Always Been You by Lily Miller



I wakeup with Livy on my chest. She is back in my arms and I will never let her go. Lying here with her feels like heaven.

I’m lying on my back, her fingers tracing the grooves in my stomach and I breathe in her citrus and vanilla scent. She lifts her head, her eyes meeting mine. Those deep brown cocoa eyes that slay me every time.

I slide my hand behind her hair and draw her face closer. She brings her hand to my jaw and runs her tongue along her bottom lip.

Fuck. She is amazing.

Her soft lips cover mine and I kiss her slow and long. Her lips part and I slip my tongue inside to find hers. One kiss turns into two and then three and a sexy sound escapes her perfect mouth.

And I’m gone.

My fingers lazily roam down her jaw to the column of her neck over the fine chain resting along her collarbone. I ask her between kisses.

“You’re still wearing the necklace I gave you?”

“I couldn’t bring myself to take it off.”

“I’m glad.” She whimpers as I kiss my way down the column of her neck. Her eyes flutter closed. I bring my mouth back to hers and kiss her softly. Before I take this any further though, there’s something I need to get off my chest.

“So, we need to talk.”

“Right now?”

Her eyes meet mine, blinking hard. She’s looking up at me and I can tell she is bracing herself for what I have to say.

“It’s okay, babe, no more surprises. I was just going to tell you that I’m not going back to Cape May on Monday without you. There’s no way I am letting you go. I am bringing you with me.”



“Yeah, I’m on board. After the last three weeks, wherever you are is where I want to be. I don’t want to be away from you either.”

I’m surprised she doesn’t fight me on this. I’ve always been careful not to push her when it comes to taking her away from work, but I’ve just got her back and it’s too soon to leave her again.

She has changed my life, made it crystal clear what I want from it. A life with her. Sunrises and sunsets, making memories we’ll never forget and laughing so hard together it hurts.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me, Livy. We will figure things out from there, I promise, but I don’t plan on giving you up any time soon. Whether that means I discuss a transfer back to Reed Point with my dad or you stay in Cape May with me, we are figuring this out together. Okay?”

“Okay, deal. I love you, Parker Bennett.” I’ll never get tired of hearing her say those three words to me.

“Love you too.” I can’t resist her a second longer. I lift her on top of me and crash my mouth into hers. I plan on showing her just how much I love her with my hands and my mouth and my arousal that is pushing firmly against her center.

And when we’re done, I plan on showing her all over again.

* * *

“This is honestlythe best chocolate fudge brownie ice cream on the planet. How do they make it this good?” Livy’s eyes light up as she takes another mouthful of her double scoop cone. It’s the little things that make my girl happy. It always has been and it’s one of the many things I love about her.

Livy and I have been in Cape May now for three days. After spending the weekend together at the beach house, she packed up her suitcase and we made the drive east. We made a few stops before leaving Reed Point, delivering the peonies to friends and family so they wouldn’t go to waste. We packed a few with us too for my hotel room, not ready to let go of the memories of what Livy now calls my “grand gesture.”

Livy is staying with me at the hotel and I’m scheming up ways in my spare time to get her to stay here with me permanently. We have come so far. Nothing has ever felt as good as having Livy in my bed every night and Livy to wake up to in the mornings. Waking up with her warm, naked body pressed into mine is a dream come true and I have zero plans of letting her go.

We are learning new things about each other every day. I could listen to her talk for hours. I can officially say I know how hot she likes her baths, I know she needs chocolate at some point every day, she likes her drinks loaded with ice and she can’t wait to have babies. Three to be exact and I have no problem with that. The thought of Livy pregnant with our children is a thought that has crossed my mind more than once and knowing she wants them too makes me excited for our future.

On our walk to the beach tonight after dinner, we stopped for ice cream. This has become our nightly routine. Livy has been researching the best restaurants here in Cape May and every night after work, we try a new one. Then, I take her for dessert, and we walk the beach. I’m moving into my rental home next week, so until then we are enjoying eating our three meals a day in different local restaurants. One of the perks of living in a hotel.

“Be careful, Livy, it’s going to drip on you.” I scramble to find her a napkin and laugh to myself, watching her lick the sides of the cone as the chocolate streams down the side of her hand. I have to stop myself from imagining her licking parts of my body like that. Too late.

“I can spare a few,” offers an older gentleman who reminds me of my grandpa. He is seated at a small iron table beside us on the sidewalk in front of the ice cream shop. He hands me a wad of napkins and I thank him, handing them to Livy.

