Indecent Invitation by Piper Stone

Chapter 2


“Your father is going to die.”

The words continued to reverberate in my mind, the call in the middle of the night initiating a chain of events that I could no longer avoid. There’d been no explanation, no idea of the caller’s identity. The number had been blocked, likely a burner phone that had been tossed seconds after providing the warning.

After the first thirty seconds, I’d laughed it off. When anyone calls you at two in the morning, they’re usually blitzed out of their mind. While I certainly didn’t advertise the fact that I was the son of a powerful man, it was also no secret. For all I knew, one of the other assholes at the brokerage firm made the call just to piss me off. Within days, I’d forgotten all about it.

Then my sister had left a message that couldn’t be avoided. She was worried my father was heading for a breakdown or worse.

Ready to be carted off to prison.

Not that I gave a shit about his welfare, but I did give a damn about Ashley. She was far too young, perhaps blissfully innocent to the true ruthless nature of my father. Still, even that hadn’t shifted my life’s objectives or altered my way of life one damn bit.

Until the final call from my father’s attorney.

Yeah, that had set things in motion. And here I was, honoring my father’s demands that I return home or else.

Fuck him.

I could beat him at his game.


I’d reflected on the single word more than once since my meeting with the owner of Dark Overture. Sadly, I felt I had no choice but to use a firm who could provide exactly what I needed in the short term. I’d heard of Daniel Darke’s ability to find the perfect candidate for every client’s needs. While he required privacy for his company as well as others who requested his particular services, there was always someone willing to talk, risking the signed nondisclosure agreement. Daniel’s reputation was interesting. The man was ruthless, calculating, and extremely successful.

That’s why his payment terms were extraordinarily high.

Up to this point, the man seemed worth every penny.

If that changed, he’d feel my wrath quickly.

I sat in prime position inside the quiet corner bar, remaining in the darkness and able to see clearly the moment when his selection walked in through the door. While there was always a chance that the candidate wouldn’t show, fear of the unknown crippling, Daniel had assured me that the woman selected not only suited my every desire but was tenacious, even bold. I chuckled at the thought as I peered down at the recent photograph taken of the prospective candidate. I’d read over her file, the limited information providing only what Daniel believed I should know.

Every time I glanced at her picture my cock twitched, my hunger sadistic and brutal. I was a man lucky enough to have any woman I desired, but none of them had ever satisfied me. Perhaps I was incapable of harboring anything but sexual feelings, no matter how beautiful the specimen. That’s why the arrangement with Dark Overture was perfect.

No long-term obligations.

No emotional bullshit.

And absolutely zero possibility that there would be anything further.

Granted, the price tag was steep, but given my current state of wealth, I could certainly afford it. In doing so, my estate would continue to grow at a delicious pace. Enjoying the perks of an indecent proposal was merely a bonus.

I took a deep breath, drinking in the sensual atmosphere. The piano player was doing his best to provide the perfect backdrop to the setting, the music slightly on the gothic side, just as I’d demanded.

I swirled my drink, scanning the empty location, a smirk remaining on my face. When the door opened, I checked my watch. Bristol was right on time.

While the women who’d accompanied me to various black-tie events and concerts, dinner parties, and other required social events had been gorgeous, they’d never intrigued me like the woman walking through the door. There was something almost majestic about her from the way she held her head high, her long and dazzling red hair shimmering in the dim lighting to the manner in which she carried herself as she walked past the few tables. My cock was now pinched against my zipper, my balls tight as fuck. If I wasn’t careful, I would lose absolute control with her, something that I loathed from any man for any reason.

I shoved her picture into my pocket, sitting back against my seat.

As she shifted her gaze from one side of the room to the other, I pulled my glass to my lips, licking the rim, my filthy thoughts shifting to imagining the taste of her pretty little pussy. When she finally shifted her gaze in my direction, she didn’t express a single emotion whatsoever.

That only made me want to break down her defenses, peel away what appeared to be a haughty layer as if she believed herself to be better than the arrangement. My God, all I could do was envision her naked, her voluptuous body displayed and ready for my use. In her stunning violet dress, the material hugging every curve, I knew that any man who saw her would crave spending a single night in bed with her. She was my prize, my conquest and while she had no idea at this point, she would succumb to my every demand.

No matter how brutal or sadistic.

While she continued to advance toward my table, I could easily tell she was gathering intel about who and what she’d gotten herself involved in. Little did she know I was considered a monster in disguise, brutal and ruthless and not only in business.

