Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Twenty

Kinley held Eli’s hand as the car service his father sent for them climbed up a long driveway.

“This is very pretty. Is it a country club or something?” She glanced at Eli when he didn’t answer. “What’s wrong?”

“Baby, you know I told you I had some money?”

“Yes, that’s why you get to buy all the time.”

He smirked. “Well, yes. And it’s family money.”


“This is my father’s driveway, and my grandfather lives here now.”

“What do you mean? It looks like a golf course or something.”

He snorted. “It’s not.” He pointed. “See that?”

“Yes, is it a retirement home?”

He laughed. “No, baby. It’s my father’s home.”

Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open. “Like the whole thing?”

He chuckled. “Yes.” He saw her get anxious. “What’s the problem?”

“He … you are rich.”


“I don’t belong here, Eli. Please take me back.”

He cupped her face with his hand. “That’s bullshit. You belong with me no matter where I am. I know I should have prepared you, and I’m sorry. My father and grandfather are going to love you, baby. My mom was so much like you. She was sweet and kind and let my father take care of her like I want to do to you.” He waited for a moment. “And you’re going to let me, aren’t you?”

She rested her cheek against the back of the seat and looked at him. “Yes, Daddy, I will.”

His eyes closed as a shiver of need raced through him. She was smiling when he opened his eyes. “Do you know what that does to me?”

“No, but I’m learning.”

He tapped the tip of her nose. “You’re an imp.”

“But I’m your imp.”

“You damn well are.”

He watched her swallow as the car came to a stop. He kissed her knuckles. “I swear to you it will be okay. Remember, trust me.”

She nodded, exhaled, and then smiled. “I do.”

He pulled her out of the car and wrapped an arm around her waist.

They had just started up the steps when an older man answered the door.


Eli hurried them up the stairs and hugged him.

“I missed you, boy.”

“I missed you, too. I want you to meet my better half, Kinley.”

His grandfather gently shook her hand. “It is very nice to meet you, dear.”

Kinley smiled. “You, too, sir.”

“People call me Senior, but you can call me Grandpa when you’re ready.”

“I’d like that.”

Eli noticed his grandfather looked bewildered. “What?”

The older man sighed. “Come in. We might have an issue.”


They shut the front door.

“Tell me?” Eli said.

“Well, we have a surprise for you.”


“Yes, your fiancée is here.”

Eli was shocked speechless. God, he wanted to put his hands around Kendra’s neck at that moment.

“For one thing, she’s not and will never be my fiancée. That’s Rick’s wife. I’ve told you about her.”

“Oh, yes, I remember.”

“How in the hell did Kendra get here?”

“Well, she called and dropped by to meet us, and then when she found out you were coming to dinner tonight, she wanted to surprise you. I have to say, I’m utterly thrilled she won’t be a part of the family. We caught her looking in drawers, lifting vases, and asking questions about our other homes.”

“She’s a viper.”

Eli was afraid to look down at Kinley. He didn’t want her upset, but this was one shock too many.

Her hands covered her mouth. At first, she looked like she was crying until he saw the sparkle in her eyes. His mouth twitched. He instantly felt lighter.

He raised a brow. “Baby, you wouldn’t happen to find this funny, would you?”

She shook her head but didn’t lower her hands.

He faced off with her and noticed his grandfather watching them with a big grin on his face.

“You think this is funny,” he tried to sound stern.

She shook her head, and a giggle burst out before she pressed her lips together.

“Grandpa, what am I going to do with this beautiful, sweet imp?”

His grandfather chuckled. “I’d say marry her.”

Eli grinned when she gasped. “Oh, that’s definitely going to happen.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“Dad, what’s taking you so long? Oh.”

Eli walked around his grandfather and pulled his father into his arms.

“Son, I’m so glad to have you home.”

Eli’s eyes teared up. “I missed you guys. I promise to come home more often.”

“You better. Dad and I are thinking of buying a house there so we can come visit, too.”

“Don’t buy one. We’ll get a house that’s big enough for all of us. Come here, I want you to meet someone.”

Eli pulled his dad over to stand in front of Kinley. “Dad, this is Kinley. She will eventually be your daughter. Kinley, this is my father, David.”

Eli and his grandfather laughed when his father’s mouth dropped open, and he looked perplexed. “Wait, what? Who’s in the living room?”

Senior caught David’s attention. “Eli told me that she is Rick’s widow. She dug her claws into our boy, or is trying to.”

“So, she’s not your fiancée?”

Eli shook his head.

David exhaled dramatically. “Oh, thank God.”

They all laughed.

David took Kinley’s hand. “I am so happy to meet you. I mean really, really happy.”

She burst out in laughter.

“Wait until you hear what Kendra did at my condo.”

David chuckled. “I can’t wait.”