Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



After Toby left, I moped around the house until after lunch. He told me he was meeting Kaleb for lunch. As much as I wanted to go with my brother, I knew better. He was in town to help the club with their security and train Grizzly. Toby’s time was limited. I wouldn’t let my personal issues interfere with the club. Believe me, it wasn’t easy staying put knowing he’d see Storm.

Tara rushed around the house packing her suitcase. “I’m worried about you, Mads.” She and Steph were going to Richmond to visit a mutual college friend for the week. They’d invited me to tag along, but I declined. I wasn’t in the right headspace, and I couldn’t leave if Storm wanted to talk. Fixing things with him was my first priority, and I wouldn’t miss the chance if the opportunity presented itself.

I waved her off. “I’ll be fine. After the shit storm last night, please, go have some fun.” My life may have imploded, but I wasn’t that selfish. I wouldn’t guilt my friends into staying with me even though I was hurting so much I could hardly breathe.

“He’ll call. I’m sure of it.” She dropped her tote bag at the door. “That man loves you more than his Harley.” Tara winked, trying to lighten the mood. “He just freaked out, but you haven’t lost him.”

“I hope you’re right.” Not knowing what would happen made me physically ill. I felt like a drug addict going through withdrawals. My skin was clammy, my heart raced unbelievably fast and I couldn’t stop shaking. I didn’t sleep last night and couldn’t eat today. I didn’t want to live without him. “What if I don’t have a choice? And he ends it?” I’d be completely devastated and shatter into a million irreparable shards, if I lost Storm again.

Tara dropped onto the sofa beside me, kicking her heels up on the coffee table. “That won’t happen, Maddy. But if it did, you’d survive. You’re strong, babe. After everything you’ve been through with Dane, there is nothing you can’t handle.”

“Death is a kinder alternative than life without Storm.” I loved him with every cell in my body. Every breath I took. Every beat of my heart had his name engraved on it.

“Shit, Mads. Now I’m afraid of leaving you if you’re gonna talk about death like this.” She took my cold hand into her warm one.

I rolled my eyes. “Sorry, that’s not what I meant.” I sounded like a stupid, weak woman. Extreme and over the top. I didn’t care, but I didn’t want Tara to worry about me. I wouldn’t actually do anything crazy.

Tara squeezed my hand. “Please come with us.”

“I can’t. Storm said we’d talk when he got back to the club later.” No way would I leave town after what happened last night. Tara was right, Kaleb was freaking out. I wouldn’t abandon him when he needed me most.

“Oh, please. Make him wait like he made you.”

“No, I don’t play games. You know this.”

Tara checked the time on her phone. “I need to go. You’ll be okay? You’re sure?”

“I’ll be fine.” I jerked my chin out the window. “AJ is standing watch.”

She nodded, biting her thumbnail. “K. Call me if you need anything.”

“Have fun.” I hugged her and she rushed to her car.

The quiet swallowed me whole as I wilted on the sofa. My chaotic mind conjured every possible scenario of what may happen when I saw Storm. I hated how my imagination was stronger than my good sense.

Pull yourself together, Maddy. You’ve got this. Storm is yours.

I rubbed my tattoo, swirling my finger over it. I remembered the day I became Storm’s property, felt the heat of his large hands on my body when he held me through the pain. He’d soothed me with sweet words of encouragement. Kissing me often. Art had called us disgusting because we didn’t hide our affection. Yeah, we were disgusting alright, disgustingly in love with each other. Always hot and desperate. I wrapped my arms around my shivering body. I ached for his touch, for his lips on mine. Needed to hear him call me Angel.

I didn’t do well with conflict. For most of my life, I played nice to avoid drama and confrontation. When I grew into a teenager and started dating, I was the sweet, agreeable, girl next door.

Not anymore, though. I wasn’t the girl I was back in my hometown of Garrison, South Dakota. Or even the woman I was when Dane and I were together. Being sweet and non-confrontational had cost me big. Dane not only manipulated me, but he verbally and physically abused me, knocking me around when it suited him. He forced sex on me, cheated because I was “awful” in bed.

He nearly destroyed me.

Eight months ago, I got out from under him, swearing off men… until Storm appeared out of nowhere like a freaking thunderstorm.

Fisting my hands, I hopped off the couch and paced. I reflected on my life. How did I get to this very place, separated from the only man I ever loved?

