Breaking Free by Isabel Lucero


Once I parkin front of Nicola’s, I quickly get out and dart for the door, leaving Dominic behind me. I’d like to say the ride was quiet, but he talked almost the entire time. He didn’t say anything important, just enough to annoy me.

I spot our group in the far corner in the oversized booth, everyone already eating. “Hey,” I greet, pushing into the booth next to Jayden. “I’m starving.”

“Y’all come together?” he asks quietly, eyes focused on Dominic who’s approaching the table.

I sigh, snatching a piece of meat-lovers from the wooden pizza plate. “Don’t ask,” I say with a growl.

Jayden chuckles. “Hey, man,” he says, greeting the insufferable Dominic. “Glad you could make it.”

“I’m not gonna turn down pizza,” he says, his eyes scanning the area for a place to sit.

Leo, one of our tight ends, grabs the plastic cup and slurps down the rest of his drink through the straw before saying, “I’m leaving. You can have my spot. Gotta meet up with my girl.”

Me and Jayden have to stand up to let him out, and when we take our seats, I realize we have to slide over to the right, giving Dominic the spot to my left.

He plops down next to me, his thigh pushing against mine.

“So, what’s up with you?” Jayden asks.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“What’s your story?” When Dominic stays quiet, Jayden puts his pizza down and grins. “So, for me, my story is that I moved here three years ago. I’m from Illinois, but South River offered me more when it came to athletics. Not only do I play football, but I’m on the wrestling team. I’m in a frat—K. A. P. You know, shit like that.”

Dominic chuckles. “Ah. Well, I don’t play any other sports, and I’m from here. Went to school up at Grand Valley before transferring.”

“Boo! Fucking Hornets,” Tim, our kicker, teases.

“Rival teams. How do you feel playing for the Wildcats now?” Jay asks.

He shrugs. “Feel like I’m gonna win.”

The table erupts into cheers, annoying everyone in the restaurant for the next thirty seconds.

“I like you already, man,” Shea says, holding his cup up to him.

I scoff under my breath and focus on my food, but of course Dominic hears me and knocks his knee into mine.

“What’s your story, Trevor?” Dominic asks, enunciating my name.

I angle my head over my shoulder and glare at him before I remember people are watching. “Not much. From here, go to school here, play football.”

Jayden hits me in the arm. “Come on, man. That’s not it. He also throws the best parties. Well, besides the one my frat throws. Though you may find him drunk and making out with multiple chicks, but what’s new in college?”

My eyes slide over to Dominic’s face and I can’t help but notice how his brows are reaching for his hairline as he stares at me. “Oh yeah? Making out with multiple girls at parties, huh? You don’t seem the type.”

Some of the guys laugh, but I grind my teeth, biting back my response.

“Don’t worry, even if Campbell takes three girls for himself, the women always seem to outnumber us,” Shea says.

Dominic raises his head and meets Shea’s gaze. “Well, I’m gay, so that doesn’t help me out at all.”

The guys go quiet, maybe wondering if he’s joking or not, but when he just takes a slice of pizza and bites a chunk out of it, Jayden chuckles.

“These guys are cool, don’t worry,” Jay says. “I’m bi and there’s never been any major problems with most of the team.”

“Major and most,” Dominic says with a snort. “Sounds about right.”

“There’s always assholes,” Jay says.

The guys liven up. “Sorry, I just didn’t expect you to be gay,” Tim says.

“Right, because of stereotypes.” When they all go quiet again, Dominic laughs. “I’m fucking with you. Don’t worry about it. It’s not the first time I’ve shocked people. If you don’t have a problem with my personal life, I don’t have a problem with you. Plain and simple.”

Conversation moves on after that, but I can’t help but think about how confidently he came out and announced that to everyone. A football team that he’s a new member of. He had no qualms, hesitation, or concerns. Is it really that easy?

An hour later, everyone starts leaving.

“All right, man. See you later,” Jayden says, knocking his fist against mine. “Dom, nice getting to know ya, bro. See you tomorrow.”

I don’t talk to Dominic until we’re outside. “So I guess I’m taking you home.”

“Don’t sound so thrilled. It’s all right. I’ll catch the bus from here.”

And now I feel bad. Great.

“It’s fine. Really. I can take you.”

His lips curl up on one side. “Don’t change your tone now. It’s okay. I’d rather take the bus.”

“Do you live on campus? My place is nearby. It wouldn’t be a hassle.”

He begins walking away, but turns around and continues moving backward. “Careful. It’s starting to sound like you want me to join you.”

I roll my eyes. “Do you want a ride or not?”

His teeth drag across his bottom lip. “Do you?”

“You know what? Okay, fine. See you tomorrow.”

His laugh hits my ears right before I open my car door. As much as he annoys the fuck out of me, I don’t want to leave him stranded. I look back at him before I get in.

“Go, Campbell,” he says with a chuckle. “I’m a big boy. I’ll find my way.”

With that, he turns on his heel and disappears around the building, and I hate that I wish he was still here, even if it just means we’d bicker the whole time.