A Real Cowboy Always Protects by Stephanie Rowe

Chapter Nineteen

Two hours later,Logan leaned back against the bedroom door as he locked it behind Keegan.

He was tired as hell, but he didn't move to go to bed.

Instead, he watched Skylar sleep.

She was still tucked in a ball against the wall, her hands clasped beneath her chin. She looked tiny and vulnerable, but from her deep breathing, he knew she had fallen asleep, trusting him and the Harts enough to let down her guard.

Her hair was spread over the pillow, a glorious array of silken strands.

He'd been looking forward to getting back to the room the entire time he'd been with Brody. Security was his thing. It was part of his job. He loved focusing on details like that. And yet, tonight, his mind had kept drawing him back to the woman waiting for him.

And now he was back, about to climb into bed with her.

He let out his breath. When was the last time he'd fallen asleep with a woman in his arms? He honestly couldn't remember. Maybe never. Spending the night was an intimacy he could never afford, one he would never risk.

And now… Now he had Skylar. The engagement ring sparkled on her hand, and his gaze settled on it.

What would it feel like to put that on her hand for real? For that diamond to tell the world that this woman was his, forever. And just as importantly, that he was hers forever.

He thought about it for a moment, thought about Zane's words earlier in the evening. What would it take for him to make that choice to be with her?

He'd have to quit his job.

His job took him away, off the grid, for weeks and sometimes months at a time. No contact. And each time he left, there was a decent risk he'd be killed. He wouldn't do that to her. Hell, he wouldn't do that to himself. Leave her for months at a time and throw himself in front of a bullet with the same lack of fear that had defined his career?

No chance.

But he had no idea how to survive without his job.

She stirred, and her eyes opened slightly. She saw him, and smiled. "Logan." She sleepily mumbled his name, then her eyes closed again.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the door, letting the moment fill him. The way she'd said his name. Welcoming. Warm. Trusting. Gentle.

No one ever spoke to him like that. Like he was a giant teddy bear that brought beautiful things into people's lives.


He liked it. A lot.

Her eyes opened again, this time with a little more wakefulness. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Then come to bed." She sleepily stretched out her arm, resting the back of her hand on the pillow. Her fingers moved, beckoning. "Come."

Come to bed.Anticipation rushed through Logan, and he let out his breath. How on earth was he going to climb in there and not kiss her? Every single part of his soul was leaning toward her, needing her. Her kindness. Her warmth. Her humor. Just…her. "I'll change. Give me a sec."

He grabbed his bag and headed into the bathroom.

When he was on a high-risk assignment, he always slept in his clothes, in case he needed to get up in a hurry.

When he was home, he slept naked.

Tonight, neither of those felt right. There was no chance he was climbing into that bed in jeans. Naked? As much as the idea tempted him, there was even less chance of that.

He settled for boxer briefs and a tee shirt.

Logan left the bathroom light on dim, then stepped out into the bedroom. Skylar had moved toward the middle of the bed, her arm stretched across his spot. Her eyes were closed again. Had she fallen asleep?

His heart literally started racing as he walked across the room, which made him laugh. He could hunt down the world's nastiest criminals without even breaking a sweat, but climbing into bed with Skylar was rattling him to his core.

"You're getting to me, sweetheart," he whispered as he flipped back the covers and slid beneath them.

He had to move her arm to get in, but the moment he was under the covers, Skylar snuggled against him, her face pressed into the crook of his neck, her hands tucked against his side, her feet wrapped around his calf.

Logan settled his arm around her shoulders, pulling her more closely against him. Then he lay there, staring at the ceiling, listening to her breathing. He was viscerally aware of her bare feet against his leg. Of her breasts against his ribs. Of her breath brushing over his neck. Of her hair tickling his shoulder.


This moment felt…perfect. Peaceful. Right. Like his body and his mind could finally settle. Like if he let down his guard, the nightmares wouldn't come. He could simply…relax.

His job kept him so focused that the darkness couldn't come. He'd thought that was relief.

But Skylar made him so peaceful that the darkness didn't come. It didn't want to come. It was as if she soothed the darkest part of him, simply by her presence. Did Skylar take away the need for his job? Did she allow him to feel? To slow down? To simply…be?

He laughed softly. Maybe for a moment. Maybe for two. But in the end? The darkness always came for him.


He closed his eyes, his heart turning over at the sound of her voice wrapping around his name. "What's up?"

She didn't answer.

He frowned. "Skylar?"

"I want you to kiss me."