Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



We were in position at Johnson’s Organic Farm. Ready to storm the grounds and rescue Madeline and the others.

I drew my forty-five as we crept toward the silo. Beads of sweat dripped down my temples, hands slick and sticky as my heart raced with anticipation. I was so damn nervous.

Eighteen bikers surrounded the hobby farm, which had been part of a large-scale operation back in the day. Two silos separated the outbuildings and the corn crops. We were fortunate it wasn’t something short like soybeans. The corn was tall enough to hide us as we moved through it.

We divided into three groups of six. Miguel and his men were with me, Boxer and Track coming from the south side. My dad and his crew took the east side with Lynx. The last group led by Raul, Justin, and Ire had the north side with brothers from my club.

This many men could have been overkill. The Knights had already taken out six Hunters, but we had no clue how many there were. Throw a dirty deputy into the mix; I wasn’t sure what we were walking into.

All I knew was I couldn’t take another second without my Angel. I was weak without her. Dead inside. Soulless.

If Deputy fuckin’ Miller and any other law enforcement from Winters was here, Sheriff Hendrick’s and his men would handle it. They were driving onto the farm.

“There.” Boxer pointed as we looked through binoculars.

From my vantage point, I watched three Hunters run toward the silos. I couldn’t tell which one they went to. Without wasting another second, I gave the command to move into my earpiece.

Boxer led our group, gun drawn. My heart pumped like an oil rig with such force I might explode. Everyone had orders to only shoot and kill if shot at first. I didn’t want a bloodbath. But I also wasn’t going to let these fuckers live.

We rounded the perimeter of the silo closest to us. I dialed in to what I thought was a woman sobbing. Silos were made of steel, so I wasn’t sure if I’d imagined the cries.

“The three maggots entered the can closest to us,” came Raul’s voice in my earpiece.

“We got the other,” I replied.

As we turned the corner, Boxer’s hand went up, stopping us. He didn’t hesitate to take out the Hunter. Even with a silencer on his gun, the whizzing sound was heard. The piece of shit made a loud grunt, hitting the dirt.

“What the fuck?” was shouted from inside the structure.

“Move,” I hissed.

The metal door swung open as Deputy Miller rushed out, gun drawn. Boxer had the gun knocked out of Miller’s hands and handcuffed him before the sonofabitch could react. The sight of his pants, opened at the fly, had me reeling. I’d deal with Miller later.

Miguel and I barreled into the silo with Track behind us. My eyes instantly landed on my Angel, on her knees in only a bra and panties. Our eyes connected and my heart died when I noticed the dirty fucker holding a gun to her head.

“There are only three,” Track muttered from behind. “I’ve got the left.”

“I have dead center,” Miguel shouted, referring to the Hunter’s prez, Dawg.

I flicked my eyes to the right where Emilee was sobbing.

“Found me did you, ese?” Dawg rasped. He used Madeline as a human shield.

“Let her go, Diego. I might let you live.” Miguel slowly stepped forward. He wanted the prez, and I’d told him he could have him. Now I wished I hadn’t. “Tell your men to stand down.”

Dawg sneered. “Take them out. I don’t give a fuck about them.”

The guy I had my gun on whipped his head toward Diego.

“What the fuck, Prez?” the Hunter protested.

Yeah, his prez didn’t acknowledge him. Nor did he give a shit about anyone else but himself. The boy was smart and laid his gun on the ground, kicking it toward me. He raised his hands in surrender. Good boy.

I pushed the piece behind me, keeping mine on him.

“You motherfucker,” shouted the dude Track had his gun on. I believed he was the enforcer, the one who raped Ava. He wouldn’t live to see his next birthday if I had anything to say about it.

“I’m not going down without a fight,” the prez said. “Defend me.”

“Fuck you, ese.” The enforcer surrendered his weapon. I noticed Hero and Tara bound behind him. Fuck. Hero’s face was hardly recognizable.

“I’ll kill your ol’ lady Storm,” Deigo said in a lethal tone. “Let me go, and I’ll let her live.”

Madeline’s baby-blues were on me, tears rolling down her swollen, bruised face. I fuckin’ wanted this to be over so I could take her into my arms and never let her go.

“You aren’t leaving this can alive,” Miguel gritted out. “My brother is on fucking life support. Take the bitch out. The second you do, you’re next.”

My heart seized. Why the fuck would Miguel tell this whack job to kill my woman? That wasn’t part of the plan.

