Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 21



“And today in class we will be learning about depth perception, delving further into the topic of how to perceive what you are trying to capture in your image.”

And with that, Professor Gilford begins to drone on and on about a topic I taught myself, and I lose focus as I try to stay awake.

Every little movement I make has me reeling at how unbelievably sore I am after yesterday with Giovanni, and then the early morning escapades with Declan. I didn’t think it was possible to feel this sore after sex. But I guess that’s what happens when two six foot four plus, dick pierced horn dogs proceeded to ravish my body beyond belief.They both have both stamina and tenacity that I thought was only possible in porn or some crazy third dimension.

I still can’t believe I slept with both of them, separately, in under 12 hours of each other. Who am I, and where did normal me even go? While I’m not complaining about any of the sex, or even some of the new positions I learned in the process, feeling them still dripping out of me is a foreign concept I’m starting to get used to.

Mutual attraction jumping straight into no condom sex. I’m seriously hoping and praying all those STD freesexual test results they showed me weren’t just fake documents they made to get into chicks pants, otherwise they won’t have dicks for much longer.

Though both of their reactions when we were ‘involved’ looked way too real to be faked, so maybe they aren’t the conniving rich fuckers I initially thought, Although to some degree, I still think they are.

Miss Reece!” Professor Gilford yells, dragging me out of my exhausted sex induced haze.

“Y-yes Professor?” I tentatively ask, meeting his gaze.

He absolutely loathes me and is always looking for an excuse to fail me even though others have paid me for the exact same picture. Of course they get an A, and I barely pass. It’s probably because I refuse to go on a date with the sleaze ball too.

Another joy to this archaic hell hole.

Clearly not impressed, he just sighs deeply. “Clearly, this class is unimportant to you today. Pack up and leave. You’ll receive a zero for today’s class. Maybe next time you can show a little more enthusiasm to your academic career.”

“Yes sir,” I reply, but I roll my eyes at his classic douchebag act while putting my stuff in my bag.

I stand up and walk out, ignoring the snickers and pity looks directed my way. Professor Gilford proceeds to talk again, but I feel his eyes on my ass as I reach the door. I’m thankful for when it closes and I don’t have to deal with him anymore.

Glancing at my phone and realizing I was only in the class for 15 minutes of the hour and a half long lecture, I decided to head to the far side of campus where my P.O. Box is located. I need to check and see what upcoming bills I have.

The crisp fall air bites a little as I step out of the arts building, so I stop long enough to throw my Blackwell U hoodie on to tame the slight breeze from freezing me. We may live in the mid to somewhat ‘bottom of Nor Cal’ but it can still get cold here. Thankfully it's not Seattle cold and rain, but bad enough.

I’m three quarters of the way across campus to my mailbox, when a series of dings from my phone has me reaching to see which one of the three overprotective oafs is wondering where I am.

Declan: Aren’t you supposed to be in class sunshine?

Giovanni: Yes, she is. Photography 2 from 10-11:30. Did class end early Tesoro?

Declan: Why are you walking all the way to the farthest side of campus by the sketch gas station anyways? The fuck is going on?

Declan: Ha! I knew I was right! Score 1 for me!

Giovanni: *eye roll emoji* Bravo D. You remembered something other than the last time you got laid. You get a gold sticker.

Declan: Just under 6 hours ago, thank you very much. Dick bag.

Sinclair: Jesus Christ. Pay attention. She is still walking away from campus assholes. What is going on kitten? If you don’t answer in the next 30 seconds we are heading your way.

Giovanni: Agreed.

Declan: I third that notion.

Oh hell. Can they be any more overbearing?

Me: CHILL you overprotectiveNancy’s. My professor is a jerk and tossed me out of class. So I’m walking to the P.O. Box the school gave me when I came for orientation. No need to send a search party or anything.

Giovanni: ……

Sinclair: …..

Declan: ….

Oh lord. Bombarding of questions in 3….2….1….

Declan: Why did you get thrown out of class B? What’s going on? Whose ass am I going to kick?

Giovanni: P.O. Box??? The fuck?

Sinclair: Gio, I want the name of the professor. NOW.

Giovanni: On it.

Me: Will you guys stop? It’s no big deal.

Sinclair: Got anything G?

Giovanni: Professor Gilford. 44. Taught here for 8 years now in the arts building as the photography professor. Room 305

Sinclair: On my way there now.