Bristol now stood in front of the table, eyeing me as she would a predator, her eyes cutting right through me. I was going to enjoy the hell out of this.

“Houston?” she asked, her tone full of annoyance.

“Yes. Please sit down, Bristol,” I directed, snapping my fingers at the bartender. “I’ve already taken the liberty of ordering you a drink.”

She exhaled, the sound still managing to be contemptuous. “Let me guess. Mr. Darke scoured through my trash in order to find out the kind of alcohol I prefer.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I take it you don’t approve of his methods?”

Bristol eyed me carefully before finally sitting down.

On her terms.

I could see that she would need harsh discipline from time to time. The thought only boosted my arousal.

“I don’t appreciate being spied on. Would you?” she asked. As she raked her hand through her hair, several lurid thoughts shifted into the back of my mind.

“Mr. Darke is surprisingly resourceful.”

“I don’t like surprises, Houston. I’m a calculating woman, very organized and I prefer to be told the details of every deal I’m presented with.”

“Then I believe this arrangement will be to your tastes.” I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Her complexion was utter perfection, her intense green eyes watching my every move. While I was unable to tell if she approved of the dangerous man sitting in front of her, that didn’t matter in the least.

She was mine.

Mine for the taking.

Mine for the breaking.

I had no doubt she’d sign the contract.

The thought created a wave of electricity, pushing my longing to the limits.

Bristol glanced around the bar again as the bartender brought the drinks. When she glared at the glass of wine, my thoughts continued to remain dirty and demanding. “I find it interesting that the bar is completely empty on a Thursday night. Is this your doing?”

“Guilty as charged. I thought you’d prefer to have a conversation in private.”

“Are you trying to impress me, Houston, because if you are, don’t waste your time.”

I knew enough about her hardships to realize that the offer was one of her extremely limited opportunities, although I refused to insult her to bringing that point to her attention. However, I didn’t like to be pushed. “I think we need to get something straight, Bristol. I’m Dark Overture’s client. You are the potential candidate for a life changing event.”

“And what makes you think I need a life changing event?” Her glare was not only arrogant, it was laced with venom.

My God, I wanted to feel the woman writhing underneath my body, begging for me to fuck her. The vision was almost too intense to maintain my control. “You must be aware that Daniel provided me with a file with pertinent information on your current situation. I would assume your difficulties would make you very open to possibilities.”

She huffed before taking a sip of her wine, shaking her head. “You’re obviously the one in desperate need, Houston, or you wouldn’t have spared no expense in making the arrangements for this first meeting. I think you’re the one who is desperate for the possibilities as you call them.”

While I’d insisted on a highly intelligent woman with a law background, a being who could hold her own when required, her attitude was starting to become irritating. Before I had the opportunity to answer, she leaned over the table.

“You have no idea what I need, Houston.” Her arrogance continued.

“As you might have guessed, Bristol, I want for nothing in my life. I prefer the finer things and I don’t mind paying for them. What I don’t have time for are games of any kind. I have a very busy life.”

“I’m exactly the same way. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given much information about you other than being provided your first name and a picture. However, I was assured that every aspect regarding your life was investigated and that I had no reason to be concerned. I hope that’s true.”

I took my time answering. “Make no mistake, some of my colleagues would call me ruthless, some would use the term dangerous, but Mr. Darke performed his job as stated.”

“All right. That’s acceptable. However, I have a few questions before we continue. What do you do for a living?”

I hesitated but there was no reason not to provide her with an answer. “I’m a day trader.”

She seemed almost amused. “A stockbroker. Fascinating.”

“I do very well for both myself and my clients.”

“Hmmm… Tell me, why would a man of your obvious… stature require the help of such a unique and expensive company? Not all women play the kind of games you mentioned. You rent out an entire bar, including a musician. That means you have the money to do whatever you want, including the ability to find a suitable girlfriend.”

“Because I don’t need any complications in my life. I’m certainly not looking for a girlfriend. I’ve had those, plenty of them. The relationships didn’t end well. I prefer a business arrangement and nothing more. You will accompany me to various events during the course of the next few weeks. Then you can return to your meager life. Well, it will be different given the money you earned.”

While she seemed to accept the answer on face value, her eyes held the same irritation as before. “Perhaps I can see why your relationships concluded on a bitter note. I’m curious what kind of woman you requested.”

