Random Encounter by Allyson Lindt



I could win over the most stubborn manufacturer in contract negotiations, but I couldn’t get my niece to say more than a syllable at a time to me as we drove away from her school. I’d talked to Daria on the way here. She assured me Alana had everything she needed at home, and that she’d be fine alone for a few hours at either her place or mine, while I went back to work.

“If you don’t tell me what you want, I’ll pick,” I said.

She sank lower in her seat, arms crossed. “Fine.”

“Milkshakes.” That had to be a winner. Phillip and Addie both said so.


Uh, what? “Then I’ll drop you at your house and the babysitter will pick you up when she gets Harmony.”

“No.” Alana’s scowl was etched so deeply it was almost humorous.

Except it was so frustrating. I wasn’t used to this from a girl who was usually level-headed and disciplined. “Do you want to change your clothes and go back to school?” I was back to asking. So much for taking a firm stance.


Daria and Addie both said to give Alana the final say. I was willing to do that, as long as she suggested anything. Hopefully it wouldn’t be illegal, but I’d consider it at this point. “What do you want to do?” I kept my frustration from my voice.

“It doesn’t matter. You won’t let me.”

“You won’t know unless you ask.”

“I’m keeping you from work.” Her tone shifted in an instant, the anger vanishing, replaced with... guilt?

Was this a hormone mood swing thing? A teenager thing? I had no idea. “What do you need in order to make today better?”

The instant her pout appeared, I’d lost. It didn’t matter what came next. I was such a sucker.

“I just don’t want to be alone,” she said.

That was easy enough. Unless it was followed by let’s go hold up a jewelry store. “What do you propose?”

“I want to change my clothes, get a brownie and coffee from Loading Java, and stay at your office the rest of the day. I promise I’ll be good.” Like that, her tone was clear.

I’d totally been manipulated. At least it was a simple request. I believed her that she’d behave, but letting her walk around the office... Sure, our game was 90% like any other game, but that 10% of pure adult content came largely out of my department. I wasn’t accidentally exposing my twelve-year-old niece to a gangbang.

We could make it work. I’d claim the empty office for the day—the one that should be mine anyway—and make sure Phillip and Adrienne were cautious. They were doing training, and it could involve the no-nudity variety. “No coffee.”

“Mom would let me.”

I could see Daria doing that, but I wasn’t sitting up all night with a strung-out kid. “Caffeine makes the cramps worse.”


“Google it.” I pulled into Daria’s driveway. “And while you’re doing that, grab what you need and get changed. We’ll get brownies and you can stay with me at work.”

She clapped and hopped from the car. “Thank you. You’re the best uncle ever.”

I absolutely was. I followed her inside at a more sedate pace, dialing Phillip as I walked.

“Are you surviving?” He answered.

I chuckled. “I’m managing. I have already caved to her demands, though.”

“Sucker. Did you give her your credit card and drop her in front of the mall?”

“Pretty sure kids her age don’t hang out at the mall, especially not alone.”

Phillip clucked. “Fair. What did you agree to?”

I laid out Alana’s request.

“Sucker,” Phillip said again. “But no worries. Adrienne and I will start concept art for the Christmas event. See you in thirty?”

“Yeah.” I nodded as I agreed, even though he couldn’t see me.

Alana was the same pleasant, uptight kid I expected when she got back in my car. We stopped for treats and I made sure to get drinks and pastries for Phillip and Adrienne too, as a thank you for changing their work plans for the day.

At the office, we stepped onto the elevator at the same time as Judith. The way she glanced at Alana with a raised eyebrow rankled me. I was glad Alana was focused on her phone and didn’t see.

“I know.” I kept my response vague on purpose. “I’ve got it under control.”

“If this comes back on us, it’s on you.” Judith’s tone was hard.

Which I was used to. “It won’t.”

“I promise not to peek at any cartoon tits. Gross.” Alana never looked up from her phone.

Judith rolled her eyes.

I laughed. “See? All good.”

We reached our floor, and Judith turned to Alana. “Come back in ten years, and you can have a job.”

“If I come back in ten years, it’ll be for your job,” Alana said.

Judith almost smiled. “I’ll be waiting.” She turned toward her office.

Alana and I headed down a different hallway. I entered the Art room a few feet ahead of her, to make sure everything was clear, but wasn’t surprised to see the beginnings of Christmas outfits on screens.

I cleared my throat to announce my presence, then handed out the coffee and such. “Alana, this is Adrienne, she started last week.”

“It’s lovely to meet you.” Adrienne’s smile was warm and sincere.

“And you know Phillip,” I said.

Pink rushed to Alana’s cheeks and she ducked her head. “Hi.” Her voice was instantly meek.

That was bad. No more visits to my work for her.

I hid my reaction and pointed her toward the office. “We’ll be in there.”

It was easy enough to give Alana a corner of my desk to set up on, while I put my laptop on another. The next couple of hours went smoothly as I vetted review sites for content and ensured our press kits were in order for the next stage of our beta.

Alana’s phone rang, and she glanced at the screen. “It’s my swim coach, can I answer?”


“This is Alana.” She was more professional than half the people I’d worked with in the past. “Yes... Of course... That’s fine, I understand.”

Sweet as sugar.

I turned back to my work. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alana set her phone on the desk next to her tablet.

And then she let out a high-pitched, ear-splitting scream.

The fuck?“What happened?”

Phillip and Adrienne were in the doorway within seconds. “What’s wrong?” Phillip asked.

Alana scowled, crossed her arms over her chest, and sank in her chair. Pink splotches dotted her cheeks. “It’s not fair.”

“What’s not fair? We’ll deal with it.” I was calm on the surface, despite the mixture of confusion and frustration boiling inside. My phone chimed with a new text.

“Shut up.” She glared at me. “You’re a stupid boy and you’re pretending you understand me and you’re a big faking liar and I want Mom.”

That deteriorated quickly. I glanced at my phone and the message from Daria.

Alana’s swim meet was moved up. I’ll be home for it. Don’t let her freak out.

I read the message to Alana even as I texted back Too late. “See? She knows and it’ll be fine.”

“It’s not fine. This sucks. You suck. It’s not fair.”

I was already dialing Daria. No answer.

Alana stomped to her feet, and stormed from the room.

“Wait.” I rose to go after her. I had no idea what I’d say, but I wasn’t leaving her alone.

“Sit.” Adrienne stepped in my path, surprising me. “I’ll be right back.”

Kind of her, but not reassuring. “I’ve got it.”

“Obviously.” Her tone was flat. “But let me help.”

I dropped into my seat and pinched the bridge of my nose. “At least I didn’t let her get the coffee.” My weak joke landed flat.

My messenger chimed, I looked at the message from Judith. Screaming? Glad you have this under control.

I do, I replied, not sure at all if it was true.