Stryker’s Fight by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twenty-Three


IT’S BEEN TWO weeks since I was released from hospital. Each day is the same. As soon as I wake up and take a quick shower, I spend some time with Natalia. We play, watch TV, and hang out most days. Other days I take her to the park. Stryker spends as much time with us as he can. Then, we drop Natty off at the clubhouse with Gwen, Kim, or Jennifer and head off to the hospital to spend time with our son. Kaden is getting so big, even though he’s still small, and the doctors are talking about letting him come home soon.

I love what Stryker did for Natalia. Her room has been painted pink and he’s made sure everything is set up the way it was before. She has her toybox and dresser across from the end of the bed. Several stuffed animals fill her bed, some of them new. Natalia’s always loved her stuffies and chooses a different one each day when she gets up to carry around with her throughout the day. Those days aren’t the ones she goes to the clubhouse though. My daughter doesn’t like sharing her stuffed animals and won’t take them to the clubhouse or one of the houses when she goes with the ol’ ladies.

This morning, Stryker left to take Natalia to the clubhouse while I spent some extra time in bed. I’m standing in the middle of our bedroom with nothing more than a towel wrapped around me when he walks in. His eyes rake up and down my body, a sexy smirk covering his face as he stalks closer to me. He reaches out and grabs onto my hips, pulling my body flush against his. Yeah, I’ve been cleared to resume all normal activity. Including sex.

“Baby girl, you have been drivin’ me crazy for the last two weeks,” Stryker tells me, his voice hoarse with need.

“You haven’t been playing fair either, Stryker. Wearing close to nothing and sliding in bed naked every single night,” I return, stepping back just enough to let the towel fall to the floor between us.

“Now who’s not playin’ fair?”

“I’m not playing Stryker. I want you,” I tell him, my own voice lowering as desire fills my body.

Stryker walks me over to the bed where I climb up and sit on the edge, my legs spread open. My man doesn’t waste any time stripping out of his clothes and climbing up my body.

“This is gonna be fast, baby girl,” he warns me, his voice lowering even more with desire.

Leaning closer to him, I press my lips against his and wrap my arms around his neck. Stryker presses his body into mine, his hard cock resting against my folds as more wetness seeps out to coat his length. When he begins sliding his dick between my folds, butting up against my clit, I wrap my legs around Stryker’s hips.

“Stryker, I need you,” I tell him, a moan filling my voice as he hits my clit once again.

“You got me baby,” he says, moving down my body as he places kisses and nips my skin along his way.

He doesn’t stop moving until his face is just above where I need him the most. An ache builds in my center as his hot breath fans over my quivering pussy. Keeping his eyes locked on mine as I lean up on my arms to watch him, Stryker lowers his head and slides his tongue through my folds. A moan escapes him as he sucks my clit into his mouth. Continuing to suck on my clit, Stryker slides a finger inside my pussy, curling it up to hit the right spot. Between him sucking and nibbling my clit and sliding his finger in and out of me, my body begins to tighten. Arching my back off the bed to force myself closer to his eager mouth and fingers, I moan out his name.

“So. Close,” I mutter out, my breath coming out in pants.

“Not cummin’ on my mouth and finger this time baby girl,” he states, pulling his finger from my body.

Kissing and licking his way back up my body, Stryker stops at my chest and sucks a nipple into his mouth. He lines himself up with my pussy before pushing inside me, not stopping until he’s fully seated. For a minute, we remain locked together without moving. He leans down and kisses me deeply, filling it with all the passion and love he can. Our tongues tangle together as one of his hands begins to tweak my nipple, pulling it and giving me just the hint of pain that always throws me over the edge.

When I moan out and try to move my hips under Stryker’s massive body, he begins sliding out of me. It’s not long before he’s setting a punishing pace, his hips moving in and out of me. I thought there’d be pain since it’s been so long, but the only thing I feel is intense desire and my release coiling up even tighter in me than before. My hips move to meet Stryker’s every single move. The sound of our skin slapping against one another is the only sound in our room besides our panting.

“Fuck!” Stryker groans out, his body moving slightly faster and more erratic.

He reaches between our bodies while simultaneously lowering his head again to my nipple. I arch my back as his wet, warm mouth latches on, sucking it in his mouth before biting down on it. With his other hand, he rubs circles around my clit, pressing just hard enough to get me closer to the edge faster. I run my nails down his back while digging my heals into his ass. I’m wrapped tightly around him.

“Gabe!” I call out as my release rushes through me, shattering hard enough to cause lights to flash behind my closed eyes.

