Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

I hate coming home late.Fucking Spencer. He’s such an asshole.

I walk into the house, placing my purse on the couch when I hear my daughter’s giggle coming from the open patio door. I smile to myself.

Sawyer sent a text today, asking if it would be okay for him to take Audrey swimming in his pool.

He’s been picking her up at Viv’s every evening, making it home before me. And although I want to hate him, he’s making it difficult.

He’s been so good with Audrey. And I hate to admit it, but she absolutely adores him.

I kept her from him, afraid she’d get hurt. But it’s pretty clear he’s stepped up. Still, I’m guarded. I have to be for Audrey’s sake.

I walk outside, and the scene before me melts my heart instantly. And okay, it might affect a little lower south too. I need to keep that in check.

Sawyer and Asher are in the pool with Audrey and Baz on their respective shoulders while the kids battle it out, laughing hysterically. Sawyer sees me first and offers that sexy as hell grin. “Hey. Long day?”

I nod and take a seat on one of the lounge chairs. “Awful.”

“Mommy!” Audrey waves at me. “We’re winning!”

“Nuh-uh!” Baz challenges, and Asher shushes him.

“Yes huh!” Audrey argues back, and I shake my head.

“Audrey, be nice.”

She scrunches her little nose and looks down. “I’m being nice, but we won.”

Asher pulls Baz off his shoulders before he can argue any further and tickles him, making him laugh as Sawyer lowers Audrey off his broad shoulders as well. God, why does he have to look so damn good?

It’s really not fair.

I feel like I’ve aged twenty years in the last six, but Sawyer? He’s perfect.

He pulls himself out of the pool as Baz and Audrey move to the shallow end to get out, and I can’t stop staring at his defined abs glistening with water sliding over each ridge.

“Spence is an asshole.”

I don’t argue, but then my eyes find the tattoo on his chest that leaves me stunned. Is that a “P”? A fucking “P” on his chest, scrawled in ink?

“Piper?” He’s trying to get my attention, but I’m focused on his tattoo.

He has a few, mostly on his arms. But it’s that fucking gothic “P” on his chest that has me transfixed as I lift my eyes to his.

“Are you okay?”

“You have a ‘P’ on your chest.”

It’s not a question. It’s a shocked statement as I stare at him, completely frozen. “I, uh . . .”

“Mommy!” Our attention is directed at Audrey as she comes barreling for me. “I’m starving!”

I glance at Sawyer briefly, still trying to come out of my stupor and then back to Audrey. “You are?”

“Yes! And so is Baz!”

Baz runs up with Asher in tow, who wraps him in a towel, picking him up and telling him, “We have to get home to Mommy.”

“Okay.” Baz shrugs his little shoulders and waves at Audrey. “See you tomorrow.”

“Bye, Baz!” She waves. “I still won!”

“Audrey.” I can’t stifle the laugh.

Baz hollers a quick, “Did not!” Before Asher and he exit through the gate. Sawyer chuckles and leans down to look at Audrey.

“You so did.” He winks, and she laughs at that joyously.

“We did.”

“That’s right.” He holds out his large hand. “High five.”

She happily slaps his hand with hers and then he picks her up, making her giggle.

“Let’s go get you some food.”

I stare at them as I watch him walk inside the house. He’s surprised me in so many ways over the past few weeks.

But all I can think about right now is that stupid tattoo.