Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



Emotional exhaustion won the fight. I wasn’t sure what time sleep had taken me, but eventually, I’d nodded off. The prospect watching us left after his replacement arrived. It must’ve been hours ago when the men switched places. When the door opened, the sun streamed in, blinding light brightening the inside of the silo. I was willing to bet it was late morning or almost noon.

Worry consumed me from the inside out. Every little noise set my heart racing as I feared for Emilee, Tara, and Hero’s safety. Each time I dozed off, I dreamed of AJ getting shot. The sound of the gun going off was so vivid I’d jolt awake, drenched in sweat and gasping for air. I’d looked at my hands, relief washing over me. They were only dirty. In the dream, they were covered in blood. I wasn’t sure if he was dead or alive, but I was sure all this was my fault. God, I prayed AJ was okay.

I felt an enormous amount of guilt. Shouldered the responsibility. It tore me apart, imagining what Storm must’ve been going through. What I put him through.

I’m so sorry… so sorry.

Terror fed on my soul at what these monsters might do to us. The way they watched Emilee and me made my skin crawl. But I couldn’t show weakness, my fears. I just couldn’t, for my own sanity. Letting them break me, like Dane had, might annihilate me.

Each time I cracked an eye open, the new pervy prospect was staring at me. He creeped me out more than the last one.

Time dragged on at a snail’s pace. Maybe it was good. Maybe bad. I didn’t have a clue one way or the other. The longer we were in here, the worse it might get for us. I doubted after last night’s show, the prez would keep his hands off me. A shudder of disgust shot through me.

Emilee was asleep, leaning against my shoulder. Poor thing tried to stay awake, so I wasn’t up by myself, but she couldn’t keep her eyes open. I couldn’t blame her. She was growing a tiny human in her tummy.

Then again, I was too.

She shifted in her spot, groaning quietly. “I have a splitting headache,” she murmured.

I patted her hand, which was still in mine, shushing her. My head hurt too. We were dehydrated. The prospect last night only gave us one bottle of water to share. I’d let Emilee drink most of it. That was hours ago. Before, I was forced to undress for the camera.

“I’m sorry, hon.” God, I was so incredibly sorry.

“You both awake?” The prospect strutted over. His jeans hung low on his hips, his black t-shirt had a hole in the armpit. He looked Latino with dark hair slicked back, tan skin like the enforcer. Maybe they were related. “The boss wants you ready for him. He’ll be here in a little while.” He tossed a couple sticks of gum at us. “He wants your breath minty fresh.”

I stared at the gum, trying to read in between the lines. Why did the prez want our breath fresh? Dammit. I knew exactly why.

“Can we please have some water?” I asked as nicely as I could stomach. “We’re grimy too. Is there a bathroom we could use?” I was probably pushing my luck, but we’d never know what they’d let us do if we didn’t ask.

“You don’t need to be clean for what the boss will do to you.” He laughed wickedly. It struck holy terror in me, the likes I’d never felt before. “But I’ll grab you both a bottle of water if you’ll give me head. That red bucket over there is your toilet.” He jerked his chin to the side.

“No,” I blurted without hesitation regarding his disgusting request. A blow job? He might as well kill me now.

“I’m just bullshitting you.” The prospect left.

I exhaled a shuddered breath of relief. But I was sure I might not be so lucky the next time I said no.

Last night flashed in my head like a horror flick. I couldn’t see Storm during the call. I only heard him and knew he could see me. I imagined a grim, disgusted, and enraged expression on his beautiful face. Fury pulsing through his veins, murderous thoughts pummeling his mind. And all for me. His silky baritone voice soothed my frightened soul when he called me Angel.

I had every faith in Storm, my cunning, ruthless, outlaw biker. He wouldn’t stop until he found us. I only hoped it was before one of us got hurt, like Tara and Hero.

Each time Hero mouthed off to one of the Hunters, they beat the shit out of him. For the time being, they were only using their fists and feet. I had a feeling they’d eventually get tired of Hero. I didn’t want to imagine what they might do.

And Tara?