Chuckling, I was becoming more intrigued by her every minute. “One of absolute beauty and grace, a woman who could handle scintillating conversations as well as able to provide enjoyment by her company alone.”

“So a Barbie doll is out of the question?”

“You have a mischievous streak, Bristol. I like that.” I laughed, enjoying the way her eyes flashed.

“We all have different sides. Don’t we?”

“I’m pretty straightforward. What you see is what you get.”

Bristol was studying me again, dissecting every word, her eyes attempting to bore into my damn soul. “And you’re not telling me the truth, Houston. You need more than just arm candy for a few events. That’s not something you have to pay two million dollars for. The question is why are you lying to me? What do you have to hide?”

The fact she could see right through me was both intoxicating as well as infuriating. Perhaps Daniel had made the wrong choice. I pushed my drink away, doing my best to keep my anger in check. “Fine, Bristol. Have it your way. I am need of your expertise as well as your beauty.”

“My expertise. I would assume that means given I’m an attorney is the expertise you’re talking about.”

“You would be correct.” I sensed the connection between us, a combined desire that was carnal, savage in nature. However, if I accepted the selection, she would be forced to learn she had certain rules to follow. Breaking them would mean instant punishment. My heart thudded rapidly just thinking about it.

She shifted her glass back and forth, finally taking a sip. “At least you were truthful with me.”

“I promise to be as honest as possible. I hope you will do the same.”

“I’m generally always candid. That’s a necessity in my line of work.”

“Understood.” An awkward moment of silence settled between us, but the electricity continued to build. “There is a business portion to our arrangement. I believe your understanding of contracts will be helpful.”

“Helpful. That piques my interest but unless I know more, I won’t be able to make a decision as to whether this is a right fit.”

She was being just as cautious as I’d envisioned her being.

“As you might imagine, I only feel comfortable providing limited details until a deal has been struck. However, I will tell you that it involves certain obligations with my family.”

“Then how are you going to explain me to your family? I doubt they will be very forthcoming to a girl you barely know.”

Sighing, I tapped my fingers on the table, my patience wearing thin.

“You are very astute. My father is a formidable man. You will be required to act as my fiancée, a woman I’ve known for several months.”

“I’m sorry. What did you say?”

I wasn’t planning on telling her anything, but I could sense that she wouldn’t budge until provided with some level of information. “You will portray my fiancée for a short duration before we exchange wedding vows. After that, you will be required to maintain the illusion of our marriage for a period of three months. At that point, there will be a suitable breakup then you can return to your life. As you were obviously told, you will be well compensated, and of course I will be required to handle any additional expenses including suitable attire. I assure you that you will find the arrangements more than acceptable.”

“An arranged marriage?” Her eyes opening wide, she shook her head.

“Absolutely. They happen all the time.”

“Not in this country.”

“Don’t be naïve, Bristol. It doesn’t suit you. With what I am prepared to offer, I would think you’d have no issue pretending.”

“Then you don’t know a thing about me,” she rebutted.

I remained quiet, studying her as I took a sip of my drink.

“Is this about impressing your family? That sounds a bit ridiculous,” she continued.

“While I realize that might seem odd to you, there are certain necessities and responsibilities within my family, obligations that must be met. This is the best choice I could make.”

“Then why do you need my expertise as an attorney?”

Her question was legitimate, driving ugly memories into the forefront of my mind. “I have my reasons, Bristol. That is a portion of the terms of our deal that I’ll only expound on after you’ve signed the contract.”

“A deal. Why do I feel like I’d be entering into a contract for some kind of illegal scheme?”

Patience had never been a virtue of mine. Tonight was no exception.

“You were correct in that Daniel not only spent significant time investigating your life, he did mine as well. I’m not a criminal, Bristol. I am a businessman in need of services. Now, if you’d prefer to wallow in your recent termination, afraid to answer your phone because of bill collectors, then feel free to walk out. I assure you that there will be a replacement within a day.”

While I wasn’t certain what to expect in the way of a reaction, the fact she tossed her entire glass of wine in my face was surprising as fuck.

She jerked to her feet, standing over me as if she could easily dismiss not only my presence but the money without issue. “My God. I must have been a fool to think this… arrangement as you call it was on the up and up. This is nothing but crap. I don’t need your deal, Houston whatever your name is, or your money. You see, I have integrity. The question is, do you? Don’t bother. I already know the answer.” As soon as she started to walk away from the table, the barbarian in me reacted instantly.