“A girl after my own heart. My Dottie loved chocolate ice cream too. I could never get her to change her order to anything else.” He is nicely dressed, with graying hair and the look of a well lived life in his eyes.

“See, I’m not the only one who knows what she likes and sticks to it,” Livy says, nodding to the man who returns a chuckle in our direction. “My name is Olivia, and this is my boyfriend Parker. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Pleasure is all mine, darling. My name is Walter. But you can call me Walt,” He offers. “Are you two from around here?”

“Nope, we are both from Reed Point, about two and a half hours west of here. I am living here temporarily for business and Olivia is visiting. Are you from here, Walt?”

“Born and raised. It’s always been my home. Eighty-three years if you can believe it and I’m finally retiring.”

“No way. Good for you. What do you do for work?” Parker asks.

He sips his coffee, placing the mug back on the table with his wrinkled hand. He folds his arms across his middle and his chest heaves.

“I own my own business. An antique shop with my wife. You can see it from here, it’s just past the blue awning.” He points down the road, in the direction of the ocean, where real estate is prime, and the street is always busy with pedestrians. “But it’s time to pack it in. It’s just not the same without my Dottie, who I lost two years ago. My kids tell me I need to take it easy.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Livy says softly.

“Thank you. I sure do miss her. She kept me in line. I was a wild one before I met her.”

“Sounds like someone I know,” Livy teases me.

Walt affectionately tells us about his late wife and his eyes mist over. They were happily married for sixty years, shared three kids and worked alongside each other in their antique store for over fifty years. All here in Cape May.

“When will you officially start retirement?” I ask.

“Next month. I’ll have an estate sale and then I’m closing the doors for good. It’s hard to believe.”

I ask him what he is doing with the building and he informs me his lease is up in ten months and until then he is planning on subleasing the space. It gets me thinking.

“Have you found someone to take over the lease?” I ask.

“Not yet, that’s next on my list. Why? Do you know someone who could be interested?”

I eye Livy and she returns the look. If I’m reading her right, I think she’s at the very least open to looking at it.

“I think I do. Walt, how would you feel about Olivia here, possibly opening up a flower shop in your space? I’m trying to get her to stay here with me and that could be my incentive.”

“You mean, a guy as good looking as you needs an angle to get a girl to stay with him?”

I laugh. “I know! It’s crazy but it’s true.”

Livy nudges my shoulder. I shoot a wink her way and she rolls her eyes.

“I think a good florist is exactly what this town needs. You two remind me of my wife and me when we were your age. Why don’t I take you over now and show you the space? We can see if you like it. Then you can talk it over and give me a call.”

I look Livy in the eye, trying to assure her we are just looking. Nothing more. We don’t need to rush into anything, but secretly I’m hoping she loves the place. This could be the way I can get her to stay here with me. Walt just might be the answer to my prayers. My Hail Mary.

“We would love to take a look at it,” Livy answers softly. I’m sensing by the hushed tone in her voice that she’s not entirely sold, but maybe with any luck we can get her there.

When we reach the front doors of Walt’s antique store, my eyes are on Livy. She takes in the exterior and the weathered board and batten siding that at one time was painted a bright white. She steps across the threshold into the small store and her gaze travels down to the worn pine wood floors that look original to the space. Sunshine pours through the two large rectangular windows on either side of the glass front door, casting a warm and welcoming feel. We move deeper into the open floor plan, admiring Walt’s many treasures that seem to be displayed on top of each other over tables and shelves around the store.

“Well, this is it,” Walt announces proudly. “There’s a restroom in the back right corner and a back door that leads to access to the alley. There’s plenty of parking back there too.”

“It’s really wonderful, Walt. I love what you and Dottie did with the place,” Livy says, smiling, taking in the charm of the little shop.

“The bones are good. It just needs a little paint and some TLC, and you’d be up and running in no time. I’m sure you are well aware that it doesn’t come better than this location here in Cape May. You’ll have endless foot traffic all day,” Walt says, proving himself to be quite the salesman.

“We are,” I answer, moving around an old desk to extend my hand to our new friend. “Thank you, Walt, for your time. Can I give you a call to talk numbers and let you know what we decide?”

“That would be fine. I am happy to have met you both.”

“The pleasure was all ours.”

We say our goodbyes and Walt hands me his business card. It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of these. We head for the beach, deciding to go for our walk along the shore like we planned. I’m hoping it will give Livy some time to let this new idea sink in and work through the details in her mind.

