Under Sean’s Protection by Lisa Oliver

Chapter One

“So, what do you think?”

Kyle wasn’t sure he could answer that question. So much had happened since he’d got on the back of the bike, letting his mate take him away from the only home he’d known since he was a child. “It’s very clean,” he said quietly. “It must take a lot to keep this place looking so nice.”

Sean chuckled, he had a nice smile, but when he laughed it sent the butterflies in Kyle’s stomach churning. “It was Aiden’s idea, having staff to keep things tidy. He said, and I am quoting here, ‘You may be family, and I love you all dearly, but some of you have terrible housekeeping habits’. And he’s not wrong.” He showed Kyle into yet another dining space, except this one had people in it.

A big guy wandered in from another door, the crumbs of a pastry he was devouring falling from his face onto the floor. Kyle wasn’t sure why that guy wasn’t the alpha – he seemed bigger and older than the others, who Kyle had already met. And there was something in the way he held himself… something powerful, but off slightly, and Kyle moved closer to Sean.

“Haven’t you ever heard of a plate, Tron?” Ranger, the alpha mate, said as the other three shook their heads. “Your Danish is dropping all over the place.”

“I’m more interested in that sweet little Danish.” Tron nodded his head in Kyle’s direction and Kyle could feel his cheeks heating.

But before Kyle could say anything, another one of the assassins, Levi said, “He’s Sean’s mate.”

“Fated or friend?” Tron took another step closer. Kyle wanted to hide. What is it about this man?

“Fated,” Sean said quickly, and his arm landed heavily on Kyle’s shoulder. “I’m giving him a tour of his new home.”

“Well, well, well,” Tron said, but Kyle was relieved the man stepped back. “That means all four of you are mated now. The council is going to be doubly pissed when they hear about that. Oh well,” he kept his distance, but held out his hand. “Welcome, Kyle, what do you think of the place so far?”

Kyle shook the hand and dropped it just as quickly – it was twice the size of his.

“I was just asking him the same thing.” Kyle looked up to see Sean smiling at him, and he felt his cheeks heat up again.

“It sure is big,” he said, trying to keep the squeak out of his voice. He wasn’t used to being the center of so much attention. “The biggest I’ve ever seen.”

“Well, the day is young in that regard,” one of the other assassins, Marcus, joked as he tilted his head towards the bulge in Sean’s jeans. “Looks like you’re in for more of the biggest you’ve ever seen later too.”

Kyle didn’t know what to say, although he took a quick peek of his own. Sean’s bulge was sizeable.

“Don’t worry about Marcus,” Aiden said with a laugh. “You’ll soon find nothing’s sacred around here. I’m sure the two of you would rather be on your own for the rest of the tour, but it’s lovely to meet you, Kyle, and I hope you’ll consider this your home too. You’re very welcome here.”

The alpha is actually welcoming me. Kyle didn’t know what to think and fortunately, Sean led him from the room, before he could say something to make the alpha change his mind.


“Sorry about all that.” Sean mentally sighed with relief as he closed the door to what would be their room. “They mean well, but as housemates they can be a pain in the ass sometimes.” Alone, with no other smells to distract him, Kyle’s unique scent drove his instincts wild and without thinking, he leaned over his mate, desperate to know if Kyle’s lips were as soft as they promised to be.

Oh, my gods they are, and Sean knew there’d be a lot of kissing in their future. Kyle seemed as keen as he was to get to the good stuff. Sean felt his mate’s young hands on his zipper and Sean pulled back before it was too late. You’re going to be such a temptation to me, he thought as he took in Kyle’s shocked expression. “Soon, my sweetness. Soon, I promise.”

“Why not now?” Kyle’s pout was so cute, and so damned sexy. “Don’t you want me?”

“Didn’t my kiss prove that I did? Please, don’t ever doubt that, not with me.” Sean let out a long breath to calm himself down. “I just thought we should probably talk about a few things first, maybe check on your mother and brother.” He shrugged and smiled, keeping his tone soft. “Call me old fashioned, but I can’t help but feel we should make sure they are comfortable before we take the time for ourselves. I want to spend quality time with you.”

Kyle nodded, reaching down to adjust his cock which Sean could see was pressing against his jeans. “I should probably shower first.” The look he gave Sean had Sean rethinking his plans. “You could join me, maybe.”

Another long exhale. “I can barely control myself when you’re fully clothed,” Sean said. “I wouldn’t stand a chance with you naked and wet. You go ahead and I’ll have one afterwards.”

Kyle ducked around him, clearly heading for the door. Sean put out a hand and stopped him. “We have an ensuite, my sweet. Full bath, a shower stall big enough for four people, and his and his sinks. You don’t need to leave the room.”

“Wow,” Kyle’s eyes widened as his cheeks flushed, “it’s like I’m on vacation in a five-star hotel or something, not that I’ve ever been to one before. This will take some getting used to.”

“I’ll get you some towels,” Sean said with a smile. “You head that way,” he pointed to the door in the other corner of the room. “You’ll find everything you need in there.”

Kyle nodded, his cheeks still a bright pink. Sean did not watch him cross the room – that was far too tempting. Instead, he opened the door and left before he forgot about Kyle being young, and that his mate’s mother and brother were in the house too.


Sean was shoulders deep in the linen storage room, trying to find the softest towels when Marcus popped his head around the door.

“Stocking up.” Marcus’s eyes gleamed. “You’ll probably need double that.” He nodded at the pile on Sean’s arm. “Kyle’s adorable, I’m happy for you, old friend.”

“Old is right.” Sean chuckled. “Would you believe he’s in the shower right now and I’ve left him there untouched, even though he invited me to join him? I must be going senile.”

“Or you’re trying to do the right thing by your mate who we’ve just had to rescue from a nasty situation. I get it, I do, although with him being young, he was probably ready to explode.”

“No more than me.” Sean added to the large pile of towels in his arms. “What’s the situation with Mrs. Hyam and Michael? Are they settling in all right?”

Marcus waved his hand in the fifty-fifty motion. “She’s trying, you know how mothers can be, but it’s clear she doesn’t feel right about leaving her husband in that house. You’d think she’d be happy to get rid of the bastard, even for a short while. Consider it a holiday maybe. I don’t get it.”

“I do.” Sean shook his head. “I’ve seen it before. She’s hardwired to care for her mate no matter what he does to her. It’s going to take a while before she’ll believe in her own worth. I’ll take Kyle down to see her shortly. How’s Michael doing?”

“The brother?” Marcus grinned. “He’s acting like he’s died and gone to heaven. For someone who doesn’t say anything he’s got a very expressive face. Shadow’s sorting out some video games and a controller for him. He’ll be fine.”

And that’s why I stay here even though it’s difficult at times, Sean thought as he thanked his fellow assassin. Everyone looks out for each other.