I grabbed her by the wrist, dragging her back to the table as I rose to my full height.

“Let go of me.” She pummeled her fist against me, her dazzling eyes flaring with jolts of current.

“I don’t think so.” I was aching from being so aroused and a simple whiff of her exotic cologne was enough to make me drunk on desire. The animal attraction we shared was intense and the way her body molded against mine was breathtaking. Dragging her closer, I cupped her chin, tilting her face. “You are truly exquisite, Bristol.” When I crushed my mouth over hers, she was shocked, pressing her palm against my jacket and remaining unmoving.

Then she did everything she could to get away, but the more she wiggled her hips, the hungrier I grew, the longing to take her off the charts. She tasted of wine and cinnamon, further enticing my senses.

Bristol continued to push hard against me as I thrust my tongue inside, exploring the dark recesses of her mouth. I was thrown by the effect she had over me. A stranger. A selection made by someone else.

But she’d awakened the man I’d buried deep inside.

Maybe Daniel Darke was worth every penny I’d spent.

A few seconds later, she stopped fighting, fisting my shirt, her tongue darting against mine. The kiss became even more passionate and a part of me wanted nothing more than to drag her into the bathroom for some privacy. I resisted the savage urge, sliding my hand over her shoulder, tangling my fingers in her long hair. Every cell was on fire, my heart skipping beats.

When I broke the kiss, still keeping her close, she took several shallow breaths.

“You’re one feisty woman, Bristol. Be careful when you tangle with a beast.”

“You’re not a beast. You’re a bastard,” she half whispered.

“You’re right.”

After shoving her hands against me, managing to break free, she shook her head. “Have a good night, Houston. We will not see each other again.”

“We’re not finished with our conversation yet, Bristol.”

“Yes, we are.”

Another round of Neanderthal took over as I yanked her arm, pushing her over the edge of the table.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” she hissed, flailing her arms in a vain attempt to lash out at me.

I wrapped one hand around her long neck, using the other to rip her dress up to her waist. “Where I come from, women don’t talk to men that way and they certainly don’t toss wine in their face.” I allowed drips of the red wine to fall across her back as I slipped two fingers under the thin elastic of her panties, snapping my wrist.

She gasped, undoubtedly from the sound as well as the force used.

“What… What are you doing?”

“I’m teaching you a lesson,” I answered. “Bad behavior can’t go unpunished.” I could feel her entire body tense but the second I took a deep breath, a growl permeating the space around us much like the scent of her desire. I pulled her red lace thong to my face, drinking in her sweet essence. She was wet, just as hungry as I was and all I wanted to do was take her like the animal I truly was.

Perhaps that was exactly what was required to seal the deal.

I shoved her panties into my pocket then I brought my hand down across her bottom, every part of me shuddering. The adrenaline rush was unlike any I’d experienced before. Even my blood pressure was rising, my breath skipping as I peppered her beautiful rounded bottom with several brutal smacks, moving from one side to the other.

“Stop. Damn you, stop it,” Bristol roared, almost managing to get out of my hold.

I leaned over, grinding my hips against her. “I suggest you learn how to be a good little girl. That’s vital in order for our deal to work.”

“Fuck the deal.”

Every word out of her mouth dripped of sensuality. I continued the harsh punishment, my fingers tingling from both the sensational touch of skin against skin as well as the heat building in her bottom. Even in the limited lighting of the bar, I could clearly see a warm blush washing over her rounded cheeks. “Such nasty words for a lovely young woman. I can tell you’ve needed discipline in your life.”

“To hell with you. Let me go or else.”

“I don’t like to be threatened, Bristol,” I said under my breath before smacking her several additional times. Her scent was growing stronger, the fragrance making my mouth water. I was lightheaded, every muscle in my body tensing as the desire continued to increase. My focus was becoming blurry, but I was aware the bartender was doing everything in his power to keep his eyes averted. He’d failed more often than not.

“Trust me,” she barely managed, “I’m making you a promise.”

“We shall see.” I fisted her hair, forcing her legs open even further, allowing me to see the glisten of her pussy lips. “You’re very wet, Bristol. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you enjoy being taken in hand.”

“And you’d be a fool, not just an asshole.” While she did everything to try to maintain control, I could tell she was failing rapidly, her breath becoming labored.

I was far too famished, the longing almost debilitating. I certainly hadn’t planned on the evening turning out like this. I also hadn’t figured that the candidate would be as rebellious as Bristol. Goddamn, I wanted the woman. She was actually the perfect fit whether she knew it or not. However, she would need to be tamed or the plan wouldn’t work. At least I was the man to do it.

