Stryker’s Fight by Erin Osborne

Chapter Seven


RED CLOUDED MY vision as soon as I saw the house bunny walk up to Stryker while my daughter was sitting in his lap. I don’t give a shit if anyone makes the mistake of calling him her dad, Natalia knows who her daddy is. It’s the point of some random woman who will do anything to get a man of the club in bed had the audacity to get near my daughter. I might not be an ol’ lady, but that doesn’t mean I have to accept some skank trying to pretend to like my daughter to get in Stryker’s jeans. That’s not a game I play and never will.

Natalia was bummed she didn’t get to sit with one of her favorite people but soon calmed down when she saw the babies in the kitchen with the rest of the ol’ ladies. I jumped in helping finish preparing the meal we’d be serving tonight. For several minutes none of the women I call my friends said a word to me about my foul mood. I know it’s not going to be long though because it’s what they do. We always make sure the other women are okay and there’s nothing going on in their lives they need to talk about. It’s a blessing and a drawback at the same time.

“Sally, you look ready to murder someone with your bare hands,” Kim says, talking quietly so Natalia doesn’t overhear her.

“Yeah. You would too if one of the skanks of the club walked up to Fox talking shit about your kid,” I tell her through gritted teeth.

“What? Who was it?” Shy asks, wiping her hands on a dishcloth as she walks up to us.

“I don’t know. She must be new because I’ve never seen her before.”

Shy walks to the doorway to peek out in the common room. Shaking her head, she turns back to us with a smile on her face. I can only imagine what she saw and is chomping at the bit to let us know.

“Stryker’s giving her hell. She’ll be out on her ass before too long. These bitches all come in here thinking their shit don’t stink and they’re better than us. Only a few good ones ever stick around for more than a week or two,” Shy tells us, her voice full of excitement.

“Sweetheart, I know you’ve been through a lot of shit in your life. I also know you care about Stryker more than anything else. Well, not Natalia. What’s going on with you two?” Jennifer asks, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

“I don’t even know how to explain it. I do care about Stryker more than I thought possible after losing Killian. Killian gave me my daughter and saw me as more than a club girl. He saw through my pain and past and didn’t give a shit about any of it,” I tell them, a lone tear sliding down my cheek. “Now, Stryker is working his way through all of the armor I built up. We’ve been sharing a bed and home for so long now, it’s hard for him not to be there with us. I can’t sleep without being in bed with him. He’s already given Natty and I so much and hasn’t asked for anything in return.

“I went to Dander Falls and talked to Shadow about things before going to Killian’s grave. It’s the first time I’ve been there since we buried him. I had to let him go. Not just for my peace of mind, but because it’s time. That’s honestly not the reason I haven’t been able to let Stryker in. The only thing rolling around my mind is how Killian was killed as a damn Prospect of the Wild Kings. I know they aren’t into half the shit the Phantom Bastards are. Still, I don’t have a problem with either club. My problem is Stryker’s role within the club. He’s the damn Sergeant at Arms. It’s his job to put his life and safety on the line to protect all of us. How can I let him in knowing there’s a greater chance he’s going to get hurt more than the rest of the guys with the exception of Killer?” I pour out what I’ve been talking to Shadow about and going around and round my own mind over.

“There’s always a risk these men are going to get hurt. Or worse. It’s what they sign up for when they join the club,” Shy tells me, as we all stand behind the island so the older kids can’t hear us. “What we sign up for when we accept one of them into our lives is knowing there’s a chance we’re going to have to see them battered or fighting for their life because of a threat to the club. It’s not just because of the club that they protect those they love the way they do; it’s who they are as men. These men are protective to the core of their souls and we love them because of it. We’re their strength and their soft; the light to their darkness and the air they breathe. As their woman it’s up to us to make sure they have somewhere soft to land when shit gets to be too much. At the end of the day, we’re their strength just as much as they’re ours.”

Each of the women surrounding me nod their heads in response. I know this is true because I’ve been there for Stryker when he’s had a tough day and came home to Natalia and me. Stryker is a man who takes his responsibilities seriously and will never push them off on someone else because he doesn’t feel like doing something. He will always be there no matter what time of day or night it is if one of the guys or ol’ ladies call for help. That’s just who Stryker is and a major reason about why I started falling in love with him to begin with. Yes, I can fully admit I’m half in love with the man and it won’t take much to push me over the edge of loving him completely.

“There’s more you guys don’t know. I haven’t told anyone yet, and I’m not sure I’m ready yet. I’ll tell you when I am though. For now, let’s get this dinner finished so we can get these men fed,” I tell them, not sure when I’m going to be ready to talk about the baby. “At the end of the day, I know all of this and it’s why I chose to come here when I couldn’t be in Dander Falls any longer. The women there all feel the same way about their men and would be telling me the same things you are. It’s just something I need to think on and determine if I can be the woman Stryker needs and deserves at his side.”

“You are stronger than you know and will figure out what you want. Stryker will wait for you to decide what you want. Just don’t cut him out all the way. If there’s something you need to talk to him about, talk through it. Don’t keep what you’re thinking and feeling locked away without giving him a chance to ease your fears. No one can do that other than him,” Sam adds in her opinion as a harried looking Gwen rushes through the doors of the kitchen to help us.

