Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



Finding out our true identities had shaken the foundation of our relationship. If Kaleb had chosen to let his guilt over Tommy consume him, he would’ve pushed me away.

The lies and deceit of a bitter, hateful woman shattered me from the inside out like never before. If Storm hadn’t had proof he didn’t touch Carla, I wouldn’t have believed him. Before yesterday, I trusted Storm with my heart. I hated how I let the damage Dane had done control me. It was like Dane still had power over me.

I should’ve known Storm would never betray what we had. I should’ve seen right through that lying bitch. Even if it looked real. So goddamn real.

Today was a new day and I refused to let Carla steal another second of our joy. We were still us, especially after all we’d been through.

Kaleb and Madeline.

Storm and Angel.

Wrapped in each other’s arms after a full night of making love, I was sure we looked ridiculous on the small twin bed. I couldn’t imagine any of the hulking men around here sleeping on one. Talk about a comical, Saturday Night Live worthy sight.

Due to the emotional and physical exhaustion we’d been through, we slept soundly. If I was honest, I loved the cramped quarters. Storm held me through the night as if I was an extension of him—a vital organ. I felt the same way. He was the oxygen in my lungs.

I had suggested getting bigger beds for dorms while we were going at it. My stubborn man’s only reply was I’ll consider it.

His warm lips brushed across my shoulder. “You awake?” His low, lusty voice caressed my skin as he dotted kisses on my neck.

I trembled against him. “Of course I am. You’re poking me in the ass.”

He snorted, moving his hand over my hips. His finger slipped down my crack.

My eyes went wide. “Kaleb?” My heartrate leaped into a gallop. What was he doing?

“Hmm?” He never went near my secret hole. I didn’t like it.

Why am I getting wet?? Clenching? Why is my clit throbbing?

“I want this puckered hole, Angel. I want all of you.”

Tears burned behind my eyes. Good and evil warred within me. Storm was good. He would rather die than hurt me. He loved me more than life itself. He wouldn’t hurt me. Wouldn’t force me to do something I didn’t want to do.

Dane was evil.

I gasped for air as if my face was smothered into the mattress, his hand wrapped around my neck to hold me in place as he forced his way into me. But Dane wasn’t here, he wasn’t taking what he wanted. Yet the flashback assaulted me as if it was real, reminding me of the trauma I’d been through while in the arms of the man I loved with all my heart. No. Stop. Please...

“Angel?” Kaleb’s low voice cut through my thoughts.

I swallowed the emotion building in my throat. “Yeah?” Dammit. I didn’t sound okay. Stormy gray eyes assessed me faster than I could clear my throat.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” He swiped a traitorous tear from under my eye. “We don’t have to. I’d never force anything on you.”

My chest rattled as I tried to hold back more tears. Storm would kill anyone who forced sex on another. It was why I was afraid to tell him everything Dane had done to me. Hitting me was enough to warrant Storm’s wrath. The other stuff… It terrified me what he might do to Dane.

If Storm went to prison for murder, I would be lost without him.

“Angel, talk to me.” He tipped my chin, so our eyes met. He searched my face as if trying to read my mind. “Does this have to do with Dane?”

Damn, he had a keen eye.

“I want you to have all of me. I do but—”

His cell phone rang on the nightstand. It couldn’t have been later than eight in the morning. I was sure it was important. Storm rarely received early calls.

“I’m sorry. Hold that thought.” He frowned, reaching for the phone and answering it. “Sheriff?”

Was it Sheriff Hendricks or Bush?

I couldn’t make out what the person on the line said, but it wasn’t a pleasant call, judging by the waves of tension rolling off Storm’s body. I felt every bit of his reaction, holding him this close.

“I’ll be there. Yeah.” He ended the call, eyes stricken with grief. “I’m sorry. I need to go.”

“Is everything okay?”

He dropped a soft kiss on my lips and stared into my eyes. “No. I want us to finish our conversion. But later, okay?”

“It’s okay. Go do what needs to be done.” The call saved me from telling him about Dane. But at what cost? Worry marred Storm’s handsome face.

“I wanna know the rest.” He hiked a dark brow. “When I get back, we’ll go shopping for a new mattress. Then we’ll talk. I want you to tell me why your body went rigid.”

He was scary observant. I nodded.

He kissed me softly. “Okay, I need a quick shower.”

“What about Carla?”

He froze as he stood. “Don’t worry about her.”

“But where is she? I don’t want her here anymore.”

“Consider her gone.”

“Gone? Gone how?” I gripped my stomach. I might hate Carla, but I didn’t want any of the guys to harm her after what I did yesterday.

Storm cradled my face and kissed the tip of my nose. “We won’t hurt her. We’ll make her leave the state.”

Relief washed over me as I watched him pull on jeans and a T-shirt.

He eyed me. “Will you be okay? Do you wanna go upstairs with me?”

“I’m fine.” The thought of going into our room while it reeked of Carla made me feel ill.

“All right. I’ll be back in an hour or two.” He gave me a chaste kiss and dashed out the door. If he felt I needed to know what was going on, he’d tell me.

My stomach churned, remembering our conversation before we were interrupted. Storm wouldn’t let me off the hook. He wouldn’t forget.

Rolling into a ball on my side, I clutched the pillow to my body. I inhaled my man’s scent into my soul. It reminded me of riding on the back of his Harley, leather and his natural musk blowing in my face. Sheer perfection. If I thought a little harder, I could taste his whiskey on my tongue.

If I told him Dane forced anal sex on me after beating me up, he would lose his mind.

