I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Eight

Vallu looked at Etgar. “Um, this is fun and all, but I am not supposed to be up here.”

“I won’t let you fall.” He chuckled and held her with his hand between her thighs.

She inhaled. “That is not the most socially acceptable way of getting a grip.”

Vallu was sitting across his thighs, and his hand draped her left thigh over his, and her right was against Samson’s neck. Without ceremony, he shoved her panties aside, and two fingers slid into her easily. The third went in, and she groaned.

“Oh, my. What a greedy mistress.” His fingers started to pump in and out of her.

“Oh, shut up, just don’t cross the path of the group.”

He licked her neck and said, “How long have you been like this?”

“Since you and Lii were negotiating for information. You are going to make a good dad.”

He grunted, lifted her, and turned her to face him. His cock came out, and she slid onto it with a groan. He bent her back and opened the first few buttons of her sundress, pulling down the cups of her bra before he dove in with his mouth, sucking and licking while he used Samson to provide the thrusting. She covered her mouth as her arousal spiralled, and she shrieked against her palm when she came. He sucked hard at her breasts and pumped upward until he was wedged in her, and Samson was up to a jolting gallop around a meadow that she was familiar with, and she felt another scream building as his knot fixed them together, and he pumped into her. When he growled and held her neck with his teeth, she whimpered, and her body went off again. Samson slowed and began a slow walk around in a circle.

Her chest was heaving, and he was still holding onto her as he pulsed inside her. He slowly released her neck and kissed her, nuzzling her and rubbing his cheek against hers.

She returned the caresses and wrapped her hands around his shoulders. “Self-control around you is not my strong suit.”

He grinned. “I’m glad.”

Samson snorted and nodded his head.

Etgar chuckled. “He’s just happy to be part of it. He’s missed you. I nearly missed the surge of heat that you gave off when you came out of your nap. Glad I didn’t. I also realized that you have a thing for me in riding boots. I imagine if I was dressed for polo, you would cum on the spot.”

She blushed and buried her face against his neck. “Probably.”

“I will open the team again then.”

She looked up at him. “What?”

“We used to have a team, but I got busy, and since I was the captain, it was awkward. I will see about getting the team back together.”

She swallowed. “You are joking.”

“I am not.”

“I am doomed.” Etgar in jodhpurs was going to be an image of fetish-level proportions. “Wear a helmet.”

He grinned. “Will you come to the matches?”

“I might just live at the grounds, so I don’t miss any fun sights.” She sighed, old pervert lusting after a man six years younger. Doomed.

After they uncoupled, he dismounted, and they cleaned up with the bottle of water and the napkins. Etgar said, “It’s a good thing that you had this.”

She took care of the worst of the cum, and she muttered, “Fricking seers.”

He paused. “Is Ylara a seer?”

“Yup.” She gave up and removed her underwear, rinsing it out, wringing it out while he watched and then wincing as she put them back on. “I am gonna walk back.” It might give her a chance to get her thighs back together.

His tail had been wagging, and it paused. “Samson and I will give you a lift.”

She took the last napkin and dampened it. “You might want to get the last cum stains off your trousers if you have other appointments today.”

He grinned. “I can head to my apartment and tidy up, but thank you.”

“I meant to avoid questions from curious little heads.”

“Ah. Right. We both look presentable, and Samson’s saddle is tidy.” He moved forward and embraced her. They cuddled together, and she breathed him in. Her body flared a flicker of heat, and she groaned.

He laughed. “You are good for my ego.”

“You are bad for my underwear.”

He leaned down. “I will get you whatever you need. My pleasure. Would you like to keep some clothes at my apartment?”

She blinked. “I always thought that was a hotel.”

He nuzzled her ear. “No, I still have sheets that smell like you. I keep them in a special box when I am tense and need to relax. The scent of you fills my heart and keeps me calm.”

She blinked, and her lust faded slightly. She looked up at him, and she knew that her eyes were wide and watery. “Really?”

He nodded. “Really. The maintenance bots are ordered to keep a minimum of three sets of sheets that we have used, and I have used them to get out of that rage state for the last five years.”

She smiled. “Well, yesterday’s sheets should have you in a coma then.”

He grinned. “I might have them bronzed for posterity.”

She blushed. “I think I should stop this avenue of conversation. The others will be at the class now. Wait, where is your helmet?”

“They didn’t have one that fit over my ears. I promise that Samson will just walk back to the school.”

She nodded. “Fine. It will take about ten minutes.”

She held out her hand, and a few thuds later, Samson’s reins were in her hand.

“Nice trick.”

Vallu looked up at him. “Don’t worry. A few months from now, I will hold out a hand, and you will put a piece of jerky in it.”

He laughed. “You think I will be easy to train?”

“I think that your angry side will.”

Etgar raised his brows. “You think he will? Why?”

She stroked his face and neck. “Because he knows I am his mate, and he wants to keep me safe and happy, and I want to keep him happy, so it all works out.”

