Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

It’s beena little over a month since we told Audrey that Sawyer is her father, and I hate to say it, but everything feels pretty perfect. There’s been no drama. Sawyer is the model father. And I’m not sure what we are, but I know he’s trying with us too.

I want so badly to give him my heart, but I’m held back by the past. I don’t want to be a fool again. Still, with his hands caressing my back as I kiss him softly, our skin slick with sweat after making love in his bed, it’s easy to get lost.

My body is still trembling with the aftershocks of several orgasms, but it’s like I can’t get enough. I drag my fingers over his defined abs and smile against his mouth. “I really need to take a shower.”

He pulls me flat against his body so my bare breasts smash against his chest. “You really need to stay here with me.”

I smile, not wanting him to let me go. He’s been everything I thought he was when we were kids and more. Watching him as a father to our daughter has been a beautiful experience. “I have to go to work.”

His lips graze my neck, causing me to loll my head to the side, lying on his shoulder. “I still think you should consider Viv’s offer.”

Viv has been trying to get me to work with her nonstop over the past month. I can’t say I’m not tempted, but the stubborn part of me doesn’t want a job handed to me. Although technically, my current job was handed to me by Cole.

“I’m thinking about it.”

He grins and then quickly flips us so he’s hovering over my body, keeping me protectively tucked beneath him. “Good. Then we’d have more time for this.” He leans down, drawing me into an intense kiss that has my body begging for more.

“You’re killing me,” I groan as his mouth moves to my sensitive nipples.

“Don’t. Die.” He pops my nipple in his mouth and sucks hard. My back bows up as I moan and grind my pussy against his already hardening dick.

I gain my wits and push on his chest but not because I want to push him away this time. “Audrey will be up soon.”

He grins, looking down at me like he could devour me. “Yeah, she probably shouldn’t witness this.”

“No. That wouldn’t be good.”

He moves off me, climbs off the bed and then reaches for my hand. “The door is locked, though, and I think we both need a shower.”

I grin, feeling like a teenager again. “Fine. But a quick one, I’m already late, and I do still work for your brother, who’s a giant ass.”

He grimaces. “Yeah, he is.”

We climb into the shower and quickly soap up, my mind going to Audrey and hoping I’m making the right decisions for her. In my gut, I know Sawyer is good for her, and so are Baz, Asher, and Viv. They’ve all become her instant family, taking care of her without question.

“You’re thinking awfully hard. Please tell me it’s about my dick.”

I shake my head, rinsing shampoo from my hair. “You and your dick. I think you could have a relationship all on your own.”

He chuckles and then spins me around, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Nah, we need you.”

I smile, letting the water run over my face. “I was actually thinking about Audrey and that fancy ass school you convinced me to enroll her in.”

He leans his chin on my shoulder, pulling us back a step so the water is running over my chest and not my face. “That school is a good one or I wouldn’t have suggested it.”

“I don’t want her to be like us, Sawyer.”

He turns me around, his hands resting on my hips. “I promise you I’ll never do anything that will hurt her in any way. But we can’t hold her back either. She’s an amazing kid, and that’s on you. But we can’t deprive her of the best start we can give her.”

“I agree, and the school did seem like a good one.”

“It’s great.”

“The students didn’t seem like stressed-out zombies.”

He grins and brushes a sweet kiss over my mouth. “No. And if she ever starts to get that dead look in her eyes, I promise you, we’ll remove her right away.”

I trust him. My heart squeezes tightly at that thought because I know it isn’t just with Audrey. I trust him with every aspect of my life . . . including my heart.

I love you.

The three words bounce around my mind, begging to come out of my mouth, but I’m still scared.

“I love you, and I love her.” He kisses me, moving under the spray of the water and rinsing off before I do the same. We climb out and get dressed—me in my nightgown from last night and him in slacks and a button-down shirt. The words are still begging to escape, but I don’t let them.

When I open the door to Sawyer’s room, I’m instantly greeted with a bouncing Audrey. “Mommy! There you are!”

I smile and pull her into a great big hug. “Hi, sweetie! Good morning!”

“I couldn’t find you.”

We’ve been pretty good about going back to our own beds after exploring each other’s bodies, but last night I couldn’t get my legs to work and walk upstairs to my lonely bed. “I’m sorry, I thought I’d spend a little time with Sawyer before work.”

Not untrue. I can feel Sawyer behind me as he holds his hand out for Audrey. “Mornin’, kiddo.”

She slaps his hand, giving him a high five and giggles, still totally enamored with Sawyer. “Good mornin’, Daddy!” She giggles after calling him “Daddy,” which makes us all laugh. She’s not totally used to it yet, but she seems pretty content with him being her father.

“Want me to make you some breakfast?”

She nods excitedly. “You make the best food!”

I roll my eyes at that, and Sawyer chuckles, “Because I allow sugar.”

Audrey nods in agreement and takes his hand, pulling him toward the kitchen. I follow behind them. I run upstairs to quickly get dressed for work and then go to the kitchen. Sure enough, Audrey is eating a bowl full of sugary cereal, and I shake my head at Sawyer.

He comes up behind me, circling my waist and holding out a mug of coffee in front of us. “You want something to eat?”

“No, thanks. I’ll just have coffee.” I take the mug from him and look over my shoulder into those dark eyes I know I love instead of hate. “Do you mind taking her to Viv’s this morning?”

“Not at all. That okay with you, Aud?” Sawyer asks Audrey as she stuffs her face and gives him a thumbs up. His mouth moves to my ear, his voice a rumbling whisper, “I can’t wait to be inside of you again tonight.”

Damn him, I feel my panties growing wet just from a simple sentence and squirm in my skirt. “Save that voice for later.”

I give him a quick peck on the lips, and he winks at me before releasing me. “Have a good day, Pipes. I’ll see you tonight.”

How could I not after that promise?