“Sorry I’m late girls. The twins didn’t want to cooperate and have been fussy all day long,” she explains as she sets them down in their car seats on the floor.

I watch on as Natalia makes her way to the girls’ side. She sits between them, and they instantly stop crying as they look up at my daughter. Gwen looks back at us with a smile on her face. Putting the diaper bag on the table behind them, she makes her way over to help us. Grabbing a knife she begins to chop up the potatoes we’ll be roasting as the chicken and corn on the cob cooks. While they’re all preparing the main course, I begin mixing up the batter for cake and cupcakes. The adults get the cake while the children will have the cupcakes since it’s easier for them to handle. That’s how we spend the next hour and a half or so until everything is ready to serve.

“Mama, I hungry,” Natalia informs me as she pulls on the jeans I’m wearing today.

“I know baby. It’s almost ready. I’ll have a plate for you in just a minute. Why don’t you wash your hands at the sink, so you don’t have to do it before we sit down?”

Natalia nods her head as Shy pulls out the stool we keep in here for the kids to wash up or help us when we’re cleaning up the kitchen. It’s useful for us shorter women too when we need to reach something in the higher cupboards. As everyone begins carrying the food out to the common room, the men already sitting out there waiting stand up to grab the plates and platters from us. It’s nothing they don’t normally do.

After all of the drama surrounding dinner today and then spending time with Stryker, I’m shattered. It’s past time for bed after the long as hell day today and I need to get Natalia home so she can have her bath and get to bed. First, I need to talk to Gwen about watching my baby girl while I work. Seeing her alone and most of the guys still sitting at their tables or playing pool, I make my way over to her as Natty sits with Rich on the couch.

“Gwen, do you have a minute to talk?” I ask her as Killer steps up to her.

“Always hon. What can I do for ya?”

“Well, I was wondering if you would be willing to watch Natalia while I work. Amelia already has my schedule set in stone on a daily basis. You know I don’t trust many people with her, but you are one of them.”

“I’ll always watch her. She loves helping with the girls and we have a great time. Text me your schedule and we’ll work everything out,” she says as Killer looks at me.

“Stryker know you got a job?” he asks me, looking over the top of my head in Stryker’s direction.

“Um, I don’t think he does. At this point, it’s not really his business, is it?” I question Gwen’s husband.

“It will always be his business. Anythin’ to do with you and Natalia will always be somethin’ he wants to know and be a part of. It’s good what you’re doin’; not cuttin’ him out of her life just because things are strained between the two of you right now,” Killer informs me.

“I never would do that, Killer. Natalia loves him and he’s been the main father figure in her life since she was born. Cutting him out of her life would be unfair to both of them and only show her she can’t count on the men she has looked up to so far in her life. As long as he never gives me a reason to cut him out, I’m not going to do it.”

“He won’t give you a reason to cut him out. That man is hurtin’ right now. You gotta cut him a break Sally. Talk to him and let him in on what you’re thinkin’. It’s the only way to get past this shit and move forward before you two push one another completely away,” Killer advises me.

“I know. I’m trying to figure out what I want to do and what I need to say to him before I work up the courage to sit down and talk about things.”

Killer gives me a nod before turning and giving Gwen a kiss on her lips. He leaves us alone as he makes his way out of the clubhouse. Each of the men are leaving in pairs while others return. I’m not sure what’s going on, they’ll tell us if they need to. For now, the only concern I have is getting Natalia home and getting her in bed so I can collapse into my own bed. I have to be up early in the morning to get things done before heading to work as it is.

Pulling out my phone on my way over to the couch, I send Gwen a message with the hours I’ll be working each and every week for the time being. Amelia did let me know there is room to move up within the bakery and to work more closely with her as the need to hire new employees becomes a necessity. I hope with everything in me I can do a good job and make her proud of me. That I can move up the ladder and learn how to do a good enough job Amelia trusts her baby with me. Sweet Treats is Amelia’s baby no matter what anyone says or thinks. She’s built it from the ground up and made it the success it is today with her blood, sweat, and tears.

“Baby girl, it’s time to go home,” I tell Natalia as she slumps against Rich on the couch.

“Tired mama,” she tells me though I don’t need the words to know she’s tired.

“I know baby. Let’s get you in the car and home so I can give you a quick bath. Then I’ll put you to bed so you can get some sleep. Mommy’s tired too.”

Rich carries Natalia out to my car for me. She’s laying her head on his shoulder as I open the door for him. Buckling my daughter in, I stand back as he backs out of the car so he can get on his bike to leave the clubhouse. I roll down my window since I can’t turn the radio up to keep me alert and awake on the way to the house. Keeping Natty up is the last thing I want to, but she played hard and needs a bath before going to bed. My poor baby girl will be a beast in the morning if she doesn’t get sleep. Maybe Gwen can come over here and wait for her to wake up if she’s not already when I have to leave. I’ll call her in the morning to talk about it depending on what happens.