He lifted her onto the saddle and slid in behind her, starting the walk back to the school. “So, why don’t you want to keep him happy now?”

“Can I just state it baldly?”

He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. “Please. I need short sentences.”

“Because right now, my comfort comes first. I am still freaked out, and I need an environment I can control. I cannot stress that enough.”

They plodded along, and she decided to inform him of what she had learned early that morning. “Oh, and the assassin wasn’t after you. They were after me. Someone has put a price on my head. It’s a good thing that you wanted a hotdog yesterday, or I would be dead.”

She was suddenly sitting with a stone wall at her back. A growling voice asked, “What?”

She sighed. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of Lii, but I know you are going to look into it. So, the mystery is solved. You’re fine.”

Samson moved a little faster.

He growled, “You are staying with me.”

“I am really not.”

She turned and saw that he was alpha-ing out again. “Bear with me, Samson.”

She moved in his arms and faced him, bending her neck and pulling the shoulder of her dress down to submit and make herself vulnerable. She softly whined in submission, and he sniffed her neck and licked her skin. It took five minutes of their ride for him to calm down, and when he murmured, “You are very good at that. He’s still pissed, but he accepts that you know you are his.”

She nodded and pulled her dress into normal lines again.

“Do you know who put the hit out on you?”


His arms wrapped tight, and he murmured. “Who did it?”

She whispered the information to him and why he wasn’t to mention it in front of Lii. He stared at her. “You are going confront them, aren’t you?”

“Yup. I have to start talking to my brother again, though. I need him there for this.”

“Why are you not talking to your brother?” He smirked as if he hadn’t been there for the conversation.


“Are you embarrassed by our association?”

“No. Yeah. I haven’t actually dated anyone without the mask before. I panicked.”

“Cease panicking and call your brother. Captain Denner and I will need to speak sooner rather than later.”

She blinked and raised her wrist, activating her com and unblocking her brother. The messages lit up, and she scrolled through them and smiled at some of the text that displayed. She called him and smiled. “Uh, hey, Denner.”

He looked at her and sighed. “Are you ready to tell me who you are dating?”

She nodded and angled her arm so that Etgar was framed in the lens. “Captain Denner, this is Etgar of Daycross, Etgar, my brother Denner.”

Denner’s mouth had opened in shock, but then, he pulled himself together. “Val, do you know who he is?”


“And what he does?”

“Yeah. It fluctuates, but I have the general idea.” She nodded and kept both of them in the camera’s view.

“Where is Lii?”

“With the others and the trail guides.”

He exhaled. “Etgar. Nice to see you face to face. Has my sister been involved in your work?”

Etgar shook his head. “No. She has not been involved in anything. She has met a few of my associates. That is all. She is in no danger from my people.”

Denner blinked and caught the inference. “What do you mean, your people?”

Vallu explained about the incident the day before and the knowledge of who had actually ordered the hit. Denner paled and cursed, then said, “But you are fine? The baby is fine?”

“Given the spacing, I would have been cut in half, but Etgar caught most of the bullets, and the other two went through my arm. I was able to heal him, and my arm is fine today. Baby is good.”

Denner nodded. “It’s time they see the video. I will let you know how on-guard you have to be afterward.” He looked at Etgar and said, “Maybe I was a bit wrong about you, but keep her alive until we get the hit called off, and I will evaluate again.”

Denner smiled. “Hang in there. Keep your senses sharp. I will be in touch within the hour.” He paused, “Oh, and Val?”

She winced. “Yes?”

“Next time, tell me first that someone is hunting you, or call me when you get shot.”

“Yes, Denner.”

“And I hate to say this... but stick with Etgar. Maybe bring Lii to Baola’s for the day when they are done?” He was putting on his jacket and arming himself.

“Get her out of the line of fire.”

“Yeah. That.”

Etgar spoke, “I have four men with me, and they are all energy projectors. They will take care of your daughter. Lii is an impressive young woman. She will make an excellent prosecutor one day.” He pointed out, “She has also been promised a day with Vallu, so she is not going to give that up lightly.”

Denner sighed. “Fine, but stay in secure areas as much as possible.”

Etgar grinned. “I have just the place for lunch, and I will take them shopping afterward.”

“Deal. Nothing that I can get indicted for, please.”

Etgar laughed. “I make no promises. Lii seems like she knows what she wants.”

They said their farewells, Vallu waved at her brother, and he went to sort out his in-laws.


They were approaching the training area where the girls were learning how to do small jumps.

She looked at Etgar. “What?”

“Why did they put the hit on you?”

“Oh, the baby. I couldn’t save Liina, so they blame me for the cancer taking her. I am a healer; I am supposed to be able to heal anything, but her cancer was genetic, and I couldn’t cure something that her own body produced.”

He sighed. “Oh. I am beginning to understand.”

“Yeah. So, when Lii told them that she was going to have a cousin, they took it as an insult to their daughter’s memory. A life for a life.”

“What is your brother going to show them?”

“A video that Liina made for them if this came up.”

