Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Four

Before she could answer, a plate of salad was put in front of her.

She glanced at the waitress. “Thank you.”

“Your meals should be out in a few minutes.”

Had he actually said he cared about her? They’d just met, and she doubted he’d be around once he got to know her. She wasn’t worldly or sophisticated like most women she knew. When he learned that about her, he’d walk away.

He was one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen. He was over a foot taller than her, and his hands were twice the size of hers. He had dark hair, not as dark as hers, but close. When she stared into his green eyes, she thought she saw little specks of yellow in them that made them even prettier.

She noticed the scars he had on the side of his face, but to her, they were barely noticeable. When she caught sight of them, her only thought was that she hated how much pain he’d had to have felt at the time of the injury.

Eli nodded at the waitress and started eating.

She looked around the table for what she needed. “Eli, there’s no salad dressing.”

“It’s a special salad. The dressing is already on it. Try it. I think you’ll like it.”

She studied the plate in front of her and saw something creamy. She took a small bite and then rolled her eyes. “Oh, my God, this is so good.”

Eli laughed and continued to eat.

The waitress served the wine and poured it into two glasses.

Eli picked his up and took a sip. “This is good. You might like it. It’s not dry but sweet.”

“I’ll try maybe a little bit.” She took several sips and set it down. “It is good, but I don’t want to get tipsy.”

He grinned. He’d probably have to drink the whole bottle to feel anything.

They had just finished the salads when the plate was whisked away, and another larger plate was put in front of her.

It was like an art piece. The little steak had some kind of sauce over it and something with green on top of that. Then there was a pile of asparagus and tiny potatoes with spices all over them.

“Eat, honey.”

She looked up at Eli. “I don’t want to. It’s too pretty to eat.”

He smiled at her. “I think so, too, but the chef makes them for us to enjoy. If you didn’t eat yours, it would hurt his feelings.”

She giggled. “You’re teasing.”

“No. Haven’t you ever heard about chefs and how sensitive they are?”

Kinley laughed, speared a potato on her fork, and popped it into her mouth. “Hmm, this is so good.”

They both ate in silence for a few minutes.

She glanced up to see him studying her. “What?”

“Nothing. You’re very beautiful. I like looking at you.”

Kinley set her fork down and wiped her mouth on the napkin. Just by staring at him, she could feel the heat of something she couldn’t define making her blood flow rapidly through her veins. Her panties became saturated with her cream. She squeezed her legs together to relieve a bit of the ache, but that just made it worse. The more time she spent in his company, the more she wanted him.

Since the first time she saw him when he was helping her with the donuts, he’d made her feel desire—something she hadn’t experienced before. As the hours passed, it got a little harder to ignore.

“I … thank you.”

“Would you like dessert?”

She shook her head. “Oh, no, I’m so full. I’m not sure I can walk.”

Eli chuckled and took care of the bill the waitress had left on their table.

She bit her lip as she watched him. She couldn’t see the amount, but it had to have been costly because he got the most expensive thing on the menu.

The waitress came for the bill and brought back the receipt to sign before he stood up and helped her.

On the sidewalk, she stood in front of him. “Are you sure I can’t pay…”

He cupped her face with his hands. “If you ask about the cost of things one more time, I’m going to be sad.”

Her eyes widened. The last thing she wanted to do was make him feel bad.

“But if you keep doing it, I’ll put you over my knees.”

“Did you just say you’d spank me?” she asked.

He smirked. “Yeah.”

“But… We just met.”

“Yes, but with you, it doesn’t seem to matter. Does it bother you that I’m talking like this? Because if it is, I’ll back off.”

“No, for some reason, it doesn’t scare me or anything. I like that you think of me like that. Is that bad?”

“Not at all. Sometimes people connect immediately, just like we did. We instantly felt easy with each other. I can’t explain it. If I come on too strong, let me know.”

“But you said you’d spank me?” She wanted to be angry, but the emotion going through her wasn’t even close to that. If anything, it made her hotter.

“Oh, Lord, baby. Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re begging me to pull down your panties and handle your luscious little ass.”

Her mouth dropped open, and she tried to take a step back, not because she was scared of him, but because the way it made her feel was intense. It made her hot. She hadn’t realized she’d actually took a step closer to him until her breasts touched his chest.

