Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



I ran into the clubhouse with Hero on my heels. My heart hammered against my ribs, fearing the worst. Had Madeline been hurt? Did the fuckin’ Hunters get the drop on AJ? Christ, were they both dead? Goose flesh spread over my arms at the thought. If my Angel left this earth, I was sure I would’ve felt her soul die. Ours were intertwined. We were soulmates. I would’ve felt her life floating away to the heavens. Wouldn’t I?

“What happened?” I scanned the entrance but nothing appeared amiss. I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or terrified.

Track and Lynx looked sidelong at each other. My chest tightened, pulse whooshing in my ears.

Track sneered. “You fucked Carla! How could you? I thought you cared about Madeline. Hell, I thought you loved her.” The disgust on his face had me rolling my hands into fists. I swear he wanted to rip my head clean off my neck.

Fuck Carla? I couldn’t have heard him correctly. “The fuck you say, brother?” I went face to face with him, clenching my jaw, nostrils flared. “How dare you accuse me of such bullshit!”

Sugar and Tina appeared, stopping when they saw Track and me.

Track eased back half a step. “You weren’t with Carla last night?”

“Oh Jesus, what’s going on?” Sugar got between us, putting a hand on my chest. I ignored her, keeping my deadly gaze on my so-called best friend… my brother.

“No, I wasn’t with that bitch! Where the fuck is this coming from?” Had I just entered the fuckin’ Twilight Zone?

When Track called saying I needed to come back to the clubhouse, he never told me why. Nor did I ask. All I heard was It’s Madeline. I sprinted out of the gunshop with Hero, and left Toby with Grizzly and Wolf, to bust my ass back to the clubhouse.

“Somebody talk to me.” Sugar tapped my chest to get my attention. Her calm voice did nothing to dampen the rage bellowing in my chest.

“Not now, Sugar.” I moved her out of the way.

Track glanced at Lynx as he ran his hand through his hair. On a nervous exhale, he said, “Carla was in your bedroom in her bra and panties.”

“What?” I roared, seeing red. How in the hell did she get into my room? I always locked the door. Had I been so fucked up, I forgot? No, locking the door to my room was second nature.

Lynx moved forward. “And… Madeline found her inside. Carla taunted her about y’all fucking and how you wanted her to wait for you in your room.”

Sugar and Tina both gasped, covering their mouths.

The whooshing in my ears went deadly silent. My stomach twisted so tight I couldn’t breathe. Every part of me went numb. This was so fuckin’ bad.

“What. Else?” I gritted my teeth.

“Madeline lost it on her, Prez.” Lynx shook his head. “She slapped the shit out of Carla, scratching up her face and pulling her hair out. She threatened to kill her. I’d never seen any woman so angry before.” He grabbed his arm.

I caught a glimpse of dried blood. “Where is she?”

Lynx growled. “Carla’s in the quiet room. We didn’t know what to do with her.” The quiet room was a padded cell used for brothers who were out of control.

“I don’t give a shit about Carla. Madeline! Where’s Madeline? In my room?” I took three long strides toward the stairs. No one answered. I turned around with an expectant expression. “Well?”

Track sighed, bracing his hands on his hips. “In a room downstairs. She doesn’t want to see you.”

“Well, she doesn’t have a goddamn choice!”

“Storm.” Sugar grabbed my hand.

Track stepped in front of me, blocking the way to the dorms. “Take a minute to calm down. She’s in a bad way. What she saw, what Lynx and I saw looked real. It destroyed her, man.”

“She told us to all fuck off and ran out of the building.” Lynx squared his shoulders. “I stopped her just before she got into her car. She struggled and fought me with all she had.” Lynx gripped the back of his neck, eyes suddenly glossy. More marks were on his forearms. “Then she broke, Prez.”

I breath hung my lungs, going face to face with Lynx, our noses almost touching. “Why didn’t you tell her it was a mistake. A lie? Why didn’t you tell her I didn’t fuck that bitch?”