Tara had been gagged since they brought her into the silo. I was sure she’d run her mouth off, so they shut her up. The Hunter’s prez sniffed around her a lot, touching her red hair, whispering into her ear. Tara and Hero were at the opposite end of the structure. I couldn’t hear what was said, but I could see Tara trembling and rage building in Hero each time someone went near her, laid a finger on her.

Emilee whimpered. “What are they going to do to us?”

Poor girl, looking to me for answers I didn’t have. After what the prez did to me last night, I honestly didn’t want to imagine what he’d do next. Especially if Storm didn’t give him Winters.

I couldn’t imagine the Knights and Hunters in the same area. The Hunter’s prez couldn’t honestly believe Storm would simply hand Winters over. Let them live here without making them pay for what they did to me. I heard it in Storm’s voice when he said he’d kill the prez with his bare hands. He’d do it. Frankly, I wanted him to.

“I don’t know. How are you feeling?” I deflected, so we didn’t talk about our impending fate.

“Do you think Storm will find us soon? I want to go home.”

“Me too.”

“They’re looking for us, right?” Emilee tucked her knees into her chest, wrapping her arms around them, tiny trembles working through her body.

“Yes. The whole club is looking for us.” I tried to not think negatively. Tried to not let my mind wander to a dark place. If Storm and his brothers hadn’t rid the area of Hunters the last two months or found them, how would they find us now?

The dude returned with the water. Again, like the gum, he threw the bottles at us—jerk.

Emilee and I shared one bottle, saving the second. We chewed the gum with solemn expressions. Hero and Tara were awake, neither made a sound.

A chill crept up my spine as the prospect ogled me. I was only in my bra and panties. The asshole prez wouldn’t give my clothes back. I’d never been assaulted and humiliated quite like this. Dane might have beat me when I let my mouth run, but every degrading word spewed, or the forced sex had been in private.

I choked down saliva, not allowing my mind to go to that dark, evil place. These men, the Hunters, were capable of far more heinous acts than hitting and making me strip. What they might do to the girls and I would change us in immeasurable ways. Death might be a better deal than the vile things they could do.

I needed to keep their focus off Emilee. She was so young.

God, I felt guilty and helpless.

Sometime later, the door swung open. Sunlight flooded the dimly lit room so bright I squinted, unable to make out who entered the silo. As my eyes adjusted after the door closed, I recognized the president. The enforcer followed with a crowbar in hand.

Lightheaded and nauseous, I pressed one hand to my stomach and grabbed Emilee’s hand with the other as if she could protect me, sensing that vile man had come for me.

“Good afternoon. Lovely day isn’t it?” The prez had an evil glint in his black eyes. “Hope you slept well. You’ll need lots of energy to endure what I have in store for you.” He locked his perverted gaze on me.

My blood turned cold as the prez made his way in my direction.

Emilee trembled against me. “Oh, God.”

“Shhh.” My heart hammered against my ribs. He wanted me. That much, I was sure.

“Look at you, niñita. I’ve been thinking of your tight cunt all night.” He squatted, skimming his finger over my shoulder and down my arm. “If your man doesn’t agree to my terms, I’ll be having my way with you.” He forcefully grabbed my face and tilted it up. He licked his lips. “That’s right, niñita… That means little girl. I will own you, niñita.”

“I’d rather die!” I couldn’t stop myself from spitting in his face.

He wiped his cheek with the back of his hand. “You little cunt.” He hissed through gritted teeth.

I saw his fist coming and braced for the impact, like I would do when Dane hit me. It didn’t help. I was knocked back into the metal wall. Emilee cried out, so did I, seeing stars.

Hero growled and struggled in his chair, clanging it around as if it would help. It was no use. He was tied up and gagged, like Tara.

The prospect laughed at him.

Tears burned their way down my face as I touched my eye. I was bleeding. I’d never been punched like that before. Dane sprained my arm and bruised my body, shaking me when angry. He’d been careful with my injuries, so my friends wouldn’t notice. Always knew where to hit that would be covered up by clothes. He’d kicked me in the stomach, but he never once punched me in the face.

The prez grabbed me by the arm, forcing me to my feet. “You’re going to be fun to break, niñita. I will break you.” He dragged me away from a sobbing Emilee. “How do you want her? Tied to the table?”