I don’t register anything as he continues to pound away inside my body chasing his own release. Just as I’m coming back down, Stryker slams into me one more time. His body goes tight, and he remains planted deep inside me. The echo of my name fills the room as Stryker slumps down on me. I run my hands up and down his back as we try to get our breathing back under control. It’s not long before my man rolls to the side, his softening cock slipping from my body. He pulls me into his arms and rubs his own hands up and down my sides as we simply hold one another and savior what just happened between us.

“Let’s get a shower so we can get to Kaden,” he finally says, his voice excitement at the thought of seeing our boy.

Getting out of bed, we make our way to the bathroom in our room. He turns on the shower allowing it heats up while I take care of business. Together, we step inside the stall and let the hot water flow over our bodies. We wash one another before rinsing off and stepping out. Stryker hands me a towel before grabbing one for himself. Usually, he would dry me off and make it sensual, but not today. Today, we’re in too much of a hurry to get to the hospital to spend time with Kaden.

I dress in a pair of cut off shorts and a tank top with matching bra and panties underneath. Sliding my flip flops on my feet as I brush out my long hair that’s in desperate need of a touch up. Stryker is dressed in his normal attire of jeans, a dark tee-shirt, and his cut. Today, he’s wearing a black baseball hat on his head. It’s something he wears every now and then though. No matter what Stryker wears, he looks sexy as fuck. I toss my hair up in a messy bun and I’m ready to go. Grabbing my phone and keys from the dresser, I don’t need anything else. Stryker won’t let me pay for anything when we’re together.

We walk through the house, Stryker making sure everything is locked up as we head out to the SUV he bought. Stryker still has his truck and his bike obviously. My car is okay, but at the end of the day, we need more room for Natalia and Kaden when he comes home. I’m counting down the hours and days until we get told we can bring him with us. It’s so bad, not only do I cry every single night when I’m in bed, but there’s a packed diaper bag and his car seat already in the vehicle. I don’t go anywhere without making sure I have everything that’s necessary to bring our boy home with us.

Stryker helps me get inside the passenger seat of the SUV before closing the door behind me. I fasten my seatbelt as I watch him walk around to hop in the driver’s side. He closes the door while starting the engine. Holding my hand, he drives us to the hospital as music plays softly in the SUV. I’ll have to work on keeping the volume lowered while Kaden is in the vehicle with me. We don’t talk as we’re lost in our thoughts. My mind fluctuates between Natalia as she spends her days with the ol’ ladies and kids of the club and Kaden.

There’s a large part of me that feels horrible I’m not spending time with my daughter. She has spent a majority of her time with the club members and ol’ ladies while I was in the hospital and now that we’re spending our days in the NICU with Kaden. Instead of playing with Natalia and making sure she knows Stryker and I are there for her, our main concern seems to be Kaden and bringing him home. It’s not fair to my girl and I’m sure Stryker feels the same way. He tries to spend more time with her when we’re home. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing as long as she’s with him. He’s even talked me into keeping her up late a time or two just to spend more time with his Princess.

Pulling into the parking lot, Stryker parks as close as possible to the entrance. He still hates me walking long distances as he sees the scars on my ankles from the shackles attached to me while I was being held captive by Chrome. I’ll always have daily reminders of my time spent with him from the marks left behind on my body. Stryker has talked to me about getting them covered up with tattoos if that’s what I feel like doing. It’s something I’ll think about when Kaden is home and I have more time to worry about things like that. For now, I keep my mind on the task at hand as we enter the hospital and head straight for the elevator.

Walking into the NICU, the nurses greet us by name. We don’t stop until we’re standing next to Kaden’s bassinet. His eyes are open, and I swear a smile covers his face as he gazes up at his daddy and me. Kaden’s moving his arms and legs as I bend over to pick him up and cradle him to my chest. Sitting down in the rocking chair they keep near all of the bassinets; I begin to sing Kaden a soft lullaby. I love singing to my boy while Stryker listens on, rocking in the second chair next to me.

Playboy is standing outside the glass watching over us. He’s been here since last night and I know he won’t let anything happen to our boy on his watch. Not a single member of the club who stands guard will let anything happen to him. Or any other child who’s beginning their life in this room needing extra help until they’re strong enough to live on their own. One of the nurses brings over a bottle for Kaden so I can feed him. Stryker and I take turns when it’s feeding time. I’ll feed him and his daddy will change his diaper. Then, we’ll switch the next time he needs to be fed.

While I’m feeding Kaden, one of the doctor’s that’s been taking care of him makes his way over to us. He sits down on a stool in front of us while watching me feed my son. After a few minutes, he opens the chart in his hands looking over the information that’s been marked down so far today. It doesn’t take him long to close the file again and turn his attention toward Stryker and me.

