Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Six

Eli looked into the room and grinned. The place was a complete mess to anyone, but he guessed this guy knew where everything was. He knocked on the open door.

The guy twirled around in his chair. “Hey, what do you need?”

“My name is Eli Turner…”

“One of the new partners? My name is Teddy Walker, but everyone calls me Walker.”

“It’s nice to meet you. I have a favor to ask.”

“Sure.” Walker stood, closed the door, and then faced Eli.

“I want one or two cameras put in Foster’s office.”

A grin spread across Walker’s face. “No, shit? This is awesome. The guy is a perv.”

“That’s what I’ve been hearing. I’ve got a vested interest in it. This guy is calling Kinley to his office daily.”

Walked frowned. “That’s bullshit. She’s a sweetie.”

“I agree.”

“So, are you and her…?”

“We’re working our way there.”

“She’s usually skittish around big guys, and you’re huge.”

Eli snorted. “She’s never been that way with me.”

“Nice. She deserves to be taken care of.”

Eli nodded. “I agree. So how do you want to do this?”

“There are three guys in the office. I think our best bet is to wait until after work tonight, and I’ll put them in. I can send a feed directly to your phone, so you can watch him at any time.”

“I like that.”

“The other two guys in the office are decent and have never liked working with Foster. They’ve never seen anything, but the women who come into the room are always nervous, and they don’t know why.”

“We’re going to find out.”

“Do you want to be there when I put them in?”

“No, just make sure the whole office is seen. I’ll keep a close eye on Kinley today.”

“Give me your number, and I’ll text you when it’s up.”

Eli shook his hand. “Thanks, man.”

“Oh, it’s my pleasure,” Walker said and laughed.

Eli took the elevator and got off on his floor.

“Good morning, Mrs. Bennet.”

“Good morning. Is there anything you need?”

“No, ma’am. Do you happen to know if Kinley is here yet?”

“Yes. Right after she dropped off her bag, Mr. Foster called her to his office.”

Eli’s senses were instantly alert. “It looks like you don’t approve of the guy.”

“I doubt the other guys are there yet, and I don’t like the attention he gives her, but when I ask, she tells me it’s fine, that he’s nice to her.”

“I’ll head there now. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of Foster.”

“Good, the man’s a barracuda.”

Eli jumped back into the elevator and down the hallway to Foster’s office. He stood in the doorway and had to take a second to shove down his anger at what he saw.

Kinley was sitting in a chair in front of a monitor while Foster stood very close behind her with his hands on her shoulders. One of his hands started to play with her hair, and he talked.

He noticed Kinley was tense, as though she didn’t like it and trying to do her job.

As much as he wanted to break the guy’s neck, he wanted to get him on video before he got his hands on him. He relaxed his hands and then cleared his throat.

Foster jumped, twirled around, and walked over to the door. The guy scowled. “Excuse me, but this is a private office,” he said softly but aggressively.

One of Eli’s brows rose. He talked just as softly because he didn’t want to interrupt Kinley. “That’s okay.”

“No, it isn’t,” Foster said belligerently.

Eli’s brows snapped together. “Let me introduce myself. My name is Mr. Turner, and I’m one of the new owners. I’m making my way around the building, meeting everyone.”

Eli knew the man felt the cold wave of anger that came from him, and he couldn’t mistake it for anything but irritation at the guy’s disrespect.

Foster turned beet red. “Wow, hell, I’m sorry.”

“I hope you don’t talk to other people like that.”

Foster wiped a shaky hand down his face. “No, I’m having a bad morning and am grumpy.”

“Oh, what’s the problem?”

“My computer is acting up again.”

I just bet it is, you perverted fuck. “Does this happen often?”

“Yes, all the time.”

“Tell you what. I’ll put in for a new one for you.”

The guys started stuttering. “No, that’s okay. I’m used to this one.”

“But if it doesn’t work…”

“No, really. I’ve got Kinley here to help me.”

“I met her yesterday.” He took a few steps into the office. “Good morning, Kinley.”

Her head jerked around, and a look of relief and a smile brightened her face.

“Good morning, Eli.”

“Are you about done?”

She nodded and stood. “There you go, Foster.”

“Thank you so much, Kinley. You’re a lifesaver.”

Kinley came and stood close to Eli, which pleased him.

“You’re welcome.”

Eli tipped his head toward Foster as a farewell and then turned his attention to Kinley. “Are you able to come and set up my computer? I can wait if you’ve got something else to do.”

“No, I can come now.”

Without another word to Foster, Eli led Kinley out of the office and down the hallway to the elevator. He waited until they were on and the door closed before he asked her questions.

“Honey, does anything Foster does make you uncomfortable?”

He could tell right away the answer was yes, but she tried to hide her reaction.

She shook her head. “No, he’s always been nice to me.”

She was a horrible liar.

“Would you tell me if he does something that upsets you?”

She hesitated. “I guess. But I just started here, and I’ve been sheltered for many years, so things that might make me feel bad are the norm in today’s society.”

“Let me put it this way, honey. Anything a man or woman does that makes you feel creepy is wrong. I don’t care what society says. I’ll listen to you.”


They stepped off the elevator, and he saw the instant relief in Mrs. Bennet’s face. “Oh, you found her.”

“Yes. She’s going to be in with me unless you need her.”

“That’s fine,” the older woman said with a smile. “I know she’s in good hands.”

“That I can promise you.”

Eli directed Kinley down the hallway with a hand on her lower back. He closed the door and watched her walk around.

“As you can see, I didn’t get anything done after you left.”

“I’m sorry. I could have stayed.”

“Absolutely not. I don’t have to start this job today. A few of the other new guys went back to where they came from to sell their houses and pack their stuff. I have decided to stay in one of the condos for now. I’ll look into a house later.”

“I’ve only been in one, but it was really nice.”

“I’ll get the key today. Do you want to walk through it with me and help me make a list of the things I’ll need?”

“I would be happy to help.”

He smiled at her enthusiasm. “Good. Let’s get more done on the office first.”

His phone rang an hour after they started. He saw the number and canceled the call coming in from Kendra. She had already called twice that morning and several times the day before.

After not answering her call, he thought she’d get the hint and not call again. Kendra was a first-class parasite, and it seemed she’d hold on for as long as possible.