I take her hand in mine as we walk in silence for a few minutes, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing into shore.

After a little time has passed, I decide I can’t wait another second to ask her.

“So, tell me what you’re thinking, Livy girl.” I’m trying to read her mind. There’s a sparkle in her eye and I’m feeling cautiously optimistic. Hope fills my chest.

Shifting her gaze from the ocean to me, she lifts a hand to shield the sun from her eyes.

“I’m thinking it would be pretty perfect. I love the space. It felt like a lot of love has resided between those walls.”

“Really?” I answer, feeling a little relief.

“Really. But there’s a lot to consider. I need to talk it over with Ellie because she needs to have a say in this too.”

“Of course. It’s a big decision, one that will require some thought.” Say yes.

“And it goes without saying, Livy, I’ll do anything I can to help. I have construction contacts, designers, anything you need to get the shop up and running.” Please say yes.

I can’t contain my excitement, smiling like an idiot from ear to ear. How did we get so lucky, being in the right place at the right time tonight to meet Walt? I can’t help but feel like this is all meant to be, like this could be the solution to our problem of how we can be together without giving up our dreams.

“I know, baby. Thank you. Now before I go discussing this with Ellie, are you sure you are okay with us moving in together?”

“Livy, there is no other option. I can’t go a day without you.” I unlace our fingers and palm the side of her cheek in my hand. She leans into my touch.

Livy’s smile radiates back at me and it’s all the assurance I need to feel like this is going to work out. I kiss her perfect lips and they taste like chocolate and salt and everything right in the world.

I love this woman, every single thing about her. I plan on never stopping.

* * *

It’s beensix weeks since Livy signed the lease agreement and started construction on Bloom’s new Cape May location. Once Walt cleared out his treasures, we got to work bringing her vision to life. Livy refused a lot of my resources, wanting to do things herself and knowing how important that was to her, I bit my tongue and let her work. Over the last couple of weeks, on my days and nights off, I’ve been there helping her in any way she needed. If she asked, I did it, happy to feel like my independent girl needs me in some way. I’m so damn proud of her. The end result is nothing short of amazing.

“You ready, Liv?”

“Almost. Would you like to do the honors?” Livy walks towards where I am perched on the end of our bed in my Armani suit, tying the laces of my dress shoes. She turns away from me, displaying the open back of her dress.

“Would I ever.” I reach for the zipper at her waist, pulling it slowly up her delicate back. “Although, as much as I love this dress on you, I would rather be taking it off.”

She turns to face me, and my hands reach for her waist, pulling her in between my thighs. She traces one finger down the center of my chest between my pecs and a heat pulses up my spine.

“You look fucking incredible.” I nearly growl, reaching my palms around her to grab her ass. She’s wearing a form-fitting white dress that rests just above her knees. This girl is going to kill me.

I release her, standing and offering her my hand. I can’t have the guest of honor late for her own party.

“I’m so proud of you, Livy. Today is your day. You ready to do this?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” She flashes me a nervous smile and I squeeze her hand just a little bit tighter.

I help her into my Audi and drive us both to the new Bloom. We are meeting Ellie there, who has been here every chance she could, helping with the renovations and getting their second location up and running. This is just as much her grand opening as it is Livy’s. Their dream of opening a second location coming to life. It’s been no small feat.

It is nearing five o’clock and the grand opening begins in half an hour. I’m watching my girl race around the store with Ellie, making sure every last detail is in order. Servers are lining up flute glasses for champagne and the caterer is hard at work plating hors d’oeuvres on trays. He’s going to have to work harder to keep up with Ellie, who is stuffing her face with them as she works.

“I can’t eat another bite. Okay, maybe one more. Where did you find this caterer? You are going to have to roll me out of here,” Ellie grumbles through a mouthful of food, rubbing her stomach with one hand.

“Jesus Ellie, stop eating all the food. I’m going to have nothing left to serve our guests if you keep up at that pace.” Livy sasses back, swatting Ellie’s hand away from the neatly placed finger foods.

“Damn Livy, have you seen how many people are waiting outside? There must be over a hundred people out there,” I announce, peeking out the front window at the crowd that has formed. I spot my parents, Liam and Miles and my sister who are chatting with Livy’s mom and dad and Kate. They were the first to arrive, securing a spot right in front of the yellow ribbon that crosses the front door that Livy will be cutting shortly. They are just as excited as I am and so damn proud of her too. I also spot Walt in the crowd, sitting along the perimeter in a chair we made sure to reserve just for him.

