Scartissue by T.L Hodel



I’m not sure what was happening. Lana showed up, Riley introduced her to Shelby, and then I think they were taken over by pod people.

That, or I drank way too much.

“…oh my god, did you see…”

“…the red dress…”

“…he is so funny…”

“…and that ring…”

What language were they speaking? Because it sure as hell wasn’t English.

I should’ve fucked her. Why the fuck didn’t I fuck her?

She offered herself up on a silver fucking plater. I had her right where I wanted her, and instead of fucking her body, I fucked her mind. Did I regret it? Fuck no.

Cherry Pie needed to learn who was in charge. How was I supposed to know that I’d end up watching… well, I don’t know what the fuck I was watching.

“…the grey dog…”


“…so many gloves…”

I glanced from one to the other and then down at the red Solo cup in my hand.

Should’ve fucked her into a coma again.

Even Naomi was sucked into this black hole of confusion. Her eyes fluttered back and forth, trying to track the words flying through the air. Riley seemed pretty calm.

Maybe this was normal for her?

I leaned over and whispered, “Do you understand this shit?”

“Well,” she let out a huff of air and tipped her head, “Shell said something about a cat, I think?”

The little chick with glasses beside Riley shook her head.

“I’m pretty sure it was a dog.”

I recognized her from the tattoo parlor. Only chick I’d ever seen mouth Preston off. She was kind of cute. If her trampy twin was an indication of what was under those potato sacs she called clothes, then she was definitely fuckable. Not my type, though lately I seemed to have a very particular type.

“No, it was definitely a bird.” Parker’s brows furrowed. “Or maybe a rat?”

“Ah,” I breathed out a sigh. “So no one knows what’s going on.”

“Nope.” Riley shook her head. “Not a clue.”

Well, that was a relief. At least now I knew I wasn’t going crazy.

“Don’t you agree?”

It took me a second to realize Lana was talking to me.

“Um, sure?” I nodded, hoping she was talking about some kinky shit?

Shelby’s mouth fell open. “I can’t believe you’re agreeing with her?”

I looked from the insult on Shelby’s face, to the smile on Lana’s, and shook my head.

That’s it. I’m out.

No need to say anything. Within seconds, they were back at it again. Whatever it was. Honestly, I was a little scared.

Micha nodded at me when I walked over to the keg and refilled my cup.

“There’s something wrong with your girl.”

I leaned next to him and smirked.

“At least I know she can hold her breath.”

“Feel free to gag her,” Micha grumbled.

My best friend did not like being ignored. Especially by Riley.

“Aww,” I popped my bottom lip out, “Is someone lonely?”

“I should drag her ass in the car.”

“Not happening.” There was only one girl getting fucked in Betty, and it sure as fuck wasn’t my sister. “Do that shit in your Jeep.”

“I would,” his eyes rolled to me, “If someone let me drive my damn self.”

I nodded at the eyesore of a Volkswagen bug parked beside my Mustang. “You lost the right to drive when you let your girlfriend buy that piece of shit.”

“Are you bitching about my car again?” Riley said, snatching a bottle of water off the table behind us. “It’s not that bad.”

Micha and I both cocked a brow. The fact that the rust bucket made it anywhere at all was nothing short of a miracle.

“Not that bad?”

“That’s right,” she huffed, crossing her arms.

My sister was a stubborn little thing. It took weeks to convince her to throw out her old ratty shoes. Duct tape did not make them “perfectly fine.” I wouldn’t be surprised if she hadn’t touched any of the new clothes in her closet. Ma did drag her to the salon every week though. I guess that could be counted as progress.

“Hey Silas!” I called to the angry fucker standing by her car. “Do me a favor and smack that rust bucket.”

His lip curled at the faded yellow bug. “You want it to fall apart?”

“Just do it.”

He shrugged, and slammed his palm down on the roof. A loud groan rang out and then the hood popped open.

“So you know,” I said, throwing my thumb over my shoulder, “Cars shouldn’t do that.”

“So it has some glitches.”

Glitches, really?

I didn’t say another word, just walked over to her car and kicked the tire, turning the headlights on.

“Would you call that a glitch?”

She rolled her eyes and rejoined the foreign alien language Shelby was still engaged in. I shook my head and leaned back on the yellow bug, not at all surprised when the horn blared. Eventually my sister’s car would be fine. Riley hadn’t noticed the parts I’d upgraded. Doubted she ever would.

“Hey,” Preston tipped his chin as he sauntered up and leaned next to me.

The only time I’d seen Preston come to high school parties was when he was in high school. And that was only because Ava dragged him along. Or someone there pissed him off. Which usually provided an entertaining night for me.

“Since when do you come to shit like this?”

His grey eyes landed on the small chick with glasses.

“I have my reasons.”

Ah, so that was the mystery girl.

For the first time since I met the girl, I really looked at her. A little plain for my tastes, and not the type I would’ve pegged Preston to be interested in. Then again, for all I knew, he just wanted to break the girl. Should’ve felt sorry for the frumpy little thing, but she brought this shit on herself.

“The sister looks like more fun.”

“Pfft,” he snorted, “Too much fun.”

