Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Seventeen

Eli took Kinley back to the hotel room to pack his things.

She looked around. The room was spacious and very elegant. But there was no personality to it.

She sighed. “I’m so glad you’re getting out of here.”

“Hey, it wasn’t so bad.”

She scrunched up her nose.

He didn’t have a lot, just a few suitcases that one of the employees would take down to the car that was waiting for them.

At the condo, Manny helped them get the bags into their condo before leaving. Kinley looked around. She didn’t understand why the place looked so different. It was still light out, so that wasn’t it.

“I’m going to take these into the bedroom. I left some menus on the table. See what you’d like, and they’ll deliver it.”

“How will we know to get it? They can’t come up in the elevator, right?’

“You’re right. Only the owners and our women. You haven’t met him yet, but another smaller lobby deals with just the people who live in the condos. We have Sam, who is here the most and in charge, and a few other guys overnight and weekends. He’ll call up when it’s delivered, and I’ll go down and get it.”

She nodded and walked over to the table. There were several menus, so she picked the top one.

A pair of arms came around her waist. “What are we having for dinner?”

She showed him the paper. “Something Italian.”

“Sounds good. I don’t care, so you pick out a few things, and we’ll share them.”

She smiled and then sighed when one of his hands caressed her stomach while his mouth nibbled at her neck.

“Oh, that feels wonderful.”

“Good, I’m glad I’m doing it right.”

“You do everything right.”

He snorted. “Let’s order. I’m hungry.”

She was shocked that Eli was going down to pick it up in the lobby within thirty minutes. She grabbed a few plates and silverware and filled glasses with water.

Her mouth watered as the first aroma hit her senses. “Oh, wow. That smells so good.”

“I agree. This might be a five-star.”

“We’ll have to make up a different category for delivery.”

He grinned as he pulled containers out of the large sack.

“Oh, my, I didn’t order all that.”

“I’m glad you did. I’ll love eating this later as a snack.”

“From now on, I’ll be careful…”

“You won’t worry about it. Got it?”

She sighed and nodded. “Yes.”

They sat down to eat. If they weren’t chewing, they talked about everything, from politics to health food stores to favorite childhood cartoons. She loved how easy it was to talk to him.

“Do you want to help me put things away?”

“Of course,” she said.

Eli put the bags on the bed and emptied them out. She put things on hangers while he put things away in drawers. She realized that the time for going to bed was fast approaching, and she felt nerves start to grow.

Eli pulled her over to the bed and sat on the edge with her standing between his legs.

“I can see you’re starting to get anxious, and I really wish you wouldn’t. Nothing is going to happen tonight unless you say it is.”

“But I really want us to … you know, it’s just that I’ve never…”

He smiled in understanding. “Oh, baby. Are you telling me you’re a virgin?”

She nodded and hated the blush she knew covered her face.

“I suspected.”

“It’s going to hurt.”

He nodded. “Yes, but only the first time, and I’ll do everything I can to lessen the pain.”

“What can you do?”

He chuckled. “I’d rather show you. Why don’t you jump into the shower while I go lock up and check my messages. I’ll shower after you.”

She nodded and walked into the bathroom.


Eli exhaled and rubbed his forehead. Fuck, he’d never taken a virgin before, and the idea of hurting Kinley made him sick. He knew he’d use every trick in the book to make it easier on her. Right now, he’d give her a bit of time to settle into bed.

He walked through the condo and then checked his phone. The only messages were from Kendra. For God’s sake, when would she give up?

He knew he’d have to get a new number, but he had so many friends and acquaintances that he’d have to notify each one with the new number. It would be a pain in the ass. He had hoped she’d just give up.

After about twenty minutes, he turned off the lights and made his way into the bedroom. He stopped short when he saw her on top of the bed in a short nightgown, putting lotion on her legs.

He leaned against the doorjamb. Damn, he could watch her do this for the rest of his life. It made him feel so many different emotions. Lust, because he wanted her so much, calm, from just watching her and happy to have her in his life, and appreciation, for finding her.

He must have made a sound because she looked up and smiled. “I’m done.”

“I see that. I’ll be right back.”

Eli was in and out of the shower in minutes. He brushed his teeth and pulled on a pair of boxers.

When he opened the door, he could see her lying there under the covers, facing him.

“Do you need a light for sleeping, honey?”

“I usually do, but with you here, I don’t think I’ll need one anymore.”

Hell, when she said things like that, his emotions ballooned. “We’ll try it without and see how you do.”


He slipped into bed and turned on his side to face her.

He traced her cheek with one finger. “How are you doing?”

“I’m okay. I trust you.”

“We don’t have to make love. I’d be happy just holding you.”

“But I want us to make love. I want to feel the way most women do when they have sex with the man they lo … care about.”

He wanted to call her on her slip so bad, but there were enough emotions already.

He smoothed her hair. “Everything is going to be okay.”

She gripped his wrist. “I know.”

“Come here and kiss me.”

He decided if he gave her some of the control at that moment, she wouldn’t feel powerless, and it might take away some of the fear.

