Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Five

Eli lay on his bed with one hand under his head and stared up at the ceiling. He couldn’t believe the day he’d had. He was a new part-owner of a security business, he thought the other partners were great and would be fun to work with, and he knew he’d be happy there. He’d called Travis to get one of the condos so he’d have a place to live. He also got most of his office set up, and the best part was meeting Kinley.

He remembered being in the elevator before the meeting, disappointed that he hadn’t found the right woman, and not ten minutes later, she practically dropped into his lap.

“What have I done right to get this kind of luck?” he asked himself and grinned.

Everything about her appealed to him. She was not only beautiful and incredibly sweet, but she was also wicked smart.

Travis told him the condo was already furnished, which was perfect for him since he could use the stuff for however long he wanted it. He was thinking about donating most of his furniture back in Virginia except for his grandfather’s desk and a few other family heirloom pieces. So, all he’d have to do was box up everything else. But that could wait for a while. There was nothing he needed at the moment.

He didn’t want to go right away if he started a relationship with Kinley. He’d wait until he could take her with him. He felt the odds were in favor of them building something because they both had the attraction, and she already trusted him.

For one, he didn’t like the idea of being away from her for a week, and secondly, if it worked out, he really wanted his family to meet her.

God, he knew he was rushing into things and had to keep reminding himself to slow down, but he felt this urgency to get her tied to him so no one else could take her. He didn’t know how to do that without scaring her or making her run from him.

He turned on his side and closed his eyes. The next time he opened them, it was morning. He glanced at his clock. 5:00 AM. It was like clockwork. No matter how tired he was the night before, his body woke up at five every morning. Most of the time, he liked it, but frustration would hit when he’d fallen into bed at two or three in the morning.

Fortunately, he was able to take naps when he was desperately tired.

He rolled out of bed and pulled on his sweatpants, a t-shirt, and jogging shoes, and made his way down to the hotel gym. Travis told him that when he moved into the condo, he could use the personal gym on the first floor that only the partners and their women could utilize, and he was looking forward to using that every morning.

After a five-mile run on a treadmill while watching a morning show and the news, he did a round of the equipment before heading up to his room to shower.

No matter how much time passed, every time he got a look in the mirror of his chest, face, and neck, it startled him. On the whole, they weren’t horrible. He’d received a few third-degree burns on a small area on his body, but he’d also been hit with shrapnel. The lower part of his body hadn’t received anything because he’d been behind a car. Although Rick had been right next to him, he hadn’t been as lucky. A piece of metal had torn into his neck, and he’d bled out very quickly. Since Eli was passed out, he couldn’t have helped him, but he’d still felt guilty until the doctor told him that even if he were in the hospital, Rick wouldn’t have survived. The damage was too extensive.

The plastic surgeon Eli’s father brought in told him he could fix a lot of the damage, but Eli refused at the time. He felt that since he was living while Rick died, he should pay some price.

The doctor told him to go to him when he was ready.

He thought about getting the scars taken care of, but he didn’t stress about it every day. He figured when he was ready, he’d know it.

He showered and was up at his office before eight. As he got off the elevator, he glanced at his phone and noticed Kendra had called a few times the night before and twice already that morning. He didn’t know what he was going to do with the woman because he’d hoped the move would end it.

He started working on the room and reading the memos someone had sat on his desk that had come the night before. They all shared a few secretaries, so he didn’t have his own, which was fine with him.

A throat being cleared got his attention.

“Good Morning, Don,” Eli said and walked to him to shake his hand.

“Good morning. I thought I’d drop by before the floor started getting hectic.”

“I’m glad you did. I didn’t know for sure if you’d get my note.”

“I did. What do you need?”

“Since I’m new to the company, I’d like to learn as much as I can about the employees, and you mentioned one you disliked. I wondered if there was a reason and if we should be concerned.”

Don nodded. “I don’t like to talk about anyone, and I don’t have any proof he’s done anything wrong, but two women who worked with him suddenly quit about a year apart. They were questioned to see if there had been a problem, but they said no. I don’t believe that, but I’m not sure why they would lie.”

“It could be he threatened them,” Eli suggested as he leaned against the front of his desk and crossed his arms.

“That’s possible. A few of the partners looked into it, but the women refused to talk even months after quitting. It could be nothing. You’ll have to meet him and see what you think.”

“I think I’ll do a little digging on my own, quietly.”

“That would be great. My oldest daughter was sexually harassed at school, and it scarred her. She was never the same around men.”

