Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Nineteen

Eli got Kinley settled in one of the comfortable plane seats and made sure her seatbelt was on. He smiled at the way she looked around the inside of one of his family’s private jets.

“It’s like one of those movie planes,” she commented.

He grinned. “I’ve never had to ride a public plane. I don’t think I could handle the crush of people.”

The engines started to rev, and he reached for a file he wanted to work on when he noticed Kinley began to get anxious and took her hand. “Have you ever been on a plane before, honey?”

She nodded. “When I was little with my parents.”

“You didn’t like it?”

“It was fine. It’s just my parents … died in a plane accident when I was sixteen.”

Dammit, he should have known this. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t know. I’ll hold your hand the whole time, and then we can drive back to Arkansas if this is too much for you.” He had so many other questions but thought it was the wrong time to ask.

She turned her head and smiled at him. “Just being here with you helps. I know you won’t let anything happen to me.”

He bent toward her and growled in her ear. “You’re damn right, I won’t.”

He chuckled when she shivered, so he pressed a kiss to her temple and sat back.

The ride was smooth, and a tailwind got them there faster than the crew predicted.

He walked with her toward the car his father had waiting for them, never letting go of her hand. In his other hand, he had both of their bags. They hadn’t packed a lot because he planned on taking her shopping, and he still had a lot of clothes at his condo in Virginia.

He pulled her under his arm as they sped down the highway. He got a kick out of watching Kinley look right and left, trying to take in everything at once.

“It’s so big and busy.”

He chuckled. “Yes. I tell you, I’m getting used to the slow pace of Arkansas, and I really like it.”

“I do, too. It’s very different from Nebraska. I like Arkansas much better.”

“Good, because we’re going to be there a long time.”

She smiled at him.

Eli waited for the driver to open his door, got out, and then helped Kinley out. He took her hand and led her into the building where his condo was.

“Well, hello, Mr. Turner. It’s good to have you back.”

“Hello, Charlie. How are you and your family?”

“They are doing well. Thank you for asking.”

Eli caught a look in Charlie’s eyes when he glanced at him and then Kinley.

“Charlie, I want you to meet my girl, Kinley. Baby, this guy is the boss of the building.”

Kinley giggled and held a hand out. “It’s nice to meet you.”

He shook her hand. “You, too.”

Eli caught a peculiar look in the man’s eyes. “What?”

“Um, it’s just, may I speak with you privately?”

Eli nodded and led Kinley to a chair and set their bags down. “You stay there. I’ll be right over here.”


“All right, what’s going on?”

Charlie cleared his throat. “It’s just your fiancée has been here a few times.”

“My what?” he asked softly so as not to startle Kinley.

“She’s been here a few times. She said she was taking measurements.”

A low burning sensation started to build in him. “What was her name?”

“Kendra Patterson.”

“How did she talk you into letting her into the condo?”

“I’d seen her here with you a small number of times.”

Eli could remember a few times when she and Rick had been to his place.

“And she had her own key that you gave her. That’s the only reason we let her in.”

His brows pinched together until he remembered he’d given Rick one years ago. That bitch.

“That woman is my partner’s wife. Ever since he died, she’s been on me. Hell, she was trying for me before he died. She’s a viper.”

The older man started to fidget. “I am so sorry, sir. I take full responsibility.”

“No, she’s good at manipulating. Get a locksmith here to change the locks immediately. She’ll throw a fit when she can’t get in, so have the police here to escort her out.”

“I would enjoy that very much. She’s not a nice person. I always thought it was odd that you were with her. Now, your little miss over there is exactly the type of woman I see you with.”

Eli smiled. “She’s pretty special.”

“I’ll make that call now, sir. Tell me if there is anything else you need from me.”

“I hate to inform you, but I’ll be selling the condo. I’m moving to Arkansas. I bought into a security business.”

“Well, I really hate to see you go, but I like the idea of you in a safer job.”

“My family also does.”

“Call down if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Charlie.”

Eli walked over to Kinley.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes, I’ll tell you later.”


He took her hand and led her to the elevator.

Eli turned them left and walked down the hallway. “This is mine.”

He opened the door and was instantly furious. Kendra had changed the room around and added things he’d never seen before.

“What’s wrong?”

He dropped the bags. “Come on, I need to look around, and I’ll tell you.”

The more he saw, the angrier he got. Where in the hell did she get off doing shit like this? Jesus, he’d told her numerous times he wanted nothing to do with her. She was starting to show adverse psychological behavior traits and needed help. But her life wasn’t his problem. She just needed to stay the hell away from him and especially Kinley.

He stopped just inside the doorway to his bedroom and almost howled in rage at the negligee that was draped over the corner of the mattress and the candles that were ready to light on all the surfaces.

“Whose nightgown is that?”

He glanced down at Kinley. “Let’s go into the living room.”

He sat her down and then started pacing.

“What’s wrong?”

“Remember my partner’s wife I told you about?”


“I told you she wanted to start dating me after Rick died.”

“Yes, like right after. She’s not a nice person.”

“No, she’s not. The one thing I need from you is that no matter what you hear, you trust me.”

“What’s going to happen?”

He didn’t like the fear in Kinley’s eyes. “I’m not sure. I just want you to know that no matter what, I want to be with you.”


“Will you trust me?”

“Of course. I already do more than anybody I’ve ever known.”

He pulled her up to stand and wrapped his arms around her. “God, baby, I’ve got to tell you how much that means to me. I’ve also got to warn you that I’m already in love with you.” He ignored her gasp. “But each day that passes, it gets deeper until I can’t see my life without you.”

“Oh, I love you, too.”

He leaned back to see her face. “Really?”

She smiled and nodded. “I think I have from the start.”

He tilted her head back with the side of his hand. “You’re stuck with me.”

“God, I hope so.”

His head dipped, and he pressed his lips to hers. Her mouth immediately opened for his entry, and he took advantage, sweeping his tongue inside. Within a minute, they were both out of breath and needy for each other.

“We have to stop, love. We have dinner with my dad and grandfather in a few hours, and I assume you probably want to shower?”

“Yes. I feel grimy, and I want to change out of my jeans.”

“Before you go, I need to tell you that Charlie told me that Kendra has been in my condo several times.”

“Why? How?”

He looked around. “Several things in here don’t belong to me, so I’m guessing she thinks she’s moving in.”

“Oh, my God. Did she set the bedroom up like that?”


Her laughter was unexpected and helped calm him.

“She’s crazy,” Kinley announced.

He laughed and nodded.

“I wish I could meet her.”

He shook his head. “Absolutely not. She’s psycho. I don’t want you anywhere around that.”

“But if you’re with me, I’ll be safe.”

“Have I told you yet how much I love you?”

“Yes,” she said and smiled. “But you can always tell me again.”

He pulled her back into his arms. “I love you, baby. Never doubt that.”

“I won’t.”

“Good, let’s get ready.”