“Because it looked like you had,” Lynx hissed through clenched teeth.

“Motherfucker!” My voice boomed as I shoved him in the chest and raised my arm to punch him in the fuckin’ face. “You let my woman believe I cheated on her!” I swung, but Track caught my fist.

“Calm down, Storm.” Track gripped my bicep, holding me back. Hero stepped in front of Lynx. “If you’d seen what we saw, you would’ve believed it.”

“The hell I would, brother!” I ripped my arm away, grunting like an angry bull. “I’d trust my brother before some club whore! I’d always have his back.” My face was on fire. I felt like I would explode.

“Storm, you need to calm down. Please, honey.” Sugar moved in front of me.

Track exhaled a heavy breath. “Shit, man. I’m sorry. It looked real.”

“Well, it wasn’t. Now move the fuck out of my way so I can see my woman.” I glared at him, clamping down on my back molars. I’d never felt an ounce of rage toward Track before, but if he didn’t get out of my way, I’d break his goddamned face.

He stepped to the side, and so did Sugar. Knew my brother was smart.

“Go soft on her, man,” he muttered as I passed.

What did he think I was going to do? Unload on her? Asshole.

If anyone knew what seeing Carla in my room would do to Madeline, it was me. Christ, I couldn’t believe this happened. What fuckin’ timing after I kicked her out of our room like a heartless, selfish prick.

Goddammit! I could choke Carla for what she did. I should’ve made her leave last month like I wanted to, but instead, I’d listened to my woman.

I slowed my heavy steps as I entered the hallway leading to the dorm rooms. The dim lighting overhead unnerved me. Dead man walking whispered in my ear as the hairs on my nape prickled.

A prospect guarding Madeline’s room made me sick. She didn’t belong locked up.

AJ shot daggers my way. He must’ve believed I cheated too. How could everyone think so little of me? Or maybe they all thought so highly of my woman. They were clearly Team Madeline. I should be pissed as hell, but I wasn’t. I wanted them to protect her, even from me.


“Prez.” He squared his shoulders, leveling his gaze—the hate in his eyes burned me up. He’d proven himself worthy of becoming a Knight. I’d make sure he got patched before the year was up.

I placed my hands on my hips. “How’s she been?”

“Sobbing. Throwing shit. Whimpering. Begging me to let her out.” His eye and jaw twitched in time. I didn’t miss it when he rolled his hands into fists. He’d rue the day he took a swing at me.

“I didn’t cheat on her.” Why I felt compelled to convince AJ, I wasn’t sure. I was the president. I didn’t owe anyone an explanation, but I hated the disgust on my men’s faces.

AJ didn’t respond.

I stepped closer and repeated myself in a firmer voice. “I would never cheat on Madeline.”

The tension radiating off AJ disappeared. Still, he didn’t respond, only giving me a short nod. He unlocked the door and moved to the side.

“You can go,” I told him as I entered, noting the door latching closed behind me. Madeline was curled into a tight ball on the twin bed, her back to me. She didn’t move.

My heart seized, the air in my lungs evaporating. A paralyzing pain hit me dead in the chest at the sight of my broken Angel. The regret I felt was more severe than after Tommy died. Both offenses were because of me. The blame was on me.

I should’ve made Carla leave months before Madeline ever entered my life. I shouldn’t have run off last night. I sure as hell shouldn’t have kicked Madeline out of our bedroom. I was the worst fuckin’ man alive.

Trepidation flooded my veins as I inched toward her. This was dire, no question, but she had it wrong. I needed to fix this. I couldn’t lose Madeline. Not over a lie, not even because she was Tommy’s sister.

I’d been a fuckin’ idiot for pushing her away again.

Madeline’s eyes were closed, her beautiful face red and blotchy. A wet circle was on the pillow, soaked with her tears. God, she was breathtaking. My Angel…

I took in the room, assessing the damage. A mirror above the dresser was shattered. A lamp from the nightstand seemed to be what broke it. The lampshade was deformed, the lightbulb was also destroyed. She really had gone off the deep end.