Storm was my person. Mine.

I was damn tired of waiting for him to finally be ready to talk. Get ready, Storm, I can’t wait any longer. I was prepared to launch myself right into the middle of some ugly conflict. Prepared to confront his ass and chew him up one side and down the other for kicking me out of our bedroom. For running away from me.

I was done being agreeable, and all out of patience.

My man was freaking out. Even Track had said as much. Storm needed me, but he was a stubborn son of a bitch.

My mind was made up. I dashed into the bedroom to grab some clothes and hopped into the shower. Fifteen minutes later, I threw on a pair of denim shorts and a blue tee—along with my brown boots, of course.

Grabbing my purse on the way out, I marched to my car, hellbent on talking to Storm. I would make him speak to me. He didn’t get a choice in the matter. We were going to settle this shit once and for all, then have mind-numbing makeup sex.

AJ perked up on the seat of his bike and turned down Eminem on his radio. It was always Eminem. “What’s up?”

I stared at him for a second. His brown hair was always messy, or windblown from riding his motorcycle. There was a little patch of hair on his chin. He was still so young and fresh. Being a Knight would probably change him. “Going to the clubhouse.”

His eyebrows shot up.

“Don’t look at me like I’m a crazy woman. Storm wanted me back at the compound so I’m going.”

“Okay. I’ll follow you.”


By the time I pulled up to the gate in my little Honda CR-V, my hands were sweating. I held my breath, white-knuckling the steering wheel. It was after 3:30 p.m. If Storm wasn’t going to be back until 5:00, what would I do while waiting for him?

Didn’t think this through very well, Mads.

Did everybody know what happened? Had word spread throughout the clubhouse that the prez threw his old lady out? Maybe I shouldn’t have come. Sugar and Tina were probably around. Shit. I wasn’t ready to talk to them.

My heart galloped hard and fast. I hated the unknown.

Dodge waved me through, after talking to AJ. I wasn’t sure if I should stop like I usually did, to greet him. Of course, I should. Dodge was a good guy.

I slowed and rolled my window down.

“Hey, Madeline.” He stared at me with something strange in his eyes, like he knew what happened. “Storm’s not back yet.”

“That’s okay. I thought I’d hang out with Emilee before he returns. She’s leaving for college soon. I’m going to miss her.”

He furrowed his brow, then his eyes softened. “Yeah. Leaving soon…” His voice trailed off, appearing to get lost in his thoughts.

This was strange. Did Dodge like Emilee? I never saw them together. Dodge kept to himself. He was Track’s younger cousin—tall and tan, like him. The same dark focused eyes, but Dodge never smiled.

I considered him a long second. “I’m thrilled Emilee wants to teach kindergarten. We have a lot in common. Both of us love kids, baking, and Gilmore Girls. She’s a sweetie. And a pretty girl. Dontcha think?” Dang it, I word-vomited. I eyed his reaction carefully.

Dodge nodded slightly but didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to because it was in his eyes. There was something more there regarding Emilee.

“I’ll let the boss know you’re waiting when he gets here.”

“Thanks, Dodge. Have a good one…”

The parking lot was mostly empty, save for a few cars and bikes. Typical for a Sunday. I pulled into my assigned spot in front of the clubhouse and turned off the engine. I needed a minute to slow my racing heart.

AJ paused by the entrance. I waved for him to go on without me.

My stomach twisted into knots. Why was I nervous? Storm wasn’t even here. It didn’t matter to my chest though, it felt like an elephant decided to sit on it. What was happening to me?

It was like the end was nearing as I held my hand to my stomach, trying to breathe through the nausea. My whole body tensed. The end of what? Me and Kaleb? Was he in danger?

I’d grown up in a religious home with two parents believing in God’s will and the Holy Spirit speaking to them. Was my uneasiness the Holy Spirit trying to warn me?

What if I didn’t get a chance to talk to Kaleb? What if this pain in my chest was a heart attack? These were heart palpitations, right? Oh God, I could hardly breathe. What if I passed out?

I inhaled a deep breath and prayed—anything to steady my heart and calm this fear that something terrible was coming.

I’ll write him a note!

If something happened to me, he’d have my last words. Crap! I sounded morbid. Whatever, I grabbed the notebook I kept in the pocket of my driver’s side door and started writing.