He had a point. The girl had her breasts pushed up against one guy, with her arm around another.

Besides, why take a trip down the ride everyone’s driven, when you could pluck the fruit yourself?

Shelby laughed at something frumpy chick said and turned my way, cinnamon eyes sparkling with innocence.

Yeah, plucking the fruit was much more fun.

My gaze dropped to the red Solo cup sloshing in her hand. How many had she had? I told her not to fucking drink, and there she was, swaying on her fucking feet.

I wasn’t the only one that noticed, either. Two motherfuckers in the corner were whispering and pointing at her. Fucking football players.

“Huh?” Preston slapped my arm and nodded at the crowd. “Check it out.”

I looked over to see a scowl on Parker’s face. Golden boy didn’t seem to be having much fun. It didn’t take me long to realize what had his panties in a bunch. He was staring directly at Lana.

More specifically, Brandon, who was definitely checking her out. Parker didn’t like Brandon on a good day, but right now he looked ready to kill. Fucker wasn’t mad though. He was jealous.


“Parker has a thing for Lana?”

Preston rolled his eyes, “He’s been talking about her since we were kids.”

“No shit.” I cocked my head at Parker. “Why the fuck hasn’t he gone for her?”

“Have you met our mother?”

Their mother was one of the co-founders of the National Freedom Movement. A group that fought for the empowerment of the rights and freedoms of true Americans. As long as they were the proper representation of their ideal race. In other words, a bunch of racist and homophobic pricks.

Headed up by the biggest cunt I’d ever met. Lillianna Whitley. Preston and Parker’s mother.

A mother who would not be happy to find out her youngest son was not only bisexual, but also interested in someone who she’d refer to as “the local colored girl.”

If she was my mother, I’d have pushed her in front of a bus a long time ago.

“Does mommy know little bro likes to suck dick?”

“What do you think?”

That was a no. Not surprising, considering Parker was the golden boy of the family. He was too concerned with what his parents thought. Fucker even went to a couple rallies with his mom. He hadn’t gone to one in a while though. I scanned Lana’s mocha complexion. Now I knew why.

“You tell him to go for her?”

“Course I did,” Preston snorted. “Even offered to hold her down for him.”

“Pfft. Pussy.” Who gave a fuck what Mommy thought?

“That’s what I said.”

“We could lock them in a room together.” I happened to know that Lana had a thing for the dingbat. Eavesdropping on my sister had it’s advantages.

Preston cocked his head and lit a cigarette.

“You got a room in mind?”

There were plenty of places to lock someone up in my house. Some, thanks to my old man, I had intimate knowledge of.

“There’s that room in the basement?”

“With the Saint Andrews’ cross?”

“That’s the one.”

Preston and I may have had some fun with a couple girls down there. None recently. He didn’t like it when I broke his toys.

“Still got the restraints.”

I nodded and sparked up my own smoke.

“Just reinforced the welds.”

“Alright, you take golden boy. Prick doesn’t trust me. I got the girl.”

Parker didn’t trust his brother because he knew the asshole.

“Deal,” I said, watching Shelby’s hips sway as she sauntered over. Mischief curled her lips and glinted in her eyes.

What are you up to, Cherry Pie?

“Just so you know,” she sang, “I didn’t need you to finish me off.”

The corner of my mouth lifted.

“Is that right?”

“That’s right.” She was obviously drunk, slurring her words and swinging her hand around before she dropped her finger on my chest. “All I needed was this finger.”

Fuck, that was hot.

“This finger?” I said, grabbing her wrist and sucking her finger into my mouth, groaning when her sweet essence hit my tongue.

She even tasted like fucking cherries.

Shelby’s pouty pink lips parted, releasing an exasperated gasp.


She argued, but didn’t fight. Just stood there staring as I wrapped my tongue around her finger, sucking off every last drop. Next time, I’d get it right from the source.

“She’s drunk,” Preston muttered.

I rolled my eyes his way and popped her finger out of my mouth.

“Your point?”

“I am not drunk.” Shelby glanced down at her cup with her brows furrowed. “Where did my drink go?”

Preston gave me an ‘I told you so look’.

Alright, she was trashed. While I didn’t like it, I couldn’t help but notice that she came to me. Not one of the other fuckers eyeing her. Me.

My moment of self satisfaction was tamped down when a Sedan pulled up and four guys piled out. Shelby’s attention was drawn off me to the biggest asshole strutting up to the keg.

I pulled her in to me and softly growled in her ear, “Are you seriously eye fucking another guy in front of me?”

“Exactly why I won’t let mine drink,” Preston muttered.

His eyes landed on frumpy girl, who turned stark white and quickly averted her eyes.

I might need to take some tips from Preston.

I wasn’t the only one sizing up the newcomers. Micha stood against one of the stone walls, watching them. As soon as our eyes met, he tipped his chin, drawing my attention to the blue ribbons proudly displayed on their chests.

Well, that explained why they were walking around with their shoulders back and heads high. Like they were something fucking special.

Preston slapped my arm.

“You see that.”

“Yeah, I see it.” I nodded at Silas and down to the blonde in my arms, who I think might’ve passed out. “Didn’t know your mom had a rally tonight.”