“Angel,” I whispered, lightly touching her hair with my fingertips.

She jolted, eyes flashing open, and flew off the bed to the opposite side of me. She shook her head rapidly as her swollen, red eyes went wide.

“Get out!” she screamed. “Get. Out!”

“Baby, you have it wrong.” I raised my hands in surrender, to assure her she was safe.

“No! I was there.” Her body shook. Rage flashed in her baby blues. “I saw Carla and the bed…” She gripped her stomach, bending at the waist. “You… you ma… make… me s… sick…”

It killed me to see her shaking and stuttering. Christ, I’m a bastard for letting this happen.

“I want… t… to go… home.” She wiped her face, keeping her eyes downcast, wincing in pain. Her voice was hoarse. She looked and sounded broken.

“You are home, Angel.”

“Don’t! Call me that!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, grabbing a water bottle off the nightstand. She lobbed it at my face. I ducked just in the nick of time and it hit the door.

I exhaled a frustrated breath. “Angel…”

“You sonofabitch! Don’t… don’t… call me that…” Tears streamed down her face. She pointed a trembling finger. “Are you… so… so fucking… heart,” she paused, putting her hand on her chest, gasping for air, “heartless. Don’t you... c, care... an ounce about me? Tormenting me after you betrayed me with… with her!” It tore me up to see her turn into the wall and choke back her emotions. Like the strong woman I knew her to be, she fought her tears with all her might. She hated appearing weak, but a sob ripped from her lungs despite her efforts.

Her agonizing wails gutted me. Never had I heard anything so painful and heart-wrenching. I couldn’t let her go on believing I fucked Carla, but she was so damn stubborn and unwilling to hear me out.

Only one thing left to do: make her listen.

I caged her in, placing my arms on either side. Pressing my lips to her temple, I pushed her head against the cement wall. My body surrounded her, not giving her an inch to move or fight.

“My stubborn Angel. You will fuckin’ hear me out. Right this fuckin’ second.” My words came out in an angry, unyielding voice. Couldn’t help it. I was beyond frustrated, not with her but with the situation. “I am never letting you go. Do you hear me? Never.” I leaned into her body, inhaling her unique scent. “You’re mine, mine since you were a little girl. You’ll forever be mine. Just like I’m yours, Maddy. I. Am. Yours.”

Her body trembled as she cried, but she didn’t fight or yell. I believed she wanted me to prove I didn’t cheat. I could. Right the fuck now.

“Let me prove I didn’t touch that bitch. Prove our bed is still sacred. Only you have ever been in it, Angel. I told you the first night you stayed at the clubhouse. I didn’t lie to you. You gonna let me show you what you saw was a lie?”

I kissed her head, waiting for her reply. I didn’t like her taking so long, but she’d be reasonable. She’d want proof.

Madeline stared me dead in the eyes, a challenging glint in hers. “Knock yourself out,” she whispered in a ragged breath.

I pressed my lips to her forehead, holding them in place. Sassy little shit. I loved this side of her. The fighter, take-no-shit side. She pushed me at every turn. Made me want to be a better man. Worthy of her love and trust.

“Okay, Angel. Let’s go to my office.” I took her hand, and she let me. She was giving me a chance.

I opened the door, finding AJ still standing there. His eyes ping-ponged between Madeline and me. He seemed to be searching her face. A tight jaw and fisted hands told me he was ready to defend her. It pissed me off when it shouldn’t.

“Thought I told you to leave.” I went toe to toe with him.

AJ held his head high. “I stayed for Madeline.”

I pressed my lips thin. “But I—”

Madeline squeezed my hand, stopping the ass-chewing I was about to give AJ. She was right. Now wasn’t the time to get into it with the prospect. She was my priority.

I nodded, leading Madeline away. As we passed through the kitchen, she kept her head down. Sugar and Tina were at the island.

Sugar stepped toward us. “Storm is she—”

“Not now, Sugar.”