Made to Order by Brigham Vaughn


“Over my lap.”

Tyler stared at Donovan. He sat on the edge of Tyler’s bed, naked, his hair damp from the shower they’d taken together. He looked tired and a little stern. But he’d been almost tender in the shower, running his hands across Tyler’s body, massaging his shoulders, even washing Tyler’s hair.

At any other time, Tyler would have fought him, snapped he could take care of himself. But the truth was, he was too exhausted and worried to do anything but mutely accept the help.

“Tyler? If you’re too tired for a spanking, we can just sleep. But if you want this, lie down over my lap and let me take care of you.” Donovan’s tone was gentle enough, but there was a firm edge that reminded Tyler he would take charge if Tyler let him.

The words jolted him into action, and he knelt on the bed beside Donovan’s hip. It was awkward, draping himself over Donovan’s lap, but when he was settled, the feel of their skin pressed together made tension begin to seep from his body.

“Mmm, well done.” Donovan rubbed his ass.

Normally, the words might have made Tyler bristle but tonight, he simply let out a sigh and rested his forehead on the back of his hand.

“I only need you to do one thing for me tonight,” Donovan said. His voice sounded particularly deep and mellow. It washed over Tyler in a warm, soothing wave. “Do you know what that is?”


“Let go.” Donovan said. He settled a hand on the back of Tyler’s neck, applying a little pressure. “I’m going to spank you now. All you have to do is close your eyes and let me take care of you. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes,” Tyler whispered.

“Good.” A stinging slap landed on Tyler’s ass. He jerked, in surprise as much as anything else, then closed his eyes as warmth spread outward from that spot. When he got comfortable again, another slap landed beside the first. Tyler let out a groan. Then another. And another. Donovan started slowly, but he worked his way up to a steady pace.

After the first dozen or so hits, Tyler felt himself slip, his head beginning to go hazy as all his muscles softened. His ass was hot and sore, but the warmth covered his whole body now. His cock grew hard as Donovan continued, moving down to slap the crease where his ass met his legs.

Tyler groaned, rocking against Donovan’s firm thigh.

“Yeah?” Donovan let out a pleased little noise. “You like that, huh?”

“Mmm.” Tyler let out a sound of agreement.

“Keep it up,” Donovan said encouragingly. “Grind your cock against me while I spank you.”

So, Tyler did. His world faded to the thwacks against his ass and the pressure against his dick. There was nothing but that and the hazy, swirling pleasure in his head. The worry, the fear, they melted away like smoke, leaving his mind quiet and still.

It went on and on, and Tyler ached by the time Donovan’s hits slowed to a stop. But he was so fuzzy and relaxed he could barely respond when Donovan manhandled him, shifting and rolling him until he lay flat on his back on the bed.

His head swam as he stared up at Donovan who smiled down at him. “I’m going to take care of you now, Tyler. Just lie there and enjoy it, sweetheart.”

“Whaa?” he slurred.

Donovan ducked his head, taking Tyler’s cock into his mouth. Tyler groaned at the sudden wet heat and pressure around the head. He reached out blindly, cradling Donovan’s head in his hands, not taking control, just enjoying the feel of Donovan’s hair sliding between his fingers, fine and silky.

Everything was a hazy blur of pleasure as he let Donovan take care of him, allowing himself to simply lie there and enjoy it rather than trying to fight him. The pleasure built, sweet heat settling low in his belly and urging him onward. Donovan’s mouth seemed to be everywhere at once, licking up the shaft, swirling around the head, teasing the slit, before plunging back down again until Tyler sank into the soft, wet grip of his throat.

Donovan toyed with Tyler’s nuts, hefting them in his hand and tugging just the way Tyler loved. And then he moved his mouth lower, lapping and sucking, gently mouthing at Tyler’s balls while his spit-slicked hand stroked the shaft and his thumb teased at the crown.

