Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

I roll to my side,grumbling because I don’t want to be awake yet. But then, I slowly open my eyes when I realize the other side of the bed is empty.


Please God, don’t let last night just be a dream.

I look around Piper’s room and see there’s no sign of her. “Fuck.”

I knew last night was too damn good to be true. After the first time, we talked for a little while about nothing important, and then she let me inside her gorgeous body for another round before we both passed out.

I climb out of bed and tug my jeans on from last night, not bothering with my boxer briefs or a shirt as I stumble out into the hall.

“Swearer.” Oh. Fuck.

I look at Audrey, who’s looking up at me curiously, her little hair mussed from sleep as she rubs her eyes. “Hi, sweetheart. What are you doing?”

“Looking for Mommy.” She looks behind me into the empty room. “Is that what you’re doing too?”

I hate lying to her, but I guess it’s not really a lie because I don’t know where the fuck Piper is. “Yeah, she’s not in there.” I hold my hand out for her. “Let’s go look for her and then get you some breakfast, okay?”

She nods exuberantly at that. “Okay.”

We walk downstairs and don’t see Piper anywhere. My heart is racing. She may leave me, but she’d never leave Audrey.

When we walk into the kitchen, that’s when I see her through the glass doors, sitting on the patio and facing the beach. “There’s your mom.”

Audrey rushes outside to greet her, and I move behind the counter to start making breakfast. I’m pissed but not sure I have the right to be. We had an amazing night together, and then she just disappeared in the morning.

When the fuck did I turn into a chick?

Piper walks inside with Audrey gripping her hand. She’s dressed for work, and her makeup and hair are flawless. “Morning.” I’m trying to play it cool, but I have so many fucking questions.

“Good morning. Can you take Audrey to Viv’s this morning? I need to go in early.”

No, she doesn’t. She won’t look at me. Fuck!

“Yeah, of course.”

“Thank you.” She kneels in front of Audrey and pulls her into a hug before taking off without another look in my direction.

Well, this is just great. She couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of here. As I make breakfast and eat with Audrey, fear floods through me that she’s about to bolt and take Audrey with her.

Why the hell did I have to let my dick do the decision-making? I was doing so fucking well.

I walk Audrey over to Ash and Viv’s, and Asher answers the door. “Hey, kiddo!” He looks at me. “What are you doing here?”

“Piper had to get to work early. Where’s the missus? You know I prefer to see her pretty face instead of your ugly mug.”

He chuckles as he lets us in. “She’s sleeping in a little. Had a rough night.”

“She okay?”

He closes the door behind us. “Yeah, the little one decided to kick her at two in the morning.” He bends at the knees to look at Audrey. “You cool with hanging out with us guys for a while?”

Audrey thinks it over, placing her little finger on her chin and then shrugs. “I suppose.”

He laughs and then signals down the hall. “Baz is in his room.”

“Bye, Swearer!” She takes off before I can say anything, and it still makes me smile.

“Bye, kiddo! I’ll see ya later!” I holler after her, but she’s long gone. I turn to Ash. “You sure Viv is okay?”

He grins and flops down on the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. “Yeah, she’s fine. But she needs sleep, even if she thinks she doesn’t.”

I take a seat next to him and kick my own feet up. “Telling a woman what’s best for her. Good call.”

He laughs easily at my sarcasm. “Yeah well, sometimes she listens.” He cocks his head to the side. “What’s up with you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you look like someone kicked your puppy.”

“Who the fuck would kick a puppy?”

He drops his feet to the ground and turns to face me. “Spill.”

“I slept with Piper last night.” He waits, and I sigh, annoyed that he knows me so well. “She avoided me like the plague this morning.”

“Ah.” He leans back against the couch, like what I just told him is no big deal. “So?”

“What the hell do you mean so? It sucks. I thought . . .”

“What?” He grins, turning to look at me. “Your cock was magic and could heal her?”

I place my feet on the ground. “No. I didn’t think she’d run away from me though.”

“Why wouldn’t she?”

I stand up. “I have to go to work.”

He follows me to the door. “Relax, man. I’m on your side. I’m just saying what you did to her . . . It was fucking vile. Of course she’s questioning herself after letting you in her panties. I mean, she’d be crazy not to.”

“I’ve changed.” I hate how pathetic I sound.

He places a hand on my shoulder. “I know you have. And she does too. But you owe her at least one freak-out.”

I know he’s right. “Thanks for watching Audrey.”

“No problem, man.”

We don’t say anything else because, let’s face it, that was enough of that shit. I head to work, knowing damn well where my mind will be all damn day.

I hope she can see that I really have changed.