Always Been You by Lily Miller



Six months later.

It’s been two months since Parker got down on one knee and asked me for forever. And of course, my answer was yes. It was the easiest question I’ve ever had to answer. I wasn’t sure anything could ever top the seven hundred peonies he secretly ordered and surprised me with, but somehow, he did it.

Parker proposed on one of our many trips back home, at the beach house, of course. It felt perfect that the spot where we shared most of our firsts together was the place we committed to our future, too. I had arrived home after a girls’ night out to a dimly lit house with a trail of candles leading to the patio. I found him waiting for me under the moonlight with a small blue box. It was romantic and sweet and everything I could have wished for.

I can’t stop looking at the oval cut diamond on my finger. But more than that, I can’t wait to be Parker’s wife.

Tonight, our engagement is being celebrated with our friends and family at the Bennett estate. I told Parker I didn’t need a party, that nothing could possibly make me happier than I already am. But Parker’s mother wasn’t having it. So, here we are, surrounded by both of our families. We just finished a delicious catered four-course dinner and the DJ, Parker’s parents have hired has started to play our favorite songs.

I take a moment to let the night soak in. All of our favorite people are here tonight celebrating Parker and me, and my heart swells. My mother and father are dancing next to Parker’s parents on the makeshift dance floor that is usually the Bennet living room and Kate and Jules are sitting together at a table in a fit of laughter. Our families have come together seamlessly and for a moment I forget what my life was like before Parker came back into it.

My eyes focus on Parker, who is across the room gazing right back at me in his navy suit and white button-down dress shirt. The man is ridiculously gorgeous and sexy and sweet and a million other adjectives that come to mind. I am the single luckiest girl on the planet. He’s mine, he’s all mine forever.

He crosses the room towards me and nuzzles his mouth into my neck. “There’s my gorgeous girl. You smell as good as you look,” He says in a voice only meant for me to hear.

He wraps a hand around the small of my back and pulls me into his hard body. The heat of his touch causes a shiver to roll up my spine. He kisses my neck and pulls back. He’s looking at me in that way he often does, like he’s seeing me for the first time and doesn’t want to forget a thing. Like I’m all he’s ever wanted. It feels so good to know it’s me that makes him feel this way.

“Hi handsome.”

“Hi.” Parker lifts my left hand to his lips, his fingers fiddling with my engagement ring, and smiles. “Tonight has been amazing but I can’t wait for the real deal. I want to marry you tomorrow, Livy.”

“I want that too,” I whisper, going up on my toes, kissing his mouth in a slow kiss. “More than anything. What do you say we pick a date and a venue this week?”

Parker smiles, and it reaches his eyes. It’s pure happiness. It is love radiating back at me. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t count my lucky stars that he’s mine.

He has been pushing me to set a date for weeks, but with moving into the Cape May rental and getting our second Bloom location up and running, I haven’t wanted to rush into wedding planning. Getting my impatient fiancé to agree with me on waiting has been a whole other story. Parker wants what he wants, and he knows exactly how to go about getting it.

“I was kind of thinking we could get married here.”

“My parents’ house?”

“Yes. Unless you think they would mind?”

“I think my mom would be honored to host our wedding here. But I want you to have the wedding you’ve always dreamed of. Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer a hotel or even a destination wedding?” Parker knows I wouldn’t want anything lavish or too large, but he does want me to have the wedding of my dreams.

“I’m sure.”

“Well then, it’s settled! I love the idea. We can ask my parents tomorrow.”

Parker and I are hosting a small brunch at the beach house before heading back to Cape May. We’ve invited both of our families and of course Ellie too. It’s also an excuse to spend time with the people who matter the most to us, who we don’t see as often as we would like to since our move.

I’ve gotten used to living in Cape May, away from my family and friends. It’s not home in the true sense of the word but I’ve realized home is not a place. Home will always be wherever Parker is. And the home we have made together in Cape May is a dream. It also helps that we have the beach house to stay at whenever we feel that pull in our hearts to visit friends and family.

“Dance with me, Livy?”

I nod and Parker links his hand in mine, ushering us to the dance floor. He brings me in close, so his body is flush with mine, and I lay my palm flat on his chest. I nestle my body into his. We dance for a few minutes to a slow song before Kate and Ellie move in next to us. Miles and Liam join in, and the four of them form a circle around us, dancing to the upbeat song being played over the speakers. They are all smiles, singing along to the music, squeezing their bodies into us and laughing. Parker lifts me in his arms, my feet are in the air, spinning me around.

“You make me feel good, Parker,” I say, looking down on him from high in his arms. His smile warms my soul, his love for me taking hold of my heart.

“You just wait. I’m going to make you feel really good later tonight.”

My head falls back in laughter, which causes a huge smile to spread across his face. He lowers me to the floor.

In this moment, my heart is exploding. It’s bliss, it’s the life I’ve always dreamed about having but never thought was possible. Until Parker came back into it.

My first love, my soul, my eternity.

My every dream come true.


Celebrating my engagement to Livy with my family and friends is surreal. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this a year ago. Being here, engaged and counting down the days to make Livy my wife.