“Let. Me. Go.” She used a significant amount of force, able to push up from the table, shifting until she managed to kick me in the thigh.

“That’s going to cost you. I think I’ll start your punishment all over again.”

When a moan slipped past her lips, I entangled my fingers in her hair, yanking out the chair and pulling her down with me. The feel of her shifting back and forth across my lap was entirely too sinful. Spanking her in the middle of a bar fueling my sadistic side.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she said in a fragmented voice. I could tell she was losing her will to fight.

“Absolutely nothing. The sooner you realize that the better. I simply handle a situation when necessary.” I slid my fingers down the crack of her ass, using two and parting her swollen folds. I closed my eyes as her single whimper floated into my ears. The sound was lovelier than the musician tickling the ivory keys. “However, you are quite incorrigible.”

She wiggled and tossed her head back and forth, muttering under her breath.

I couldn’t help myself, dipping my fingers into her tight channel, fighting another disruptive growl as her pussy immediately slickened my fingers. As I pumped several times, adding a third finger and flexing them, she let out a series of scattered pants, her lovely body quivering.

“Very wet. Are you thinking about when I fuck you? And I assure you that I will fuck you.”

“Fucking crazy. You’re just fucking crazy.”

I couldn’t help but notice her words were now whispered.

When I slid my juice-covered fingers across my lips, the taste of her created an explosion of need that threatened to derail the rest of my common sense and humanity. After I began the spanking once again in earnest, concentrating on covering every inch of her bottom in order to provide a round of discipline she wouldn’t forget, I was forced to realize that this girl could spell trouble in more than one way. She could manage to get under my skin, something I couldn’t allow to happen.

At least for tonight, I was taking what belonged to me.

She lay limp across my lap, no longer fighting me. I rubbed her heated bottom, taking several deep breaths. The touch of her skin was scintillating, searing the tips of my fingers. The moment I draped her across the table, scooting the chair closer, she moaned.

“What are you doing?” she managed, her voice breathless.

“Feasting.” I pushed her legs up and apart, inhaling and holding the amazing scent of her feminine wiles. Just the sight of her glistening pink pussy was enough to shove my cock against my zipper. It had been a hell of a long time since I’d had this kind of reaction to a woman. I planned on taking full advantage of it.

“No,” she moaned, yet didn’t try to get away. “Bastard.”

“Something we’ve already agreed on.” I dug my fingers into her thighs, lowering my head and darting the tip of my tongue across her clit.

She bucked up from the table, her chest rising and falling. “This is insane.”

I didn’t hesitate, sucking in her tender tissue, taking her clit into my mouth. Every sound she made further fueled my desire, every quiver of her body shooting jolts of electricity through me. When I thrust a single finger between her swollen folds, she pressed her hand over her mouth, turning her head toward the window.

After licking up and down her pussy several times, I blew a swath of hot air, chuckling in a dark and demonic tone. “Are you worried someone will see our filthy interlude?”

“You are… horrible.”

“Or are you angry that you’re enjoying the act of pure sin?” I plunged a second and third finger beside the first, thrusting hard and fast.

“I’m not… I would never enjoy this or you.”

“Your body betrays you,” I growled then buried my head into her wetness, lapping up her sweet cream. While there was a distinct possibility that I’d just voided a contract before it was signed, I refused to deny my desires.

Bristol’s breathing became shallow, her entire body shaking. In the warm glow of the various candles, her skin shimmered.

“Oh… You are…” Unable to finish her sentence, she slipped her hand over her eyes, as if attempting to pretend this wasn’t happening. That only made me want her even more.

I rolled my thumb around her clit, driving my other fingers as deep inside as possible. She was so wet, hot as Hades.

I’d decided that she was the perfect candidate, and nothing was going to stop me from getting what I wanted. The second I removed my fingers, she gasped. When I smacked her pretty little pussy lips several times, she couldn’t stop a series of moans. I resumed my feast, driving both my tongue and fingers in a beautiful orchestration. There was no doubt I was bringing her close to an orgasm.

I refused to stop, licking and sucking as her body writhed. All I could think about was fucking her, shoving my cock deep inside.

“No. No…” She pushed up from the table, staring at me with glassy eyes and the second a climax rushed into her system, she bit down on her lower lip to keep from screaming.