“I… We don’t know each other…”

“I know, and I’m going to make sure you’re comfortable with me and trust me enough to take care of you, but I know it will take time, and I have to be patient. I’ll give you time to get to know me, if that’s even what you want to do. You might just want to be friends.”

“Oh, no. I don’t want to be just friends.”

“Good. Then I’ll go at your pace.”

But does he really have to wait? God, what was she thinking? She couldn’t be pondering going to bed with a man she’d just met?

“I… Thank you for being patient.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re welcome. How about we hit one more store before we head back to the office. The things we bought before should have been delivered. We could maybe get some of the things done before five.”

She nodded. “I’d like that.”

He grasped her hand. “Good.” He led her around the corner to a store that sold office supplies.

They spent a little over an hour in there before heading back to the office.

She stopped short when she got a look at all the stuff they bought that crowded the large office. “This is so much. Did we really get all of this?”

“Yes, and we’re going to keep it, so quit worrying and get to work.”

She glanced over her shoulder to see the grin on his face. “Where do you want to start first?”

“Let’s get the furniture where it needs to go and then maybe work on the art we bought.”

She had no idea how long they’d worked when someone knocked on the open door.

“Oh, hey, Vic. Come here and meet Eli.” She rubbed her hands down her thighs. “Eli, this is my cousin, Vic. And this is one of the new partners, Eli.”

Vic walked forward and shook his hand.

“You work in the computer department?”

Vic smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’m one of the eggheads.”

Eli snorted. “Who gave you that name?”

“One of the owners, Caleb, gave us that name.” Vic laughed. “Unfortunately, it stuck, but we’re used to it now.”

“I’m a little worried. What’s he going to start calling me?” Eli asked.

“Since you’re one of the owners, you’ll probably be called an asshole.”

Her lips turned down. “Caleb shouldn’t call people names.”

Both men looked at her.

“You’re right,” Eli said. “I don’t think he’s trying to hurt anyone’s feelings. Guys sometimes like to raze each other. They’re just playing.”

“Oh,” she said and shrugged. She had no idea what they were talking about, so she stopped asking.

“You ready to go home, cuz?”

Kinley’s gaze flew to Eli’s. She didn’t know if she should stay or not.


Eli grabbed the books in her hands. “Grab your bag and go on home. You worked hard today, and you’ve got to be tired. I know I am.”

“Where is your bed?” she asked and then blushed. “I mean, where are you staying?”

“A hotel a couple blocks away.”

“That’s awful. You can’t live in a hotel, Eli. Are you going to use one of the condos here?”

“I’m thinking about it. Have you seen them? Are they comfortable?”

“Oh, yes. I’ve seen one, and I’ve been told they are all pretty nice. I think you’ll really like them.”

“Okay. I can always get a house later, right?”

“Yes.” She got to the door and paused. “But what are you going to eat?”

Eli grinned. “Stop worrying about me. I promise I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She didn’t know why she felt so bad that she had to wait several hours to see him again. It was ridiculous. They’d only just met.

“All right. Have a good night.”

She followed Vic down the hallway and half-listened to the new things the eggheads had come up with that day. She must have nodded because her cousin kept talking all the way home to their apartment.

After she showered and changed into her sweats, she made a quick pasta for the two of them. She took Vic a plate into his bedroom, where he had his huge computer set up. He had a single bed with a rumpled Star Wars blanket up against the wall because he didn’t want to take up space. He’d shoved a small dresser into his closet, so the only furniture in the room was a nightstand and the long desk he’d somehow gotten in the room. One whole wall was monitors, and he usually had them all going at the same time.

She set it to the side because she knew he’d eat when he was ready, and turned to go.

“Hey, cuz.”

She turned back. “What?”

“So, this new partner…”

“What about him?”

Vic grinned. “He likes you.”

She smiled. “I like him, too. He’s a nice man.”

Vic snorted. “No, I mean, he likes you.”

She must have looked confused because he smiled, lifted his plate, and then ate.

Kinley rolled her eyes, turned, and went back into the living room to eat her own food.

A few hours later, she lay in bed and couldn’t fall asleep because she kept thinking about Eli. She’d had the best day ever and was looking forward to the next. She turned on her side and slept.