Tyler let out a desperate sound, hips arching as he sought more, so close, right there on the edge and …

It was gone.

Tyler let out a disappointed groan when Donovan sat up. “Nooo,” he whined, reaching for him.

“Shh, I’ve got you.” Donovan settled a hand on his stomach. “You can come soon, I promise.”

Tyler rocked against the bed, his sheets softly abrading his sore ass and the air cool on the wet tip of his cock. He reached down and stroked his dick. For once, Donovan didn’t stop him. “Need you, Donovan.”

“I know. Hang on.” Donovan sat up, and a moment later, Tyler heard the sound of lube, then a tearing condom wrapper and he spread his legs, but instead, Donovan wrapped a hand around his cock again.

The familiar sensation of latex being rolled over his dick made his hips jerk in surprise. He was still too fuzzy-headed to protest, and it wasn’t until Donovan settled on his knees, straddling Tyler’s torso, that it occurred to him what was happening.

He groaned when Donovan sank down over him. He hissed at the tightness, Donovan’s body gripping every aroused inch of his dick. “Fuck,” he whispered when Donovan’s ass brushed his hips.

“Tell me about it.” Donovan sounded breathless.

Tyler ran his hands up Donovan’s thighs, loving the firm muscle and soft hair. So different than anyone he’d been with in the past. So good though. So, so good.

Donovan rose over him, then lowered down, tearing a strangled groan from Tyler’s throat.

Blindly, Tyler reached for Donovan’s cock. He found it half-hard and he spit in his hand to stroke it as Donovan fucked him. Because while Donovan was the one taking a dick inside him, he was still the one in charge. He was the one controlling the pace and depth. He was the one pulling sounds Tyler had never heard himself make out of his throat. He was the one who made Tyler writhe and grind his tender ass against the bed.

He was the one making Tyler’s head swim even more.

Tyler’s strokes slowed when he felt the pressure of Donovan’s hand against his throat. “Slap my thigh three times if you need me to stop,” Donovan whispered.

And then the pressure increased, and the world faded away again until there was nothing but Donovan’s body around his cock and the tight grip around his neck. Loosening. Tightening. Tyler had no idea how long they went on like that, but the pleasure built and built, settling low in his groin and making his balls boil with a desperate need to orgasm. Donovan pressed in hard again, then released, and Tyler came with a gasp, hips shoving desperately upward into Donovan’s body as he turned inside out and filled the condom.

He could do nothing but shake and cry out, body curling up, dimly aware of the slick sound of Donovan jerking off over him.


His name was a broken moan on Donovan’s lips, and the rhythmic contractions of Donovan’s body around his dick pushed his orgasm further, until it was so good it hurt. Tyler sagged back against the bed, a wash of white sweeping through his head in a warm, haze.

Donovan lifted off him, then settled on the bed beside him, stroking his abs.

“Tell me you’re okay, Tyler.”

“I’m okay,” he gasped. His voice was a little hoarse. He peeled his eyes open to see Donovan looming over him, a concerned frown on his face. “More than okay. So good.”

Donovan smiled then and dragged his fingers through the wetness on Tyler’s chest. He lifted them to Tyler’s mouth, and he opened obediently, licking and sucking Donovan’s cum from his fingers.

Tyler shuddered at the strange pleasure of the act, and his arm felt clumsy and awkward as he reached out to touch Donovan’s face. “Thank you,” he whispered.

Donovan smiled faintly. “What are you thanking me for?”

“Everything.” He couldn’t manage anything else, just pulled Donovan in for a kiss, not caring that they were making a mess of themselves. Only desperate to feel Donovan’s touch again.

Eventually, their kisses slowed, and Donovan rolled him onto his back. “Let me get a cloth,” he whispered.

Tyler floated in a contented haze as Donovan washed him clean. His eyes were heavy-lidded by the time Donovan slipped into bed beside him, pulling the covers up over their bodies.

Sleep swept him away as soon as the lights were out.