The taste of her was sweet ambrosia, her juice filling my mouth, sliding down the back of my throat. I was crazed with need, flexing open my fingers as I pumped brutally. A single climax roared into a second, goosebumps popping along every inch of her body.

I took my time, savoring the taste as I studied her reaction, enjoying the way her lovely mouth twisted in frustration. After pressing my lips against the inside of her thigh, I eased back.

Only when she’d stopped shaking did I lower her legs, pushing away my chair. There was something about this woman that I craved. As I pulled her into a sitting position, I could see the spunk had already returned.

This time, she didn’t bother lashing out. She merely got off the table, taking her time to adjust her dress.

Then she walked out the door.

* * *

“Would you care to explain to me what happened, Mr. Powers?”

I’d met with Daniel Darke on two occasions, both times the man appearing aloof, even arrogant. Today, he held an edge in his voice. He remained staring out his impressive looking window, his hands in his pockets. “I’m not certain what you mean.” I eased one arm over the chair, crossing my legs. I’d enjoyed the evening, even though Bristol walking out of our meeting had pissed me off. What was even worse was that I’d thought about her a good portion of the night.

That wasn’t like me.

Even her scent seemed to linger on my skin.

He exhaled in an exaggerated manner, shaking his head several times. “Perhaps I should clarify. Do you want to tell me what the fuck you thought you were doing?” He turned around to face me, his jaw clenched, his dark and angry eyes pinned on me.

“Getting to know your candidate.”

When he slammed his hands on the desk, leaning over and cocking his head, only then did I feel the least bit uncomfortable. “With very few exceptions, the contract will give you the right to provide discipline as necessary. You’ll also be able to wine and dine the candidate, fucking her as you choose fit. The possibility is spelled out to the letter in the contract. However, the terms of our deal were explicit for the initial meeting. You were to do nothing else than get to know her. That meant talking. Enjoying each other’s company. That didn’t mean ripping off her panties and spanking her in the middle of a public location. From the tone of the Bristol’s email, I suspect that when the phone rings with her number attached that she’s not going to accept the invitation.”

“Then we find someone else.” I was curious if she told Mr. Darke everything.

His glare became icier, disbelieving my attitude. “You are a spoiled man, Mr. Powers. I know the reputation of your family pretty well. I have no doubt you were taught that money has the ability to buy everything that you want.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Daniel. My father taught me that everything and everyone has a price, even if it’s not literal money. You just need to find out their weaknesses.”

“And what weakness does Bristol have in your opinion, Mr. Powers?”

“While she portrays being in control, even pushing everyone’s buttons when she has the opportunity, she enjoys a dominating man. Discipline will be very good for her.” My mouth watered at the thought.

I was surprised when he laughed, genuinely amused at my statement. That pissed me off.

“I guess we shall see, Mr. Powers. However, if she rejects the offer, which she has every right to do, then I assure you that my work with other clients will take precedence. I fast-forwarded your request based on your current situation, but I don’t appreciate, nor will I tolerate anyone going against my rules. When I find the time to return to your search, you will be required to pay the finder’s fee all over again.”

No wonder the man was considered brutal and difficult to deal with. While I had significant funds available, the thought of losing a cool two hundred and fifty thousand dollars certainly didn’t interest me.

“I stand by what I said. She was intrigued last night, our chemistry off the charts.”

“I certainly hope that you’re right. From what I could tell, Bristol was the perfect candidate. It would be a shame to lose her over your indiscretions.”


I’d heard the accusation my entire life and I was sick to death of being told about them.

“What else did Bristol tell you?” I asked casually.

He shook his head. “What did you do to her?”

“Nothing that she didn’t want. Or crave.”

“You should be very careful, Mr. Powers.”

I gave him a hard look. “I assure you that Bristol will take the deal.”

“Your arrogance is going to keep you a very lonely man. You can go, Mr. Powers. I’ll let you know her decision.”

“While I’ve appreciated your capabilities, Daniel, I am not the kind of man to be told no. You need to keep in mind that Bristol already belongs to me. I suggest you find a way to make that happen. Given what you know about my family, you must realize just how powerful and influential we are. I would hate for your business to suffer. Even worse, I would hate for a man of your stature to come into harm’s way.”

I rose from the chair, taking long strides toward the door.

“I hope that isn’t a threat, Mr. Powers.”

I suddenly remembered my conversation with Bristol. “No, Mr. Darke. It’s a promise. And I always keep them.”