“Miguel,” I whisper-shouted.

“I got this,” he replied.

Diego pressed the gun into Madeline’s temple. “It’d be a shame to rid the world of such a fine piece of pussy.”

Motherfucker. It took every ounce of restraint to not lose my mind.

“I’m coming in loud,” Boxer said. We were all wearing earpieces so Track and Miquel heard him too. My crazy-ass brother liked to get theatrical, create a diversion. It was our chance to take the motherfuckin’ maggot down. “Three… two… one…”

“Angel, down!” I yelled as the door flew open. Boxer roared like a fuckin’ madman.

I dove for my woman as shots flew above me, shielding her with my body. Miguel’s gun went off. He didn’t stop firing until he’d emptied his clip into Diego. The Hunter prez was gone, snuffed out like a candle.

The only door to the silo opened again. Several of my brothers ran in, Justin leading the pack.

“Daddy,” Emilee cried, reaching her arms out.

Justin rushed toward her, wrapping her in his arms. “Emilee. Thank God.”

I turned my attention back to my Angel. “Baby, did I hurt you?” I lifted off her small, nearly naked body, helping her up. “Are you hurt anywhere?” I softly touched the cut near her eye.

She shook her head, grabbing onto me as she sobbed. “No, I’m okay.”

Goddamn, the bastard fucked up her face. I removed my black T-shirt and put it on her. “You’re safe now, Angel. I’m so damn sorry this happened to you. So damn sorry,” I said around the lump in my throat.

“Just hold me. Don’t let go.” She curled into my arms, burying her face in my neck. “Don’t let go… don’t let go.”

“Never, Angel. Never letting you out of my sight again.” Finally, I felt whole. Like I could breathe.

“Emilee!” Dodge ran toward her.

She pulled out of Justin’s arms and fell into Dodge’s. “Danny. Oh God, Danny.”

“Did they hurt you, my sweet girl?” He took her face into his hands and kissed it all over.

“No, but I’ve never been so scared.”

“I’ll never let anything happen to you again. What about…” His voice trailed as his hand went to her stomach.”

The look of utter shock on Justin’s face was palpable. We hadn’t told him about Emilee and Dodge. All hell was sure to break loose any second, but I had no intention of sticking around for it. I needed to get my woman home.

Hendricks put his hand on my shoulder. I hadn’t even noticed him. “Is she okay?”

I stood, cradling her in my arms. “I’m not sure. I’m taking her back to the clubhouse so Patch can run a checkup. Miller was here.”

Madeline trembled in my arms, still hiding her face in my neck. I squeezed her tighter to my body.

“Saw him.” Hendricks shook his head. “Only one dead, good job. I’ll take care of it. I’ll need her statement.” He looked at Madeline.

“Not now. Drop by the club later.” I glanced at Hero and Tara. “I’m sure they can tell you everything that happened.”

The sheriff patted my back. “I’m sure you’re right.”

“We can’t leave Tara here,” Madeline whispered. “Please, she has to come with me.”

Track had just cut Hero loose and was doing the same for Tara.

I went over to him. “You bring them to the club. I don’t want anyone other than Hendricks talking to Tara.”

Track nodded. “Got it.”

With that, I carried my woman out of the silo and into the sunshine.

My dad approached. “I got the truck right over here.” He eyed Madeline. “Christ,” he gritted out, his expression pained.

“We’ll be in the truck. I want Hero and Tara riding with us. Track is with them inside,” I told him as I walked away.

“I’ll get them.” He pushed the keys into my hand.

I got us situated in the backseat so Hero could sit in the front. I had no idea what his injuries were and didn’t want him struggling to squeeze into the back. Madeline was in her spot on my lap. She hadn’t lifted her head once, pressing her body into mine as if trying to hide inside me.

I held her tightly. Pouring my love into her.

My eyes landed on Deputy fuckin’ Miller handcuffed, leaning against the sheriff’s car. Blood boiled through every one of my veins.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered, turning toward the window. Of course she would notice the change in me. Just as I felt her body stiffening when she saw Miller.

“Oh.” She said nothing else, burying her face in my neck.

“It’s okay, Angel. I’m here.” I rubbed her back the way she liked. “I’m here.”

Goddamn, I wanted to jump out of the truck and tear him to pieces with my bare hands.

Now wasn’t the time for retribution. Once she was healed, I’d avenge my Angel so she never had to worry about seeing that prick again.