Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



“Sonofabitch.” I seethed, staring at Sheriff Hendricks. We were at our private rendezvous spot, Wennberg Pond.

“We don’t know if this incident is related to the Hunters. It could be foul play.”

I cut my eyes to him. “She was found in the forest naked and dead, you said. Do you really believe this isn’t the Hunters or the shit they’re trying to bring into the area?” If he did, he was a goddamn fool. I’d have bet my life the Hunters were responsible.

The sheriff dragged his hand across his face. “I don’t know what the hell to think. All I know is, I want Sugar and the boys to stay on the compound until those bastards are gone. She won’t like it, but don’t give her a choice. Put the club on lockdown or something.”

“I’ll handle Sugar.” I was her president. She respected my authority. Even if she hated staying at the clubhouse because it made her miss Matt, she didn’t have a choice.

It was times like this I wished the family wing was finished. I’d halted construction, not wanting to risk a Hunter getting on the compound with the crew. Sugar would prefer staying in a different building. “Too many memories,” she’d said on more than one occasion.

Hendricks stared at the pond. “If I could protect her like you, I’d keep her at my place.”

I shook my head. “No, she stays with me. It’s what Matt wanted.” My uncle made me promise to protect Sugar and the boys with my life. I never broke a promise.

“Appreciate it. Eve and the boys are all I have left.” He looked over his shoulder at AJ and Hero. “We need to get these damn Hunters gone.”

“Their numbers are dwindling.” It wasn’t enough, though. This murdered college student was proof.

Hendricks raised a displeased eyebrow. “Yeah? I’d rather they just left the state.”

“Me too. But when a fungus doesn’t go away on its own, it needs to be eradicated. That shit takes time,” I told him. It seemed we fell into our usual ambiguous banter.

He nodded, turning to face his car. “I need to go deal with the homicide. Let me know if there’s anything you need.”

“Will do. You do the same.” I jerked my chin toward Hero, letting him know we were finished.

Jesus Christ. It’d only been a month since the attack at The Bullet. Nancy and Ava didn’t file a report, choosing to leave it to the club. I had prospects watching them at their homes. Before they left the compound, Ava told me to not show her rapist mercy. If I got my hands on the enforcer, he’d wish he was never born.

Four hours later, Madeline and I stared at our new bed. We bought new sheets, pillows, and a comforter to go on the new mattress.

I was concerned about her. She’d been off since I picked her up to go shopping. During lunch, she had a hard time keeping eye contact. She had shit on her mind. I suspected it had something to do with this morning.

“Is it me, or does it look bigger?” She placed her hands on her hips.

I sidled up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. “It sits a little higher off the ground. But not any bigger than the other king-sized mattress.” I kissed her neck.

She dropped her head onto my shoulder, melting into me. “What’s the quiet room?”

“Who told you about that?”

She turned in my arms to face me. “Sugar. Is it where you’re keeping Carla? Is she still in the clubhouse?”

“No, baby, she isn’t. Boxer and Lynx took her home, packed her shit up, and made her leave.” I didn’t go with them. I wasn’t sure what I might do, breathing the same air as Carla. Couldn’t risk it after I promised Angel I wouldn’t hurt her. I was confident Boxer would handle her. Lynx sure as hell proved he couldn’t make her listen on his own.

“How do you know she’ll stay away?”

I dropped a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “Because they scared the life out of her so she’d never return to Minnesota.”

“They threatened her?”


“But they didn’t touch her?”

I sighed. “No.” Why she cared one way or the other about that bitch irritated me. Carla didn’t deserve her kindness. My woman had the biggest heart. Incredibly sweet to everyone.

She fidgeted with her nails. “Okay. Go ahead. Ask your question.”

I backed her up to the bed so she’d sit. My gut was tight. This woman made me fear the unknown more than I ever had in my whole life. I needed to be gentle with her. Whatever she was going to tell me was probably why she was off this afternoon.

Kneeling between her legs, I took her hand and stared into her eyes. “This morning had to do with Dane, didn’t it?”

Just jump right in with both feet, right?

She nodded.

Dammit, my blood pressure skyrocketed. I did my damnedest to keep it in check. I didn’t want her withdrawing from me.

“Angel, if you don’t want to tell me, I won’t push you.” The way my gut twisted, it might be better to keep her secrets to herself. Pussy, I know.

“No. If we’re going to be together—”

I cradled one side of her face. “We are together. That’s never changing.”

“Right.” She sighed, but none of the tension in her body disappeared. “I told you Dane was awful to me.” She held my gaze. “He made me feel like I couldn’t do anything right and sucked in bed.”

My jaw tensed. Couldn’t stop it or stop squeezing her hand as I gritted my teeth. “Yes.”

“He knocked me around a lot. Sprained my arm. Kicked me in the stomach when I’d fall on the ground. Fractured a couple of ribs. He was careful where and how he hit me so my bruises couldn’t be seen.”

“Fuck.” I felt like I couldn’t draw oxygen into my lungs. I will beat the shit out of that fucker for laying a hand on her.

