Scartissue by T.L Hodel



He finally put me down when we broke through the treeline. My nose immediately scrunched at the heavy odor of sulphur in the air. I expected to see the sign for Ashen Springs hot springs, but we were nowhere near the top of the bluffs. Couldn’t even see the top.

I could hear the geyser roaring from somewhere above us, but the giant rocky wall blocked my view of anything else. That’s all there was. Rock in the front, with trees behind, and a small path in between.

If there was a serial killer in Ashen Springs, this is the kind of place I’d imagine him hiding the bodies. It was so far out of the way, no one would ever find it.

Heck, I grew up playing in this forest and I had no idea this place was here. I couldn’t even see the small cave in the rockside until Logan ushered me in it.

It was kind of sweet how gently he placed his hand on my head and helped me duck down. After the night I’d had, it was nice feeling cared for. But willingly going into a dark, confined space with Logan was probably not my best idea.

Oh well, today was apparently the day for bad decisions. So I may as well go with it.

“Come on, Cherry Pie, it’s just up here.”

“Logan I’m not in the–”

My breath hitched when I rounded the corner and entered a large cavern.

Everything was cast in a blue glow from phosphorescent plants growing across the top. I walked over to a patch of Chocolate Daisies and brushed my fingers over their soft petals.

Water cascading down the wall beside them bubbled into a small pool that had steam rising off it. It was all so beautiful, as if I’d stepped out of reality and right into a fairy tale. Every new place I looked there was something else to see, but it was the glint in the far left corner that caught my eye.

What I found was the last thing I expected to see.

A 1955 Ford Thunderbird, complete with white wash tires. This was truly a thing of beauty, and sad at the same time. She was sitting here, covered in dust and vines. Lost and forgotten. Not good enough to be cared for. The patches of rust alone were sacrilegious.

I felt her pain. Almost cried when I ran my palm over the smooth roof.

Then I saw it.

The remains of a red and blue lighting bolt along the side.




“Is this?”

“I think so.” Logan came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

I scoffed out a snort.

“Beautiful? She’s a friggin legend.”

As was her driver. Jumping Jim Kahuna. He was the whole reason we even had a street racing community. Jim didn’t solve fights with harsh words or fists. He beat them on the track, and won every time.

Until that last race. One fatal mistake. A wrong turn down the bluffs sent Jumping Jim careening over the edge. At least, that’s what people said, but no trace of him or his car were ever found.

“How did this end up here?”

It didn’t make sense. She was in pretty much perfect condition. Almost like someone drove her here.

“I think someone was trying to hide her.”


“Legends have a way of following you, sweetheart. Even the bad ones.”

His words tugged at my heart. I glanced down at his arm, thinking about the scars I’d seen there. Scars that his own father had inflicted.

My dad was a lying, cheating, gambler, but he’d never hurt me. Not like that. I was his star, after all. I couldn’t take him places if I couldn’t run.

Was that all I was to everybody? Someone who could do things for them? A way to make themselves feel better, without ever actually telling me anything?

I let out a deep sigh and ran my finger along the edge of the lighting bolt.

“Do you ever think about running away?”

“You can’t run from who you are, sweetheart.”

I lifted my chin and looked over at him.

“What if you don’t know who you are?”

“Then you stop hiding,” Logan breathed in my ear.

On the outside, I was a normal teenage girl. Always smiling and happy. But on the inside, I was slowly dying.

Why was he the only person who saw that?

It should be someone else, like Riley, or my mom. Not Logan friggin Hudson.

“I’m not hiding.” I wriggled out of his arms and spun around. “You are.”

He threw his head back and barked out a laugh, which only made me more angry.

“I know what you’re doing with all those tattoos. Trying to pretend you’re cool, when it’s really just a mask for a sad little boy.” I sang the last part with a snide head swing.

“Oo, vicious. I like it.” Logan stepped in, forcing me to back up into the car. “Don’t think you can hurt me with your snotty little comments, sweetheart. I. Own. This. Shit.”

