Risk Taker by Sonia Stanizzo

Chapter 8

“Idon’t need my stuff. Let’s just go.”

Holly had a change of heart as they stood in front of a faded brown door. The apartment was on the fourth floor. The waft of Chinese food from the restaurant on the ground level still reached them. The dark and dingy hallway had stains on what she assumed was once beige carpet and a cracked window was sealed together with silver duct tape. What must Ethan Doyle think of her staying in a place like this? She didn’t miss the way he’d screwed up his nose and avoided touching anything when they’d entered the building. He was used to mansions with maid service. She was too, it had become pretty sad when she was closer to the staff than her own parents.

“We’re here now. Knock on the door, grab your things and we can take off. The quicker you do so, the better.” Ethan searched the corridor like he was worried someone would pounce from the shadows and mug him.

“Fine.” She pounded on the flimsy timber door.

Ethan’s mobile rang. “I have to take this. I’ll be over by the window if you need me.”

Awesome, drag her here and conveniently leave. What happened to we’re getting your things?

After a few moments, the door swung open.

Declan wore a sleepy expression as he scratched the back of his head. Grey boxer shorts hung low on his narrow hips and he wore no shirt. Yes, he was good looking. Compared to Ethan Doyle, he didn’t come close.

“What’re you doing here?” he mumbled.

“I’ve come to get my things.”

“I’m busy. Come back later.”

God, he made her skin crawl. What had she ever seen in him? “I don’t care if your busy I can’t come back later. Give me my stuff and I’ll go.”

“It looked like you cared a lot last night. I’ve never seen you so mad.”

Yes. Mad at herself for being such an idiot for thinking she could move on from Oliver with Declan.

“If you’d stuck around, we could’ve made it really fun.” He gave her a sleazy wink. “It would’ve been hot. Sorry you missed out.”

“I had my own hot date.” The lie slipped out easily.

He raised a disbelieving eyebrow.

“I got a better offer.” The fibs kept rolling off her tongue.

His jaw tensed when she mentioned the better offer like it wasn’t possible and a moment of satisfaction at denting his ego made her smile.

“Look Declan,” she sighed. “I have to be somewhere soon, let me get my things.”

“I said, I’m busy.” He made to close the door but Ethan Doyle reached over her shoulder and slapped a hand on it preventing him doing so.

“What the fuck?” Declan spat and then his eyes widened with recognition. “Holy shit! You’re Ethan Doyle!”

Ethan didn’t so much as crack a smile or acknowledge Declan’s excitement.

“I’m a huge fan!” Declan said.

“Holly wants her stuff—now,” Ethan’s tone was harsh. Then he slid an arm around her waist and pulled her to his side. “She doesn’t want to stand around all day waiting. She’s tired because she’s been up all night, if you know what I mean.” And mimicked Declan’s wink. “Pack it all for her and don’t forget anything.”

“So… you were… Ethan Doyle?” Declan couldn’t form a coherent sentence.

Ethan Doyle jumped in and said, “Yep, you missed out on someone special.” He stared at her with bright, green lust filled eyes and trailed a finger along her jawline. “She’s made me so happy.” Tilting her chin, he placed a light kiss on her lips.

Suddenly, he gripped tighter around the waist and slammed her against his chest. He cupped her face in his hands and sealed her mouth with a kiss cutting off her surprised squeal. Firm lips encouraged her own to open and she wouldn’t object or stop to ask questions. When his tongue swept inside, heat pounded in her veins and she threw her arms around his neck to pull him closer. She was right about the stubble on his chin being soft as it brushed against her skin.

His tongue licked her bottom lip right before he pulled away. Thank God for the supportive arm around her waist holding her tight, because her knees turned to water and she would’ve collapsed onto the floor.

Declan’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline at their display of affection.

“Now, pack her bags so we can get back to what we were doing.” He gave her a smouldering gaze that practically burned off her underwear.

“No problem,” Declan said and dashed away.

The moment they were alone, Ethan Doyle’s arm fell from around her waist.

“Wh—what was that about?” Holly whispered in case Declan was close and could overhear their conversation.

“He’s an arsehole and needed to be put in his place.”

Right, this was all an act for Declan’s sake. Of course, it wasn’t for any other reason. For a moment, she’d gotten caught up in the kiss she’d forgotten where they were. “Thank you.” He’d helped her out more than once today. Maybe it runs in the family. First Nancy now Ethan Doyle.

“You’re welcome.” Their eyes connected and she froze on the spot at the intensity of his stare.

“I have your stuf,” Declan’s voice rudely interrupted the moment.

Holly reluctantly stepped away, shocked that she’d gotten so caught up in the kiss.