Me: NO!!!! Do NOT do that unless you want to see my knee in your dick again!

Sinclair: You better have a damn good reason as to why one of us shouldn’t go there kitten.

Sinclair: Deck? G? Update. 5 min out.

Me: Will you guys stop? This is ridiculous.

Declan: Then tell us sunshine and maybe we will stop.

Giovanni: Don’t stop. He is done here. Get rid of him.

Sinclair: ….Why?

Lord help me!

Me: Fine! Because you guys are gonna do whatever you want, regardless of how I’ll look in this situation to you know, everyone. He asked me on a date at the beginning of last year and I told him no. He has hated me ever since and I barely pass his classes because of it. Happy now?

Giovanni: ……

Declan: ……

Sinclair: …..

Sinclair: NOT in the slightest kitten. Don’t worry. This problem is going to go away very fast. Also, do NOT leave that shithole area once you get your mail. One of us will be there soon to pick you up.

Me: *4 eye roll emojis* Whatever.

Sinclair: Kitten…..

Me: Byeeeeeee!

And with that, I shut my phone off and stuff it back into my bag as I walk into the little building where my P.O. Box is.

“Overbearing chauvinists. Stupid bossy jerks,” I mutter to myself as I slide the key into my designated slot.

I hurry up and grab my mail out and quickly walk back outside to sit on the stairs and go through everything. While the area isn’t ‘terrible’ like the guys seem to think - trust me, I’ve lived in worse - the building itself is weird and creepy. So I prefer to get in and out as quickly as possible.

Sitting down on the bottom step, I toss my bag beside me and start looking through everything. My phone bill, no surprise there. What’s this, a letter from the school? Opening it and scanning through the document, I see that my scholarship has been lowered and my food and housing are no longer going to be covered. What? Why? Looking further down, it explains that because my photography grade is borderline failing - I freaking wonder why - they have decided my scholarship needs adjusted to motivate me to get a better grade and earn the rest back.

I sink my teeth into my lip hard in an effort to stop the tears that are flooding my eyes over this bullshit decision. They don’t even know why I’m damn near failing, nor do they fucking care. It’s bullshit.

Closing my eyes, I take a few cleansing breaths to steady myself. Whatever. They want a fight, they have one. Opening my eyes, my resolve is back as I crumple the stupid letter and toss it on the ground in a childish but satisfying ‘fuck you’ to the school. All I have to do is get a couple of the others in class that aren’t complete jackasses to side with me, maybe that will help. Or I threaten to not sell them the photos I take that they buy off of me and pass as their work. They wouldn’t be happy about having to do the work themselves. That would take away from their easy lifestyle and they can’t have that.

As I flip through the other junk, an unusually smaller letter catches my eye. It’s a heavier, custom card stock folded over and sealed with a weird wax that has a stamp in it that I can’t quite make out. It’s almost like the person that sent it was in a rush and messed it up. Glancing up and looking around me, a cold chill passes through me, almost like I’m being watched.

As I try to nonchalantly glance around to see if someone is actually watching me, I carefully open the letter to find a handwritten script. Slowly reading it, my jaw drops in horror at the words.


You can run but you can’t hide.If you think those fools will protect you, you’re wrong.They hide secrets, just as you do.While you think no one knows about your sordid little past.I do.I’ve been watching you sweetheart.Soon enough, you’ll be forever mine.Together, we shall rule.Me as the King.You as my docile little Queen.Don’t get too comfortable in that little castle on campus.When you least expect it, a dark little secret will be revealed.By’ll be forever mine.And those silly little boys?Fucking gone.Enjoy your time with them because it does have an expiration date.


My stomach is nauseous reading the words over and over again. I’ve been followed? How did anyone even know where I lived before the guys found me? I’ve never let anyone see where I went to sleep.

My heart starts to race even more as the feeling of being watched fills me with dread. My palms are clammy, and a dizzying feeling washes over me. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt like this and let my heart arrhythmia take control.

I quickly shove the letter into my backpack so someone, like the guys if they show up, doesn’t see it. I zip my bag up and rush over to the bushes at the side of the building to throw up the contents of my stomach. I attempt to not pass out, praying the action will help calm me down and stabilize me.

As I’m letting the violent waves of my churning stomach wash over me, retching and gagging as everything lets loose, I hear a vehicle in the distance slam to a stop. Multiple doors open and slam. There are footsteps pounding towards me and voices yelling at me. I’m too far gone to care or even respond as another wave almost knocks me to my knees. But before I can fall, a pair of strong arms come up behind me to keep me standing. My throwing up has hopefully stopped as I inhale the sexy unique scent that I instantly recognize as Declan. It’s invading my senses and helping me to calm down. I lean my head back into his chest and keep my eyes closed, because I know if I open them right now, the world will be a hot spinning mess.

“Bethani, you ok, sunshine?”

“Tesoro, do we need to go to the hospital?”

“Fuck that. G, call the doctor and tell him he has 10 minutes to meet us in the garage. I’ve got her stuff and some bullshit crumpled letter from the school we need to address later. Declan, pick her up carefully and get her in the vehicle. She needs to get back to the penthouse.”

Normally Sinclair’s insisting tone pisses me off, but right now, I’m thankful one of them has their head on straight. The longer I’m here, the more I want to throw up.

Declan’s muscular arms gently pick me up, cradling me gently like he is afraid I’m going to break in two as he slowly walks to the vehicle. He gets in while still holding me.

“Take a drink, sunshine. It’ll help.”

I open up just enough as a bottle of water hits my lips. I take timid sips so I don’t unleash the devil gates all over the vehicle.

“Thank you,” I mumble when I’ve taken enough to mostly wash the atrocious taste from my mouth and start the process of rehydrating. Gatorade and Tylenol are going to be my best friends for the next couple days. The last time this happened was after I was in LA for a few months. It took almost a week for me to feel completely normal again.

“Kitten, what happened back there?”

“Nothing important. I’ll be fine.”

“Bullshit, kitten. Why were you throwing up like that?”

I debate for a second before deciding it isn’t worth it to let them know about the creepy letter. These guys are wickedly over-protective of me for some ungodly reason, and if I ever want to be able to walk to class without one of these guys as a personal escort or have a moment of alone time, they don’t need to know. Plus, it doesn’t even make any sense. What secrets are they hiding?

“It’s just the letter. Pissed me off. I let my anger get out of control and didn’t realize my arrhythmia was out of whack before it was too late. No worries.”

The tensing of Declan below me is a dead giveaway that I just fucked up. Royally. Only Ramona knows about it, my heart condition, because she took me to the free clinic down there for some tests to figure out what was happening. Granted, it’s not bad most of the time. Even during the crazy sex-capades with Giovanni and Declan I was able to control it. Stress or getting something insane in the mail, like a crazy stalker letter, will set it off because I lose focus on it quicker.

Deciding to face the music, I slowly open my eyes to glance around at the furious glares set on me. Yeah, I already know what's coming so I start talking quickly to hopefully diffuse the situation as best as I can.

“Listen, it’s not a big deal. That’s the first time it’s happened in like two years or something like that.” The narrowing of silver gray, ocean blue, and emerald green eyes says that they don’t believe a word coming out of my mouth. “I’m serious. I’ve been to the doctor for it before. They weren't worried about it. The only thing that would be a concern would be if it caused a heart attack or something like that.” Deepening scowls and clenched jaws make me realize that yet again, I’m having a word vomit moment by saying too much. I simply just lean back into Declan and cross my arms in defiance. “I’m just gonna stop talking,” I mutter while glancing towards the floorboard of Sinclair’s G-Wagon to avoid the grumpasaurus’s slightly deranged glares.

The rest of the ride is eerily silent until we get back to their parking garage. I’m dreading the conversation that I know they will want to have, but they can all kick rocks. I just need to chug a Gatorade and take a couple Tylenol before I head to my next class. I’m crabby, dehydrated, and annoyed with the nonsense, so they can all piss up a rope if they think I’m just going to comply. Especially when my scholarships are already on thin ice. Missing more classes won’t bode well in my favor.

I’m still in a pissy mood when the elevator reaches their penthouse, now because I’m still being cradled like a damn doll. Declan quickly walks to the living area and swiftly sets me down on the couch before heading to the kitchen and coming back with a bottle of water and a strawberry-kiwi Gatorade electrolyte pack to dump in. Sinclair comes from somewhere with aspirin, dropping the bottle in my lap.

Uhh...Thanks. But can I get some like Tylenol or something?”


“And why the hell not?”

“For someone with a heart condition, that they didn’t inform us of, you’d think you realize that aspirin is the better option, because it doesn’t overly thin or thicken your blood. Which can cause the arrhythmia to be worse.”

Dang it. How did I not know that? I just ignore him and read the bottle to see how much to take. Then dump a couple in my hand before emptying the packet into the water, shaking it, popping the pills into my mouth, and chugging half of the water to start the process of rehydrating.

“Well thanks for saving me, again. But I really can’t afford to miss another class, so I gotta get going.”

I also need to find a spot to hide that letter so I can study it later.

I’m met with all three towering sexy jerks just standing in front of me for a second before they all sit on the coffee table to stare at me with displeasure.

Hey, I never once said I couldn’t be a giant bitch when I wanted to be. Especially when I’m up against the kings of campus. Igotta pick my battles, and for some reason picking battles with these three is a sexy thrill that usually ends up with me in the shower, tub, or my bed masturbating until I explode in rays of pleasure.

“Go ahead. Spit out whatever caveman crap you three are contemplating to try to convince me to stay here and skip class. Spoiler alert, it’s probably not going to work. Especially with the bullshit from that school letter. I can’t afford to miss any more classes unless I want to kiss what’s left of my scholarship goodbye.”

The elevator dings and I nearly jump out of my damn skin. The guys all give me a questioning look at my antics, but I just dismiss them. Seeing an older gentleman walk in with a medical bag has my temper flaring right back up.

“Oh come on! This is crap!”

“Come on, Bethani, we're just worried about you. That’s all.” Declan says and pins me with a pleading look. I almost melt at his puppy dog eyes. Almost.

“Don’t you puppy dog eye me, Declan. That shit won’t work. I already told you I’m fine.”

Declan just tilts his head towards a brooding Sinclair, then shrugs while glancing back at me. “Suit yourself sunshine. You’re up asshole.”

Declan stands alongside Giovanni and they walk to shake hands with the Doctor and walk down the hall to a room. I’m gobsmacked at how easily they just left me with Satan’s son. Fucking traitors.

I pin Sinclair with a fiery stare, not willing to back down to him. At least not yet. Watching his control falter when we argue is a turn on, not that I’ll ever let him know that.

“What’s the devil’s choice today in an attempt to get me to comply?” I challenge, feeling my heart rate pitter slightly, but not in a bad way.

His arms are crossed over his tight fitted black t-shirt, his muscles bulging as the shirt can barely contain him. Sexy torn up and dark fitted jeans cover his legs, but still let the few leg tattoos he has peak through just enough that it’s slightly distracting me. I can’t help it. They all parade around in different states of undress constantly, their favorite is walking around in just their boxer briefs in the morning. It’s hard not to notice the things about them that make me want to cover their bodies in chocolate syrup and lick it up off them.

A deep chuckle from him brings me back to see a sinister glint in his eyes.  He quickly gets up off the coffee table and is on top of me just as fast. There is plenty of space between us as he hovers over me, but I still feel the suffocating presence of his commanding personality.

“Oh princess, that little glint you had in your eyes while you were checking me out told me all I needed to know for my ‘devil’s choice’ as you so eloquently put it.” His eyes shine in sin, lust, and challenge.

My throat becomes as dry as the Mojave Desert as I attempt a witty reply. “O-oh yeah? And what’s that Lucifer?” I’m finally able to croak out.

He snorts, then gifts me with a wicked smile as he speaks. “You have two choices here, kitten. Option one? You be a good girl and let me take you into the room and have the doctor take care of you.” His eyes flare as he stops talking. He sinks his top teeth into his lip and slowly drags them over his lip in a tortuous motion that has a fire rising in my belly. “Option two? I drag your pretty ass back to my bedroom, strip you naked, tie you to my bed, and have my way with you. I’ll shove a plug up your virgin ass, put a ball gag in that smart mouth of yours, and fuck you long and hard until you are a complete and utter whimpering mess under me. I’ll rip the gag out of your mouth and demand your sweet submission to me. Then, and only then, when those pouty perfect lips are begging and pleading for me, will I allow you to come. Watching you shatter below me as I paint your pussy walls with my cum will be one of the greatest satisfactions ever.”

He stops as his nostrils flare, and he dips his hips just enough to give me a sample of his rock hard erection through our jeans. My breathing is haggard as his vivid description runs through my head.

I want that. God do I want that. But I’m not ready to let him win, yet.

“O-option one. I choose option one.”

“I’d expect nothing less than that answer, kitten. But I’m willing to wait. It’ll make it all the sweeter when you finally agree.”


“Excuse me? Say that again?” I question.

“I said, we took care of the issue with the professor, Tesoro.” Giovanni just sighs at my questioning.

After Sinclair’s little show, I went back to the room and had the doctor check me out like they asked. The doctor reassured them I was fine, but they somehow convinced the doctor to agree to bi-weekly checkups at the penthouse for the next 3 months to verify that ‘everything is fine’. Although, I was a horny and unsatisfied mess, I somehow was able to make it through the 2 hours the doctor was there. He answered every question under the sun the guys asked. Some of them were actually decent, and I was actually able to learn a few things. Others were just so off the wall it wasn’t even funny, and I’m surprised the doctor didn’t laugh at them.

When I finally was released from the torture, under orders to rest and rehydrate the remainder of the day, I finally started quizzing the guys on what they meant when they said they took care of the issue.

“Do we really need to talk about it, sunshine?” Declan groans while shoveling food in his face like usual. How he isn't five hundred pounds is beyond me.

“Yes, yes we freaking do! You controlling ass cavemen got your way with the doctor, so I’m getting my way now, dang it!”

They just glance at me before returning their attention back to the TV and resuming eating. Guess I need to be more dramatic. “Fine. I’ll just go pack my shit, grab a taxi to the nearest bus station, and go back to LA if you want to be that way.”

“Fine, you win,” Sinclair grumbles, surprising me.

I can only assume that’s because I blue balled his ass earlier, and he is switching his tactics to throw me off. I just smile.

“Well? Do share please.”

He rolls his eyes, but talks, “We obviously have pull here at campus, kitten. All we did was threaten him a little with some hidden photos he thought he destroyed that could ruin his marriage to his high profile District Attorney wife. Either he quit, but not before he fixed your grades, or we sent all the evidence to his wife. He chose the right option. He fixed your stuff, submitted to the school that he was being unfair grading you, then resigned stating the workload was too much.”

“Well what about this?” I ask, showing them my phone where the video of my old ‘home’ being set aflame played. “Which one of you had a part in that?” A shit eating grin from Declan is all the answer I need as to which is the culprit. “You do realize that’s a felony right?”

“Tesoro, nothing will happen to us. Promise.”

“How can you even say that? Lighting buildings on fire and threatening professors, like what kind of pull can you have to not get into any trouble?”

They all visibly stiffen at my question, but return to their normal selves so fast I almost miss the temporary change in their demeanor.

“Spill it. Now. What aren’t you guys telling me?”

None of them can look me in the eye, almost like they are ashamed of their status. Slowly, Giovanni turns towards me a bit so I can see the fear and frustration in his eyes. “How do I explain this to you?”

I’m confused by his choice of words, but go along with it anyways. “Easy. Just tell me what has you three all twisted in knots and spit it out. If you think I’m going to judge you, then you’re all wrong. I’m not that type of person, and I’d hope you all realize that by now.”

He just nods, clearly conceding to my point. “Well you’ve obviously heard of our status here on campus, right? You understand it’s our families’ names across the campus?” he asks and I nod.

“Yeah. Your families are major donors and whatnot, right?”

“Tesoro, our families aren’t just ‘donors’ or whatever. We are this campus. Blackwell University was started by our fourth great grandfathers during the California Gold Rush. Boris Blackwell, Lachlan Carter, and Giuseppe Martinelli were the founders of this campus. We are namesakes to this place. Every male born from them has attended here. We can do whatever the fuck we want here and nothing will ever happen to us, ever.”

“Oh,is my only response to that. What else can I say? I figured it was a family thing or some sorts. But legit campus royalty? Holy shit balls of fire.

“Oh is right, sunshine, but it’s more than that too,” Declan adds as my gaze swings to him.

“Ok? Go ahead.”

His hand floats through his messy hair, reminding me of how it looked last night after our mind blowing sex. I shake my head to clear that thought.

Focus hormones. It’s not time for that shit.

“Well….Have you ever heard of Blackwell Industries, MartinelliEntertainment Industries or Carter Pharmaceuticals?”

I rack my brain but come up short. “Possibly? I’m not 100% sure though. Why?”

He just tilts his head back, looking towards the ceiling. “Our families own those too.”

Shrugging, because the connection isn’t catching in my head. “Ok. And? Your families own some businesses and this university? Big deal?”