Kaleb, my love,

I have a weird feeling something awful is going to happen. You weren’t here when I arrived to ease my fears. On the off-chance I never see you again, I wrote you this letter. God, I hope I’m just overreacting, but I feel it in my bones. Something horrible is coming.

Whatever you’re thinking about Tommy’s death, stop. JUST. STOP. It was an accident, baby. I know it was. I don’t blame you. Toby told me everything. I want you to know, none of it changes the way I feel about you. I still want to be with you. I want to be with you more than anything. Every day I dream about us having a baby and our future together. A life with you is all I want.

I love you, Kaleb Knight. I have since I was a little girl. I will love you until I draw my last breath. Whatever happens today, tomorrow, or years from now, never stop living. Even if I’m gone, keep moving forward.

Yours always and forever,


A tear streaked down my cheek. That sure sounded like a goodbye letter. I folded the paper in half, stuck it in my notebook, and hopped out of the car. If something happened to me, I was sure Storm would find it.

A guard wasn’t posted at the door, so I walked right into the building, making my way down the hallway to the bar’s entrance. Storm’s handsome face stopped me as I stared at his picture on the wall. There were fifty pictures of past and current KLMC members—several were fallen brothers.

The club’s brotherhood was the most beautiful display of trust, loyalty, and love I had ever seen. Many of these men didn’t have a family outside of the club. Copper came to mind. I knew he wasn’t the only one who’d grown up in the foster care system. Many had heartbreaking stories. Their hard edges and frozen hearts were how they protected themselves. Down deep, they were soft and sweet. Devoted, with the right amount of possessiveness, like my Storm. I admired and respected every one of them.

Hearing a couple of voices in the bar, I peeked my head around the corner to confirm it wasn’t Storm’s. When I was sure, I went toward the kitchen. He may have said he wouldn’t be around until five o’clock, but what if he only told me that to keep me away? What if Dodge lied and Storm was actually here? I needed to be sure.

I listened at the kitchen door, hearing Tina’s quiet voice. A grunt followed. I tried to be stealthy, peering around the corner. Once again, no Storm, just Raul.

That left Storm’s—no, our bedroom—upstairs. Or he could be in the large garage in the back of the compound. It was where the guys tinkered on their bikes and let their frustration out on a punching bag. For some reason, I didn’t think Storm was out there.

I headed for the stairs, thankful it was a quiet Sunday. The guys always partied hard and were hungover the day after a party. At the top of the stairs, I exhaled a sigh of relief.

What’s this… I narrowed my eyes, padding down the hallway. Our bedroom door was cracked open. Was Storm here, after all? Hope bloomed in my chest. I was desperate to see my man.

I pushed the door open. The rumpled linens on the bed caught my eye, but still no Storm.

“Baby, it’s me,” I called, facing the bathroom. The door was partly open. I didn’t want to intrude if he was on the toilet.

Tremors rolled through my body, my stomach flip-flopping and churning. Never had I been so nervous. What on earth was going on with me? We didn’t have an argument. I mean, finding out who we really were was quite a shock, but it didn’t change the way I felt about Storm. In fact, it explained our deep connection.

The door swung wide open.

The earth violently shook.

“He’s not here.” Carla appeared in a black lace bra and a tiny pair of panties. A smug grin spread across her bright pink lips.

“What are you doing in my bedroom? Nobody is allowed in here.” My pulse whooshed in my ears as bile shot into my throat. Wasn’t it obvious what she was doing?

“It’s Storm’s room, not yours. And what Storm wants, he gets. You know that.” She slithered toward me like a viper readying her strike. “What do you think I’m doing here, Angel?”

“You bitch, answer my question!” Why did I need to hear it from her lips?

“Are you that stupid? You can’t see I was taking care of my man?” She jerked her head toward the messy bed. “He always comes back to me.” She laughed, stepping toward me.

Shocked and mortified at what this all meant, I was speechless. Dying inside.

“He had a little business to take care of, ya know. Or maybe you don’t, since he made you leave.” She snorted, closing the gap between us. “Last night, we fucked until the sun came up. He couldn’t get enough of me and my pussy…” Her fake purple eyes assessed me. “He ordered me to wait for him so we could go at it again… He’s masterful with his tongue.” The bitch shrugged. “But I’m sure you know that.”

I swallowed the acid and found my voice. “You two-bit whore!” I slapped the shit out of her face, ignoring the sting. It felt as if the floor dropped out from below me as my world fell apart.

