to renege on my invitation to dinner. Uncle Emmanuel will be an excellent dinner companion, I assure you, and you can ask him any question you may have about our wines and our production. I didn’t want to disappoint you.” He explained himself, but Taylor felt an underlying deceit in his words which he did not understand.

Taylor thought about offering to leave, not wanting to be a bother, and they didn’t need to feel obligated, but that didn’t feel right since he was already there, and dinner was prepared. He decided to just play it out and hopefully not say or do anything embarrassing in front of the Master.

Emmanuel, or rather Master Cabot, approached and took Taylor’s hand and brought it to his lips for a light kiss as he’d done yesterday, keeping his eyes focused on Taylors as he did so. Taylor found it just as titillating as the first time.

“I’ll talk to you later,” Sam said to Taylor and quickly disappeared. This wasn’t what Taylor thought his evening would entail, but he wasn’t averse to having to spend the evening with Master Cabot. He should be scared, but he wasn’t; he was intrigued as to why such a man would agree to entertain him in Sam’s stead.

Emmanuel slipped his hand behind Taylor and placed it on the small of his back, directing him to the windows where Emmanuel had been standing when he first entered. Derek’s words came back to him again, stay alert and stay aware. He sensed no malicious intent from anyone other than Grigori, but Master Cabot was a mighty vampire and had the ability no doubt to cover his scent, his aura, his intent.

They spoke of the grounds and the bay and the wines while looking out onto the Coven grounds and beyond. The vantage point was perfect for seeing the vineyards and the bay together. It was quite beautiful, especially in the twilight. Taylor snuck several glances at his host, marveling at how attractive he was and his continued effect on Taylor’s wolf. Taylor wondered as to his age, for there were many rumors, but no one knew for certain. Seamus estimated somewhere around four or five hundred years old, and yet he looked about thirty-five in human years.

The age thing wasn’t unique to vampires, but they did seem to live the longest of all the paranormal species. Wolves usually topped out at about -five hundred years- sometimes longer, whereas a vampire could make it a millennium or more.

The longer he stood there next to Emmanuel and drank in his unique and fragrant scent, the more Taylor wondered about his fascination and began to put it down to simply being attracted to the power and strength of position that Emmanuel exudes. It made sense but didn’t seem to answer all the feelings Taylor was experiencing.

Dinner was elegant and served in several courses. It consisted of several things Taylor had never tried before but found he liked, such as caviar which he spread on a small pancake-like thing called blinis. It was interesting, and although he doubted that he would ever have it again, he enjoyed it. The main dish was salmon curry, and it was mouth-watering good. Once desert came out, Taylor wasn’t sure he had the room until he saw that it was dark chocolate red wine truffles.

Master Cabot poured him several small glasses of wine, simply a small sample of several of the wineries finest to enjoy with his dessert. He kept asking questions just minor inquiries about work, interests, subtle things about home life throughout dinner. It all seemed innocuous until you look at them as a whole, and Taylor realized he’d given him a considerable insight into his life over the course of this dinner.

The only thing he didn’t enquire about was Taylor’s criminal record within the wolf pack, and for that, he was relieved. Maybe it was coming time to leave, so he figured to thank him for dinner and the personal attention and see about getting a ride back to the Indigo where he’d left his truck.

“Please call me Emmanuel.” He corrected when Taylor went to thank him for the evening and referred to him as Master Cabot. Prior, Taylor had called him sir, and he hadn’t corrected him, so he’d continue with that title since calling Master Cabot by his first name just seemed presumptuous.

“Yes, sir,” Taylor responded and tasted the wine, loving the flavor and appreciating it even more now that he knew the background and process they went through to produce it.

“Sam tells me you’re assisting him in the organization of the wine tasting event at the Indigo Hotel,” Emmanuel commented, and Taylor nodded his head while finishing the last of his dessert. He wasn’t hungry, but damn he couldn’t leave a morsel of that beauty on the plate. Emmanuel stood, took Taylor’s hand, walked with him back into the living area, and out onto the wide balcony beyond the sliding glass windows. It was a gorgeous night.

Emmanuel lit the natural gas fire, which offered a rather romantic ambiance, and they sat close together on a plush wicker sofa. “There is something that you and I need to discuss.” Emmanuel began and took hold of Taylor’s hand once again, idly massaging the back with his thumb. That statement had all of Taylor’s attention, and he was readying himself for whatever the topic and hoped this evening wasn’t going to end uncomfortable.

The tone he used made Taylor weary that perhaps it had to do with him helping Sam. Maybe Emmanuel didn’t approve of a wolf being so hands-on with preparation for a vampire event. All manner of things began running through his mind before Emmanuel continued.

Taylor sat there waiting and suddenly feeling strange as the air around him became thick and his heart rate accelerated. His body began to react, tightening, and a wave of desire swamped him. He turned and looked at Emmanuel; his eyes so vivid and bright bore into Taylor’s, but he didn’t speak. He just waited, but for what. Taylor took a deep breath expanding his chest and filling his lungs with the most alluring and intoxicating aroma, it was everywhere, and he couldn’t get enough.