Lose. It.

Lying or hiding the truth was wrong. But it literally made me sick to think about what Storm might do. Maybe Sugar and Tina could help me navigate through this.

I exited the community bathroom and bumped into a wall of muscle.

“Ah!” I stumbled over my feet.

“Angel,” Copper gasped, catching me before I hit the floor.

“Fuck, didn’t see you.” Ire dragged his hand over his face. “You okay?”

“Mhm. I’m fine.” I steadied myself against the wall. “I should’ve been watching where I was going.”

“Naw,” Ire shook his head, brow furrowed as if pissed. “It’s my fault. I should’ve seen you coming.” This poor beastly-sized man had been struggling since the attack. He blamed himself for what happened to the women and couldn’t get past it.

“Really, I’m okay.” My assurance didn’t seem to matter.

The three of us stood in the hallway. I rocked on my heels, thumbs in my short’s pockets, glancing at Copper. Ire stared ahead with a blank expression for several awkward seconds.

“Heard about your beatdown. Think you can give me some tips on fighting women off?” Good ol’ Copper broke the ice.

I giggled, nearly peeing my shorts. “Please. You love all the attention.” I’d only seen the kittens purring around him but I was sure he got that everywhere he went.

Copper puffed out his chest, running his thumb along his jaw. “Suppose you’re right. Where you headed?”

“Oh. Right. Upstairs. I should… I should be going.” I smiled softly and darted toward the stairs. They were right behind when I padded into the kitchen. They each grabbed a cinnamon roll on their way out.

Sugar acknowledged me first, wrapping me in a warm embrace. “My God, girl. I’d tear that bitch to shreds if I could get the key to the quiet room.”

I hugged her back. “What’s the quiet room?”

Sugar stilled. “Oh, um. Storm’s never mentioned it?”

“No.” I arched my brow. Goose flesh spread across my arms. Something about the way she said quietroom gave me the heebie-jeebies.

“Come sit and have coffee. My nephew said to take care of you.” Sugar ushered me over to a table and poured me a cuppa.

Tina made a pouty face, giving me a gentle hug. “How are you really, honey? Storm said you were better, but you know men, they can be utterly oblivious sometimes.”

I sat, reaching for the mug. “I’m better. Mostly.”

“Mostly?” Sugar eyed me, taking a seat.

“You don’t sound very confident, honey.” Tina was on my other side.

These women were my new tribe. Sugar and Tina were like mentors teaching me what they’d learned. They had nearly twenty years of MC experience. Tara, Steph, and Kim hadn’t seen much of me over the summer. They didn’t understand my new MC life. Hell, I hardly understood it.

“Well, Storm and I are good. He proved his innocence.” I sipped my coffee.

“I’m so glad,” Sugar said. “Tina and I will help you disinfect the room. It’ll be cleaner than a hospital.” She winked.

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” I bit my lip and tapped my nails on the table.

“Is there something else going on?” Sugar asked, a note of concern in her voice.

My eyes darted around the kitchen, making sure no one was in earshot. “There is something else.” I sipped my coffee again, leaving Sugar and Tina hanging while I swallowed. “Something happened this morning in bed. When Storm returns, he’s going to want to talk about it.” I wasn’t sure why I felt cryptic. Tina had been physically abused before Raul. From what little she’d revealed at various times, her experience was much worse than mine with Dane. And Sugar was the most understanding person. It was safe to tell them.

Tina patted my shoulder as if sensing my struggle. “Take your time, honey.”

A nervous breath caught in my throat before I released it. “I love Storm with my whole heart. He’s my everything. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him.”

Sugar reached for my hand. “We know.”

“Except maybe giving up my secret hole…” I whispered.

Sugar blinked her hazel-green eyes, squeezing my hand. “He would never—”

“Oh, I know,” I blurted to assure them Storm didn’t pressure me. “I know he would never hurt me. It’s not that I don’t want to… I think.” A weird tremble rolled down my spine. “It’s just, well, Dane.” I grimaced as a stabbing pain pierced my heart.

Sugar covered her mouth with her free hand, eyes pooling with tears. “Jesus, Angel. I don’t want to assume anything. Did he hurt you there?”

I was so glad I didn’t need to spell it out. I nodded and sipped my coffee.

A murderous spark flashed in Sugar’s eyes. “I’ll chop off his dick.” She growled. “How’d he like a banana shoved up his ass?” Her reaction wasn’t even close to how Storm would react. She was intense, but my man would detonate like an atomic bomb.

Tina was silent and I had a feeling this hit close to home for her.

I put the mug down. “I’m afraid of what Storm will do if I tell him. I’m not saying I’ll hide it from him. It’s just fear of what he’ll do, y’know?”

“I’ve never told Raul the extent of abuse I went through. He never pushed me about it.” Tina rubbed my arm. “I’m not saying you shouldn’t tell Storm.”

I smiled softly at Tina. “Thank you. Were you able to get past, you know, and do it with Raul?”

Tina shook her head. “We’ve never had back door sex. He never tried, and honestly, I’m relieved.”

I drank my coffee, mulling over what to do. Storm made it known what he wanted but he also assured me we didn’t have to.

“He already hates Dane. What if my abuse gives him a reason to unleash holy hell on him?” I glanced between Sugar and Tina. “I’m afraid he’ll kill Dane and go to prison. I shouldn’t be, though, right?” I waited for a reply and didn’t get one. “Storm will control his anger, right?”

Sugar and Tina stared at each other. I didn’t need an answer.

I felt sick.