Carla yelped in surprise. “Stop, you crazy bitch!”

“He’s not your man, you, fucking whore!” I slapped her again and again, grabbing a handful of her hair in my other hand. I unloaded on Storm’s go-to kitten, unable to stop the rage consuming me. I’d never felt such contempt and hatred toward anyone.

I didn’t want to believe it—Carla and my Kaleb. My heart splintered and cracked as I yanked on her fake blonde hair—grunting as I jerked her head around.

“Let go of my hair!” Carla screamed. “Let go!”

“I’ll kill you! I. Will. Kill. You!” I heaved the words out, tugging with everything I had on the slut’s hair. She screamed louder as I bent her in half. All I could think about was Storm screwing this skanky bitch. Driving his cock into this whore and licking her pussy.

I gagged as vomit burned my throat with a vengeance. I held it back because right now, I wanted to kill Carla. Pull every strand of hair out of her scalp. Beat the ever-living shit out of her for touching my man.

“What the hell is going on in here?”

Suddenly, I was lifted off my feet. I hardly noticed as I pulled the first blonde clump out. Then a second. And a third. Carla’s hair was ripped from my hand. I kicked and thrashed to get free, swinging my hands at the idiot who interrupted my beatdown of that fucking kitten.

I struggled to get at Carla when she was moved out of my reach. Fought with all my might. What was holding me back?

“Stop, Madeline,” Track yelled. “Do you hear me? Stop!”

My surroundings returned to focus. I twisted, finding Lynx behind me with his strong arms wrapped around my waist. My chest slammed against my ribs. Bloody scratches were on the top of his hands and my nails dug into them. I’d been clawing at him to get away.

“Oh, Jesus… Fuck no...” Lynx cursed like a madman. Words spewed from his lips, saying everything I couldn’t voice. Not when I was dying inside. Dying the most painful death a person could experience.

“Calm down, Angel.” He shushed me, dragging me away from Track and Carla.

“Let go of me!” My fight returned. I ripped myself out of his arms. “Don’t. Touch. Me.”

He put his hands up. “It’s okay, babe. It’s okay.”

“Fuck all of you!”

I ran like my life depended on it, to the stairs, ignoring Lynx shouting to stop and his heavy footsteps. My pulse hammered in my ears, drowning everything out. I made it to the entrance, bursting through the glass doors. I needed to get away from the MC. Get away from anything to do with Storm.

I. Was. Done.

I’d almost made it to my car. Almost. But stupid Lynx was fast.

“No, babe. You aren’t leaving like this.” His muscular arms went around me, squeezing me tightly.

“Let go… God, please… Let me go…” I begged, pushing on his arms. All I wanted to do was die.

“I can’t. Storm would chop off my balls if I let you go, after that shitshow upstairs. I don’t know what happened, but you need to stay.”

“Isn’t it obvious what happened? He had sex with her! The first bump in the road we hit, and he fucks another woman! A kitten! That bitch!” I struggled to get free of his arms, but it was no use. Lynx’s grip was unbreakable, and I was far too devastated to keep fighting.

I had never felt so broken. Completely destroyed by Storm’s betrayal. Even after he knew what Dane had done to me, he slept with Carla.

He always comes back to me. Carla’s words burned through me.

Did he think we were over? Was I the only one truly invested. Maybe Storm was just like his father and would never settle down with one woman. Maybe I didn’t really know him at all.

I’m such a fool. They can all go to hell.

“Let’s get you inside, Angel.” Lynx lifted me off my feet and carried me.

I couldn’t reply through my wracking sobs. What was there to say, anyway?

Track was in the entry when we entered the clubhouse. I hid my face in Lynx’s chest as I cried.

“You need to get here now. It’s Madeline…” Track was on the phone.

Lynx took two steps up the stairs.

I fisted his cut as fury ignited in me again. Was he insane? Blind? Heartless? “No! Not his room.”

“Babe, it’s your room too.”

“No it isn’t! Please,” I cried out, unable to hold myself together. “Take me to a guest room.” As if I’d ever want to be in Storm’s room after he had that wench in it.

“But he’d—”

“Please,” I begged like a whimpering child. Didn’t he care that Storm cheated on me? Perhaps I was the fool in this equation. It wouldn’t be the first time, but it sure as hell would be the last.