“Do you want the good news?” he asks us, a smile filling his face.

“Please,” I state, looking down at my son.

“Are you ready to take Kaden home?” the doctor asks us, his face dead serious as he looks from Stryker to me and back again.

“Are you bein’ for real right now Doc?” Stryker questions him, leaning forward in his chair.

“I am being very serious and real right now. He’s been steadily gaining weight, we haven’t had to put him on any of the machines again since taking him off, and he’s been eating really good. You guys and the nurses have managed to put him on a schedule while in the NICU. Kaden is still small, but he’s doing really well. You guys can take him home today. Once you’re done feeding him, the nurses will get me so I can check him once again. If everything checks out, Kaden is free to go home with you guys today,” the doctor informs us, standing from his stool as tears course down my face.

Stryker looks at me with tears in his eyes. His gaze lands on Kaden as he continues to drink from his bottle. We’ve been slowly switching him over to normal bottles. He’s doing really good with them. Pulling the bottle from his mouth, I hand it off to Stryker so I can burp our boy. Kaden gives me a good burp, stretching his little body out as I slip him back down to my chest where I’m comfortable holding him so I can finish feeding him his formula.

While I finish feeding our son, Stryker races from the room to let Playboy know what’s going on. I can guarantee we won’t go home when we leave the hospital. Not a single person other than Shy has been in the nursery with us to look at Kaden up close. Everyone has been through the glass. My thoughts shift to Natalia. She’ll finally gets to see her brother through more than a piece of glass. When we’ve been home with her, all she does is talk about her baby boy. Kaden isn’t her brother in her mind; he’s her baby boy.

My man is back next to me by the time Kaden is finished eating. He quickly changes his diaper while I get a nurse to let the doctor know we’re ready for him to come check Kaden out. Walking back over, I stop in my tracks to watch over Stryker as he finishes putting a diaper on our son before pulling him up to his chest. I’ll never get tired of seeing our small son cradled close to his father’s strong, large body. Kaden appears to be even smaller than normal when Stryker is holding him.

We sit together and watch over Kaden. Stryker is telling him all about our family and what he can expect. When he begins talking about Natalia, Kaden kicks his legs as if he’s excited at the prospect of seeing his big sister finally. We laugh at our son as he continues to kick. I reach out my hand as Kaden grabs onto my finger. He holds my finger tight, and I can’t believe how strong he’s gotten over the last few weeks I’ve been seeing him. It’s amazing to hear Stryker talking about how many machines he was attached to after he was cut from my body. Now, he’s hanging onto our fingers, eats like a champ, and kicks and waves his legs and arms all over the place. I love watching him as he becomes more alert every single day.

It’s not long before the doctor comes over to exam Kaden. He checks everything as Stryker, and I sit back and do nothing but keep an eye on our boy. After several long minutes, the doctor turns to us with a smile on his face.

“Kaden looks really good. I am giving you the all clear to take him home,” he tells us, his voice full of surprise and happiness. “I’ve got to say, Kaden is one of the babies I’m going to hate to see go. He’s been a pure joy to have here in the NICU. And he’s strong as hell.”

“Thank you. For everything,” I tell him, tears of joy rolling down my face.

“It’s my pleasure. Feel free to get him ready to leave here,” the doctor tells us with one more smile before he leaves the area our son has been in.

Playboy stands just outside the door with the diaper bag and car seat in his hands. Stryker makes his way over to him to grab it before heading back in the room. I know exactly what outfit Kaden will be wearing home. A few days ago, the ol’ ladies of the Phantom Bastards and Wild Kings threw me a shower. I cried half way through it because Kaden wasn’t home with us. He was still in the hospital. Even being a premature baby, Baily managed to find clothes to fit him that will match what the other babies of our family all come home from the hospital in. A tiny pair of jeans with a white onesie are pulled out. The onesie has the club’s colors on it as I put it on him. He’s also got a small leather cut to put on over his onesie. I put little socks on his feet.

Instead of crying like some babies do when they get dressed, Kaden is calm and just lays there letting us put the clothes on him. I’d love to know what thoughts are running through his head as he looks up at us and watches us. Once we have him ready to go, Playboy meets us in the hallway to head down to the SUV. He doesn’t leave my side. I’ve got Playboy on one side and Stryker on the opposite as we head down and finally out of the hospital. The sight before us leaves me completely speechless and crying more tears. The parking lot is filled with motorcycles as the club has come to escort us home. They wait until Stryker has Kaden and me safely in the SUV before they start their engines. Slim and half the guy’s ride in front of us while Playboy leads the group behind us. This is our family, and I can’t be happier than I am right now to be heading home to make my family completely whole.