Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

“Hey, are you heading out?”I stop, my emotions so damn high that just the sound of a Ross’s deep voice has me on high alert. But at least it’s Cole and not either of the other two.

I turn around and nod, my bottom lip becoming the victim of my teeth gnawing on it. “Yes.” I’ve been a mess all day, and I know I need to talk this out with someone. That someone is definitely not Cole. But still, I have to wonder. “Do you know too?”

His perfect eyebrow arches in question. “Know what?”

“About my daughter.”

His confusion seems earnest, but I don’t trust him completely. “You have a daughter?”

I nod once, not moving any other part of my body. “I do. And Spencer knew. How did you not know?”

He scoffs. “I don’t really make a practice of digging into my employees’ business. Not like Spence. He knew?”

“Yes.” I fold my arms under my breasts, untrusting and unsure. Shaken up by last night’s events. I had sex with Sawyer. Sex I wanted. Sex I initiated. Sex I loved. “He didn’t tell you either.”

It’s not really a question, and why I’m ever surprised by Spencer’s actions I’m really not sure. “No.” Recognition must hit. “This daughter of yours . . . She’s Sawyer’s?”

My head moves in a clipped nod. “Yes. Audrey.”

A small grin forms on Cole’s lips before he wipes it away and adopts a more serious expression. “Sawyer is a father.”

“A good one. Truly.”

Another small smile. “So, when do I get to meet my niece? She might like her cousins.”

I never thought about that. I never let myself think about the fact that Cole has children who could be part of Audrey’s life. “I’m not sure I’m ready for all that. I’ve barely let Sawyer in.”

He studies me carefully. “I understand that. Our kids . . .” He smiles. “They’re our everything. Just know that you’re family. Your kid has Ross blood.”

“Something that mostly only serves to scare me.”

“We aren’t all bad, Piper.”

Deep down, I know that Cole is mostly good, and so is Sawyer. But still, every instinct has told me to keep Audrey far away from anyone she shares blood with. As if that will somehow keep her heart pure. “I know. Thank you, Cole.”

“You better get out of here before Spence comes out of his office and gives you shit.”

“Thanks.” I wave and drive to Viv’s after sending Sawyer a message to tell him I’m off work a little early and will pick Audrey up today.

When I get to their house, I hear children’s happy screams of joy from the backyard and make my way there, opening the fence and seeing Viv getting some sun by the pool while the kids play in the shallow end with Asher. “Hi there.”

She pushes her sunglasses down her nose and beams happily at me. “Are you off work already?”

I nod, taking a seat next to her, waving at a happy Audrey and Baz in the pool and saying hi to Asher before turning back to Viv. “I decided to take off early tonight.”

“Well, good for you.” My stomach clenches, thinking about the real reason I’m here, and Viv must sense it because she sits up, placing her hand on my knee. “We can talk about it. Do you want to go inside?”

I glance briefly at Asher, who has the kids and isn’t paying attention to us, and then back at Viv. “You already know?”

She looks sheepish and then shrugs. “Not much is a secret around here, and Sawyer was pretty shaken up.”

My jaw nearly drops to the concrete at our feet. “He told you?”

“He told Ash. Ash has a big mouth.”

“You love my mouth!” Ash hollers, and she just winks in his direction before looking back at me with sympathy.

She stands up and grabs my hand. “Let’s go talk for a bit.”

I don’t argue and let her lead me into the kitchen. She pours us both glasses of lemonade and then takes a seat across from me.

“So, you’re freaking out about sleeping with him.”

“Wouldn’t you be?”

“Of course. Love is a tricky bitch, Piper.”

I scoff, taking a drink of the tart lemonade. “I’m not in love with him.”

“Oh, sweetie.” I roll my eyes, and she just laughs.

“I’m not. I can’t be. It’s just . . . God! How can I be this stupid? I fell for him all over again so fast. I thought I was stronger than this.”

“Going after what you want. Falling head over heels. Demanding respect while allowing yourself pleasure. Those are all strong qualities. You’re strong, Piper, and he’s changed. You know it deep down. He was heartbroken this morning when you weren’t there. He wanted to wake up with you. Does that sound like the old Sawyer?”

He did? “No.”

She smiles sweetly. “You guys have a lot to work out, but don’t for one second think you’re weak for giving into what you truly want. That’s a beautiful thing.”

Emotion threatens to choke me, but I manage to thank her before engaging in small talk and asking her about her day with the kids and her pregnancy. After a couple of hours, I bring Audrey home, finding Sawyer in his office.

Audrey is in her room playing when I take a seat in the comfy chair across from him. “Can we talk?”

He puts his phone down and nods, staying silent and allowing me to say what I need to say.

“I’m afraid.”

“Of me?” He looks so damn hurt it nearly breaks me.

“No. Not really, just of you hurting me.”

“I won’t.” He looks desperate, his hands raking through his thick hair as he stands and moves toward me, kneeling down in front of me. “I won’t.”

“I want to believe you, Sawyer. Last night . . .” I stop and clear my throat, afraid my voice is going to crack. “It was beautiful. The way you let me have control. Every bit of it was perfect, I didn’t want it to end.”

“It doesn’t have to. Say the word and I’ll make love to you every second of the day.” He takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles.

“I don’t think we’d get much done.”

“Who the fuck cares?”

I laugh at that and don’t pull my hand from his. “I don’t know about us. But there’s one thing I do know—that you’re a good father, an amazing father. And you deserve to have that title.”

His eyes widen as he searches my face. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I want to tell Audrey the truth. That you’re her dad.”

“I want that. More than anything, I want that.” His eyes are shining with hope, and I know I’ve made the right decision.

“Let’s do it then.”



He looks shocked as he stands up. “Right now?”

I stand and take his hand in mine. “Right now.”

There’s no going back, but somehow, I’m not afraid of this next step. He loves Audrey. That much I’ll never doubt.