Breaking Free by Isabel Lucero


He’s good.Dammit.

Dominic runs fast, holds on to the ball like he’s got glue on his fingers, and knows how to juke the other players in order to get around them.

I can’t say I’m too surprised, because obviously Coach knew about his skills in order to let him on the team. I wonder if he went to the other campus and watched him. Anyway, I can’t help but be disappointed, because there was a small part of me that hoped he was mediocre at best. I can’t help but question why he wasn’t a starter on his last team.

On top of his talent as a player, he seems to be well-liked by the guys already, which only annoys me for some reason.

I watch him jog to the sidelines to get some water, and stare as he squirts it into his mouth. After he gulps it down, he pours some on his inky black hair, the water cascading over his forehead. He shakes his head before pushing his hand through his hair, moving it out of his face, then he locks eyes with me and smirks.

Even though he can’t hear me, I scoff and turn my head, focusing my attention on the field as Coach talks to a group of players.


My head snaps to the side as Dominic approaches, leering at me.


“All right, everyone gather around,” Coach Beckett announces, drawing us all to him and getting me out of a conversation with Dominic.

I jog over and find a spot next to Jay and Dex, and listen to Coach’s speech about his expectations and what we need to work on.

Dominic stands across from me, watching me in a way that makes me uncomfortable. Uncomfortable because if anyone else is paying attention, I think it’s obvious he’s checking me out. I don’t want to have to answer any questions about the new guy being attracted to me.

I don’t even know why he’s looking at me like this, considering the shit he said in the locker room. First of all, how dare he? I was drunk, horny, and turned on beyond all belief, especially after having him fuck my mouth and lick his cum into my mouth. It’s not like I’m a minute man. It was just the situation. I haven’t been with many guys. Two, including him, to be exact. And I’m starting to learn just how much I like it, so excuse the fuck out of me for coming somewhat quick.

My face burns as I think about it, getting angrier at him for even trying to make me feel bad. If he doesn’t want to be with me, then he shouldn’t stare at me the way he is.

“Whoa, what’s goin’ on?”

Dex’s voice pulls me out of my head and I realize I was glaring at Dominic.

“What?” I ask.

“You were looking at him like you wanted to kill him,” Dex says.

“Oh man, you should’ve seen how he was looking at Trev in the locker room, though,” Jay says with a laugh. “I think he’s sweet on Campbell here.”

“Oh?” Dex asks, eyebrows raised.

I shake my head and realize the group has been dismissed, so we start walking to the locker room. “I don’t think he was checking me out.”

“He seems like a good guy,” Dex says with a shrug. “Pretty good on the field, too.”

I try to keep my eyeroll to myself. I don’t want to look jealous. “He’s okay.”

Jay and Dex share a look and then laugh.

“I’m not jealous,” I say. “I just...I don’t know. He seems cocky.”

“Well, regardless of all that,” Jayden says. “When he comes on to you and you have to turn him down, send him my way, yeah? Because I can have a good time with him.”

“We don’t even know if he’s gay,” Dex says.

I do, but it’s not like I’m gonna say that.

“Y’all can keep talking about him all you want. I’m hittin’ the showers,” I say, jogging into the building.

* * *

I’m notable to get right into the shower like I want, because Coach has another little speech while we undress, and then he calls me into his office.

“Yeah, Coach?” I ask.

“I wanted to have a quick word with you.” He sits down behind his desk and moves some papers around, leaving me in suspense.

“Did I do something?”

“No, no. Nothing like that. As you know, Hernandez is new on the team.”

“Oh. Yeah.”

“I know y’all play the same position, but that doesn’t mean there has to be any animosity. He’s in a unique situation and it wasn’t his choice to come here. Well, it was, but it wasn’t.” He waves his hand. “Anyway, that’s beside the point. He doesn’t need to be shown around town or anything, but if he needs help around campus or something, give him a hand.”

“Coach, he’s grown. I’m sure he can figure it out himself.”

He pins me with a look. “Trevor, I asked you, because I know you’re a good guy. Look, the team is like a family, and he’s new. Just make him feel welcome. Sometimes people need support more than you know.”

I sigh, crossing my arms. Coach has never asked this of me before, so I’m assuming there’s a reason. Maybe he knows him. A friend of the family or something. Whatever the reason, it’s fucking weird, but what am I gonna say? No? He’s my coach and has the power to bench me if he wants. It’s not like he’ll know if I’m not helping him.

“Sure, Coach.”

“Thanks, now get out of here.”

I chuckle as I leave his office and head back to my locker. Most of the team is gone, some are already showered and getting dressed.

“Hey, man. Nicola’s Pizza. Meet us there,” Jay yells as he pops around the corner, heading out the door.

“All right.”

I grab my flip flops, shower bag, and a towel before heading to the showers, passing Jacob on the way in.

“You goin’ to Nicola’s?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’m gonna shower real quick and head over.”

“Cool. See ya there.”