He was right. I don’t know what he’d gone through, but I’m sure it was worse than anything I’d experienced. Had the scars to prove it.

And what was so wrong in my life? People hid stuff from me? So what. Who didn’t have secrets, right? So why did it bother me so much? Why couldn’t I shake the hollow throb in my chest?

I tipped my chin up, meeting Logan’s piercing gaze. I couldn’t make this feeling go away, but he could.

“You know,” I purred, while sliding my hands up his chest. “There are many things we could be doing right now.”

Logan cocked a brow.

“What are you doing?”

I watched my finger glide over his black shirt, mesmerized by the way the soft fabric felt against the hard chiselled ridges underneath.

“What do you think I’m doing?”

He cupped my ass and pulled me, causing a shocked gasp to escape my parted lips.

“Watch yourself, Cherry Pie.” I shivered as he ran his nose up my face and around the shell of my ear. “I will fuck you.”

I clung to him, letting his warmth melt away the cold spikes pumping through my veins. The sting from his fingers digging in my flesh, his hot breath on my skin, and the hard muscles tensing beneath my palms.

It all felt… right. Right now, in this moment, I was free.

“Maybe that’s what I want.”

“That’s the fucking problem, Cherry Pie.” In the blink of an eye, he flipped me over, folding my body across the hood. “You have no fucking idea what you want.”

“And I suppose you do,” I snarled over my shoulder. “Are you going to give me what I want?”

In a matter of seconds, Logan had my jeans and panties down around my ankles. The warm humid air hit my exposed flesh, cooling my fevered skin and making me shiver.

“Oh no, baby.” He delivered a firm smack to my ass, causing me to curse and rise up on my tiptoes. “I’m going to give you what you fucking need.”

God yes.

He leaned over, folding his hard body over mine and softly growled in my ear.

“You think you want nice.”

I winced at the slight stab of pain when he roughly shoved a finger into my pussy. My body wasn’t prepared for the intrusion. That didn’t matter to Logan, he forced in another finger.

“But you really want to be used, don’t you?”

I thought I wanted to be loved and cared for. Be someone’s something special. Not a toy to be used. One pump of Logan’s fingers told me otherwise. Not only did my inner walls clench around him, but I could hear how wet I was. The sucking sounds that rang through the air as he finger fucked me were like a slap to the face. Each one, mocking me.


You like this.


You want him.


You like being used by him.

I whimpered and shook my head.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart,” Logan growled.

The vibration of his deep voice poured through my body, tingling across my skin and sending a shiver up my spine.

“This what you wanted, isn’t it?”

This shouldn’t be turning me on, but it was. Every rough thrust of his fingers made me wetter. The evidence was trickling down my thighs.

Logan was right. I needed this. Needed to feel that heady concoction of pain and pleasure that only he could give me.

I mewled and pushed back.

My orgasm was right there, just out of my reach. A couple more thrusts and I’d be flung over the ledge.

And then, just as quickly as they came, his fingers were gone. Leaving me empty and wanting.

“Logan,” I whined, lifting my head to look back at him, “Please–”

“Shut the fuck up!” he snarled, pushing my face back down into the hood. “You don’t tell me when to fuck you.” The sound of a zipper, followed by very masculine grunts. “I tell you.”

Was he…

I tried to lift my head, but he had my hair fisted so tightly that every breath I took caused my scalp to scream. Laying there listening to him jerk off was doing strange things to my body. Some sick part of me wanted to see it. To see him.

My skin prickled with every grunt, while fat drops of wetness slid down my legs.

I felt Logan shudder as he roared out a “mother fuck.” And hot, thick fluid hit my skin.

Feeling his cum glide down my ass and across my pussy was almost enough to send me over the edge.


Logan’s deep, heavy, panting breath rang in my ear, as his hand slid through the mess he’d made.

“You feel that, baby?”

God yes. And it felt amazing.

I whimpered and nodded, hoping he’d give me what I needed.

“That’s all the cum you’re gonna get tonight.”

And then he was gone.