Random Encounter by Allyson Lindt



It felt weird watching Philip and Adrienne leave on Monday night. The same way it had leaving Phillip’s on Sunday morning, but more potent. What else were they supposed to do, though? It wasn’t like we could all sleep in the same place night after night.

Tuesday and Wednesday, work was back to normal—as normal as it got around here—after the hectic week of beta testing. Except for one thing I couldn’t ignore, no matter how much I wanted to. Phillip spent most of his time with his chair rolled up to Addie’s desk, showing her some of the more intricate features of the software we used for rendering.

Which was his job—he was brilliant at training. He’d shown me the ropes a few years back, and several other people at Rinslet, and he was back in his element helping Addie.

Still, watching them, their heads bent close, their quiet voices and laughter filtering to my desk, I struggled to push aside jealousy—of her. Of him—I wasn’t sure which was stronger.

“What am I doing wrong?” Addie’s exclamation came out of nowhere. She was supposed to be working on two characters having sex in a bar. “I understand the body mechanics, but… Standing up sex can’t possibly work for most people, can it? You said the other night— Am I missing something?”

“Standing up sex doesn’t work. Not for any length of time.” I was careful to hide my amusement, because I also understood her frustration. So many types of media portrayed unrealistic things, how was someone supposed to know if they hadn’t experienced it? “I mean, yeah, it can be done, but the muscle control, and the strength, and whether or not it’s actually enjoyable… The balance is rarely there.”

“You’re not looking for standing up sex,” Phillip said. “You need one character sitting.”

She didn’t look convinced. Of what, I wasn’t sure. “But… I mean…”

“What?” I prompted kindly.

“A dick just isn’t that long,” Addie said.

Phillip smiled. “It’s all about position and angle. We could show you, if you want.”

My pulse cranked to high at the proposal of another lesson. I’d make a habit of those in a heartbeat.

“I think I might need one.” Addie’s tone was serious, but the pink that flushed her cheeks was demure.

Fuckshe was sexy.

Phillip grasped her hand. “Office.”

Addie didn’t move. “Right now?”

“No time like the present,” Phillip said.

And I liked the way he thought. “Fair warning—pretty sure we can’t do clothes on for this one, but we can try, if the idea of doing this here is too much.” It was turning me on, more the longer I thought about it.

“What if I’m not bothered so much as turned on, and hoping more clothes come off, not fewer?” Addie asked.

Phillip leaned his head near hers. “That’s my girl.”

My jealousy surged back, carried on that single sentence, and I still didn’t know who I envied more.

We moved into the office, and I closed and locked the door. I did love the fantasy of someone walking in on us, but there were some things I wasn’t willing to risk. This was still fairly public regardless, and the idea of doing this here, now, raced through me with excitement.

“Unlike Dustin, who likes the attention, sometimes I have a thing for watching. And directing.” Phillip nudged Addie toward me and stepped away.

“Pretty sure I know where all the pieces go.” Not that I was complaining as I guided Addie toward the desk.

Phillip smirked. “This is a learning opportunity, though.”

Addie rested her weight against the desk. “You make it sound so clinical.”

“You’ve never had fantasies about your teachers?” I pressed closer to settle my hands on her hips. I swore sparks flowed between us at the contact.

She adjusted her position, her body rubbing against mine. “Not until the two of you.”

She was too much fun. I gripped her hips and lifted her to sit on the edge of the desk.

“The biggest problem you see on TV,” Phillip said, “for the censors’ sake, I’m sure, is none of this will take place with your pants on because dragging down your zipper—”

“Doesn’t give anyone access to those parts of me. I got that far, thanks.” Addie stuck her tongue out at him.

I slid between her thighs. When she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me closer, I was instantly hard.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Addie’s voice was breathy.

I wasn’t in the mood for a play-by-play of what I should be doing; I wanted a little more freestyle fun. I dragged my nose up the side of Addie’s neck, inhaling deeply. “There are a lot of things you can do just like this.”

“That’s one thing. Not a lot of things.” She was playful.

