Stryker’s Fight by Erin Osborne

Chapter Four


I’VE BEEN SLEEPING for shit since moving out of my house. That’s only one of the reasons why I drink myself to sleep each and every night. On top not wanting to go crawl in bed with Sally because I can’t keep waiting for something she doesn’t want. I can’t be Killian and there is no way to bring him back to life for her. I’d do anything in my power to make her happy and feel the love I want to give her, but she won’t let me. Everything is in her hands and I’m just waiting on the sidelines until she can make a decision about what she wants. It’s a waiting game and I plan on playing for keeps.

I’m drifting back to sleep since my alarm hasn’t gone off yet when there’s a pounding on my door. What the fuck?

“Stryker, get the fuck up and get out here,” Killer demands through my locked door. “Church in two minutes.”

Groaning out my displeasure, I stand up and run a hand down my face. Other than taking a piss and splashing cold water on my face, there isn’t time for anything other than getting dressed. Racing against the two-minute clock, I pull on the same clothes I wore yesterday in order to get to church. I’ll take a shower and change before heading into work. Walking out of my room, I make sure to lock the door behind me. I’ve learned the hard way to never leave my room unlocked and only two other people have keys to get in here; Killer and Sally.

Walking in the room where we hold our meetings, I find I’m the last one to arrive. Taking my seat on Slim’s left, I wait for him to call order to our meeting. My head pounds when he finally slams the gavel on the table we’re all sitting at causing me to wince and lean back into my chair even farther as if I can get away from the sound echoing in the room.

“Not many of you know why I called this meetin’ so I’m gonna explain some things to you. We all know Cammie is still here and we’ve been givin’ her random information that’s not true to feed back to her father BullDog. Well, it seems they’ve stepped up their game since we learned the truth about Cammie and what he’s been doin’ to her. I’m not sure if the information isn’t enough for his likin’ or what. Yesterday, one of our own was followed on her way back home,” Slim says looking directly at me as he pauses. “Sally was followed by a biker she didn’t know. She played it smart and wove her way through town instead of headin’ to Stryker’s house. When the fucker saw her phone in hand, he raced past her and took off. Sally went back to the house, checking her mirrors the entire time. I’ve had Rich staked out at Stryker’s since gettin’ the call from her last night.”

“The fuck?” I roar out, knowing Sally was in danger and I’m just now learning about it. “Why wasn’t I given this fuckin’ information last night?”

“You were drunk as fuckin’ usual,” Slim states, disappointment filling his voice. “Think you can manage to stay out of the bottle tonight Stryker?”

“Yeah. Where’s Sally and Natalia now?”

“At your house. Natty doesn’t know anythin’ is wrong and Sally doesn’t want to upset her or make any more changes in her life right now. I’m not sure what all is goin’ on, but somethin’ is. Sally is withdrawin’ again and wouldn’t talk to me more than the information I needed about the biker followin’ her. She’s not just terrified about what happened, she’s keepin’ somethin’ from me. It might not have anythin’ to even do with someone followin’ her. I can’t say for sure. All I know is Rich will be on her for the foreseeable future. We’re all goin’ out to scout town and see if we can spot anyone from the fuckin’ thorn in our sides,” Slim informs us.

“Are we bringin’ the girls and kids in now?” Killer asks thinking of his own family in this moment.

“Not yet. I don’t want them to know we’re on to them. Ride out in pairs and don’t go anywhere alone. Stryker, you need to figure out if you’re goin’ back to the house or stayin’ here. Regardless of your decision, Rich will be there until I call him off. He’s stayin’ in your spare room,” Slim states as if I can make this decision right now.

“I’ll let you know.”

“Anyone got anythin’ else?”

“We callin’ in Wild Kings and Satan’s Anarchy?” Fox asks, typing away on his laptop.

“Not yet. When the need arises, we will. Until then, I want everythin’ you can find on the fuckers and for everyone to be vigilant. The ol’ ladies and kids are not to go anywhere alone. Most of you now live on the compound which makes things easier. Sally is the only one outside the gates that’s why Rich is on her. Stryker and Killer will put you guys on rotations to ride through town. They’ll pair you up and let you know shortly who’s ridin’ with who. Until then, stay close. I want the first round of guys out within the hour. Meetin’ adjourned,” Slim responds slamming the gavel on the table once again.