“Take her to a goddamn guest room if that’s what she wants!” Track snapped at Lynx. I would be eternally grateful to him.

“AJ! Go with Lynx. Guard Madeline’s room.”

Guard my room? I was a prisoner now? Peachy.

“What happened?” AJ asked.

Lynx grunted, jerking his head toward the kitchen. I was shocked no one else was around—a small blessing. Instead of abject humiliation in front of dozens, it was only in front of a few.

“I don’t want to see him,” I muttered as Lynx stomped down the steps. His grip tightened around me. Probably in frustration, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything.

“He’s the prez. Can’t stop him from going into your room.”

Shit. Storm was the last person I wanted to ever see again.

“Room four,” Lynx rasped to AJ. “Tell me what you need, Angel.” He stopped at the door so AJ could open it, then set me on the bed. Lynx looked wholly undone. His hazel depths appeared tormented, brows furrowed beneath sweat. I eyed the scratches and dried blood on his hands and arms caused by me.

“Don’t call me that. My name is Madeline.” I gritted my teeth, reaching for the box of tissues. “You’re holding me against my will. Let me out of this goddamn place. That’s the only thing I need, Lynx.”

“Jesus Christ.” He scratched the back of his blond hair, eyes darting to AJ. “Grab a few bottles of water.” Lynx turned toward me after AJ dashed off.

“No white bread for the prisoner?”

“You’re not a prisoner. If you want something else, we’ll get it for you.” He stared into my eyes with compassion. It didn’t matter if he felt bad, he was one of them, a Knight. Loyal to only Storm, the club and his brothers. I didn’t truly matter.

“I’d rather die than take anything from any of you heartless, soulless bikers. I thought you cared about me. I thought you guys had at least one decent bone in your body.” I shook my head, sniffing back my runny nose. “This is on me for trusting Storm. Just leave me the hell alone.”

Lynx blanched as if sucker punched. After marking him up with my nails, I should’ve felt awful, but I didn’t. He was locking me in a room against my will. I hated him and the rest of the bikers for staying loyal to that bastard Storm.

“If you need anything, AJ will be at the door.” Lynx dropped his head and left the room. After AJ placed the bottles on the nightstand, Lynx locked the door from the outside.

I launched off the bed. Screaming, I banged on the door, knowing full well it wouldn’t do a damn bit of good. I just needed to hit something. Whirling around, I took in the Cracker Jacks Box room. I imagined it was slightly bigger than a prison cell—sans a urinal hanging on the wall.

Fury and heartache flooded my veins. I went to the small window, bending the aluminum blinds to see if I could get out through it. No luck. I screamed again, reaching for the small lamp on the nightstand. I launched it at the mirror above the chest of drawers.

My knees buckled, falling onto the dingy industrial tiles. Carla’s sneering face pummeled my mind, driving me insane. Images of Storm touching her, licking her, and fucking her lashed at my raw heart.

Storm. He wasn’t my KC… Kaleb. The boy I loved most of my life. No, he’d changed.

Today was proof. Kaleb Knight no longer existed. He’d changed over the last twelve years. Not only in appearance, but he wasn’t the same person who would protect me with his life. He couldn’t be trusted or faithful. On so many levels, he’d shown me what a remarkable man he was when he wouldn’t let anyone else see. But my one rule, the one thing I swore to myself I would never stand for ever again, Storm shit on it.

Whatever were his excuses, they didn’t matter to me. If he had a weak moment because of learning who I was, if that was what sent him over the edge, I didn’t care. If he felt deceived because he thought I knew who he was all along, so he drowned himself in booze and Carla’s pussy, I didn’t care. He could have all the excuses in the world, grovel, plead and cry, but I would never, ever forgive him. Never take him back after this betrayal.

I was done with this whole outlaw MC life. Done with their I am the king misogynistic life. If Dane taught me anything after treating me like shit and beating the crap out of me, it was nobody would rescue me from my situation. It took me months to realize I had control of my life. After I’d mustered every ounce of courage I could, I got out from under his abusive fist. I was done being a weak doormat and his punching bag.

Just as I was done with Storm.

Crawling on the floor to the bed, I hoisted my weary body onto it and curled into a ball. Tears soaked the pillow as I mourned the loss of my childhood crush, KC, all over again.

Storm could burn in hell with his kitten.