Declan stood in the doorway holding her luggage. The slutty nun, now dressed in one of Declan’s t-shirts, stood behind him twirling her long blonde locks in her fingers and giving Ethan Doyle come-sex-me-up eyes. Back off, sister. Ethan Doyle is mine! It was only pretend but boy did it feel awesome to shove the actor in their faces.

“Umm, before you go, can I get a selfie with you?” Declan held out a mobile phone.


Declan’s smile dropped.

Holly grappled with her luggage in one hand and clasped Ethan Doyle’s hand in the other. “Sorry, we’re busy. I’m off to have sex with Ethan Doyle now.” With her head held high, she left star struck Declan and the slutty nun in her dust.

* * *

What the hell had he been thinking? After stowing Holly’s luggage in the car’s boot, they were back on the road. Wanting to help her out turned into wanting to get her to his bed. And fast. Why did he have to stop when he saw her at the bus shelter? He wouldn’t be so wound-up tight needing to get his hands on her, taste her lips on his tongue again if he’d only driven away.

“Thanks again for helping me out with Declan,” Holly said breaking the awkward silence that filled the car.

“No problem,” he said with a clipped tone.

“The kiss… was the perfect touch.” Did her voice sound a little shaky? “He never would’ve believed me.”

“Now he does.”

“Yes, he does.” She fiddled with the hem of her skirt. He inwardly groaned at the sight of her bare legs and flicked his gaze back on the road.

“By the expression on Declan’s face, it must’ve looked believable,” she said with no clue where his thoughts had drifted to.

“It’s my job, I know what I’m doing.” And he had to put his acting skills to the test now or she’d see right through him and know exactly how turned on he was by a simple kiss.

“Ethan Doyle, you deserve an Oscar for your performance.” She smiled.

“Why do you do that?”

She glanced at him. “Do what?”

“Call me Ethan Doyle.”

“That’s your name… or is it a stage name and I should call you something else?”

“No, it’s my name. You say Ethan Doyle like it’s my first name.”

Pink colour stained her cheeks. “Sorry, it’s because… well… you’re famous. It’s how everyone says a celebrity’s name. You know, like Hugh Jackman, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt. Don’t you do the same?”

“They’re my friends, why would I?”

“Wow, they are?” she asked with wonder.

“Just call me Ethan. I think we’re friends now.”

She gave a mischievous smirk. “I’m not sure I’ve forgiven you for making me sleep on the couch.”

He chuckled, “I feel bad about that and Mum gave me shit about it too.”

“Hollywood movie star is still getting in trouble from his mum?” She laughed and the sexy, husky sound slammed into his gut.

“Don’t tell anyone,” he joked trying to crush down the desire for her bubbling under the surface.

She made a motion of sealing her closed lips with an imaginary key. “Do you mind if I stop by the set so I can say goodbye to Nancy and thank her for her generosity? I didn’t want to wake her this morning. I’ll walk to the station from there.”

“You won’t accidentally get cast into another scene, will you?” he asked as he pulled into his designated parking spot. He’d rather her go straight to the station but he couldn’t tell her that without explaining why.

“Nancy told you?” she laughed. “Filming would’ve finished sooner if I had known what I was doing. Sorry for the bad acting.”

For someone who’d gotten thrown on set with no experience, she managed better than he would’ve expected. By the way his body had reacted to her touch while filming had more to do with her than her acting skills. In fact, it was definitely Holly. There was an underlying sexiness about her that wasn’t forced or an act and was refreshing in a world he lived in full of fake and opportunistic people.

“You did a good job.”

She lifted a sceptical brow. “You were pretty pissed every time I stuffed up.”

He was pissed because every time her hand slid over his dick, he had to control a hard-on or she’d know exactly how he was feeling. “It’d been a long day.”

She seemed to believe his excuse and smiled. “Thanks for the ride, I’ll grab my bag and let you get to work.”

They made their way to the back of the car and both reached in the open boot for the luggage. Their fingers made contact on the handle. They stood shoulder to shoulder, hand on hand. Their gazes held, then his dropped to her lips.

A car horn honked behind them. Startled, they jumped and broke the connection.

“Darling…” Victoria purred as she slid out of the backseat of a white convertible. Her auburn hair was pulled back in a slick ponytail and she wore no makeup. She was a beautiful and sexy woman and paled against Holly.

When she reached him, she trailed fingers along his chest and planted a kiss on his lips. No longer did she seem annoyed that he’d left her alone last night.

“I thought you weren’t due on set until later?” Ethan said.

She gave an elegant shrug. “Had some errands to run. Came in early to read over my lines. Come to my trailer before you get started and you can help.”

