Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Eight

They ate lunch at a little deli down the street.

“We can cross this off the list,” he said.

“What list?”

He watched her suck up her pop through the straw and felt himself harden painfully. Jesus, thank God he had on a suit jacket to hide his body’s reaction to her.

“Remember, we’re going to make a list of all the restaurants in the city and try every one of them.”

She giggled. “I forgot.”

“I think we should grade them, too, so we know which ones we want to go back to and the ones we never want to set foot in.”

Her eyes brightened. “That’s a great idea.”

“Thank you. What do you say about going back to that furniture store and seeing if they have a desk you’d like?”

She bit her lip. “I was thinking about going to Walmart.”

His brows snapped together. “For furniture?” God, it was probably built out of cardboard or something.

“Yeah, I don’t need anything big, and the cost…”

He scowled. “Hold up. Is this about money again?”

She blushed but nodded. “Yes. I mean, I have money, but I don’t like…”

He held up a hand. “Baby, what have I told you?”

“About money?”


“That you would buy lunches…”

“No, I said everything. I’d buy everything for us.”

“Wait, I can’t expect you to buy me furniture.”

“Why the hell not?”


He could see her struggle for an answer. He grabbed both of her hands. “Look at me.”

Her gaze snapped to his. “We will never have to worry about money. Not ever. I have more money than I can spend in ten lifetimes. So, I want you to stop talking about it.”

“But it doesn’t seem right that you’re paying for my stuff.”

“It was my idea to move you into the office.”

“Yes, but…”

“Honey, listen, I really care about you.”

Her face softened. “I care about you, too.”

“I’m glad. I want us to explore a relationship together.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

He smiled. “Yes. Why does that surprise you?”

“I didn’t think you’d ever feel like that toward me because I’m different from other women my age.”

“I love that you’re different. I want you to depend on me for everything.”

“What?” she asked in disbelief.

“Just what I said. I can see a future with you. Things like marriage and babies eventually.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Really?”

“Yes.” He grinned.

His grip on her hands tightened when tears started to fill her eyes. “Why are you crying?”

“It’s just … I never … I want you, too. So much, it scares me.”

“When you get scared, you come to me. I don’t care if I’m in a meeting, you come to me and sit on my lap. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“If I find out you were and didn’t come to me, you’ll be punished.”

“Punished? How?”

“Most of the time, spanking.”


He snorted. Instead of the apprehension he was expecting, he saw the heat of arousal. Jesus. Her nipples under the blouse were hard and tight, and a light flush covered her face.

“Woman, if you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’m dragging you to the condo, stripping you, and then giving you the loving you’re silently asking for.”

She shuddered and looked away.

He took a few breaths and tried to relax. God, he hoped he hadn’t scared her.

“Are you ready to go shopping?”

“I … yes.”

“Good girl.” He stood, pulled her up, and wrapped an arm around her waist.

In the furniture store, they looked over desks. A few times, she went for the price tag, but all he had to do was run a threatening hand over her ass, and she froze and then relaxed.

He was just giving her a little reminder of what would happen. And if it gave him an excuse to spank her, he’d be a happy man.

She chose a lighter cherrywood solid desk and a soft, feminine cushioned chair for the office. She had great taste, and he knew he would have picked the same ones.

He bought it and paid for it to be delivered that day within the hour. Money usually made things happen. He wanted it in place when he brought her back to the office to surprise her.

Then he took them to the same office supply store they’d gotten his things from. They went over the whole store. He could tell she was getting frustrated because there were so many things in the store.

Every time she’d pick something, he’d have a clerk take it up to the front and then push her to look at more.

By the time they’d seen everything, there were six different desk sets, eight various lamps, and an assortment of other things.

“It’s actually easier to see everything next to each other.”

He kissed the side of her head. He knew the store had become overwhelming to her. “I thought so. Take your time.”

“Don’t we have to be back at the office?”

“No, remember, I haven’t officially started.”

She nodded and turned back to the selections. Another thirty minutes passed until she made her decisions.

Eli guessed they’d given the furniture store enough time.

He grabbed her hand when she went to pick up the bags. “I’ll carry this. You can carry the lamp.”

When they walked off the elevator, Mrs. Bennet tipped her head and grinned. Eli smiled. The furniture had come.

He mouthed thank you and urged Kinley down the hallway.

He opened the door, and she walked in behind him and froze.

“Oh, my gosh. Eli, look, the furniture is here already.”

“Good. I like that store. They are very efficient. Now we can get our desks set up.”

They moved her desk a little, but he wanted it in front of him, so he saw her when he looked up.

He guessed the only time he’d feel at peace was when he was able to see and touch her.