“Tell me why you’re worried about Kinley.”

“Because the guy calls her to his office every day. Thankfully, he shares with a couple of other guys, but sometimes they’re not in the office when he’s asked her to go. I’m afraid he’s going to hurt her. He might already be saying inappropriate things or touching her when he’s not supposed to, and she could think it’s normal and not say anything. Her parents were really strict, and when they died, she was at an all-girl Christian college, so she’s had very little experience with men.”

At the thought of this man taking advantage of women, anger unlike any he’d felt before raced through him. “I’m going to take care of this. If I find something, I’ll tell you.”

“I’m only glad Kinley has someone really looking out for her. Her cousin is a nice guy, but his attention is always on a screen, and there’s only so much I can do.”

“I’ll ask about that. I don’t like the idea of her being left alone. Actually, any woman alone with the man if he’s a danger to them.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you decided to stay.”

“Hey, Don. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”

Don waved and walked out.

Eli made his way to Travis’s office and knocked.

“Come in.”

Eli opened the door. “Hey, Travis, do you have a minute?”

Travis waved him in. “Always. What’s up?”

Eli caught sight of someone bundled up in a light-pink blanket lying on the sofa. All he could see way long, light-blonde hair wrapped in pink.

Travis tipped his head toward it. “That’s my Nia.”

“She sleeps here?”

Travis chuckled. “Only when I don’t let her get a lot of sleep the night before.”

Fuck, that sounded so damn good.

“Does she spend a lot of time here?”

“Yes. I prefer she be with me as much as possible. Sometimes, she’ll stay home or go out with friends, but I have security, and Mrs. Willis is at the house to take care of her and make her use our driver, Stan. He’s also a retired Navy SEAL, so he doubles as a bodyguard.”

“You’re very protective.”

Travis glanced at the woman. “Hell, yeah. She’s my most prized possession.”

Eli caught the mischievous look in the other man’s eyes. “Why are you smiling?”

“Because she always gets mad and explains that things are possessions, not people. It usually ends up with her bare ass over my lap, and then a frantic bout of sex.”

Eli chuckled. “You’re a lucky man.”

Travis nodded. “Yeah, I am. Now, what’s the problem?”

“Don in payroll came and talked to me about Foster in Research.”

“Yeah, that fucker is up to something. We lost two great women, and I know it’s because of him, but I just can’t prove it. I investigated it myself. They wouldn’t talk about it.”

“Would you mind if I looked into it?”

“No, not at all. Why are you so interested? You didn’t know the women.”

“It’s just that Foster is calling Kinley to his office every day.”

Travis straightened abruptly. “Has that fucker touched her?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“Fuck. She might be being sexually harassed and not even know it. My Nia wouldn’t.”

“I want to look into it. I want to put a camera in the room.”

“It won’t be admissible in court.”

“I know, but we could use it in a civil case if I can get the girls to talk. But my main objective is to protect Kinley.”

Travis smiled. “I think you two are perfect for each other. She has felt comfortable with you from the start. When she started here, the single partners tried to talk to her, but she would usually scurry away from them.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Travis smirked. “I bet you are. Yeah, do whatever you think. You’re a partner here now.”

“I know, but I’d still like you to be aware of everything. I’m so new here, and I don’t know anyone yet. I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.”

“I get that. Go to Walker’s office. He’s our gadget guy. He’s an interesting man and fun to talk to, but he’d be the one to ask for a camera. He’d even put it in for you.”

“Should I have him call you?”

“Only if he has to. I doubt he will. Everyone has gotten the memo about the new partners.”

“Yeah, but he might feel weird about secretly watching a colleague.”

“I doubt it. No one really likes Foster, but we don’t have the grounds to fire him without getting hit with a lawsuit. He’s never late for work, and he gets all his work done. The two other guys in the office don’t like Foster, but they can stand him enough to work in the same room with him.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Hey, Caleb would be forever in your debt if you got rid of him. The man doesn’t like a lot of people, but with that guy, he got instant insane hatred for him.”

Eli grinned. “This is good to know. I don’t know Caleb, but I’m guessing he’s going to hate to owe me.”

Travis chuckled. “You have no idea. He’ll be after you to settle until you do.”

“I think it’s a good way to start a working relationship.”

Travis threw his head back and laughed. “You’re going to fit in just fine.”

“I’m going to go talk to Walker now.”

“I’m here if you need anything.”

“Thank you.”