Killer and I remain sitting in our seats as everyone else leaves the room to wait for us to decide what we’re gonna do. I’m still pissed as hell about hearing Sally was followed until most everyone else.

“Did you know last night?” I ask Killer.

“I did. Gwen told me somethin’ was off with her when she got back from whatever she had to do yesterday. Sally wouldn’t tell her what was goin’ on though. I was there when Sally called Slim a few hours after Gwen left her and Nat alone. Rich booked his ass over there and has been with them ever since. He stayed the night with them last night,” Killer informs me.

“Yeah. Who the fuck gave him permission to stay in my house?”

“Sally. She wouldn’t let him stay if he wasn’t in the house. You know how she is.”

Nodding my head, I do know. If someone is watching over her and my Princess, they’re going to be in the house with them. Sally will make sure they’re fed, have something to drink, and are comfortable. She won’t let a Prospect or anyone else remain outside when they’re watching over her. The first time I questioned her about it, she had a valid point. If my girls are in the house and whoever is watching over them is out front, someone can easily get in through the windows on the side of the house or the sliding door off the kitchen of our home. If they’re inside, any noise can be detected by them and they can react accordingly.

Since then, I haven’t argued with her about where the Prospects or guards stay. However, with me not being at home, I don’t know how comfortable I am with Rich, or anyone else, staying inside the house. Rich knows what I’ll do to him if he steps out of line and touches a hair on Sally’s head. He’ll never become a full patch if he doesn’t follow orders and allows her to get hurt. The same goes for Natalia. My Princess is our world, and nothing will ever touch her if I can help it.

“Let’s get to business,” Killer says, pulling me from my thoughts as we pair up our brothers.

Killer and I won’t ride together, Slim and Playboy won’t be together, and Wood and Boy Scout also won’t ride together. We don’t put blood family together. Wood and Boy Scout are on different teams so if something does happen, Jennifer isn’t at risk for losing both of her men. Killer and Fox also won’t ride out together because their wives are sisters. The reason I don’t ride out with Killer is because we’re the muscle of the club. We won’t risk someone ambushing us and losing both of us at the same time. So, we make the pairs and go over everything before heading out to the common room. While I sit back, Killer doles out the list of partners. Today, I’m riding with Boy Scout.

“Boy Scout, we’re out in five,” I call out from across the room.

Pulling out my phone, I send a message to Sally.

Me: Are you okay?

Sally: We’re okay. I take it you found out.

Me: Yeah. Why didn’t you call me last night? Or while it was happenin’?

Sally: I didn’t want to bother you. Honestly, I didn’t think it was really anything big. I just wanted Slim to know what happened.

Sally: I wasn’t worried until Rich showed up. Now, I’ll call as soon as I notice anything off.

Me: Don’t go anywhere today if you don’t have to.

Sally: I know the drill.

I want to go by the house and see Sally with my own eyes. If there’s time when we get back, I more than likely will. Right now, I’m not sure she wants to see me if she didn’t think to call me. Or didn’t want to bother me. Sally knows nothing she calls or messages me about is a bother. She’s been through hell and has learned to follow her gut instincts when it comes to danger. It just kills she didn’t call me and waited for a while to even place a call to Slim. I’ll have to talk to her about that shit. If something had happened to my girls, I’d be tearing this fucking town apart with my bare hands.

Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I make sure I have my bandana and everything else before finding Boy Scout. He’s sitting at the end of the bar with a bottle of water in his hand waiting on me. When he sees me, he shoves his own phone in his pocket. Together we walk out to our bikes as I lay out my plan of where we’ll ride first. He’s down with us going around the outskirts of town to begin with. That’s where the most of our abandoned properties are. If Frozen Bastards are close by, that’s where they’ll be. Then, we’ll work our way back in and stop at a few of the local businesses. It’s a good thing we have a good relationship with most of the community members. Including the new bakery that opened up a few months ago. It’s run by a single woman and we watch out for her.