I’m fucking excited.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Livy is the one for me. She is the only one for me in this lifetime and the next one after that. I think deep down I knew this the night we made love the first time in the bed of my pick-up truck. I realized it the second time years later on our drive to Mabel’s, the day I played the part of her assistant. That was the day she began to open her heart to me. I had never seen anything more beautiful in my life when I looked at her in the driver’s seat with the wind in her hair.

Being with her is what I crave. She is all my favorite things. She is light in the darkness, she is my peace at the end of a long day. She is my forever. Every day with her is better than the last.

Liam and Miles find me with three tumblers of whiskey, handing me one. We clink our glasses together, Liam proposing a toast to Livy and I and a long, happy life. I’ll drink to that. The fact that my brothers feel such love for Livy and have welcomed her into our family fills me with a deep happiness.

“We are happy for you, Parker. You found a good one,” Miles says through a grin.

“Thanks bro, that means a lot.”

“I can’t wait for you guys to make me an uncle. I’m going to spoil that kid rotten. Uncle Miles is definitely going to be the favorite.”

“We’ll see about that,” Liam grunts, but he’s smiling too.

“How about I marry her first, with you two at my side?”

“Really?” Miles questions me with a grin on his face.

“Definitely. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Honored, man,” Liam says, clasping his hand on my shoulder while Miles pulls me in for a bro-hug.

My attention moves across the room to Livy, who is talking to her dad. She has her phone out and they are looking at something on her screen. Their faces are full of happiness, her smile radiating across the room. Seeing her smile, an expression I know I will never get tired of, has me wondering if life could get any better than it is right now.

I watch her as my father joins the conversation. She turns her phone to him. Whatever the three of them are talking about has them all starting to laugh. I can’t help but smile. She fits into my family. She fits into my life. Seamlessly.

“Who needs another? Have you seen the hot bartender? I think I need to reintroduce myself,” Miles says, holding his empty tumbler in the air.

“I think he’s over there,” Liam says, nodding towards the bar. “I’m just glad you are finally being open about it. I want you to know I love you either way, little brother.”

“Fuck off, Liam. There are two bartenders tonight, and the one I’m talking about is female and hot as hell. And you would know that if you could keep your eyes off of Ellie for more than five seconds.”

Liam flips him off as Miles makes his way to the bar.

“Hey. Can I ask you something?” Liam looks different all of a sudden, like there is something weighing on his mind. “Can I talk to you?”

“Of course. Always. What’s up?”

He motions me towards my dad’s study where it’s quiet, and I follow, taking a seat beside him on one of the two leather armchairs in front of the mahogany desk. It’s unusual for Liam to ask to talk, so I’m curious as to what he has to say. He rubs his palm over his jaw and takes a breath.

“I need advice.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“It’s about Ellie. I think I like her.”

Now I see where this is going, and I’m pretty taken aback that my brother is actually falling for a woman. Happy as hell, but surprised to say the least. I assumed their hook-up at the party Livy and I hosted was a one-time deal. I guess I was wrong.

“That’s great, man. Ellie is a great girl. What are you worried about?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I guess I do. I guess what I’m wondering is… how did you know that you were ready for a commitment? I don’t want to screw this up and make things awkward between us if it doesn’t work out, considering she’s Olivia’s best friend and all.”

“That’s a tough question to answer. I just knew that I couldn’t go a day without talking to her. I wanted to be with her every second I could.”

It makes me think about how lonely my life felt before Livy. How much I was missing. She gives my life meaning, she makes my days brighter and I can’t imagine going back to the way things were before her.

“I can’t stop thinking about her,” Liam admits. “She makes me laugh. There’s just something about her.”

“Well then, I say go for it. Take a chance. You’ll never know what could come of it, if you don’t give it a shot.”

“Yeah, I guess you are right. I’m going to take your advice, but I reserve the right to blame you if it ends in disaster.”

“Noted.” I laugh.

“Thanks, Parks. I mean it.” He clasps his hand on my shoulder as we both push from our chairs to standing. We make our way back to the party where I immediately scan the room in search of my fiancée. My fiancée. I’m one lucky bastard.

I spot her, looking sexier than hell in that pale pink strapless dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. Her long, wavy hair is swept back in a low ponytail.

My feelings for this woman have only grown stronger. I love how she makes me feel. I love her laugh, her smile and I love knowing that I’m the one who can drive her wild with just a look.

She walks towards me, and I reach for her hand. She kisses me - a slow, lazy kiss - and whispers my three favorite words. “I love you.”

“Mmm… I love you too, Livy girl. I’ll never stop.”

A grin tugs at the corners of her mouth and I smile back against her lips. She’s the most beautiful girl in the world. A lifetime with her will never be enough.

I scoop her up into my arms and carry her down the hall away from our guests.

“Parker!” She squeals as I carry her into the mud room at the far end of the house, before setting her down on top of the washing machine and closing the door.

I kiss her until she’s breathless.

“You are a naughty boy, Parker Bennett.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet. I’m just getting started.”

The End