My heart felt like it jumped into my throat when I noticed the other man who’d entered the silo with the prez. I’d forgotten about him while the prez terrorized me.

Dane stalked toward me, his thumbs hooked in his pant’s pocket, a smug expression. I was stunned silent. What was he doing with the Hunters?

“Hi, babe. Thought I told you to stay away from bikers?” Dane lifted my chin, taking in my appearance. “Fuck, you’re a mess. Been running your mouth off, haven’t you?

As it trembled, my lip betrayed me. My left eye was already swelling, hardly able to open it.

“I should’ve been firmer with you, so you’d obey better. I’m sorry about that.” He stuck his thumb in my mouth, making me open it like before.

I could still read his mind. “No...” I cried, twisting my body, trying to break free of the prez’s grasp. “Don’t do this.” Spit dribbled down my jaw as I gagged. “You’ll never survive it. Storm will kill you.” I slobbered, getting my words out.

Dane barked out a mocking laugh. “Babe, you’re stupider than I thought. If Storm tries anything, he’ll go to jail. I don’t know what he wants with someone like you. You’re much too vanilla.”

Hero and Tara writhed in their chairs with a wild fury. Neither one could save me from whatever Dane and the prez would do.

I was on my own.

Dane removed his finger, trailing it down my throat. His eyes darted toward Emilee.

“Why are you here?” I shouted to get his attention back on me.

Dane smirked. “To sample the goods, of course. My friend and I have an arrangement.” He glanced at Emilee again. I had to keep his focus on me or he’d do something rash to her.

“Dane!” My heart thumped hard in my chest. I knew that sick, lustful look in his eyes. Jesus, he wanted Emilee.

“If I keep the heat off him, I get my way with his product and some fun money. When he told me he had Storm’s ol’ lady, well, I had to see for myself.” His finger moved to the cut on the corner of my eye. I winced as he dug his nail into it. “Shoulda kept your mouth shut, babe. I don’t like seeing your pretty face busted up.” He lowered his mouth to mine.

I turned away from him. “No!”

He gripped my face. “Don’t be a bitch. You know saying no means nothing to me.” He forcefully kissed me, but I kept my lips closed. He growled, “I want you on your fucking knees, bitch.” He unhooked his belt, a revolting expression on his face.

The prez pushed me down. “You heard the deputy, niñita.”

A sob rattled in my chest as I heard Emilee behind me. Hero grunted and huffed, practically losing his mind.

Being forced by these monsters to suck Dane’s dick wasn’t the worst thing they could do to me. I had given him blow jobs before. I could block it out. If I was difficult, there could be blowback on the others… on Emilee.

Dane dropped his pants. “Open wide, babe.”

“Not in front of the others. Please, Dane.”

“I love it when you beg. But no dice.” He dropped his boxers and palmed his unimpressive, pathetically small dick.

Bile shot into my throat. I gagged on stomach acid. Where was Storm? Why hadn’t he found us yet?

“Still a drama queen.” Dane slapped me. “Gag and throw up all you want. I won’t mind.”

I knew it wouldn’t, because he was a sick fuck.

“If you fight or bite me, I’ll have them strap you to the table, spread eagle. We’ll all take a turn with you… and the girl.” He jerked his head toward Emilee. “Understand?”

The prez yanked on my hair, lifting my face toward Dane. Having an audience was one thing. Doing this in front of my friends and Hero was different. Jesus, I’d never been so humiliated.

Hero grunted, trying to talk.

Tara and Emilee sobbed.

It was surreal. Like the worst nightmare I’d ever had.

“It’s okay, Hero,” I said in a calm voice. “Don’t watch. Please, none of you watch.” Tears streamed down my face. I felt so pathetic for crying, for letting them break me.

Wasn’t this what I deserved after getting us in this position in the first place? If I had only listened to Storm, we wouldn’t be here.

“Open wide,” Dane hissed. “I’m tired of waiting. If you don’t make it good for me, you’ll be on the table. Ya hear?”

I’m dying inside. God, help me.

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth.