Perfect Embrace by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 13


My alarm blares in my ear at fifteen minutes before seven. I don’t open the store until eight, but I’m still exhausted. I stayed up way too late talking to Grayson on the phone once the girls went to bed. This has become our nightly ritual over the last two weeks. This coming weekend the girls are staying with their grandparents, so that means it's date night, and I’m excited to get to spend some time with him one-on-one.

I feel a little guilty being excited that the girls are going to stay with their grandparents. It’s not that I don’t want them with us, but Grayson isn’t ready to tell them about us, and I understand that. So we haven’t been on another date since our first. Well, we have, if you count me stopping by to bake cookies with the girls and stealing kisses with Grayson.

I also go over a couple of nights a week after the girls are in bed. Thankfully, it’s summer, so we cuddle out on the back deck underneath the stars. I feel as if we’re teenagers sneaking around, but I understand why we’re doing it. His daughters need to come first, and I not only understand that, but I respect it.

Grabbing my phone, I’m already smiling before I even see his message. That’s become a new routine for us as well. Good morning and goodnight texts. They’re the highlight of my day. What am I saying? Any messages, or calls, or visits from Grayson are the highlight of my day.

Today, he’s coming to the store to eat lunch with me. We’re not hiding from the town, just his daughters. I asked him what he would do if someone mentioned us in front of the girls. He said he didn’t think anyone in Mason Creek would do that, and I happen to agree. They might be nosey as hell and be all up in everyone’s business, but they wouldn’t involve the girls in that gossip. Everyone in our small town knows they lost their mother tragically, and they also know that I’m the first woman Grayson has dated since his wife. They’ll tread carefully as they talk about us.

Gotta love small-town living.

Grayson’s message is a picture of him lying in bed. The spot next to him is empty.

Grayson:Wish you were here.

I smile and take a similar photo to send back to him.

Me:I have a spot for you too.

That’s one of the things that I love about our relationship. We’ve spent a lot of time talking and getting to know one another, and there is an honesty and a trust between us that I’ve never had with any other man.

Grayson:I like the sound of that.

Grayson:Are we still on for lunch today?



Me:I’m flexible.

Grayson:As long as we don’t get a run around then, I’ll be there.

Me:Be safe.

Tossing my phone on the bed, I throw off the covers and get moving. I need to shower and put the Crock-Pot on low. I made beef and noodles yesterday, and I figure we can eat that with lunch and the homemade biscuits I made last night while Grayson and I were on the phone. I know he’ll have to get back to the station, and I didn’t want to spend half of our lunch together with him having to go and grab something for us. That happened last week. This week, I’m being selfish.

I want all of his time that he has to offer me.

* * *

At precisely noon on the dot, the chime on the door alerts me to a customer. Glancing toward the door, I smile when I see Grayson. My smile grows even wider when I remember that my last customer just left, and we have the place to ourselves, at least until the next customer arrives. I don’t know how long that will be, so I rush out from behind the counter and meet him halfway. A quick peck to his lips is all he gets before I’m taking him by the hand and dragging him with me to the foyer that leads to my place. I can hear the door and even see it from this angle, but they won’t be able to see us.

“Laken—” he starts, but I cut him off when I push him up against the wall and pull his lips to mine. The kiss is wild and unhinged, exactly the way I feel when I’m with him.

I groan when Grayson slows the kiss, resting his forehead to mine. “That’s a welcome I could get used to.”

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

“Go on upstairs and make yourself a plate. The Crock-Pot is on the counter, and there are biscuits in a container on the counter next to it.”

“Are you going to eat too?”

“Yes. I’m right behind you. I’ll need to make a plate and then come right back down.”

“I’ll make you one. Go on back out to the register.”

“Are you sure?” My heart pitter-patters in my chest. It’s something simple, him making me a plate, but he’s one of the good ones. One of the men who will make sure your needs are met.

“Yes.” He kisses me quickly. “I’m sure.”

“Thank you.”

“You can pay me with more of those kisses.” He winks and, taking the stairs two at a time, heads up to my place.

Surprisingly, no customers arrive by the time he comes back downstairs with a bowl for each of us. We move to sit in the little office behind the register so we can eat.

“How is your day so far?” I ask him.

“Quiet, which in my line of work is a good thing.” He takes a huge bite of stew and groans. “This is so good,” he says, diving in for another bite.

“Thank you.”

“How about you? Been busy today?” he asks.

“Not really. Thankfully, the patrons of Mason Creek are giving us time together today.”

“Oh, they know I’m here. It wouldn’t surprise me if they were timing my visit.” He laughs.

“You’re probably right,” I agree.

“How were the girls this morning?”

“They were in an excellent mood when I agreed to let them call you and see if you wanted to bake with them tonight.” He grins.

“Aw, that’s a good plan you came up with last night. I love spending time with them.”

“They love it too. Although I confess, my idea was purely selfish. I wanted to see you.”

“Well, I happen to approve regardless of the reason.” I smile at him.

“I’m going to tell them,” he assures me.

“It’s fine, Grayson. I understand the position you’re in. Your daughters come first.”

“I just want to ease them into this. Not only that, but I don’t want them to get their hearts broken.”

“I’d break my own first.” I mean that with all that I am. I would never hurt those girls or Grayson.

“You’re amazing, you know that?” he asks, leaning over the small space between our chairs and kissing me softly.

“You and your daughters make it easy.” I want to tell him that I won’t hurt them because the three of them already own my heart, but it’s too soon for that. I bite back the words as the chime rings on the front door.

“Duty calls.” I stand, placing my half-empty bowl on the desk.

“Laken?” Grayson calls. I turn to find him standing right behind me. His hand slides behind my neck as his lips descend on mine. He kisses me, taking his sweet time, but I’m not complaining. “Thank you for lunch. I’m going to head back to the station. I’ll see you tonight?”

“Yes. I’m going to run to the store to get what we need as soon as I close, and I’ll be over.”

“Tell me what you need, and I’ll get it.”

“I got it. You get the girls and get dinner started.”


“Organized. Dinner and baking off the to-do list, and we get more time together. The four of us,” I add.

“My girl is smart.” He kisses me again, making me forget anything and everything but him.

“Laken, are you hiding back— Oh, now I see why you ignored the chime of the bell.” Justine laughs. “I’ll just be out here.”

“I was just leaving,” Grayson says, keeping his eyes on me. “I’ll see you later.”

“Definitely,” I agree.

Another quick kiss, and he steps away. “Justine, tell Tucker I said hello,” Grayson says as he steps past her and heads for the door.

“Damn,” Justine says, fanning her face with her hands. “That was hot.”

“It was just a kiss.”

“Just a kiss, my ass. Your face is flushed, and you’re holding onto the door frame for support. That man literally kissed your knees weak.”

“He’s really good at it,” I tell her, and she throws her head back in laughter.

“Looks like it. I love my man,” she says, placing her hands on her baby bump. “I’m already pregnant, but if I weren’t, that kiss I walked in on would have done the trick,” she jokes.


“Hot, Laken. So hot.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask, changing the subject. I don’t need her to tell me how hot it was. I lived it. I still feel the heat of his lips pressed against mine.

“Is that any way to talk to your best friend?” She mock glares at me.

“I’m sorry.”

She waves me off. “Don’t be. You’re kiss drunk.” I don’t correct her. “Anyway, I’ve already read all the pregnancy books you sold me. I need more.”

I smile at her. “I thought you might. I ordered a few more just for you.” I reach under the register for the books that I ordered and put them back just for her.

“How much do I owe you?” she asks, pulling out her wallet.

“Nothing. These are on me. It’s an early baby gift.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know, but I want to.”

“Bring it in, bestie.” She holds her arms open, and I walk into them, hugging her as tight as the baby will allow.

“Let me know if you need more after these,” I tell her.

“When this little one thinks it’s time to play soccer in the middle of the night, these will keep me company.”

“Oh, I read a good romance—” I start, but she cuts me off.

“Pregnancy hormones are legit, and I can’t be reading that in the middle of the night. Poor Tucker would never get rested.” She grins.

“Fair enough.”

“I should get going. We need to have dinner, the four of us. Soon.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

With another hug, she leaves just in time for me to hear my phone alert me to a message.

Grayson:I miss you already.

Me:You know how to make a girl smile.

Grayson:You’re the only woman I want to make smile. As for the girls, that’s reserved for my daughters.

Me:I miss you too.

Grayson:I’ll see you soon.

Me:Yes, you will.

Placing my phone on my desk, I grab my now cold half-eaten bowl of stew and scarf it down. Grabbing Grayson’s, I run them upstairs, dropping them in the sink and rushing back downstairs to get back to work.