He blinked. “She thought this would come up?”

“Her parents run the Leothorn crime family. Yeah, it was going to come up.”

He scowled. “Helen and Theo?”

“Yup. They hate my guts.” She put a hand over her belly.

Samson stood near the paddock where the instruction was going on, and Etgar put his hand over hers. “Now that I know who was behind the attack, I can move on my end.”

She smiled up at him. “Can I stand on my own two feet now?”

He sighed and dismounted, holding her in his arms. She could see his tail wagging slowly.

He kissed her cheek and said, “I will just go and get my normal gear on. Back in a moment.”

Ylara walked up and smiled. “So, is everything sorted?”

“Yeah. For now. I have to stay with Etgar until Denner works something out.”

“If it is your brother’s in-laws trying to kill you, I am the one that found the names. I just don’t know why.”

“I know why.” Lii’s light, sober voice spoke calmly. “They blame her for my mom dying because she couldn’t stop the cancer. They wanted Aunt Val to die to hand her life over to my mom, but my mom refused. She stopped letting Val in for healing. She made her go out and get a social life. Mom talked to me about a lot of things, and she told me to never take advantage of someone’s activity because they were family. Aunty Val can heal a wound, but she can’t keep up with a naturally occurring cancer.” Lii sighed. “I needed to know that because if I activate, it is likely that I will get the same cancer. We had me tested.”

Ylara looked horrified, and Vallu was sad. “You weren’t supposed to know all that, baby.”

Lii smiled. “Mom said you would say that. But, she wanted me to know what my life could be and that guilting you wasn’t something I should ever do. I can get what I want with knowledge, and if I start early enough and don’t activate, I can still be a doctor and research cures.” Her horse sidled, and she controlled it. “Mom said the key was knowing I might have to fight and get into training for it.”

Vallu smiled and cocked her head. “I think I might know someone you can talk to about that. A friend of mine is a research assistant for a biotech researcher. He might be able to help you choose a path.”

Lii got excited. “Is he an active?”

“Yes. He is big and blue with a lot of horns.”

“The guy from the mall? He’s a research doctor? Can I ask him questions?”

“I will ask if we can meet them.”

“Can we tour the lab?” Lii’s eyes got wide.

“I will ask, but it is a secure facility.”

“Will you ask now?”

“I will. Finish your lesson.” She smiled.

Ylara chuckled as the horse moved away. “You have your hands full with that one.”

“Yeah, she went from five to fifty emotionally. She isn’t a caretaker, but she is an arranger. Speaking of that, I am going to contact Arcady and then Zera for clearance.”

She called Arcady, and she grinned. “I would be happy to take you on a tour. Run it by Zera for visitor credentials, and you guys can come for a tour before lunch and join us at Klauz’s. We will clear having a kid with us.”

“Okay. She’s nine but an old soul. You will forget that she hasn’t seen adults interacting that often.”

“It will be interesting for me. I have never seen Krizt around kids.”

“Oh, this will be eye-opening. Okay, I will let you know if Zera will let us into her domain.”

She disconnected the call, took a deep breath, and made another call. “Hey, Zera.”

“Hey, little mother. How are you doing?”

“I am in a bit of a situation.” She gave her a rundown, and while she was talking, Etgar came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “So, my brother is dealing with his in-laws, and I have Lii for the day, and she really wants to see a research facility. She wants to look into cures for genetic-line or forcing activation.”

“Wow. How old is she?”


“I am at Z-Tech today. I would be happy to take her around on a tour and then hand her off to Arcady and Krizt for lunch so that you and Etgar can get some private time.”

“We just had private time, and I am nervous about letting her run around and see some of those experiments.”

“I will keep them all moderated. I will have Arcady put clothing on the projected images of herself.”

“She’s getting more mods?”

“Yup. She’s going to be our new biotech model. The wings go live this week.”

“Nice. So, we will just drop off Lii’s friend and her guardian, and then, we will head over. So, be there by eleven?”

Zera nodded. “Ask for me at the security desk. I will block out a large chunk of the afternoon.”

“Okay. Sounds good. See you there.”

She sighed. It wasn’t even ten, and she was exhausted.

Lii rode over. “Can I go?”

“The CEO of Z-Tech is going to take you on a tour of the research facilities. She’s an active but not a physical manifestation. Then, she will hand you over to Arcady and Krizt. They will show you what they are working on.”

“Where will you be?” Lii looked nervous.

“I will be resting. I am still tired, but if you or Zera contact me, I will be there in five minutes.”

“Ten minutes. I have an apartment nearby, and if she needs to rest, I will be there to watch over her.” He smiled. “Or I could come with you if you like.”

“No, if Aunty introduces me, I will be fine. But thank you for the offer. She needs someone to watch her, or she does too much.”

“Okay, well, if we want to do that, you need to get out of those boots, and we need to get Baola home.”

Ylara came over and smiled. “We are good to accompany you. I can shepherd Lii around, and you can rest your brains out.”

She made a face while Etgar laughed.