Random Encounter by Allyson Lindt



I stepped into the hallway just as the door to the women’s bathroom at the end swung shut. That had to be where Alana was.

I’d always wanted kids. Not a big family. One or two. Sean was firmly set against them, and I was grateful now I’d never pushed that issue, but I was also aware my chances for having my own children got slimmer every year.

“Alana?” I asked softly as I stepped into the restroom. The door to the stall against the far wall was closed.

She sniffled. “What?”

“What can I do to help?” I’d been a millisecond from telling Dustin yes earlier when he asked me to go with him. It wasn’t my place. This probably wasn’t either, but no one else was here to do it, and I felt for her.

“No one understands.” Her threatening tears were evident in her voice.

Poor kid. “I do. I’ve never been a competition swimmer, but I used to do dance.”

“Really?” She managed flat and sad in the same breath.

“Yes. My first time was right before we were supposed to be in a state competition. In all white outfits.”

“Oh my God, I would die. Is this some sappy story about how things all turned out okay?”

“Besides the fact that I was terrified the whole time of something going wrong, and the cramps were the absolute worst? Yes.” Of course, it was easy to say that almost twenty-five years later, but directly saying one day this won’t matter at all didn’t seem like the best approach.

Alana sighed. “I can’t wear pads with a swimsuit.”

“When’s your meet?”


“You might not even have to worry about it by then, and if you do, you’ll wear tampons.” God, I hoped her mother had already talked to her about that. “You have to get used to them if you’re swimming.” Was I overstepping? Maybe. Did I see another option? Not really.

“Did you win? At state?” Alana asked.

I swallowed my laugh, but didn’t have a good response.

“You got your asses kicked, didn’t you? Was it your fault?”

I’d be offended by the question, but she was probably projecting her own fear. “No. No. And no,” I said. “We were the good sportsmen entry, there because we’d tried so hard during the season. But it was one of our best performances ever.”

The stall door creaked and Alana stepped out, eyes red and cheeks puffy. “You shouldn’t have been there if you weren’t good enough.”

Maybe. Maybe not. “We showed up and did our best. You have the chance to do the same. You can’t lock yourself away for three to five days a month for the next thirty-ish years.”

“I guess not.” She trudged to the sink and washed her face.

We walked back to the Art room in silence, to find Dustin and Phillip still waiting in the office. Dustin visibly relaxed when he saw us. “What can I do?” he asked.

Alana shook her head. “I’m better.”

“I’m glad.”

“But Adrienne and Phillip are coming over tonight, right?” Alana asked.

Excuse me what?

“They probably have other plans.” Dustin’s reply lacked resolve.

Alana pouted, as if on demand. “Please?”

This kid was going to be dangerous as she got older. Did Uncle Dustin know he was being played?

“It’s not up to me. How about I tell them I’m throwing some steak and chicken on the grill tonight, and leave an open invitation to anyone who wants to attend.” Dustin’s tone was casual, but his gazed paused on me with a look that was half-pleading, half-desperation, and one hundred percent sexy.

How was I supposed to turn down the chance to spend more time with these two super-hot men I totally shouldn’t be drooling over? It wasn’t like we were going to get up to anything, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy their company. And even if Alana was working the system, it seemed like a good idea to offer some extra support. “I mean… if everyone else is going…”

“I’m in,” Phillip said.

“Me too.” It would be rude to say no at this point.

The rest of the workday went more smoothly. As five rolled around, we decided Dustin needed a couple of hours to pick up Harmony and get the girls settled, so Phillip and I agreed to be at his house around seven.

The extra time left me plenty of time to overthink the situation—hell, my entire relationship with both men. Which was exactly what I did as I sifted through my closet looking for that perfect outfit that said Attractive without saying Trying too hard.

Was this my life now? Did I mind? It wasn’t a little better than life with Sean, it was an entirely different universe. Sexy men. Sexy sex. Friendship. Amazing job…

I turned my attention back to my closet. I should probably be telling myself this was a bad idea, but there was too much anticipation at a night out with these guys, even if it was babysitting. Was it bad that I was already addicted to Dustin and Phillip’s company?

It couldn’t possibly be.