I growled and sucked her neck, biting and nibbling, as I glided my hands up her chest to tease her breasts through her top. Her moans were as delicious as Phillip’s soft grunt. I yanked down her camisole, exposing her, and moved my mouth lower, drawing one nipple into my mouth as I kneaded her.

She gasped softly. “You win. Those are all good things.”

“Just good?” I nipped her skin.

She gasped. “Really, really yummy.”

“Do you want to make out for a while, or do you want to prove that position works?” Phillip’s dry question was tinged with amusement.

I moved my mouth to Addie’s. “I know which I’d prefer.” I teased her lips.

“You’re the experts. I’m yours to do with as you please.”

Fuck. I scooted her off the desk, devouring her mouth and her groans. I made quick work of the zipper and button on her jeans, but the clothing got caught on her shoes.

Her giggles broke the contact between us, and she kicked off a shoe to get one leg free of her pants. “I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who needs to be exposed.” She undid my jeans.

At the touch of her soft hand around my shaft, I jerked into her touch. So good. My jeans hung low on my hips. I found enough brain space to roll on a condom, lifted her onto the desk again, and glided the head of my cock along her slick skin.

Phillip moved in, gripping Addie’s chin and drawing her in for a long, hungry kiss. Watching them was a whole different experience as kissing either of them, but just as delicious in its own way.

“So much for directing,” I teased.

He turned his attention to me with a tight chuckle, and bit my bottom lip before diving in to crush his mouth to mine. “You were saying?” He growled.

“I was saying… Not a clue.”

Phillip pressed back into Addie, working a hand between her and me without breaking us apart, and kneaded her breast while he worked his mouth along her body.

She dragged down his zipper and freed his cock as well.

I nibbled her earlobe. “I like a woman who knows what she wants.”

“I don’t have a clue.” She arched her back with a moan when Phillip slid his hands between her legs, teasing both her and me. “But I’m really enjoying the options. It’s like a buffet. I can try a little of this. A lot of that…” She tugged Phillip’s shaft and his grunt rocked me to my core.

I slowly slid inside her, relishing every inch of penetration, Phillip’s fingers brushing me as he teased her clit. It took the last of my restraint to stay still when I was buried to the hilt. I wanted so desperately to move, but then this would be over.

Addie and Phillip fingered and stroked each other, their faces both reflecting their pleasure—mouths slightly parted, eyes fluttering shut. Addie’s pussy twitched around my cock, the squeezing growing more frequent and intense with each breath.

When her hand dropped way from Phillip and her gasps became stuttered and laced with whimpers, I knew she was close. He fisted his cock, stroking hard and fast. She bit her bottom lip, her cries escaping anyway.

I was done holding back, as she came, milking me, I pounded hard and fast. I lost myself in the sensations. The sounds—her whimpers and Phillip’s grunts. The tang of need on the tip of my tongue. It all wrapped around me, and I let go of any restraint.

My thoughts fuzzed and I plummeted into pleasure, orgasm rushing up inside, spilling through me and from me, until stars danced behind my eyelids and climax drained me.

The pounding intensity slowed to a stop. Addie leaned her head against my chest, Phillip rested his on her shoulder, and I settled my forehead on her hair. The only sound in the room was us panting, struggling to catch our breath.

How was this—how were they—so incredible?

“You win.” Addie’s words were muffled by my shirt. “Your dick is long enough.”

I laughed.

“I think that’s the most unique way I’ve ever heard someone say you’re well hung.” Phillip chuckled.

“I’m awesome like that,” Addie said.

I kissed the top of her head, reluctant for this moment to end. “You’re incredible.”

We forced ourselves to go back to work, and the mood stayed light and playful in our room until the end of the day.

Thursday I dropped the girls at their schools with the reminder that their mom would pick them up this afternoon, for Alana’s swim meet tonight. I’d have my house to myself until the weekend, when Daria had to get back to her remote work.

An empty home was normal, but the idea didn’t sit well with me today.

When Brandon stopped by the Art room in the afternoon and invited us all to his place to watch an early screener of a film festival movie, I didn’t know who said yes faster—me or Addie.

Which was probably the reason it felt like Phillip took forever to chime in.

Maybe after the movie, we’d head back to my place for another round of lessons.