Preston shrugged. He didn’t talk much to his parents when he was a kid. Now their relationship was virtually non-existent.

Silas came over and shook his head.

“Is she passed out?”

“I think so,” I said, handing her over and shifting my eyes to the group of guys. One of whom was headed straight for Lana.

“There’s trouble on the horizon. Might want to round up the rest of the girls.”

These guys were going to push buttons. None of us responded well to that, and we would never put our girls in danger. Naomi included.

Silas carried Shelby away as Preston and I watched one of the jerks throw his arm around Lana’s shoulders.

“Hey there, pretty lady.”

I shook my head. Funny how all these assholes went right for the forbidden fruit.

Lana frowned at the ribbon on his chest. “Not interested.”

“Don’t be like that, baby. I know how your kind likes it.”

This guy was asking for it.

Lana’s brow rose.

“My kind?”

“Jungle bunnies.”

“Yeah,” she grumbled, hazel eyes blazing up at him. Little Lana had some spunk. “Once again, asshole, not interested.”

This guy didn’t like her attitude. I could hear his teeth grinding from here.

That’s right Lana, don’t take his shit.

“A black bitch like you should be honored to be with someone like me.”

Gotta say, I was kind of curious how Lana would handle this.

Except she didn’t get a chance. Riley came flying out of nowhere and nut-punched the bastard.

“She said not interested, asshole!”

His face turned purple and he keeled over, making me snicker. I knew from personal experience how hard my little sister could hit. My amusement died the second his friends walked up behind him.

Which was when Parker sauntered over, placing his hand on the girl’s shoulders.

“I think you guys should leave.”

“And who’s going to make us?” the one with black hair sneered.

“Me, prick,” Riley said, holding up her fists.

The one with blue eyes huffed out a snicker.

“Go figure the cholo would team up with the fag.”

Micha beat me there.

“Leave,” his voice boomed over the crowd, “Now!”

While the rest of us surrounded them, Silas rounded up the girls. Naomi bitched, Lana argued, and Riley fought. He ended up having to toss her over his shoulder. The only one that didn’t complain was Shelby. She just stared, shell-shocked, and let Silas steer her away.

That’s my Cherry Pie.

“Last chance,” Micha growled, drawing my attention back to the matter at hand.

Parker cracked his knuckles.

“I’d listen to him.”

“We don’t take orders from fags.”

I didn’t know whose mouth that spewed from, I was too busy eyeing up the big guy who had yet to say anything. He was ready to go, shoulders rolled back and forearms flexing. That fucker was mine.

“You might want to watch what you say to this one,” I said, keeping my eyes locked on my target while I tipped my head at Parker.

“Why? You going to shut me up?”

“No,” I smirked at Preston who was leaning against a wall behind them, smoking, “I’ll leave that privilege to his brother.”

They all slowly turned around and one muttered out a curse before Preston flicked his smoke at one and lunged.

It was on after that.


I wiped the blood off my hands and followed Parker in the door. “Fuckers didn’t put up much of a fight.”

It was kind of disappointing how quickly that big bastard went down. Didn’t stop me from beating on him. Shelby wouldn’t find him so pretty now.

“Where the fuck did your brother go?” Micha asked Parker.

Micha and I shared a look.

Unsurprisingly, Preston went after the prick that called his brother a fag. The last time we saw them, Preston was dragging him off. Meaning he’d probably never be seen again, and if he was, no one would recognize him.

When we rounded the corner, we all stopped. Riley and Naomi were waiting for us with their arms crossed and feet tapping. The fact that they weren’t snarling rude comments at each other was disturbing enough, but when they both turned to Micha, I damn near burst out laughing.

“What the hell, Micha!” Riley shrieked.

“You think you can just have Silas take us away?” Naomi agreed.

Parker slapped him on the back.

“Good luck with that,” and walked out of the room.

Considering he hadn’t shut up about the guy that hit on Lana, my guess was that was who he was going to find.

Speaking of which…

“Where’s Shelby?”

I didn’t notice Silas standing in the corner until I heard his voice.

“I dropped her drunk ass in the other room on the couch.”

Riley swung her finger up in my direction.

“You stay away from her.”

“Blow me,” I said, and spun around to find my girl.

I found her right where the angry bastard said she’d be. Sprawled out on Ma’s favorite couch, snoring away. My dick didn’t care about the trickle of drool running out of the corner of her mouth, or the fucked up way her leg was thrown over the back of the couch. Right now she was at her most vulnerable, and it was so easy to corrupt vulnerable.

The only thing that held me back was the quiet way she whimpered. That, and for some fucked up reason, I wanted her fully aware when I took her. I didn’t just want to tear through her innocence, I wanted to see the look in her eyes when I imbedded myself in her soul.

I sighed and bent over to scoop her up in my arms. This ‘giving a fuck’ shit sucked ass.

“Logan?” she mumbled out a whimper and wrapped her arms around me.

I kissed the top of her head, inhaling the light vanilla scent of her hair.

“Yeah baby, it’s me.”

My chest tightened at the sight of this beautiful angel in my arms.

That’s when I knew I was fucked.