“When I didn’t want to have sex, well… I didn’t have a choice.” Tears pooled in her eyes as rage engulfed my chest. She took my hands, holding me in place. “Please don’t freak out on me. Don’t do anything that will land you in jail. I need you.”

“Angel, I need you to be clear about this. Are you saying he forced himself on you? Because baby, that’s rape.” I saw red. Sweat beaded in my hairline, my heart thundering so fuckin’ hard it might explode in my chest.

“I don’t like to think of it that way.” She blinked back her tears.

“What?” I said harsher than I intended. “Don’t let this prick off the hook. Did you fight him off? Cry as it was happening? Were there bruises afterward? Did he take… your ass?” I choked the words out as images of that animal hurting my woman pummeled me. Was it possible for my heart to burst out of my fuckin’ head? It pounded so hard I was sure it could.

“Baby, please, calm down.” Her avoidance confirmed my fears.

I tried to pull my hands away, but she tightened her grip. “Goddammit, Angel. Fuck! Fuck no, he didn’t hurt you that way, baby. Jesus fucking Christ… I’ll…” I heaved and growled like a vicious animal, unable to tame the raging savage storm inside me.

Madeline threw herself into my arms, hooking hers around my neck. “Hold me. I need you.” She buried her face in my neck, pressing her body to mine as if trying to crawl inside me. “Please, Kaleb. I got out. He can’t hurt me anymore.”

I lifted off the floor, cradling her against me, and sat on the bed. We stayed there, holding onto each other like our lives depended on it. Mine certainly did. My soul cried in agony for what had happened to my beautiful, sweet Angel.

Sexual assault enraged me. Any person who took what they wanted from another was the worst kind of human. When the Hunter raped Ava, it tore me up. Ire still hadn’t recovered from not being able to protect her. Not one Knight stood for the mistreatment of women. Sure, we had our kittens, but they wanted to be here. Gave us their bodies of their own free will. Always.

If one said no, we stopped. If one of my brothers didn’t, he would be dealt with firmly. I ran the club the way Uncle Matt did. We weren’t saints by no means. Our moral compass may have seemed skewed by some standards, but we respect others’ lives. We only killed when absolutely necessary. We dealt with the worst kind of scum. Had our own rules we lived by. Sexual assault, none of us took lightly.

If Madeline thought I wouldn’t take the son of a bitch, Miller, out after hearing what he’d done to her, she was sorely mistaken. I wasn’t a motherfuckin’ outlaw for nothing. I was a one-percenter. No pathetic, power-tripping deputy with a pencil dick wouldn’t get away with assaulting my woman.

“I love you, Angel. Fuckin’ love the hell out of you.” I kissed her forehead, swallowing down the emotion caught in my throat.

She peered up at me. “I love you too, my beautiful man.” She sat up. “But I’m not stupid. You’re going to take out Dane, aren’t you?”

Damn straight I am. “That’s not for you to worry about, baby.”

“Jesus, Kaleb. How can you say that? If you kill him, you could get caught. Sentenced to life for killing a deputy. What if I’m pregnant? Or get pregnant. Do you honestly want me alone, raising our child? For life, Kaleb.”

“You don’t need to worry. I won’t get caught.”

She flew off my lap, her hands gripping her head. “God, you’re infuriating! I knew this would happen if I told you the truth. I knew it!”

I got off the bed. “How can you let that piece of shit get away with hurting you?”

“Ever heard of forgiveness? I don’t need you avenging a crime I’ve already put behind me. I don’t need you fighting my battles when I already did. I’ve been free of Dane for a long time now.”

“He deserves to pay,” I squeezed the shit out of the back of my neck.

“You know what? I’m done talking about this with you.” She bolted for the door.

“Where are you going?” I roared, charging after her.

She whirled around, putting her hands up. “Stop!”

I froze.

“I need to calm down. I can’t do it here with you.”

“Don’t walk out that door, Angel. We need to deal with this.”

She put her hands on her hips. “You might be the prez of this club. Your club. You call the shots, everyone listens. I obey like the rest in regards to the club. The. Club. When it comes to my life, I call the shots! In our relationship, we make decisions together!” She opened the door.

“Angel—” I hissed, trying to hold back my wrath.

“No! You think about what I said. And don’t follow me.” She left the room, slamming the door closed.

“Fuck!” I punched it and winced from the pain. Goddamned solid oak door. I paced, flexing my probably fractured knuckles.

I didn’t understand her way of thinking—damn, stubborn woman. It was my duty as her man to seek retribution. To avenge my Angel. It was one thing for fuckin’ Miller to give me shit and fuck with my life. This was another thing entirely. He didn’t get to hurt my woman. Even if I didn’t know her back then. She was my little firecracker, the squirt I used to protect from her wild brothers. I would wipe anyone off the face of the earth for hurting her.

I checked my phone to see where she’d gone via the tracking app I put on hers. At least she still had her cell in her back pocket. If she tried to leave the property, I would drag her to our bedroom and turn her fair ass red.

Her locator stopped at the kitchen. Probably to rant to Sugar and Tina about me.

I’d give her some space, then I’d go get her.

And makeup.

Deputy fuckin’ Miller’s days were numbered.