“More than a big deal kitten. Those businesses are the top in their fields. You live with the next 3 CEO’s of those multi-billion dollar companies. When we brushed you off about what we did saying it was ‘no big deal’, that’s because it’s literally and figuratively no big deal to us. Our pockets are so fucking deep that damn near nothing on this earth can contend with us.”

I have nothing to say to that. I mean, what can I really say to any of that? Did I suspect these guys were loaded? Absolutely. Did I think they were that loaded? Ha! Absolutely not in a million fucking years.

As I’m sitting here, mouth on the floor looking at them, their behavior changes from unsure to glaringly uncomfortable. It’s obvious my lack of reaction to this isn’t what they expected. Or it's exactly what they expected, hence their change in demeanor. When they all move to stand is when I finally find my voice again.

“Where are you guys going?”

“Anywhere but here,” Sinclair mutters.

“Sit back down. Now.”

Their eyes widen at my tone, but they flop back down after a second.

“First, let me say I’m sorry for my reaction, or better, lack of reaction. Second, why were you going to walk away?”

Giovanni goes to say something, but Declan cuts him off. “We were going to walk away because we figured you’d be pissed that we didn’t tell you all that information. But we also assumed you knew it all too. Not something any of us like talking about in the slightest.”

“Well I didn’t. Or, at least, I assumed you guys had to have some sort of society status to belong here at this campus. I just didn’t put it all together that you literally are the status precedence here at this place and apparently the dang world.”

“Fuck. This is why I hate fucking talking about this bullshit,” Sinclair starts to grumble, angry radiating off his hulking frame.

Declan is just starting off into space, completely checked out of the whole thing, and Giovanni has that tentative sweet side of his peeking through as he looks at me, giving me time to process.

“What’s the big deal exactly with talking about it all? I get it, trust me I do. But mine is because it’s the polar opposite situation. I’m ashamed of some of the twisted shit I’ve had to go through.”

Memories of some of the things my mother let me go through hit me like a ton of bricks, and I have to do everything in my power to not let it get to me. A second freak out on the same day would throw these three over the edge, and I can’t let that happen.

“Just because our lives are completely different sides of the spectrum, doesn’t mean we haven’t had our own twisted shit to live through, sweetheart. Our scars run just as deep. We just have the world at our fingertips to hide all the pain and misery.”

My eyes start to well as I glance over to Declan

It’s true, everyone goes through shit in life. Some just have the power and access to hide it while others like myself have to fight tooth and nail to keep the facade from crumbling.

As I glance at their faces, the anguish and pain crossing their features tears me open in ways I never thought possible. My heart bleeds a little for these men. While the looks on their faces say I’ll probably never know the full extent of their suffering, I’m oddly ok with that. I don’t even know my whole past according to that stupid letter, but what I do know about it, I may never share myself.

Some secrets are too hard to let go of because of the crushing repercussions that can follow them. I’ve seen the fierce protective nature these three have naturally oozing from their pores. They all look like the types that could very easily burn down the world for someone they care about when threatened. Obviously they just did, for me of all people. Someone that is a self-proclaimed orphan.

Shaking the negativity from my head, I try changing topics in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Let’s just not talk about all this sad depressing shit anymore. If you guys choose to talk about it, I’m here to lend an open mind and listening ear. If not, oh well. I’ve asked you to respect my choices to talk or not talk about my past, so I’m respecting your choice to open up or not too. Fair?”

The deep sighs of relief escape their lips. A weight is lifted off their shoulders that I’m not being a bitch and making them talk.

“Fair enough. Thanks, sunshine,” Declan happily answers, flashing a chipper smile.

I yet again, feel the impenetrable walls I’ve built around myself crumbling just a little bit. I flash them a smile of my own before using my earlier situation to tip the scales in my favor tonight.

“Now since I know you three jerks won’t let me move unless I want to use the bathroom, how about you all commandeer some snacks, drinks, and popcorn while I sit right here and find a comedy for us to watch.”

They just nod, but the smiles on their faces could make even the biggest Scrooge McAsshat crack. They all stand up and go to the kitchen, stopping to kiss my forehead before they continue on their mission I gave them. I’m even nice and let Sinclair join in on that, the surly grouch reveling in my temporary truce.

Don’t worry, Sinclair. Just because I'm being nice right now, doesn’t mean I won’t go straight back to dishing out shit to you tomorrow.

And that’s exactly how we spend the rest of the night. A white flag flying high as we laughed and joked about the ridiculous rom-com I forced them to watch while snacking and just enjoying each other's company.