Risk Taker by Sonia Stanizzo

Chapter 7

“Where’s the damn bus?” Holly grumbled as she searched up and down the street and rubbed her arms to warm herself. She’d been waiting over half an hour. If it didn’t arrive soon, she’d have to consider walking to the train station and that was a trek she didn’t want to do with aching feet. And she wouldn’t get to pick up her luggage from Declan’s place.

A black BMW drove by, braked a little up ahead then reversed, pulling up in front of her. God, not another guy wanting a morning blow job. The tinted window slid down; the interior was too dark to see the driver. “Look, you pig. I’m not a prostitute so keep driving and go home to your wife.”

The driver’s door opened. Shit! Was this some weirdo coming to knock her out and throw her in the boot? Just because he drove a luxury BMW didn’t mean he couldn’t be some kind of psychopath. Before she had the chance to kick off her shoes and bolt for her life, Ethan Doyle stepped out and walked around the car. Oh, hell. Maybe she’d still need to run for it, but not for her original reasons. Her heart thumped against her ribcage as she took in the sight of him.

He leaned on the side of the car and crossed his arms over his chest. A light, grey V-neck knit sweater moulded over firm looking muscles. “Getting a lot of offers this morning?” A mocking smirk played on his lips.

“Get lost.” She wished she had a better comeback. Witty comments disappeared when he was around. Even though Ethan Doyle was annoying, she had to admit standing in front of her like he was posing for GQ magazine, looking hotter than a man had the right to, turned her brain to mush.

He laughed but didn’t get back in the car. Instead asked, “Where are you headed?”

“Train station.” And her body gave an involuntary shudder.

“I’ll give you a ride,” he offered.

“No thanks. The bus should be here any minute.” Again, she checked up and down the street. “You shouldn’t park at a bus stop; you could get a ticket.”

“I’ll take my chances,” he said with another grin.

Right, he was rich and famous and could worm himself out of all kinds of trouble.

“I’m heading that way, it’s no bother. Besides, Mum is annoyed with me for making you sleep on the couch. She’ll skin me alive if she learns I’ve left you here in the cold.”

“It’s not that cold.” Then she shivered again.

He pushed off the car and leaned in the open passenger side window giving Holly a great view of his arse wrapped in tailored dark pants. Heat flushed her skin, burning off the chill.

He turned back to her and threw her a navy-blue knitted sweater, much like the one he wore. “Put that on before you freeze to death.”

“Thanks.” She wanted to refuse anything from him. It was too cold to be stubborn so she pulled it over her head, breathing in the faint scent of woodsy cologne. She stopped herself from burying her nose in the soft fabric and taking a deep breath.

“Come on, get in the car,” he urged.

Just as she was wrestling with the decision in her mind, a blue and white bus bustled up to the shelter, flashing its headlights. Holly assumed because the BMW was in its way.

“Thanks for the offer Ethan Doyle.” Maybe he wasn’t as bad as she thought. Either way, she needed to get away from him. She didn’t want him bringing up why she’d slept at his mother’s house. It was humiliating. “I’ll take the bus.”

* * *

When Ethan had spotted Holly at the bus stop a few minutes ago, it wasn’t a question whether or not to stop, his foot hit the brake before he could think. Damn her for getting under his skin. He’d personally put her on the train himself, if he could guarantee her safe return to where ever the hell she came from and purge her from his mind. Watching her board the bus was the next best thing.

Ethan put the indicator on to signal he was pulling out onto the road. Before he did, he glanced in the review mirror. Instead of the bus driving away with Holly in it, she stomped back down the steps, wearing a madder than hell expression.

She stood on the footstep with hands on hips arguing with the driver. He didn’t need to hear what she was saying to know she was pissed. The door of the bus swung closed.

It took off leaving her staring after it and shaking her head.

Noticing his BMW, Holly dropped her clenched fists by her side, pulled her shoulders back and wobbled on her feet to the car. He admired the way her hips swayed even though his baggy sweater hung just above her knees and wasn’t quite steady on her feet. A woman in his clothes and wearing heels made for sin was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. He shifted uncomfortably in the seat.

The door flew open and she dropped onto the passenger seat. “Is it too late to take you up on your offer for a ride to the station?”

By the tension etched on her face and the fire sparking from her light brown eyes, he didn’t crack any jokes about the offer having expired. “Not at all.”

She sighed. “Thanks.”

“What happened?” he asked as he pulled onto the road.

“Your sweater wasn’t enough to mask my ‘occupation.’” She made air quotes with her fingers. “The driver refused to let me on. Dammit, I should’ve picked up my clothes from Declan’s place last night.” She plonked her elbow on the door and dropped her head in her hand.

This neighbourhood didn’t normally see prostitutes on the side of the road but the arsehole driver should have let her on the bus. Now it was up to him to get her to the station. He needed to be on set by 7.30 am.

“Whose Declan?” he asked.

“Someone who I thought was a friend.”

“I’m sensing it didn’t end well?” he remarked.

She made a huffing sound. “You could say that.”

“What happened?” he gave her a quick questioning glance then focused his attention back on the road.

She shrugged and stared out the passenger side window. “Guys are all cheating bastards. The end.”

It wasn’t any of his business to press for more details, so he let breakfast radio fill in their lack of conversation. After a couple of minutes, he said, “Where’s the train taking you?” Hopefully far enough away so their paths never crossed again and he wouldn’t have to worry about the unexpected surge of attraction pulling him towards her.

“Home to Melbourne.”

“You’re going home…” He glanced at her outfit. “Dressed like that?”

She wiggled in her seat and tried pulling the hem of her short skirt down. It didn’t budge. “I wanted to stop at Declan’s apartment to collect my stuff before catching the train but I can’t now.”

“Why not?”

“You’re taking me straight to the station.”

“How much time do you have before you need to be on the train?”

She glanced at him and frowned but looked at her watch. “Two hours. Why?”

“Because we’re getting your things,” he answered surprised with the words spilling from his mouth. Why…why would he offer to do that? Because he couldn’t let her go home dressed like a pauper and because something about Holly made him want to spend a few extra moments in her company.

“I don’t have much, it’s probably for the best I don’t go back there.”

“It’s your stuff and we’re getting it back.” Putting an end to anymore arguing.

She nibbled her bottom lip, hesitating for a moment before she said, “Okay, thanks.”

He flashed her a smile. “Punch the address in the GPS. Let’s pay Declan a visit.”