He knew what the invitation implied and it wasn’t reading lines. It wasn’t the first time they’d started the morning off with a bang in her trailer. “I’m running late. I have to head straight to hair and makeup.”

Pouting her full lips, she said, “Then see me during break.”

“Maybe,” he said.

The bag Holly hooked over her shoulder swung out and smacked Ethan in the chest. “Oops, sorry,” she said. Ethan didn’t think she was. Not with irritation flashing from her eyes. What was that about?

While they were making plans, Holly and strode toward the makeup trailer. And damn it was hard to peel his gaze away.

* * *

How could he talk to Victoria like that after kissing me less than twenty minutes ago?

For a second, maybe, just maybe, Ethan Doyle—no Ethan, felt the spark that zapped between them when they’d kissed. Or she could’ve just imagined it. Maybe it was only her body that had snapped, crackled and popped. He’d been putting on an award-winning performance for Declan.

Of course, it had been an act. Why would he show any interested in a homeless and unemployed woman? Not that he knew she had a good job to go to in Melbourne. Especially when he had the gorgeous Victoria Martin giving him sexy eyes not caring who witnessed them. Gah… men! It was time she gave them up and took a break. They caused too much drama. It was exhausting.

“Excuse me, Miss, you’re not allowed in this area.” Trudy was once again geared up in her headset and holding a clipboard. That thing must be important, she grasped onto it like it was life’s blood.

“I’m here to see Nancy,” Holly explained.

“Do you have an authorised pass?”

What the hell? Last night Trudy hadn’t checked if she was a qualified actor cast for the movie, now she wanted a pass?

“No, I don’t. I’m hooker number three from last night, remember?”

Trudy searched her face then said, “Sorry, without the pass I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

“Oh, for fuc—”

“She’s with me.” Before she could finish her sentence, Ethan’s warm hand branded her back causing her heart rate to kick up a notch.

Trudy’s eyes popped open and blotches of red crept up her neck. “I’m sorry… I didn’t know… sorry.”

Holly kind of felt sorry for Trudy so she said, “It’s okay. You couldn’t have known. Silly Ethan should have organised it for me.” She nudged him playfully in the ribs with her elbow. He glanced down at her with a frown, and she smiled back sweetly. “Can’t be too careful, all kinds of crazies could try to worm their way in to meet this guy.”

“Crazies alright,” he mumbled under his breath. She rewarded him with another jab.

Trudy’s gaze darted between them looking a little confused then said, “Ethan, can we go over something quickly before you head to makeup?”

“Sure,” he answered dropping his hand from Holly’s back. She shivered, cold without his touch.

They both strolled away looking at whatever was written on the clipboard and Holly pulled her luggage up the steps and entered the trailer.

Nancy and two other women were zooming from one end of the makeup counter to the other, five actors who Holly vaguely recognised but couldn’t put a name to, sat on the chairs in front of the mirrors. Two were the same people whose headshots she’d drawn on last night.

When a frazzled looking Nancy spotted her, her face lit up with a smile. “Oh, thank God you’re here. Jacinta, the other makeup artist, got rushed to hospital early this morning with appendicitis and we’re down a makeup artist.”

“That’s terrible. Is she okay?”

“She’s had surgery. She’ll be fine, but she can’t work for a couple of weeks.”

Now she knew why Nancy and the women were dashing from one actor to the other holding a bunch of different brushes in their hands.

“Can you help us? Want to be a makeup artist for a few days?” Nancy pleaded.

A makeup artist for a few days? Hell yeah!

If Holly smiled any wider her face would crack. It dropped when realisation sank in. “I’m not qualified.” Applying her own makeup didn’t mean she could do it professionally.

“Pfft, you weren’t qualified as an actor and you pulled that off. You have the skills to do makeup.” Nancy said as she brushed translucent powered on an actor’s face. “Stop overthinking it, Shaun here only needs a basic look, no special effects. Easy.”

Holly’s heart hammered behind her ribs, she wasn’t sure if it was from excitement or fear. Probably a combination of both. “Is there somewhere, where I can quickly change?” She couldn’t believe she was doing this. What better way to know if the desire to be a makeup artist was something from the heart or a reason to piss off her parents?

Nancy nodded toward a white door and Holly dashed inside with her luggage. She couldn’t wait to peel off the torturous shoes, skimpy clothes and get into something more comfortable. She wouldn’t mind keeping Ethan’s sweater on but that would probably be weird.

Once dressed, she raced to the counter. Her hands shook slightly as she picked up the powder and brush. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she got to work.

Within seconds, her hands took on a life of their own, as she immersed herself into the zone.