He cupped the back of her head but didn’t put any pressure on it, letting her kiss him at her leisure. Only when she became bolder did he allow himself to run his hand over her body. The caresses started slow and just up and down her side. When she made an impatient sound, he moved to cup her breast. Instead of flinching away, she pushed more of herself into his hand.

Eli leaned back enough to see her face. A groan stuck in his throat at the rapture on her face.

“You are so beautiful.”

Her eyes opened slowly. She lifted her hand to cup his face. “I never thought I was, but I want to be for you. I want to be your everything.”

“Baby, you already are.”

She rolled onto her back. “Make love to me. I don’t want to wait.”

He smiled. “Okay. At any time you want to stop or slow down, tell me.”

She nodded.

He rolled over on top of her but braced his weight on his arms and kept his hard-on from pressing directly on her clit.

“I need to ask if you’re on birth control.”

“No, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I’ve got condoms. We’ll have to talk about that later.”

He reached into the nightstand where he’d put several earlier and pulled one out.

His mouth went back to hers for a moment before moving down at the same time he swept his hand down her neck and took a full minute to suck and lick her soft skin.

“Damn, woman, you taste so good.”

She giggled and held on to his shoulders.

When he pulled her nightgown up and off, she stiffened, but she didn’t try to stop him from touching her.

“Let’s get these panties off. I want to see my woman.”

He pushed the blanket down and pulled her panties down and off. His hand went to her stomach. “How are we doing?”

“Good.” He pressed a kiss to her belly button and smiled when she giggled. “Ah, are we a little ticklish?”

She nodded.

“Good to know.”

He pushed her legs apart. “Easy,” he said when she started to panic. “I’m just going to make you feel good, baby.”

“Oh, wait, you can’t put your face…” Her words turned frantic.

Eli separated her pussy lips and blew on her clit. He smiled when she cried out in shock and arched off the mattress. He bent forward and took the little button in his mouth and sucked, making her scream.

“Fuck, baby, you taste so good.”

“Oh, please, oh please, oh please,” she begged.

“Do you want more?”

“Yes,” she hissed and clutched the blanket on either side of her.

Eli started to press a large, blunt-tipped finger into her cunt and stopped when he got to her hymen. He felt around and tried to determine how thick it was but kept licking her clit to keep her distracted.

He pulled out and pushed in two. After she was able to take that, he pushed in three. “Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.”

She hummed.

He slid his boxers off and rolled on the condom before coming over her. His braced arms kept him off her, and he used his thighs to push hers farther apart. He never stopped tormenting a nipple and her clit by rubbing against them. While she was enthralled, he lined up his cock and shoved his cock through her cherry and into her, not wanting to let the pain last.

She stiffened and cried out, trying to push him. “I hurt, Eli. I don’t want to do this anymore.”

“I know, baby, I’m so sorry. It’s all over with now. No more pain, ever.”

She sniffed. “Ever?”

“Not ever.”

Her body immediately relaxed, but the tears still slid from her eyes.

He gave her a few more minutes and kissed her, sucked on her neck and tits, touched everywhere he could reach to bring her passion back up. “Is it better?”

She nodded.

“Okay. We’ll go easy.”

She bit her lip.

He pulled out of her tight cunt, watching her expression the whole time. When only the head was in, he started back.

“You’re doing so good, baby.”

She nodded and kept her eyes glued to his.

He kept at her, slowly building the speed and depth of his thrusts. His heart tripped in his chest when she started to tighten on him, and her eyes got big.

“That’s it. I need you to come, baby. I want you to let go.”

“No,” she said as her nails bit into his shoulders. “It’s too much.”

“You can.” He cradled her head in his one hand, and he snuck the other between them to press against her clit as he continued to thrust into her depths. “Remember, I would never let anything happen to you.”

She nodded.

Three more thrusts and she arched as a scream tore from her throat.

“That a girl. Keep it going.” He slammed into her a few more times before he felt himself come. It hit him hard and was almost painful but in the best sort of way.

He lay over her, propping himself up on his arms until his heart and breathing became more regular. When he had the strength, he raised his head and kissed her lips. “You stay right there. I’ll be right back.”

He walked into the bathroom, disposed of the condom, and wet a washcloth.

“Wait, what are you doing?” she shouted and tried to block his hand from going between her legs.

“I’m taking care of my little, and she’s going to let me.”

She stared at him for a brief moment and then released her hold on his arm.

“Good girl. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I was just inside you, baby.”

“I know.”

He bit back a smile at the raging blush that spread across her face.

Eli threw the cloth into the bathroom sink and slid into bed. He pulled her up against his side and lifted her face to take her lips.

Kinley opened for him and gripped his hand that held her face. He kissed her several times and then pressed a kiss to her forehead before releasing her face.

He moved her so her back was against his chest, and he was spooning her.

“Good night, baby.”

“Good night, Daddy,” she murmured softly.

He heard her breathing even out and then deepen.

“You’re mine now,” he crooned against the back of her head before he closed his own eyes and slept.