Inside, the showers are split up into doorway size cutouts, lining the walls with curtains to close us in. I find one and turn the water on, letting it warm up before I step in. While I wait, I strip out of my clothes and hang my towel on the hook outside.

Once I’m clean I pull open the curtain, reaching for my towel, only to find Dominic traveling down the corridor, fully dressed.

“Looks like the tables have turned,” he says with a grin.

I quickly wrap the towel around my waist and turn my back on him. “Whatever, man.”

“It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”

My head swivels from side-to-side, wondering if anyone else is in here. I think I hear a shower running on the other side of the room.

“First of all, keep your voice down. Second of all, you won’t see it again.”

He chuckles, walking alongside me as I try to leave him behind. “Sure.”

“I thought you didn’t want to start something with someone like me.”

“Sounds like you’re a little upset about that,” he says, his voice laced with amusement.

“I’m not.”

“I’ve been thinking about it,” he states, leaning against the lockers as I put my stuff away and grab my clothes.

“Oh yeah? On the field?”

“I can do multiple things at once. So, I was thinking, we already started something. Might as well continue. I’m a generous man and I’m willing to give you another chance.”

My eyes snap to his face as he grins at me and my anger burns hot. “You know what? You’re a cocky son of a bitch. Regardless of what you want to do, I don’t want to. So thanks for your chance,” I snarl, “But I don’t want it.”

He pushes away from the lockers, walking toward me until my back slams into the same set of lockers, the sound loud and echoey.

“I think you do want it.”

His body pushes into mine and he angles his head, looking down at me while I try to control my breathing.

“You’re wrong. You were simply a drunken encounter. A one-night stand.”

He slides his tongue slowly across his bottom lip, his eyes boring into mine. “I don’t think so.”

I turn my head to the side, afraid whoever was in the shower will walk out any minute now. “Can you back the fuck up?”

“Why? You clearly like me being this close to you,” he murmurs, dragging the tip of his nose down the bridge of mine. “I can feel it.”

I shove him back and turn around to pull a shirt out of the locker and bring it over my head. “I’m gonna need you to stop staring at me the way you do, especially around people. Jayden’s already caught on.”

“Why do I have to stop? I’m not in the closet.”

“Yeah, but I don’t need any questions to come up.”

I pull my boxer-briefs on while still wearing my towel, and then drop it to put my jeans on.

“Then maybe you need to focus on not staring at me.”

“I’m looking at you with contempt. It’s different.”

He laughs. “Sure.”

I sit on the bench behind me to put on my socks and shoes while he towers over me. “Look, I’m not sure when I’m gonna come out. I have zero plans on how to do it, so I don’t need you here trapping me against lockers and looking at me like you’ve seen me naked.”

“But I have.” He grins.

I huff. “It won’t happen again. I only let it happen because you weren’t from here, but here you are. A fucking thorn in my side already.”

“I could be a prick in your ass if you want. Maybe your mouth.”

“Do you not listen?” I exclaim, standing up.

His large hand lands on my shoulder and shoves me back down as he stands in front of me. I look up at him, shellshocked, and then he runs his fingers through my hair. “But you look so good like this,” he says, his voice low and husky. “Looking up at me with those green eyes and parted lips, like you’re just waiting for me to tell you what to do. Admit it, you enjoyed yourself with me.”

I open my mouth to say something even though I have no idea what to tell him. He’s not wrong, but there’s no way I’m admitting that to him.

He doesn’t give me time to argue, because the hand that was in my hair quickly curves around my cheek and his thumb pushes between my lips. On instinct, like I don’t have a mind of my own, I close my mouth around it and suck gently.

Dominic smirks, victorious. “I knew it.”

Annoyance and frustration—not only with him but with myself—blooms and explodes, and with all the strength I can muster, I push him back after jolting to my feet, making him stumble into the lockers.

But of course he isn’t offended or mad. He just gives me a crooked smile.

“Hey, y’all coming to Nicola’s?” Marcus asks, walking in from the shower room.

“Nicola’s?” Dom questions.

“It’s a pizza parlor. A group of us are heading over. You should come. Get to know everyone a little better.”

I like Marcus, but all I want to do is punch him in the mouth for telling Dominic about our plans.

I slam my locker closed. “I’ll see you there, Marcus.”

I’ve only taken a handful of strides before I hear Dominic’s voice say, “Yeah, me too.”

Outside, I walk with purpose as I head to my car, but Dominic follows. “Hey, think you could give me a ride?”


He laughs. “Come on.”

“Definitely no.”

“How am I supposed to get there?”

“I’m sure you have a car, don’t you?”

“Not today. I needed to leave it with someone.”

“Sounds like a lie.”

“It’s not.”

It takes several minutes to get to the parking lot and Dominic continues to walk with me in silence until I stop at my red Mazda CX-30. I unlock it and throw my stuff in the backseat, doing my best to ignore his very large presence.

I open the driver’s side door and see his ridiculous faux pout and pleading hands on the other side.

“Get in and don’t talk to me.”