Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Twenty-One

“Excuse me, why is everyone out here?”

All four of them turned to Kendra.

Kinley had to admit the woman was beautiful, but she could also tell most of her was fake. From her boobs, lips, and quite possibly liposuction.

The woman’s face lit up when she saw Eli but then immediately fell when she caught sight of him holding her hand. Kinley bit down on her lip to keep from laughing.

“Eli, I’ve missed you.”

He sighed. “What are you doing here, Kendra?”

“I came to see you.”

Kinley snorted. “Babe, you said she was a narcissistic, conniving gold-digger, but you forgot to tell me she was injudicious.”

Eli’s father and grandfather sputtered out a laugh while Eli chuckled.

“What does that mean?” Kendra shouted. “Who is this woman?”

“This is my fiancée, Kinley.”

Kinley smirked at the woman. “You don’t have to introduce her to me, babe. I guessed who she was. I doubt there are two crazy women in your life.”


“What?” Kinley asked nicely.

“For one, don’t call me crazy, and two, you can’t be engaged.”

“Why not?” Eli asked, and grinned.

“What about me?”

Kinley shook her head and tsked. “I kind of feel sorry for her.”

“Why?” David asked and grinned. Eli could tell he was really enjoying himself.

“Because she’s delusional, and she can’t seem to grasp the reality of the situation. Maybe she needs help?”

Eli laughed when Kendra screeched.

He tried to push her behind him when Kendra took a few steps their way.

“Kinley, stay behind me. I don’t want you hurt.

“Babe, you taught me self-defense, remember. All I have to do is pop one of those things on her chest.”

Kendra stopped abruptly and crossed her arms over her chest.

They all laughed.

“I think it’s time for you to go, dear,” Senior said.

“I want to talk to Eli in private.”

Eli shook his head. “Give it up, Kendra. We both know I always thought you were a conniving bitch, and now you’ve added psychopath, stalker, and trespasser to the list.”


“No. Listen to me.” Eli’s voice turned hard and cold. “If you don’t leave me the hell alone, I will press charges against you for trespassing in my condo, and then I’ll take out a restraining order. What do you think people in the community will think about that? Because I’ll make sure everyone knows how pathetic you really are.”

Kendra growled and picked up her purse from the hall table. “Fine. Screw you. I really didn’t want you now anyway. You used to be handsome, and now you look icky.”

Kinley growled and started for her when Eli snatched her back against his chest.

“Let me at her, Eli.”

“No, babe.”

Kendra put her nose in the air and sniffed. “Call for my car service, please.”

David laughed. “I sent a car for you when I thought you were my son’s fiancée. Now that I know you’re his stalker, I will go as far as calling for a taxi to meet you at the end of the driveway.”

Kendra gasped. “You don’t mean that.”

“I won’t even do that if you don’t leave immediately, and if you give us any problems, I’ll call one of the guys in the security team in here to bodily toss you out.”

She cried out as she ran for the door. “I can’t believe you would do this to me, Eli.”

Eli snorted and slammed the door behind her before turning Kinley’s way and putting his arms behinds his back.

She knew instantly he was mad.

“Uh-oh,” David said. “Someone’s in trouble.”

Kinley took a step back and then another when Eli advanced. “But, Eli, I was trying to help.”

He smirked. “I know, babe.”

“Then why am I in trouble?”

She tried to hide behind Senior. He just laughed, and Eli snorted.

“Because you could have been hurt.”

She shook her head as she backed toward his father. “No, I wouldn’t. You were right there. I knew you wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”

“Oh, she’s good,” David said and laughed, making her giggle behind him.

“Is it working?” she whispered to David.

“No, dear. I don’t think so,” he whispered back, but everyone heard him.

“Shoot,” she griped behind him.

David laughed again.

Eli grinned. “Dad and Grandpa, Kinley and I are going to have a chat. Will you give us a moment?”

“Sure,” they both said and watched as Eli grabbed her arm as she tried to dodge around his dad. He tossed her over his shoulder.

“Wait,” she said and smacked his back.

Eli took the stairs two at a time, making her screech out.

He closed a door behind them and then switched on the light.

She tried to look around, but her long, thick hair was in the way.

“Where are we?”

“In my bedroom.”

“Let me see.”

He dropped her on the bed, and she giggled when she bounced. She tried to smooth her hair and get it off her face.

The room was huge. There was a king-sized four-poster bed and a small area with a sofa, chair, and TV. On the other side of the room were two doors. The one she could see was a bathroom and the closed door, she assumed was the closet.

Everything looked heavy and expensive. “I like your room.”

He rolled his eyes, sat on the edge of the mattress, and patted his lap. “Come here, baby.”

She bit her lip. He’d spanked her before, but it was always for pleasure. This time, she knew she’d be feeling it for hours.

“Can we talk about it?”

He shook his head. “No. Who’s the daddy?”

“You are.”

“That’s right, and are you supposed to listen to your daddy?”

She nodded.

“What do you think should happen when you don’t listen to him?”

“I get punished.”

“That’s right. Now come here.”

She sighed, crawled over, and let him slide her over his lap. She couldn’t prevent the shiver that skated down her spine when his hand caressed and cupped her ass cheek over the dress.

Her eyes closed when she felt her dress being pulled up and over her ass. Now her lacy white panties were in full view.

“Damn, woman. I can’t wait to be inside of you.”

“I want that, too.”

“We’ll eat with the family, and they’ll want to talk for a bit, but when I get you up here, you’ll be naked in about ten seconds and me deep inside your mouth, cunt, and ass.”

She nodded vigorously. “I would like that, Daddy.”

She felt his hand skim over her ass and then a sharp sting as his hand came down.


“We’ll do all of that and more … after this.”