Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

Eighteen years old

I stareat the pink plus sign for what feels like the hundredth time, my hand shaking while I hold the test.

I’m pregnant.

My parents are going to kill me.

I sit down on the edge of my bathtub and stare at the test, picking up the other two that were on the counter. All positive.

I’ve known, deep down for weeks. But I thought maybe it was just the stress of my senior year. Maybe I’d been too busy. My period has always been irregular.


Oh God.I place the tests in the trash, burying them under loose Kleenex and then wash my hands.

He’s going to freak out. But he’s my best friend, I have to tell him. We can get through this. I know he hasn’t been able to say the words I love you back to me, but I feel it when he kisses me.

That sparkle in his eyes when we talk about all the things we’ll do someday. He loves me too.

It’s going to be fine.

I know there’s a big party tonight. I’m not sure if he’ll be there, but knowing Sawyer and it being a Friday, I’m assuming he is.

I sneak down the stairs, not passing either of my parents as I make my escape from the house and to my car. I drive to the party and miraculously find a parking spot. My stomach is in knots from nerves and probably from the baby hormones.

I haven’t been able to keep much down over the last month or so.

I take a deep breath even though my hands are still shaking. I walk inside through the already wide-open door past people spilling out into the front yard. The home is in a secluded area, and I guess they aren’t worried about the cops.

I look around the crowded party, full of familiar and unfamiliar faces as I search for only one handsome face. I move through the crowd, dodging advances and overly drunk idiots bumping into me and everyone else.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

I could wait and talk to Sawyer tomorrow, but I’m afraid I’ll lose my nerve.

I walk up a winding staircase, finding several doors at the top. Some are open with lots of people inside, but I risk opening the first one I come to.

I immediately regret it when I see three naked people moaning and writhing around on the massive bed inside. I apologize and close the door quickly.

I force myself to keep going. I need to tell him tonight. He needs to know. We’ll sit down and make a plan. We can handle this.

I come to the end of the hall and slowly open the door. I get a glimpse of bare flesh and almost pull the door closed, but then I hear a familiar voice saying, “Sawyer. Yes.”


I clutch my stomach and push the door all the way open. Before me is a scene I never in a million years would have seen coming.

I see a bare female back as a woman with my sister’s voice straddles hairy thighs that I know. Her hands are on his bare chest as he looks over at me, his face horrified. “Piper.”

I’m numb. I stand there, my eyes roaming over every inch of skin and my mind trying to process what’s happening. My sister is naked with a very naked Sawyer beneath her. His eyes are red-rimmed, and he looks out of it, but I don’t mistake what’s going on.

There’s no explanation for it, other than I’m a fool.

“Piper,” he says again, but I don’t say a word.

My sister looks over her shoulder at me, not bothering to move off him or shield herself. She just smirks coldly at me.

I turn and run away.

I’m pregnant with his baby, and he’s fucking my sister.

I am officially the most foolish girl there ever was.