“Stop with the updates, Parker. I’m nervous enough as it is without you reminding me how many people will be staring at me. How am I going to get through my speech?”

This will be a lot of attention on her today and I know she is freaking out. She’s managing to hide her anxiety from the people around us, but I know her better than anyone. Her bottom lip pulled under teeth and her hand rubbing the diamond star pendant around her neck is a dead giveaway.

“I’ll be right there in the front row to support you. You’ve got this, Liv. I have no doubt. Just breathe baby.” I kiss the top of her head.

I leave the girls to go over their speeches one last time and walk outside to check on the film crew. We should be ready to start in minutes if everything goes according to plan.

Glasses begin to be filled as guests wait patiently outside. Among our friends and family are neighboring business owners as well as the local TV channel, who will air the grand opening on their six o’clock news.

I walk back inside to Livy and Ellie after getting the go-ahead from the film crew. “Are you two ready? The news crew is set up and ready when you are. Just give me the thumbs up.”

Livy inhales a deep breath and smooths her hands down the front of her dress, looking to Ellie who nods.

“We’re ready.”

I press a slow kiss to Livy’s temple and give Ellie a quick hug. I escort the two of them out the front door and hand them the scissors they will be using to cut the ribbon before taking my spot in the front row with our family. I watch Livy take the microphone in her hand and welcome the crowd to Bloom. She connects with the audience, she’s confident and her voice is smooth. She looks fucking gorgeous too.

She’s crushing it.

God, she’s unbelievable.

She hands Ellie the scissors and together they cut the ribbon, watching it split in two and fall to the ground. This earns them a round of loud applause from the crowd and an extra whistle from me. The photographer from the local news channel moves in closer, snapping photos of my girl and her business partner bestie, the two of them all smiles.

The girls step inside Bloom and begin welcoming their guests. For the next two hours there is a steady stream of people moving though their new flower shop with a drink in hand and a smile warming their faces. Everyone admires the perfectly arranged flowers on reclaimed wooden tables under a vintage chandelier in the center of the space. My Livy is at the center of it all, killing it.

She greets new faces from the community and catches up with both of our families, who have gathered around her with a surprise.

Jules hands Livy a large, beautifully wrapped package, a grand opening gift from both of our families. She unwraps it carefully to find a professionally framed and matted photo of the beach house, our special spot, to remind her of home and the people who love her.

“This is beautiful, and it means the world to me. I can’t wait to hang it up here at Bloom. I will think of you all every day. Thank you all so much.” Livy takes the time to hug each and every one of them with tears in her eyes.

“Honey, we are so proud of you.” My mother rests her hand on Livy’s shoulders, her eyes moving between mine and Livy’s. “I’m also very happy you two found your way back to each other. It’s a blessing to see how happy you two make each other. I knew it would work out, you just needed a gentle nudge in the right direction by someone who knew your two hearts were always meant to be together.” My mom winks.

I look at Livy and for a minute we are both speechless, realizing that my mother had an ulterior motive the day she walked into Bloom to order flowers. She knew what she was doing all along, getting the two of us back together again, face to face, in the same room.

When everyone has left and it’s finally just the two of us, I shut the doors to Bloom and wrap her in my arms.

“You amaze me, Livy. You were incredible today.”

“Today was one of the best days of my life. Thank you for everything, Parker.” She can’t stop smiling and it’s adorable.

“This was all you babe. You know me. I’m just the good-looking assistant at your beck and call,” I tease her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

In all honesty, we make a good team, and I can’t wait to see where life takes us. We’ve already come so far. For now, it’s just the two of us in Cape May. But one day soon, I am going to marry her, and we are going to have babies. I can’t wait for the day when we are living back home in Reed Point, close to our families. But until then I have her all to myself, and that’s fine by me. Actually, it’s perfect.

I’ve never been happier, that much is true and it’s all because of this woman in my arms. It took us eight years to find each other again and we are finally right back to where we started. I’m madly in love with Livy, I know she feels the same and I plan on spending every day of the rest of my life with her. She just doesn’t know it yet.

“Time to go home, Livy girl?”

“Past time, baby. Take me home.”

“I love you. So much,” I whisper, brushing my lips along her forehead.

“I love you too,” Livy breathes, reaching for my chin and pulling me down for a kiss.

I kiss her back and say the words that I will repeat to her all the days of our life.

“It’s always been you, Livy girl.”

“Always been you.”