We ride through town, our eyes constantly scanning for anyone that’s new in town. I wouldn’t put anything past these bikers including using vehicles other than bikes to get around. Anything to throw us off. They started by contacting Fox instead of Slim for a sit down. Then, their President uses his own daughter and grandson to further his agenda and obtain what he wants. That’s not anything we’d ever consider doing. These assholes aren’t men or even bikers in my mind. They’re a bunch of pissants who don’t want to put in the time, sweat, and effort to get what they want. They’d rather use fear and intimidation to make everyone bend to their will. We are not the same.

After riding around for a few hours, Boy Scout and I make our way back into town. We didn’t see anything at the abandoned properties, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Stopping at a gas station, I head in while he fills his bike up. I just got gas and don’t need any just yet. We’ll stop again in a little while so I can fill up. Grabbing us each water and something to eat, I make my way to the counter. Shelly is working today. She knows everyone in town and things that are going on we don’t already know.

“Hey Shelly. How are things today?” I ask her, setting my purchases on the counter.

“They’re going good. Been seeing a lot of you guys out riding today,” she says, looking for information.

“Yeah. Been on the lookout for a group of bikers. Any of them been in here lately?” I ask her, not really giving away anything.

“Not today. There were a few in here yesterday though. Not a good group of guys if you ask me. They were talking about following someone and laughing at the fear one of them could see in her eyes. Also heard them talking about knowing where she’s staying and her attachment to not only your club but another one. I’m not sure what club they were talking about though,” she tells me, placing everything in a bag for me.

“Thanks darlin’. If you see them in here again give one of us a call, please,” I tell her, handing over the money.

“I will,” she says, her voice not quaking with fear as some other women would be.

Shelly’s a strong woman. She’s had to be in her young life. Her parents weren’t the best of people and used her for so many illegal activities. They made her buy drugs for them, sell a few times when things got hard for them, and at one point tried to pimp her out. Then, her boyfriend, a friend of her parents, beat the shit out of her. We’ve been keeping an eye on her since finding her on the side of the road walking. Well, more like stumbling. After paying a visit to both her parents and the ex-boyfriend, Shelly hasn’t been bothered by them again. Anything to help out a community member in need.

Walking back out to Boy Scout, I hand him over a bottle of water and one of the sandwiches the station sells. It’s not the best thing to eat, but right now it’s something so we don’t have to take longer out of searching for any sign of these bitches.

“How are things goin’?” Boy Scout asks me, his voice full of curiosity.

Everyone wants to know what’s going on with Sally and me. Especially with me moving back to the clubhouse while she remains living in my home with Natalia. Sally and her daughter are important to everyone in the club, and they’re worried about things that happen in her life. No one more than me though.

“Been better,” I respond dryly.

“You know we’re all here to talk to if you need it. Right?”

“I know. Just not wantin’ to broadcast my life. Or Sally’s.”

“We all know her story. Just like we all know Killian’s death hit her hard. Not just because of the fact she now has to raise their daughter alone. Killian was her first love. He saw her for who she is and didn’t hold her past against her. The same as you see her. Also know she’s got a lot of baggage and fear. Have you stopped to think her keepin’ you at arm’s length isn’t just about Killian’s death?”

“What are you talkin’ about?”

“You’re in an MC. Killian was killed as a Prospect in an MC. Stryker, you’re not just a member or an officer; you’re the damn Sergeant at Arms of the club. You put your life on the line more than most of us. That has to weigh heavily on her. If she loses someone else because of the drama and fighting, she’s not sure she’s strong enough to handle it,” Boy Scout tells me, giving me better insight into why she’s keeping me locked out.

“Never thought of it that way. I’ll talk to her. But, this isn’t the time to deal with this shit. Let’s get back on the road.”

Nodding his head, Boy Scout and I throw our trash away. Getting back on our bikes, we head out to keep scouring the town and surrounding area. It’s not how I planned on spending my day, but it’s important for me to make sure Sally and Natalia are safe. Not just them, but every ol’ lady and child involved in the club or town. I’ll do anything to protect them including putting off work and my training in order to ensure their safety. It’s my job with the club and I’m going to do everything in my power to make it happen. No matter how many hours I’ll have to spend riding around town to make sure no one is going to threaten their safe lives.