“Do you know who I am, Taylor?” Emmanuel asked, his voice deeper than it had been, and Taylor didn’t understand at first because, of course, he knew who he was. They met yesterday and just had dinner together. But then it happened like a bolt out of the blue, and his wolf surged forward scrambling for domination, and his mind melted into one word, mate.

“Yes, Taylor, listen to your wolf. He knew me yesterday just as I knew you. That’s why he fought you and wanted to remain as you walked away.” Emmanuel’s words were persuasive, and Taylor's world seemed to be shifting, taking on a whole new light and meaning. Taylor just sat there and stared, unable to put words to what was there waiting to be stated and acknowledged.

“Say it, Taylor.” Emmanuel pulled him closer into the circle of his arms.

“Mate?” Taylor breathed rather than spoke the word. He was completely stunned.

Emmanuel ached to take Taylor into his arms the moment he entered his quarters, looking so fresh and smelling so fine. He spent the night and all day preparing for this encounter, and when Taylor arrived, he felt off-balance and unsure for the first time. No one had ever made him feel the magnitude and intensity of the emotions that Taylor caused to flood through his mind and his body.

He’d given up finding his beloved, his consort, until yesterday in the vineyards when he happened upon a gorgeous, breathtaking man sitting casually in the courtyard. All life and possibilities blossomed at that moment as he looked at his destiny so easy in his appearance and so perfect in his place there sitting before him.

He’d then dropped the veil concealing himself and his aura. He had concealed himself so as not to alarm the man or begin their acquaintance in an aura of fear. Emmanuel didn’t know how the young wolf would react or if he would recognize Emmanuel as the Master, so he couldn’t take the chance that he might scare him away. He hoped he’d made the right decision.

He waited until after dinner after they’d had a chance to get more acquainted to lift the veil and let Taylor truly feel and experience the man who was sitting next to him. Taylor was hesitant to believe it. It was clear in his expression and inability to respond. It was also endearing in the way he just kept staring, and his wolf kept trying to be free.

“You’re my mate,” Taylor repeated more clearly. “That’s why my wolf was so weird yesterday, and I couldn’t understand my reactions to you and why everything I felt was so wildly inappropriate.” That was satisfying to hear, and Emmanuel took Taylor’s handsome shocked face between his hands and pulled him forward for a kiss that was too long in coming.

He pressed hard against his lush, plump lips, and Taylor opened for him, giving him permission while also taking his own pleasure at the same time. He was not shy or hesitant in his demands with this kiss. It was a huge turn on making Emmanuel’s already hard throbbing cock twitch with need and expectation. Never in his long life had he felt an attraction to compare with what he felt for this young wolf.

He thrust his tongue inside to taste the warm sweet flavor of his beloved and savored the sensations that burst through his mind and body. Both were reacting to the closeness of his beloved, his mind was trying to slow him down, and his body was ordering more.

Taylor’s hands were on him, lightly touching his thighs and stroking upward. Everything was heightened, intense, and focused. The thought of Taylor’s hand on him like this sent a fresh wave of desire cascading down his spine and hardening his cock to a painful level. He wanted this man, every part of him, the feel of his breath ghosting Emmanuel’s face and filling his lungs was the sweetest in this world.

He pulled away, just giving the barest of space between them, and stared into Taylor’s excited gaze. He could see the beast prowling just below the surface, giving his beloved a wild essence that was again breathtaking. “You are so beautiful, my beloved.” He said softly against Taylor’s kiss swollen lips and then took them in another ravenous embrace.

Taylor’s hands were working on Emmanuel’s belt and then quickly began on the clasp making short work of his pants, and the eagerness of his lover was so exciting. Wolves were more tactile than vampires and more carnal in their needs. They didn’t deal in diplomacy or shades of an issue. They were black and white and chose action over too many words.

Emmanuel was so pleased that his beloved, his consort, was a wolf. Fate gave him his greatest desire. A true lover, a true companion, and partner in life. He gasped trembled when Taylor’s hand slipped inside his briefs and pulled his hard cock free, holding firmly in one hand while the slid up under the tails of his shirt and caressed his sensitive and heated flesh. Emmanuel thought he would go out of his mind with the sensations bombarding him.

Emmanuel threaded his fingers through Taylor’s hair and continued to ravish his mouth, taking everything and moving with him taking his cues and keeping up with the ardor but resisting the overwhelming desire to dominate. This wasn’t the moment to dominate. This was Taylor’s moment, and he was going to relish it.

“I want to taste you,” Taylor whispered, his voice rough and deep, and it sent a tingling across the surface of Emmanuel’s skin.

“Yes, my love, anything you desire.” Emmanuel watched as Taylor slid to the floor in front of him, kneeling between his legs and spread the opening of his fly, exposing the length and width of his aching cock as it stood tall and firm within the calloused grasp of his amazing beloved.

Taylor glanced up through his lashes, and the hunger in his eyes was exhilarating and stimulating enough in itself to nearly bring Emmanuel to climax with only a touch and a look. His beloved was beyond compare.